Wyoming Family Group Sheet for the William Benton "Bill" WEST Family

Husband: William Benton "Bill" WEST
Birthdate: 11 April 1889
Birthplace: Dunning, Nebraska
Death date: 20 December 1963
Place of death: Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyoming (Burial: Rawlins)
Father: Jacob Benton "Ben" WEST
Mother: Mary Elizabeth STANLEY

Marriage date: 2 July 1922
Marriage place: Dixon, Wyoming

Wife: Opal Margurete ALLEN
Birthdate: 22 May 1901
Birthplace: Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska
Death date: June 1950
Place of death: St. Luke's Hospital, Denver, Colorado
Burial: Rawlins, Wyoming
Father: Thomas Clements "Tom" ALLEN
Mother: Emma Luella "Lue or Luella" ABERNATHY


Child No. 1: Living
Sex: F
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Billie Jean WEST
Sex: F
Birthdate: 3 July 1924
Birthplace: Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyoming
Death date: 3 December 1997
Place of death: Oak Harbor, Washington
Marriage date: 10 October 1945
Marriage place: Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyoming
Spouse's name: Living

Child No. 3: Living
Sex: F
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:


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