Wisconsin FGS Project
There are 371 families from which to choose.
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Families with Surnames Beginning with G

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Patrick Henry GALLAGHER (1897-1958) &Carrie Lee SHERWOOD (1900-1990)
Benjamin Gustav GAUERKE (1884-1965) &Lydia Bertha WILKE (1885-1948)
Lafayette Austin GEASLAND (1860-1928) &Mary OETTIKER (1868-1946)
Albert Alexander GEIHL (1857-1925) &Lillian TAYLOR (1868-1925)
Andrew L. GIFFEN (1862-1947) &Hattie Belle PARSONS (1866-1938)
Carroll Charlees GILBERT (1844-1936) &Mary Jane McGARRAY (1857-1937)
Howard E. GOLDTHROP (????-????) &Catherine COOK (1846-????)
Charles Stewart GRAHAM (1851-1923) &Matilda Jane ALLEN (1852-1933)
John Theador GRANT (1852-1927) &Elizabeth Jane SANSBURN (1853-1933)
Charles W. GRAVES (1859-1912) &Marion COOK (1841-1894)
Willis Albert GRAY (1865-????) &Alice Luella HOOK (1858-1940)
John Elbridge GREEN (1841-1921) &Abigail SHANER (1843-1904)
Joseph P. GROSS (1871-1942) &Mary Barbara ENGEL (1878-1939)
Elijah Jackson GROVE (1851-1939) &Mary Lucritia GILLAN (1857-1925)
Andreas GUBKA (1809-1870) &Anna Marie HOFFMAN (1810-1890)
Joseph Michael GUBKA (1832-1925) &Anna Theresa TURBA (1837-1919)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
The pages are created, maintained and © 2003-2025, Gina Heffernan.
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