Obituaries, A-B

We can accept all obituaries of folks who lived in Callahan County at some point in their lives. You can either email them to me or use the submission form. Please include the name of the paper or the funeral home that carried the obituary and the date when possible. If you would like to help with transcribing the newspaper clippings, please contact me.
  Thanks! to Donna Davis for transcribing the clippings for us.

Joe Claborn Allphin, 1867-1959
Abilene Reporter-News, 16 April 1959, page 75
Ex-Constable Dead at 91
  Baird (RNS) - Joe Claborn Allphin, 91, of Baird, died about 8:45 pm Wednesday in a Merkel rest home where he had lived about three weeks. Death followed a long illness.
  Born Nov 18, 1867 in Waco, he moved to Baird in 1889. A former storekeeper for Texas and Pacific Railroad, Mr Allphin was Baird constable for many years and served one of the longest terms of any constable in the state.
  He was a member of the Baird Baptist Church.
  His wife died in 1934.
  Funeral will be help at 3 pm Thursday in Wylie Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev Leonard Hartley, Sweetwater Baptist pastor formerly of Baird will officiate, assissted by the Rev T G Craft, Methodist Church pastor. Burial will be in Ross Cemetery.
  Survivors include two sons, I A (Hoot) Allphin and O D (China) Allphin, and one brother, Jom Allphin, all of Baird.
  Pallbearers will be Roy Denney, Vernon Smith, Jerry Loper, Homer McIntosh, Lee Brown, Lee Ivey, Frank Estes and C S McGowen, all of Baird.
D. W. Alsbrook, about 1862-1930
The Baird Star, 13 June 1930
Clyde Farmer Dies in Well
  Mr D W Alsobrook [sic], 68 yars [sic] of age, prominent truck farmer of Clyde was found dead in a well on his place on Thursday morning of last week.
  Mr Albrook [sic] had gone to the field to put out some pepper plants and when he did not come home for dinner, his wife became uneasy and went to see why he had not come home and finding a bucket of plants at the well and seeing his hat floating on the water in the well she gave the alarm and neighbors came hastily and the body was found in the well.
  There was no water in the lungs when the body was recovered, and except for a slight bruise on the head there were no marks on the body and it is thought he was stricken by a heart attack as he was drawing water and fell into the well.
  Funeral services were held Friday afternoon and interment made in the local cemetery.
  Mr Alsobrook [sic] had lived in Clyde for the past 20 years and was well known throughout that section. Hhe [sic] owned his home in Clyde and also owned a farm west of the city. He was a stockholder in the First State Bank and the Home Mercantile Co.
  Mr Alsobrook [sic] is survived by his wife and five children, Mrs. David Shanks of Perryton, Mrs. Carlos Richter and Mrs. Rex Shanks of Laredo, Mrs. Ruth Crowley of Fisher county and Harry Alsobrook [sic] of Bristow, Okla. All the children were present at the funeral.
[his name is actually Daniel Webster Alsbrook]
Fred L. Alvord, -1921
Aransas Pass Progress, 1 April 1921
Fred L. Alvord, Baird, Tex., Dies From Brain Hemorrhage
  Word was received in the city this week of the death of Fred L. Alvord, of Baird, Tex., which occurred at his home December 11, from hemorrhage of the brain.
  The sad announcement was made by Mrs. Alvord in a letter to John Sigmund, and was the first intimation his friends here had that he had passed beyond.
  In the death of Mr. Alvord, Aransas Pass loses a most valued friend who staunchly stayed by it through all trials and vicissitudes. He owned considerable property in and about the city and was an enthusiastic supporter of every movement to obtain oil or gas in this vicinity. His friends here will miss him greatly, and will sympathize deeply with his sorrowing wife and relatives.
Ahara Bartley Ashabranner, 1869-1946
unknown newspaper clipping
Baird Oct. 4, 1946
  Ahara Bartley Ashabranner, 77, Callahan county resident for 40 years, died at the Callahan county hospital here at 9:30 am Friday.
  Funeral will be held at 2:30 pm Saturday at the Church of Christ here with J. C. Strickland, minister, officiating. Wylie funeral home is in charge of arrangements.
  He was a resident of Cottonwood and Putnam communities until he move here six years ago.
