Indiana FGS Project
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Indiana Families with Surnames Beginning with N

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Frederick NELDON (????-1863)&Eve Catherine WEAN (1795-1850)
John W. NELDON (1815-????)&Elizabeth HELMS (1820-????)
Robert A. NELSON (1839-1920)&Susan Jennie PARKS (1844-1886)
Edward NEWMAN (1853-1927)&Sarah LAZIER (1854-1919)
Phillip Hanon NEWMAN (1803-1885)&Julia A. CROUSE (1807-1889)
Joseph NIEMCZYK (1832-1911)&Mary Pauline HOFFMANN (1839-1907)
Robert N. NIPPER (1803-1853)&Nancy ORAHOOD (1804-1870)
Peter A NIX (????-1915)&Magdalena BROMMER (1847-1930)
Allen NOBLE (1809-1887)&Agnes BRANSON (1810-1846)
John NOBLE (1797-1844)&Elizabeth STEELE (????-1873)
Joseph NOBLE (1806-1886)&Sarah NAY (1811-1850)
Joseph NOBLE (1806-1886)&Mary A. SHAW (1824-1858)
Joseph NOBLE (1806-1886)&Rachel KENT (1823-????)
William NOBLE (1751-1833)&Hannah MINOR (1779-1843)
Rufus NORTH (1827-1893)&Avarilla JONES (1834-1904)
Mathew Nichols NOSSETT (1845-1924)&Louisiana LOUNSDALE (1849-1916)
Matthew Nichols NOSSETT (1845-1924)&Alphretta AYERS (1862-1931)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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