Wyoming Family Group Sheet for the John Bradford MOORE Family

Husband: John Bradford MOORE
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: unknown
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: 27 March 1887
Marriage place: Sheridan, Wyoming

Wife: Mary Anne COONEY
aka: Marion Cooney
Birthdate: 12 February 1864
Birthplace: Liverpool England (registered Ireland)
Death date: 20 September 1917
Place of death: LaFeria, Texas
Father: Edward COONEY
Mother: Elizabeth Sarah JENKINSON


Child No. 1: Eunice MOORE
Sex: F
Birthdate: 23 Feb 1894
Birthplace: Wyoming
Death date: August 1986
Place of death: Honolulu, Hawaii
Marriage date: about 1920-1930
Marriage place: Kahala (Hawaii?)
Spouse's name: John G.F. STOKES


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