Alabama FGS Project
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Alabama Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Jessie JACKSON (1857-????)&Clory 'Clora' Ann PETERS (1861-1883)
John Calhoun JACKSON (1823-1899)&Sarah A (1831-1902)
William E. JACKSON (1859-????)&Ella (1858-????)
T. H. JAMES (1834-????)&Martha (1836-????)
Francis Marion JEFFREYS (1846-1925)&Susan Camilla GILMORE (1846-1929)
Aaron Noel JOHNSON (1814-1888)&Louisa Jane CLARK (1830-1917)
Alfred JOHNSON (1786-1860)&unknown (????-????)
Allen Thomas JOHNSON (1857-1919)&Helon WALTERS (1854-1926)
Benjamin Calvin JOHNSON (1825-1863)&Frances Ann COWARD (1834-1918)
George JOHNSON (1845-1874)&Mary Caroline GREEN (1844-1925)
Henry W. JOHNSON (1828-1862)&Talitha "Lydie" Frances McKINNON (1835-1900)
James E. J. JOHNSON (1801-1845)&Nancy WHITNEY (1805-1869)
James Edgar JOHNSON (1910-1995)&Mary Magdalene LAUDERDALE (1911-1933)
James Jefferson JOHNSON (1852-1928)&Anna JENKINS (1868-1888)
James Jefferson JOHNSON (1852-1928)&Bessie JENKINS (1857-????)
James Jefferson JOHNSON (1852-1928)&Minnie Alice LATIMER (1867-1925)
Jerry JOHNSON (1849-????)&Millie (1855-????)
Macon Whitney JOHNSON (1839-1925)&Amanda Caroline BAILEY (1844-1913)
A. D. JONES (1872-1918)&Josephine CALLAWAY (1874-1968)
Hameth E JONES (1828-1857)&Elmina BLACK (1827-????)
James JONES (1822-1864)&Frances Ellen HICKS (1828-1902)
Lewis James JONES (1844-1897)&Mary Cornelia YOUNGHANSE (1848-1876)
Titus Taswell JONES (1853-1930)&Frances Adeline MAYFIELD (1850-1929)
Green Berry JORDAN (1844-1910)&Margaret JOHNSON (1839-????)
Lewis M JORDAN (1833-1897)&Elizabeth REID (1833-1870)
William JORDAN (1798-1884)&Elizabeth DAVIS (1795-1858)
William JORDAN (1798-1884)&Nancy C. (1830-1896)

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