Nebraska FGS Project
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Nebraska Families with Surnames Beginning with B

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Charles W. BABCOCK (1853-1937)&Margaret V. SMITH (1851-1931)
William Henry BAILEY (1840-1896)&Lucretia FISHER (1844-1917)
Samuel BAIRD (1814-1898)&Elizabeth HARMON (1814-1864)
Harry BARNES (1812-1893)&Sarah Ann PORT (1825-1910)
Russell Ebenezer BARNUM (1847-1909)&Sarah M. ROLFE (1848-1912)
Wilhelm BARTELS (1833-1891)&Christine GEBEKE (1838-1891)
unknown (????-????)&Martha Emeline BELL (1842-1928)
George Edwin BENTLEY (1857-1949)&Margaret Ann VALENTINE (1859-1940)
Daniel BOATWRIGHT (1832-1911)&Martha Jane CALLENDER (1840-1892)
Herman Enno BODEN (1900-1976)&Minnie Edith CLAUSSEN (1914-2000)
Howard BOYD (1916-1987)&Orland V. PARRIOTT (1917-2004)
Wiliam Thomas BOYD (1870-1953)&Pearl Adelaide BILL (????-1943)
Jacob BRESSMAN (1830-1896)&Mary Ellen McCLELLAN (1848-1916)
Jefferson Hunsaker BROADY (1844-????)&Nancy Jane McDONALD (1845-1919)
Christopher BRUNHOEBER (1835-1881)&Magdaline M. NIEBUHR (1827-1901)
George BRUNHOEBER (1868-????)&Mary LUETCHENS (1871-1910)
John Henry Peter BRUNHOEBER (1858-1915)&Amelia Augusta Wilhelmine KEICHLER (1871-1955)
John Fredrick BUDDEMEIER (1858-1942)&Elisabetha "Eliza" Jane BLOCK (1865-1928)
Henry Anton BURHOOP (1880-1938)&Emma REIDEL (1893-1978)
Johann Heinrich BURHOOP (1841-1895)&Rachel Anna GROFF (1856-1905)
Frank Simon BURKHARD (1850-1910)&Genevieve Agnes PISCHKE (1850-1925)

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