Illinois FGS Project
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Illinois Families with Surnames Beginning with G

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Rees GADDIS (1807-1891)&Martha Ann BENNETT (1832-1916)
Charles H. GAISFORD (1842-1920)&Henrietta Abigail SMITH (1848-1932)
András GAL (1851-1913)&Anna KOLBASZA (1856-1920)
John Joseph GALL (1912-1971)&Catherine Mary SOULSBY (1918-2006)
Thomas GARDINER (1794-1873)&Elizabeth Firtig (1810-????)
George W. GATLIN (1819-1887)&Permelia M HAMPTON (1821-1893)
Wilhelm GENSON (1820-1904)&Christina GERNENTZ (1824-1901)
Wilhelm GENSON (1863-1939)&Henriette Wilhelmine M. PLAGEMANN (1868-1932)
William Henry GEORGE (1854-1929)&Isadora CONNER (1857-1927)
John Wiley GIBBONS (1835-????)&Eliza Jane DRISKELL (1840-1909)
Jacob Henry GIBSON (1862-1945)&Dicy Frances ALLEN (5) (1857-1925)
James A. GIBSON (1846-1939)&Arabella (1850-????)
John Logan GIBSON (1862-1947)&Lamecy Ann ASKEW (1868-1919)
William Fineous GIBSON (1853-1929)&Katie A. PORTER (????-1919)
William Chester GIDCOMB (1852-1913)&Alice M. MALONE (1859-1896)
Andrew L. GIFFEN (1862-1947)&Hattie Belle PARSONS (1866-1938)
James GILLIGAN (1837-1887)&Mary DONOGHUE (1841-1922)
Joseph Arthur GLANCY (1855-1935)&Mary Catherine ROBB (1854-1924)
John GOLD (1819-1874)&Sarah Ann WINFREE (1831-????)
Allen GOODAMOTE (1831-1884)&Aurelia Illinois GOLDEN (1845-1916)
George GORDON (1768-1847)&Flora McKASKILL (1773-1855)
Hugh GORDON (1840-1908)&Jane DAVIDSON (1848-1920)
Carl Archie GOULDIN (1859-1943)&Laura Elizabeth BOWSER (1866-1936)
Daniel Marion GRAGG (1863-1930)&Gertrude Getty LONG (1864-1930)
Allen Douglas GRAMMER (1863-1928)&Florence Elizabeth JONES (1856-1946)
John GRAVES (1789-1844)&Joyce Elizabeth FREEMAN (1795-1875)
Thomas Lafayette GRAVES (1862-1933)&Nettie Bell LAIR (1861-1935)
William GRAVES (1820-1908)&Ann RATCLIFF (1824-1856)
William GRAVES (1820-1908)&Rebecca STRETCH (1833-1905)
David William GRAY (1850-1920)&Mary Addelaide WHEELER (1857-????)
William S Lewis GREGG (1819-1896)&Mary BRICE? (1821-1875)
David S. GROFF (1819-1888)&Catherine KINDIG (1819-1914)
Levi GUNN (1833-1921)&Sarah Katherine WIERMAN (1836-1864)
Windsor GUNN (1801-1871)&Abigail OSGOOD (1802-1876)
William GUSS (1828-1903)&Elizabeth Ann SHARPLESS (1828-1904)

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