West Virginia FGS Project
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West Virginia Families with Surnames Beginning with A

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Alexander ABERCROMBIE (1799-1890)&Anna WEAVER (1804-1870)
Charles ABERCROMBIE (1833-1914)&Naomi Hildreth POWELL (1840-1926)
Albert Jackson ADKINS (1900-1957)&Pansy Hastal BRIGGS (1914-1997)
Luke ADKINS (1794-1884)&Sarah LOVEJOY (1798-1848)
Marcellus ALBRIGHT (1843-1914)&Dora GASTON (1860-1943)
Charles ALSBURY (1771-1858)&Jane W. HENRY (1777-????)
John ANDERSON (1802-1846)&Cassandra JONES (1817-1910)
John C ANDERSON (1779-????)&Rachel ROSE (1783-1844)
Robert Rose ANDERSON (1824-1902)&Julia Anne HILL (1826-1905)
William ARTERS (1770-1832)&Mary "Polly" Davisson FRIEND (1788-1865)
Hezekiah ASH (1854-1950)&Serena CURNUTTE (1866-1937)
Hezekiah King ASH (1854-1950)&Elisabeth STEVENS (1856-1894)
Emory Miranda ASHCRAFT (1846-1908)&Matilda Jane VANDERGRIFT (1853-1902)
Levi ASHCRAFT (1768-1830)&Rebecca (1781-1858)
Levi ASHCRAFT (1803-1862)&Charity ASHCRAFT (1805-1880)
William Harrison ASHCRAFT (1816-1870)&Mary Elizabeth SHAW (1818-1905)
William Thomas ASHCRAFT (1875-1944)&Lettie Bell FOX (1884-1982)

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