  Pallbearers will be Jim Sampson, Reves, Hickman, Ed Lambert, Lee Ivey, Douglas Smartt, George Crutchfield.
  Survivors include his wife; one son Harmon of Baird, six daughters, Mrs Mary Buchanan of Llano, Mrs. Nancy Wilcoxen and Mrs. Jesse Wilcoxen of Cottonwood, Mattie Ashabranner of Baird, Mrs. Lizzie Brannon of Clyde, and Mrs. Maple Ohaver of Portales, NM, 27 grandchildren, 20 greatgrandchildren and two sisters and one brother.
Mrs. Willie Flores Barnhill, 1872-1955
Abilene Reporter-News, 4 February 1955
Pioneer Baird Woman's Rites Set Saturday
  Baird, Feb 4 (RNS) - Funeral for Mrs Willie Flores Barnhill, 82, Baird resident since 1893, will be held at 2:30 pm Saturday.
  Mrs Barnhill died about 2:30 pm Thursday at her home.
  Services in the Presbyterian Church will be conducted by the Rev. Markley, pastor. Burial will be in Belle Plain Cemetery under direction of Wylie Funeral Home,
  Pallbearers will be Sam Gilliland, Tom West, N L Dickey, Fabian Bell, J V Smith and Bill Walls. The body will lie in state at the funeral home until time for services.
  She died about 2:30 pm Thursday at her home.
  Born Oct 17, 1872, she moved to Belle Plain in 1879 and to a few miles north of Baird in 1893. Since 1893 she had been affiliated with the Presbyterian Church.
  Survivors include one daughter, Mrs Dorothy Parsons of Baird; two sons, L G and Robert Barnhill, both of Baird; one sister, Mrs W C Young of Tulia; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Stella Bowen Barton, 1915-2001
unknown newspaper clipping
  Stella Bowen/Barton, 86 of Tulare, California died Sunday, July 8, 2001.
  She was born in Cross Plains, Texas. She moved to Tulare County in 1926 from Texas. In 1977, she married Charles Barton, who preceded her in death on Nov. 14, 1992.
  She was a homemaker. She was a member of the Tulare First Baptist Church. Survivors includ two brothers, William Bowen of Tulare and James Bowen of Grass Valley; and a sister, Mildred Tillett of Bakersfield.
  Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Tulare District Cemetery. Arrangements are by Hamilton Peers-Lorentzen Funeral Chapel.
George Baum, 1937
Abilene News Reporter, Jul 5 1937
Cross Plains
  Last rites for George Baum, 58, prominent farmer found Sunday morning with both charges from a double barrel shotgun through his chest, west of here. Early yesterday, Mrs. the Baptist tabernacle in Cross Plains. [sic]
  The Baum family ranch, more than half a section, is located nine miles west of here. Early yesterday, Mrs. Baum served breakfast to her sons, Leo and Leonard, but her husband said he did not care for anything. A short time later, the sons were milking when they heard gunfire. They found their father dead behind a woodpile. No coroner's verdict had been entered late this morning.
  Mr. Baum was one of the early settlers in this section, having lived here more than 50 years. He was a leader in the Victoria Methodist church, which, although one of the smallest in the Cisco district was one of the most prosperous. He was superintendent of the Sunday school and had served in other capacities since the founding of the church. The Rev. Raymond M. Burton, pastor of the Pioneer circuit which includes Victory, and the Rev. G. C. Williams of Scranton, former Pastor, were to officiate. Dr. W. M. Murrell of Abilene, former presiding elder there, also was to assist. Besides the wife and two sons, a daughter, Mrs. Sam Plowman who lives south of Baird, also survives.
Mrs. Myrtle Elizabeth Berry, 1896-1974
Abilene Reporter News, 11 Mar 1974, pg 78
  Mrs. Myrtle Elizabeth Berry, 77, of Baird died at 6:07 p.m. Sunday in a Baird hospital after a lengthy illness. Funeral will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in Godfrey Funeral Chapel.
  The Rev. Knox Waggoner, pastor of the Cottonwood Baptist Church, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. Roger Powell, pastor of First Baptist Church of Baird, and the Rev. Delton Fisher, pastor of First United Methodist Church in Baird. Burial will be in Eula Cemetery.
  Born Nov. 11, 1893, in Eula, she was a resident of Baird for 43 years and was a member of First Baptist Church of Baird.
  Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Sue Ground of Odessa and Dr. Verna Mae Crutchfield of San Angelo, professor at Angelo State University; one brother, Bill Ferguson of Eula; two sisters, Mrs. Joe Gibson of San Angelo and Mrs. Jimmie Stevenson of Plainview; and three grandchildren.
George Washington Black, 1852-1943
Abilene Reporter News, 22 Sept 1943, pg 1
Early Callahan Settler Is Dead
  George William Black, 92, longtime resident of Callahan county, died Tuesday at 1:45 p.m. in a local hospital. He had been ill 10 days.
  Mr. Black came to Callahan county at the age of 28, settling at Admiral, a community about ten miles south of Baird, where he was a farmer and engaged in the mercantile business. He had made his home with a son, J.R. Black, 42nd court district attorney, in Abilene since the death of his wife in March, 1934.
  Funeral will be at the Admiral Baptist church Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. with the Rev. Joe R. Mayes of Abilene officiating.
  Mr. Black also is survived by a granddaughter, Mrs. Bonnie Deatheridge of Baird; nine grandsons. Weldon T. of San Diego, Calif.; Norman of Ajo, Ariz.; Eugene of Admiral; Lt. James R. Jr. in Sicily; Lt. N.E. in the Southwest Pacific; Lt. Ray D. in Goldsboro, N.C.; T-Sgt. Truett on Matador Island, S-Sgt. Truman at Brooks field, Sgt. Gordon at Sheppard field, and a great grandson, James Gordon Black.
  Pallbearers will be George Eubanks, Ernest Higgins, A.W. Beasley, Buddy Smith, Felix Mitchell and Judge Milburn S. Long.
  Wylie funeral home is in charge of arrangements.
great-grandfather of j okedoke 89 @ yahoo . com
James Robert Black, 1888-1982
  James Robert Black was the son of George Washington Black and Mattie Black and brother of Oscar Lee Black. He married Mary Ada Eubanks in 1913 and they had 7 sons.
  He was a District Court Attorney and District Court Judge for the State of Texas.
  He died in 1982 in Abilene and is buried in Elmwood Memorial Park in Abilene.
Martha Laney "Mattie" (Price) Black, 1863-1934
obituary sent by j okedoke 89 @ yahoo . com, Feb 2020
  BAIRD, March 12. -- Mrs. G.W. Black, Callahan county pioneer, died at her home here Saturday. Funeral services were held at the Admiral Baptist Church, of which she was a member at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Burial was made in the Admiral Cemetery.
  Mrs. Black was a resident of Callahan county 56 years, settling in the Admiral community 14 miles southeast of Baird in 1878. She and her husband operated general mercantile store in Admiral for many years. They moved to Baird last year.
  Besides her husband Mrs. Black is survived by two sons, O.L. Black of Baird and J.R. Black of Abilene; two brothers, Jim Price of Rowden, W.M. Price of Admiral; one sister, Mrs. J.H. Bowen of Rowden; a half-brother, Ben Price of Woodson, and a half-sister, Mrs. Will Pierce of Hamlin. J.R. Black is district attorney of the Forty-second district court.
  Mattie was born 25 Oct 1863 in Mississippi daughter of Benjamin Carter Price and Mary Emily Morgan Price. wife of George W. Black. mother of James Robert Black & Oscar Lee Black. Died 10 March 1934 in Baird, Callahan County, Texas. Buried in Admiral Cemetery.
Oscar Lee Black, 1891-1935
Corsicana Daily Sun, 18 Apr 1935
and email from J okedoke 89 @, 15 Feb 2020
  Oscar L. Black, 42, who has been seriously ill for some weeks died in St. Joseph's hospital, Fort Worth, yesterday morning at 2 o'clock. W.O. Wylie, Jr. went to Fort Worth at an early hour yesterday morning and brought the remains to Baird in the Wylie funeral coach.
  Mr. Black's death followed six months of suffering, following an automobile accident in which Mr. Black sustained an injury to his knee. He has been confined to his bed most of the time since. About two months ago the leg was amputated and for a time it was hoped that he would get well, but after a short time his condition became more serious and several weeks ago he was carried to Fort Worth for treatment. Mrs. Black and Miss Ruth Akers have been with him all of the time, and all of his family were at his bedside when he died, except his father, who was unable to go.
