Indiana FGS Project
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Indiana Families with Surnames Beginning with P

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Thomas E. PARISH (1851-1928)&Emma Jane DOWNING (1861-1931)
Dudley PARSON (1812-1891)&Kenziah HICKMAN (1812-1871)
Marcus Marion PATTEN (1847-1940)&Mary Catherine STETLER (1853-1937)
Jacob PAWLAK (1861-????)&Josephine (1865-????)
Clarence Emmet PEABODY (1862-1950)&Lottie May PAVY (1871-1940)
Francis PEABODY (1832-1923)&Sarah Jane BODLE (1836-1914)
Charles Cleveland PEIFER (1891-1918)&Grace FLYNN (1896-1969)
Charles Commodore PENISTEN (1873-1951)&Onetta W PICKERING (1893-1978)
Stephen PERRY (1814-1881)&Susan HUNSAKER (1815-1857)
Burke Herndon PERSHING (1917-1967)&Nellie Louise BANISTER (1933-1992)
Francis "Frank" PETRO (1842-1909)&Adaline RUSH (1846-1875)
Francis "Frank" PETRO (1842-1909)&Dorcas WILLIAMSON (1845-1918)
James PHILLIPS (1815-1874)&Jane McCURDY (1817-1884)
Jacob PICKLE (1793-1884)&Nancy BUNDURANT (1815-1862)
Alexander S. POSTON (1824-1889)&Dicalee "Dicy" POLK (1822-1901)
Claud POWELL (1880-1951)&Gertrude Eleanora DAVIS (1907-2000)
Harrison Hagen POWELL (1817-1899)&Elizabeth MORTON (1827-????)
John N POWERS (1791-1872)&Winifred BOXWELL (1810-1881)
Jacob Haynes PRICKETT (1844-1896)&Martha Grace BONECUTTER (1854-1942)
Lewis Corbin PRIEST (1797-1879)&Frances BADGER (1802-1875)
David PUGH (1798-1862)&Hepsybeth "Hapsy" KIRBY (1798-1897)
Albert PUGSLEY (1810-????)&Ann STOPHER (1818-????)
Albert S. PUGSLEY (1857-1930)&Etta (1864-1930)
Pyeatt Alonzo PURDUE (1904-1966)&Edith Bernice BUNDY (1907-1988)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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