WY Family Group Sheet for the Ray Dewight PLUMLEY Family

Husband: Ray Dewight PLUMLEY
Birthdate: 6 Oct 1899
Birthplace: Ralston, Carroll, IA
Death date: 5 Dec 1962
Place of death: Newcastle, Weston, WY
Father: Claud D. Plumley
Mother: Jessie Maude Zimmerman

Marriage date: 15 Mar 1931
Marriage place: Siox Falls, Minnehaha, SD

Wife: Marie Charlotte BEDFORD
Birthdate: 1 Aug 1907
Birthplace: Pleasant Valley, Carroll, IA
Death date: 25 Mar 2000
Place of death: Newcastle, Weston, WY
Father: Charles Josiah Bedford
Mother: Mary Jane Keeler


Child No. 1: Mary Darlene PLUMLEY
Sex: F
Birthdate: 8 Dec 1931
Birthplace: Glidden, Carroll, IA
Death date: 21 Feb 1932
Place of death: Carroll, Carroll, IA
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Charles Dewight PLUMLEY
Sex: m
Birthdate: 8 Nov 1932
Birthplace: Glidden, Carroll, IA
Death date: 7 July 1973
Place of death: Newcastle, Weston, WY
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: living

Child No. 3: Delores Juaneta PLUMLEY
Sex: f
Birthdate: 2 Apr 1934
Birthplace: Glidden, Carroll, IA
Death date: 4 June 1934
Place of death: Carroll, Carroll, IA
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Jerry Dean PLUMLEY
Sex: m
Birthdate: 15 April 1938
Birthplace: Carroll, Carroll, IA
Death date: 15 April 1938
Place of death: Carroll, Carroll, IA
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

1. death certificate, copy in possession
2. Carroll co., reg. of births 1897-1909 vol 2 pg 25.
3. Carroll co. records of death vol 2 #888.
4. death certificate copy in possession.
5. Carroll co. records of death vol. 2 permit 1064.

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