Indiana FGS Project
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Indiana Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
J. W. JACKSON (1844-????)&N. A. (1848-????)
Oscar Douglas JACKSON (1859-1942)&Emma Catherine CHURCH (1864-1956)
John J. JAMES (1793-1870)&Mary 'Polly' CARROL (1803-????)
Joel JELF (1787-1875)&unknown (????-1845)
Thomas JELF (1789-1824)&Jane 'Jincy' SPALDING (1795-1830)
William JELF (1819-1904)&Isabella VANWYE (1823-1891)
Israel JENKINS (1857-1900)&Dicey Ann CANNON (1861-1937)
Joel JENKINS (1828-1870)&Amy LYNN (1830-1870)
Arthur Lewis JOHNSON (1875-1939)&Altha Maude CARPENTER (1874-1955)
Elisha G. JOHNSON (1861-1920)&Minnie O. UNDERWOOD (1870-1920)
Hiram Alexander JOHNSON (1819-1865)&Martha H. MEANS (1822-1863)
Lewis Booker JOHNSON (1853-1911)&Mary Isabell FELTER (1852-1934)
Manson Ulvain JOHNSON (1864-1940)&Alice E. THORN (1860-1891)
Manson Ulvain JOHNSON (1864-1940)&Mary Elizabeth PLACKARD (1874-1943)
Peyton JOHNSON (1820-????)&Elizabeth BAILEY (1832-????)
Stephen B. JOHNSON (1833-1901)&Louisa June BROWN (1828-????)
Alexander W. JOHNSTON (1830-1908)&Elizabeth E. HAYS (1831-1896)
Jehu Mortimer JOHNSTON (1828-1906)&Hester McKEOWN (1830-1900)
John C. JOHNSTON (1802-1863)&Madaline WHEATON (1809-1839)
Stephen JONES (1843-????)&Mary (1844-????)
Stephen C. JONES (1799-1887)&Alvira PALMER (1806-????)
William JONES (1790-1871)&Lucinda GINN (1790-1862)
William JUDD (1822-1875)&Louisa POTTER (1826-????)
Albert Lindsey JUSTICE (1876-1938)&Stella V RYAN (1884-1950)
Hiram G JUSTICE (????-????)&Ann VEST (????-????)
John Henry JUSTICE (1838-1906)&Sarah KELLEY (1846-1873)
John Henry JUSTICE (1838-1906)&Mary E WEBSTER (1843-1911)

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