Kansas FGS Project
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Kansas Families with Surnames Beginning with D

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Marion DANIELS (1847-1921)&ELLA J. WILSON (1851-1940)
Minton Wells Daniels (1881-1940)&Ruby Agnes Robbins (1885-1970)
Abraham DARLAND (1837-1917)&Louisa Jane KIRKHAM (1840-1863)
DARROW George Lewis (1841-1914)&WOODSON Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie" (1840-1887)
William H DART (1867-1931)&Mattie A BOWER (1875-1946)
Thomas James DAVIDSON (1857-1931)&Jennie E. unknown (1864-????)
Caleb Baldwin DAVIS (1842-1912)&Mary Ann HUNT (1845-1922)
Camwells Parisho DAVIS (1843-1924)&Sarah Jane BUYERS (1842-1918)
Frank Gardner DAVISON (1850-1904)&Augusta Bertha Gring (1863-1940)
Chester Franklin DEE (1834-1916)&Elizabeth S. BLAKE (1842-1920)
#2 Banning Norton DE GOOD (1856-1938)&Elizabeth Hale WALKER (1866-1931)
Benjamin Franklin "Frank" DEGOOD (1847-1907)&Mary Martha NICKELL (1859-1932)
George DELANEY (1864-????)&Eugenia Hurlbut (1869-????)
Michael DELANEY (1851-1938)&Lillie WINTERBOTTOM (????-1893)
Joseph DELAY (1807-1874)&Harriet MADDOX (1813-1901)
Jasper Mathias DELONG (1845-1936)&Lucy Deborah BARNUM (1862-1879)
Oliver Francis DELONG (1847-1918)&Rose Ann Barnum (1853-1906)
Simpson DELONG (1836-1904)&Mary Elizabeth WALLACE (1851-1902)
William DEMO (1824-1890)&REAME/RHEAUME, Leniece (1826-1880)
Chauncey Archibald DEPUE (1885-1964)&Edna Estelle BROWN (1887-1977)
John DETWILER (1827-1890)&Nancy WADE (1826-1909)
Thomas DEVAULT (1805-1868)&Mary SPARLIN (1804-1868)
Peter DIETER (1842-1899)&Louisa GUMMIG (1849-1927)
Bryan Harvey DILL (1896-1983)&LOVIN, Ida Mae (1915-1996)
Frederick Welcome DILL (1861-1937)&LOVIN, Mary Matilda (1864-1939)
Mahlon Mathias DILLON (1872-1955)&Olive Renorah DOBSON (1878-1955)
William DILLON (1819-1912)&Elizabeth A. WILLAMS (1830-1907)
Elbridge Gaylord DILTS (1848-1918)&Eliza Jane RIGGLE (1853-1914)
James Harrison DISNEY (1849-1922)&Elizabeth Hanna MARTIN (1851-1938)
William M. DISNEY (1848-1930)&Julia Ann NIMERICK (1850-1902)
Samuel Earnest DIXON (1873-1947)&Agnes Virginia PALMER (1874-1960)
James Sellers DOBBINS (1836-1904)&Nancy COREL  (widow LAHAY) (1834-1917)
William Henry DOCHTERMAN (1858-1929)&Jane Fidelia CONNER (1868-1944)
Simeon DODGE (1825-1895)&Nancy FINNLEY (1830-1905)
Prentiss Irving DOILE (1859-1946)&Delilah Mae REEDER (1869-1960)
Fredric DOSS (1830-1921)&Mary Florence Maskrod (1851-1936)
Andrew Chapin DOUD (1825-1894)&Lucina A. SAYRE (1832-1864)
Wilbur Roy DOWNIE (1886-????)&Grace Lillian MYERLY (1890-1923)
Benjamin Henry DOWNING (1841-1908)&Kate Edith Dowell (1845-1917)
John Benjamin Downing (1817-1879)&Mary Couch Downing (1826-1905)
Beverly Lafayette "BL" DRAKE (1855-1926)&Nannie Ann WATTS (1862-1907)
Garrett J. DREW (1861-????)&Pearl Bell RICKER (1876-????)
Maurice T DUCKETT (1916-1957)&Living (????-????)
Isaac A. DUCKWORTH (1837-1927)&Eliza HOWARD (1841-1915)
Nathaniel DUCKWORTH (1800-1839)&Mary BURKHEART (1806-????)
James Claudius DULANEY (1870-1949)&Minnie Bell JAMISON (1871-1950)
Benjamin Franklin "Frank" DUNKIN (1837-1895)&Jemima "Mime" BAKER (1850-1929)
John Wesley DUNKIN # 1 (1829-1906)&Phoebe INGELS (1835-????)
John Wesley DUNKIN # 2 (1829-1906)&Jenny Evelinia (Long) SHRAKE (1845-1914)
M. Sylvanus DUNKIN (1851-1936)&Salome SENCE (1850-1912)
John Wesley DUNLAP (1811-1881)&Elizabeth WHITE (1816-1898)
Almerion Milo DURAND (1834-1918)&Catharine STROHL (1846-1925)
Calvin "Paul" DUTTON (????-1953)&Delphia SPRADLING (1902-1968)
Joseph Raymond DVORAK (1859-1936)&Francis ZVOLANEK (1853-1912)

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