Kansas FGS Project
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Kansas Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Charles Edmond "Charley" JACKSON (1878-1953)&Fannie Lucille DRAKE (1896-1969)
Hezekiah JACKSON (1806-1859)&Laurina JOHNSON (1811-1880)
Henry Le Roy JAMES (1880-1962)&Winnie QUAKENBUSH (1886-1960)
Thomas JAY (1863-1917)&Lillian Gertrude Mooney (1869-1890)
Thomas JAY (1863-1917)&Sarah Eliza MARTIN (1874-1930)
Thomas S. JEFFERIES (????-????)&Mary Unknown (????-????)
Absolom JESTER (1827-1889)&Martha Virginia Connelly (1832-1914)
Benjamin Harrison JOHNSON (1840-1916)&Eunice HOLLAND (1839-1899)
John B JOHNSON (1807-1891)&Lucy MERWIN (1811-1888)
Milton Cox JOHNSON (1808-1884)&Matilda Amanda BOTTS (1810-1892)
William L. JOHNSON (1836-1909)&Rachel GREGORY (1838-1928)
A. Jackson JONES (1830-1905)&Margaret Ann CATHELL (1938-1918)
Abraham Stillman JONES (1822-1871)&Rachel Lucinda Smith (1831-1920)
Carlos W. JONES (1883-????)&Gail Emma MYERLY (1883-1976)
Harlan Chapman JONES (1814-????)&Ruth Hannah ZELL (1816-1893)
James Harvey JONES (1836-1903)&Mary Virginia Graves (1848-1920)
Jasper Newton Jones (1848-1925)&Emma Stiles (1865-????)
LLOYD W. JONES (1903-1995)&EDITH MAKEMSON (1903-1963)
Samuel Preston JONES (1854-1931)&Mary Frances GERMANN (1868-1906)
William Jefferson Jones (1808-1892)&Rachel Ann Tolley (1822-1897)
William JUNE (1850-1936)&Sarah A. WHITE (1854-1934)

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