  Oscar Black was born at Admiral where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo W. Black established their home in an early day and he spent most of his life there. Some years ago he moved to Baird where he has since had charge of the Texaco Station here. He was a competent business man, a devoted Christian having been a member of the Baptist Church for years. He was also a member of the IOOF and WOW fraternal orders. He has served for the past several years as a member of the Baird school board being interested in schools and everything for the betterment of his fellowman. He was devoted to his family and his death comes as a severe blow to them.
  Mr. Black is survived by his wife and three children, Weldon, who is associated with his father in business, Miss Bonnie and Norman Black, also his aged father, Geo W. Black, and an only brother, Judge J.R. Black, district attorney of the 42nd Judicial district.
  Funeral services will be held at the Baptist church at Admiral at 3 o'clock this afternoon, April 19, the rites being conducted by Rev. Joe R. Mayes, pastor of the Baird Baptist church. Baird Odd Fellows Lodge will have charge of the burial services. Interment will be made in the family lot in Admiral cemetery by the side of his mother, who died a year ago.
  As a mark of respect to the deceased, the Baird Public Schools will be dismissed this afternoon at 3 o'clock, the hour set for the funeral.
  Oscar was my grandfather. The family was in an automobile accident. Family members had serious injuries but Oscar only had a scratch on his knee so did not take it seriously. It became infected ... no antibiotics at that time ... and by the time drs decided to amputate his leg, it was too late.
Another article
Horace Smith Blalock, 1886-1953
Abilene Reporter News, 7 January 1953, page 26
  CLYDE, Jan. 7 -- Funeral plans for Horace Smith Blalock, Clyde barber, were incomplete Wednesday morning. They will be announced by the Bailey Funeral Home here.
  Mr. Blalock, 66, died at 5 p.m. Tuesday in Hendrick Memorial Hospital, Abilene. He had been ill several months and was taken to the hospital Tuesday morning.
  He resided in Callahan County 52 years, and was a member of the Baptist church since early manhood.
  Survivors include his wife; one son, Elcho Blalock of Earth, Tex.; a daughter, Mrs. Eddie Knoczak, Baird; two sisters, Mrs. William Smith, Clyde, and Mrs. Etta Thompson, Whiteface; three brothers, Genner of Clyde, Carl of Abilene and Truman of Fort Worth; and three grandchildren.
Edith Marie Bowlus, 1902-1957
Abilene Reporter-News, 31 Dec 1957, page 2
  BAIRD, Dec. 31 -- Funeral for Edith Marie Bowlus, 55, who died here Monday in Callahan County Hospital after becoming suddenly ill, was to be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at her residence, 440 Arch St.
  Officiating was to be the Rev. T.G. Craft, pastor of the First Methodist Church. Burial was to be in Ross Cemetery under the direction of Wylie Funeral Home.
  Miss Bowlus had been an agent for the Abilene Reporter-News for a number of years. She was secretary of the Woodmen of the World Circle and was a member of the Methodist Church.
  Survivors include three brothers, Justice of the Peace Lawrence Bowlus of Baird, W.G. Bowlus Jr. of Dallas and John Bowlus of Sweetwater; and three sisters, Mrs. Esther B. Haley of Big Spring, Mrs. Bertha Ramsey of Corpus Christi and Mrs. Norman West of Crane.
Col. John Bowyer, 1850-1930
The Baird Star, 1 August 1930
John Bowyer Dies in Abilene
  Col. John Bowyer, brother of Judge Otis Bowyer of Baird and one of the most widely known West Texas attorneys, died at his home in Abilene at an early hour Sunday night, following an illness of several weeks.
  Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning at Heavenly Rest Episcopal church, conducted by Rev. Willis P. Gerhart.
  Burial was in the Masonic cemetery under direction of Laughter Undertaking Company.
  Colonel Bowyer's home, 323 Cedar street, Abilene, was thronged in the early morning hours, a gathering place, not only for relatives in various counties of West Texas, but for fellow pioneers who had been his associates since young manhood. In the quite talk on the shaded porch there were tales of early days in the Abilene country in which the young John Bowyer, as builder and prosecutor of law violations, always had taken a leading place. At 9:30 family prayers were said in the home with Rev. Willis P. Gerhart, rector of Heavenly Rest church, leading.
