Kentucky FGS Project
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Kentucky Families with Surnames Beginning with R

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
John RADCLIFF (1842-1911)&Ann Mary BROWN (1844-1927)
Sidney Greenup RADCLIFF (1870-1942)&Nannie B WINN (1867-1962)
John RAKES (1775-1860)&Nancy SANDERS (1780-1830)
John Turman RANDOLPH (1816-1884)&Mary Jane HOLBERT (1826-1885)
James RATCHFORD (1880-1925)&Katherine MURRAY (????-????)
Elijah RATCLIFF (1802-1900)&Mary BURCHETT (1806-1882)
Isaac N. REEDER (1826-1863)&Maria HELMS (1832-1875)
Elijah Robert REGAN (????-????)&Virginia JONES (1913-1999)
Harry P REGAN (1895-1978)&Catherine E. (????-1989)
Purdy Cecil REGAN (????-????)&Jean C. SEAMAN (1900-1985)
William Lyone REGAN (1869-1919)&Maude L. PURDY (1872-1956)
John S. RENTFRO (1835-1883)&Tillintha HORNBACK (1810-1872)
Edward Rapier 'Ted' RICHARDS (1848-1880)&Eliza Frances HARROD (1848-1925)
Reason RICHARDS (1789-1871)&Elizabath PATTERSON (1800-1882)
Burrell B. RICHARDSON (1827-????)&Nancy Jane RILEY (1834-????)
James RICHEY (????-1863)&Dicy LEVI (1813-1841)
Levi RIGGS (1794-1864)&Sarah BOATMAN (1800-1855)
Frank Josh RILEY (1906-1981)&Iva Mae BUCKNER (????-????)
William Franklin RILEY (1862-1935)&Piety Ann WHEELER (1861-1950)
William G. ROBERTS (1844-1922)&Elizabeth F. RODGERS (1849-1932)
James W. ROCHFORD (1844-1899)&Frances MALONEY (1845-1901)
Pierce ROCHFORD (1811-????)&Ellen (1812-????)
John T. ROE (1857-1937)&Nora Zella BLYTHE (1859-1937)
Wiley ROGERS (1812-1850)&Alvira "Elvina" KERNS (1812-1850)
John ROSE (1761-1843)&Rebeckah BOWEN (1763-1835)
John ROSSETTER (1812-1873)&Nancy THOMPSON (1819-1894)
William ROUSE (1778-1862)&Sally BANE (????-1821)
George William ROWE (1866-1940)&Nancy Emaline BENTON (1866-1953)
William Imbler ROWE (1835-1905)&Martha BAKER (1844-1910)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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