Illinois FGS Project
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Illinois Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
J. W. JACKSON (1844-????)&N. A. (1848-????)
Henry JARMAN (1788-1858)&Keziah SAWYER (????-????)
Peter JOHANSEN (1798-1865)&Augusta Emilie Marie RORBYE (1812-1884)
Evan Allen JOHN (1802-1889)&Angeline MERCER (1810-1881)
Alfred JOHNSON (1818-????)&Mary Elizabeth HOPPING (1825-1864)
John A. JOHNSON (1851-1923)&Martha Meline HENDRICKSON (1851-1918)
Milton Cox JOHNSON (1808-1884)&Matilda Amanda BOTTS (1810-1892)
Samuel JOHNSON (1812-1892)&Nancy FAGG (1813-1872)
Sven Magnus JOHNSON (1835-1921)&Lena Sofia PETERSON (1838-1916)
Thomas J JOHNSON (1851-1910)&Mary Caroline SABIN (1854-1937)
Judson Franklin JOHNSTON (1882-1950)&Anna Marie CREW (1887-1967)
Calvin F. JONES (1843-1910)&Hannah J. YOUNG (1850-1941)
John T. JONES (1849-1902)&Sarah REESE (1849-1925)
William E. JONES (1857-1927)&Margaret L. GORDON (1859-1910)
Soren Hansen JORGENSEN (1842-1910)&Helene MAMSEN (1833-1916)
Ole JORGENSON (1837-1909)&Caroline PETERSON (1849-1911)
Albert Lindsey JUSTICE (1876-1938)&Stella V RYAN (1884-1950)
James A Justice (1824-1878)&Eleanor Baily (1835-1903)

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