  The church was crowded for the 10 o'clock burial service. The simple liturgical service for the dead was read, the lesson being from St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, beginning, "As many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God." The Apostle's Creed and prayers for the dead closed the service.
  The music was under direction of Mrs. S.M. Alexander. The church choir sang the Downs burial chant, "Lord, Thou has been our refuge," and a solo, the age-old "Come, Ye Disconsolate," was rendered by Mrs. Alexander. The hymns were "Guide Me" and "Peace, Perfect Peace," and, at the cemetery, "Rock of Ages" and "Abide With Me."
  John Bowyer was one of the early settlers of Callahan county. He was born at the family home "Thorn Hill" near Lexington, Va., July 1, 1850. He came to Texas in 1873 when a young man 23 years old and first lived in San Saba county, coming to this county about 1877 and opened a law office at Belle Plaine, which was then the county site [sic] of Callahan county. He was appointed county attorney on November 26, 1878.
  He was married to Miss Ellen Berry, daughter of Col. and Mrs. J.T. Berry, a prominent west Texas family in the early 80's and moved to Abilene where the family have since made their home. Col. Bowyer being prominently identified with the building of Abilene. He was a man of strong character and had many friends in this section.
  Col. Bowyer is survived by his wife, one daughter and four sons: Mrs. Gillet, John Bowyer, Courtney Bowyer, Hubard Taylor Bowyer and Robert Lee Bowyer. Two children, a son and daughter, Mac Bowyer and Miss Louis Bowyer, died a few years ago. He is also survived by two brothers, Judge Otis Bowyer of Baird and William McDonald Bowyer of Anson, who with his two sons, Dr. John Bowyer, and Dr. Otis Bowyer and wife, of Anson attended the funeral.
  Judge and Mrs. Otis Bowyer of Baird, Mrs. J.H. Leache and children of Fort Worth, Mrs. R.B. Laudram and children of Houston, Otis Bowyer Jr. of Dallas, and Mrs. Shine Phillips of Big Spring attended the funeral.
James Lowell Boyd, 1911-1985
Abilene Reporter-News - Feb. 8, 1985 - page 5-C
  BAIRD -- Lowell Boyd, 73, a longtime Baird resident and grocer, died at 7:30 a.m. Thursday at Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene after a short illness. Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Parker Funeral Home.
  The Rev. David Hestand, pastor of First United Methodist Church, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. Delton Fisher, a retired Methodist minister. Burial will be at Ross Cemetery Annex.
  Born July 24, 1911, in Shackelford County, he was a semi-retired grocer and former owner of Boyd Grocery and Market, which he operated for 17 years. Earlier, he had worked for the Kimbell Grocery chain, which later became Super Duper. He married Florene Axe Oct. 3, 1937 in Clyde. He was a member of First United Methodist Church.
  Survivors include his wife; a son, Wayne of Baird; two sisters, Nell Mobley and Rosa West, both of Baird; a brother, Douglas of Big Spring; and a number of nieces and nephews.
  Pallbearers will be Don Price, Benton Pruet, J.W. Evans, Buddy McWilliams, Jimmy Mobley and Kenneth West. Honorary pallbearers will be Dale Havins, Rondal Price and Lowell Evans.
contributed by Donna Davis
Matilda Cook (Evans) Boyd, 1873-1962
Abilene Reporter-News - Jan. 22, 1962 - page 10
  BAIRD (RNS) -- Mrs. Matilda Boyd, 88, a resident of Callahan County since 1921, died Sunday at 12:05 a.m. at her home here after a three-weeks illness.
  Mrs. Boyd was born in Brinkley, Ark. on June 22, 1873. She married Walter Boyd on Feb. 18, 1892 in Breckenridge. He died in 1943.
  Mrs. Boyd had been a member of the Methodist church for 56 years.
  Funeral will be held Monday at 3 p.m. in the Baird Methodist Church with the Rev. Bruce Parks, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Ross Cemetery under the direction of Wylie Funeral Home of Baird.
  Pallbearers will be Clyde White, Tom West, J.H. Reynolds, Leslie Bryant, C.W. Price and Bob Jacobs.
  Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Nell Mobley, Mrs. Ernest Mobley and Mrs. Homer Price, all of Baird, and Mrs. Carl West of Fort Worth; three sons, Glenn and Lowell, both of Baird, and Douglas of Big Spring; 14 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.
contributed by Donna Davis
Walter Glen Boyd, 1901-1970
Abilene Reporter-News - March 27, 1970
  BAIRD -- Funeral for Walter Glen Boyd will be at 3 p.m. Friday at Godfrey Chapel with the Rev. Albert Cooper, pastor of First United Methodist Church officiating.
  Mr. Boyd, 69, was dead on arrival at 3:30 a.m. Thursday at Callahan County Hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack. Burial will be in Ross Cemetery.
  Born March 14, 1901, in Shackelford County, he came to Baird about 40 years ago. He was a retired groceryman.
  He married Annese Reynolds June 18, 1931 in Clyde. She died in 1960. He married Dora Neff in June 1969 at Robert Lee.
  Surviving are his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Barbara McWilliams of San Angelo; three step-sons, Carl and Jimmy Neff, both of Coleman, and Don Neff of Liberty; three step-daughters, Mrs. Edwin Lee Shelton of Baird, Mrs. Steve Simons of Liberty and Mrs. W.L. Dupriest of Mereaux, La.; two brothers, Lowell of Baird and Douglas of Big Spring; four sisters, Mrs. Homer Ola Price, Mrs. Nell Mobley and Mrs. Lil Mobley, all of Baird, and Mrs. Carl West of Fort Worth; four grandchildren.
contributed by Donna Davis
Walter James Boyd, 1865-1943
Abilene Reporter-News - Nov. 18, 1943 - page 14
  BAIRD, Nov. 18 -(Spl)- Funeral for Walter Boyd, 78, resident in and around Baird for the past 20 years who died Wednesday, will be held Friday at 2:30 from the Methodist church with the Rev. W.B. Hicks, pastor, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Joe R. Mayes of Abilene.
  Born in Hill County Aug. 28, 1865, Mr. Boyd and the former Matilda Cooke Evans were married Feb. 18, 1892.
  He is survived by nine children: Mrs. Nell Mobley of Clyde, Mrs. Ernest Mobley of Baird, Mrs. Robert [Obert] Mobley of Glendale, Ariz., Mrs. Homer Price of Baird, Mrs. Jack Gilliland of Baird, Mrs. Cal [Carl] West of Fort Worth; Glen Boyd of Baird, Douglas Boyd of Big Spring and Lowell Boyd of Fort Worth.
  Pallbearers for the services are Alza Price, Tom West, Burrus Miller, Earl Spurrier, Joe Alexander, Jess Reynolds, Bonnie Thompson and W.A. Pool.
contributed by Donna Davis
Mrs. Will D. Boydstun, 1874-1956
Abilene Reporter News, June 1956
Mrs Boydstun Rites Friday
  BAIRD, Oct. 18 -- Funeral for Mrs. Will D. Boydstun, 82, who died Wednesday night in Hendrick Memorial Hospital in Abilene, will be held at 2:30 p.m. Friday at the First Baptist Church in Baird.
  Officiating will be the Rev. L.B. Hartley, pastor, assisted by the Rev. James Price, pastor of the Methodist Church in Baird. Burial will be in Elmwood Memorial Park in Abilene under the direction of Elliott's Funeral Home of Abilene.
  The family asks that no remembrances be sent to the funeral.
  Mrs. Boydstun was taken to the hospital Saturday.
  She was a member of the Baird First Baptist Church and was a charter member of the Baird Order of the Eastern Star Lodge.
  Survivors include her husband; three daughters, Mrs. W.D. Ferguson of Brownsville, Mrs. Sam L. Stokes of Corpus Christi and Mrs. Herman Harper of 4058 Potomac Dr. in Abilene; two grandchildren, Donald David Ferguson of Brownsville and Sam Boydstun Stokes of Corpus Christi; and five great-grandchildren.
  Mrs. Boydstun had lived in Baird for 60 years.
Myrtle Ella Brannan, 1899-1977
Brownwood Bulletin, 19 July 1977
  Cross Plains -- Services for Mrs. Richard (Myrtle Ella) Brannan, 78, of Pioneer, were to be held at 2 p.m. today at the Higginbotham Funeral Home with Rev. Mike Kelly officiating. Burial was to be at the Pioneer Cemetery.
