Alabama FGS Project
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Alabama Families with Surnames Beginning with N

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
William NABORS (1798-1874)&unknown (????-????)
James Coleman NALL (1855-1920)&Sallie Susan Wellington GARRETT (1858-1897)
Walter Newman NAYLOR (1900-1944)&Beckie Pearl McCORMICK (1907-1942)
Benjamin H. NELSON (1820-1861)&Frances "Fannie" PEACH (1815-1870)
Isham NELSON (1804-1887)&Elizabeth LONG (1805-1874)
David NEW (????-????)&? (????-????)
NEWELL (????-????)&Elizabeth Martha NEWELL (1833-????)
NEWELL (????-????)&Levina NEWELL (1857-????)
John A[lexander] NEWELL (1837-1862)&Emily (1836-????)
James Rubin NEWELL (1859-1919)&George Anna Elizabeth VICE (1863-1932)
James Thomas NEWELL (1889-1953)&Maudie JOHNSON (1894-1929)
James William NEWELL (1859-1940)&Mary Matilda "Mollie" HOGEN (1842-1939)
James NEWELL (1800-1880)&Sarah BOYD (1807-1880)
John William NEWELL (1862-????)&Mary C. REED (????-1900)
John William NEWELL (1862-????)&Cassie Elizabeth PEARSON (1876-1962)
Matthew Pitman NEWELL (1827-1906)&Rebecca S. BRANDON (1832-1887)
Matthew Pitman NEWELL (1827-1906)&Sarah Caroline KIRK (1844-1926)
Robert Boyd NEWELL (1824-1900)&Mary Ann Herrin (????-????)
Robert Boyd NEWELL (1824-1900)&Telitha "Matilda" Kelly (1837-????)
Thomas Didymus NEWELL (1839-1925)&Martha WILLIAMS (1839-1918)
William Jasper NEWELL (1844-????)&Susan Ann BALLARD (1854-1930)
John NICHOLS (????-1874)&Elizabeth TILLER (????-1868)
William Middleton NICHOLS (1826-1865)&Elizabeth 'Lizzy' TERRY (1825-1912)
Jeremiah NIX (1790-1856)&Francis Louisa 'Fanny' WEBB (1795-1880)
William NIX (1860-????)&Cordilla (1860-????)
George W. NOLEN (1838-1924)&Margaret E. HILL (1850-1890)
William NOLEN (1790-1870)&Anne GUYTON (1803-1870)

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