New Mexico FGS Project
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New Mexico Families with Surnames Beginning with R

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Alonzo Matias RAEL (1767-1818)&María Josefa TENORIO (1775-1818)
Alphonso RAEL de AGUILAR (1661-1735)&Josefa Ana GARCÍA de NORIEGA (1654-1735)
Alphonso RAEL de AGUILAR (1690-1745)&Tomasa MONTOYA (1689-1727)
Julian Lorenzo RAEL de AGUILAR (1718-1799)&Teresa de Jesús GONZÁLES BAS (1725-1814)
Jose Reyes RIVAS (1852-1920)&Urbana AMADOR (1864-1920)
Dave Hunter ROBERSON (1877-1953)&Minnie Lee RUSSELL (1885-1973)
A. L. ROBERTS (????-1960)&Ione NICKEE (????-2001)
Deciderio ROMERO (1833-1907)&Maria Candelaria DURAN (1842-1875)
Deciderio ROMERO (1833-1907)&Epifania BLAN (1862-1880)
Deciderio ROMERO (1833-1907)&Maria Manuela de Jesus LUCERO (1866-????)
Jose Pedro Nicudemos ROMERO (1870-1955)&Senovia TAFOYA (1877-1935)
Juan Cristobal ROMERO (1804-1889)&Maria Viviana SANDOVAL (1815-1886)
Juan Domingo ROMERO (1749-1828)&Maria TORRES (????-1832)
Juan Policarpio ROMERO (1774-1822)&Maria Felipa ORTEGA (????-1842)
Julian ROMERO (1902-1994)&Tiofila BEJARANO (1905-1941)
Lorenzo ROMERO (????-1821)&María Geronima CHÁVEZ (1756-1821)
George ROSS (1866-1938)&Eustacia DOMINGUEZ (1884-1920)
Percie Alexander ROSSER (1875-1921)&Pauline "Polly" HERRINGTON (1894-1920)
Elijah Samuel RUSSELL (1861-1939)&Mary Jane WHITE (1869-1929)
Freddie Brian RUSSELL (1896-1946)&Fanney Fay SLACK (1899-1990)
Stennie B. RUSSELL (1902-1982)&Dovie Florence SMITH (1901-1930)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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