  Mrs. Brannan was dead on arrival at 8:10 p.m. Sunday at the Eastland Memorial Hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack.
  She was born April 9, 1899 in Caldwell County and married Richard H. Brannan Sr. Aug. 2, 1919 at Bastrop. She was a homemaker and a member of the Pentecostal church.
  Survivors include her husband; three daughters, Irma Miller of Pioneer, Vernelle Goins of Fort Worth and Donita Burrows of Grand Prairie; two sons, Richard H. Brannan Jr. of Beaumont and S. Dean Brannan of Garfield, Ark.; a sister, Alice Rosenquest of Austin; a brother, Ben O. Miller; 16 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
J. Frank Browning, 1978-1958
Abilene Reporter News, 2 Sep 1958
  Clyde - Funeral for J Frank Browning, 80, fruit farmer, who died Monday at his home east of here, will be held Tuesday at 4 pm in Wylie Funeral Chapel at Baird.
  Officiating will be the Rev T G Craft, pastor of Baird Methodist Church. Burial will be in Ross Cemetery at Baird under the direction of Bailey Funeral Home of Clyde.
  A native of Clifton, Mr Browning had lived in this area since 1908. He belonged to the First Methodist Church and the IOOF Lodge, both at Baird.
  Survivors include his wife; three sons, E F of Sonora, W E of Rosemead, Calif, and Jack of the home; a daughter, Bessie Mae Borden of the home; a brother, W R of Wichita Falls; and a sister, Mrs Mattie McGlaughlin of Fort Worth.
Mrs. Lula Bryant, 1874-1957
Abilene Reporter News, 13 March 1957, page 24
  Clyde, March 13 - Funeral will be at 3 pm Wednesday in the Clyde Methodist Church for Mrs Lula Bryant, Clyde resident, who died early Tuesday morning at her home here. She was 82.
  The Rev Lee Crouch, pastor, will officiate and burial will be in the Clyde Cemetery.
  Mrs Bryant was born Aug 12, 1874, at Sipes Springs, in Comanche County. She was married in May 1894 to John M Bryant and moved to Clyde in 1907. Her husband died in February. 1908.
  A daughter, Mrs Floyd Summerour, died in February, 1944. Two stepchildren preceded her in death, Mrs Bert Tabor in 1950, and Herschel Bryant in 1951.
  Survivors include four daughters, Mrs Rosa Bentley of Abilene, Mrs Ashby White of Clyde, Mrs Austin Bouchette of Clyde and Mrs Joe K Reed of Wichita Falls; five stepchildren, Joe Bryant of Abilene, Walter Bryant and Mrs Will Appleton, both of Baird, Mrs Homer Story of Van and John Bryant of Clyde; two sisters, Mrs W O Miller of Clyde and Mrs C M Harris of Los Angeles, Calif; five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
E F Butler, 1874-1955
Baird, Texas, Friday, June 10, 1955
Butler Rites Held Saturday
  Funeral services for E F Butler, veteran West Texas newspaperman and former Clyde mayor were held Saturday.
  Mr Butler died Friday at 3 am in Hendrick Memorial Hospital following a heart attack. Services were held in the First Baptist Church at 3:30 pm Rev De Witt Chandler, pastor, officiated, assisted by Rev W C Dever, Abilene; Rev Sidney C Cox, Abilene and Rev J Henry Littleton. Burial was in Clyde Cemetery. Mr Butler was born near Boling Green, Ky, Jan 25, 1874. He moved to Texas with his parents when he was eight years old. On Dec 24, 1904 he was married to Florence Good in Jack County.
  A printer and publisher for more than 50 years, Mr Butler came to Clyde from Bridgeport, Texas in 1917. He was editor and publisher of the Clyde Enterprise for 30 years, selling the paper in 1947.
  Mr Butler had completed his third term as mayor of Clyde in April of this year. He was a member of the Baptist Church and active in civic affairs.
  Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Miss Mildred Butler, Abilene High School teacher; five brothers, T E of Anson, Elmer of Post, W E of Crss Plains, P L of Putnam and U H of Stanton; and a sister-in-law, Mrs Alma Butler, Austin.
  Pallbearers were A Petty, W A Dickson, Alfred Brown, Harry Steen, H E Swofford and James Briscoe.
  [Eugene Franklin and Mary Florence Good Butler]