Oregon FGS Project
There are 138 families from which to choose.
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Oregon Families with Surnames Beginning with S

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Jacob L. SEARS (1811-1879)&Harriet SARGENT (1816-1886)
Charles A. SHELLEY (1856-1929)&Eveline Lydia TAYLOR (1859-1928)
Medley T SHELTON (1811-1891)&Naoma FRENCH (1827-1904)
Medley T SHELTON (1859-1913)&Cora Etta ROBB (1868-????)
Christopher SHUCK (1790-7879)&Susanna Jane ZENOR (1795-1883)
Elijah SKIPTON (1831-1906)&Mary Jane MARSHALL (1836-1918)
Ira Otis SKIPTON (1876-1959)&Nellie Sylvina GRAY (1878-1969)
James K. SKIPTON (1804-1867)&Jane ATKINSON (1798-1864)
Thomas SKIPTON (1829-1908)&Chloe Jane BLAIR (1832-1870)
James SLAGLE (1838-1920)&Carie Ann CALLAWAY (1841-1875)
Joseph Eddy SMITH (1851-1907)&Nancy "Nannie" Elizabeth SCOTT (1860-1932)
Joseph STADELMAN (1875-1954)&Nelle Madonia GILHOUSEN (1884-1977)
Louis STARK (1878-1952)&Maggie May SMITH (1880-1959)
Lewis L. STEWARD (1867-????)&Cora M. MOORE (1874-1942)
Thomas Jefferson STITES (1839-1917)&Mary Jane MARTIN (1849-1924)
Albert J. STREET (1862-1941)&HUFFMAN, Rhoda [Sinclair] (1857-1938)
Jesse Cunningham SURBER (1846-1924)&Nancy Elizabeth LENT (1849-1914)
George William SYLVESTER (1808-1890)&Mariah BAILEY (1815-1892)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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