Wyoming Family Group Sheet for the Laurtes H GROVE Family

Husband: Laurtes H GROVE (1,2)
Birthdate: 6 Jan 1881
Birthplace: , Kosciusko, Indiana, USA (3,4,5)
Death date: 30 Sep 1930
Place of death: , Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, USA
Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska
Father: Albert GROVE (1843-1919) (6)
Mother: Mary Jane HALE (1845-1907) (7,8,9,10)
Other Spouses:

Marriage date: 20 Mar 1900
Marriage place: , Whitley, Indiana, USA (11,12)

Wife: Ethel M BURWELL (13,14,15)
Birthdate: May 1881
Birthplace: , , Indiana, USA (16,17,18)
Death date: Deceased
Place of death:
Other Spouses:


Child No. 1: Kenneth B GROVE (19)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 3 Nov 1900
Birthplace: , , Indiana, USA (20,21)
Death date: Oct 1976
Place of death: Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, USA (22)
Marriage date: 1 Feb 1923
Marriage place: Bridgeport, Morrill, Nebraska, USA (24)
Spouses' names: Edna CLAYBAUGH (1904-1969) (23)

Child No. 2: Robert Keith GROVE (25)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 3 May 1903
Birthplace: , Whitley, Indiana, USA (26,27)
Death date: 12 Feb 1975
Place of death: , Niobrara, Wyoming, USA (28)
Cremated: - Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Marriage date: [1] 12 Jan 1929 [2] 24 Dec 1941
Marriage place: [1] Alliance, Box Butte, Nebraska, USA (30) [2]
Spouses' names: [1] Nancy Louise NOACK [or NOKE] (1910-1940) (29) [2] Linnie Virginia ROBINSON (1913-1977)

Child No. 3: Ardith Fern GROVE (31,32,33)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 24 Jul 1904
Birthplace: , , Indiana, USA (34,35)
Death date: Sep 1981
Place of death: Kimball, Kimball, Nebraska, USA (36)
Marriage date: [1] 27 Jan 1923 [2] 12 Jan 1952
Marriage place: [1] Gering, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, USA (38) [2] Casper, Natrona, Wyoming, USA (40)
Spouses' names: [1] John A PATTISON (1905-1995) (37) [2] Raymond Raphael BENFER (1903-1979) (39)

Child No. 4: Mary Catherine GROVE (41,42)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1908
Birthplace: , , Indiana, USA (43,44)
Death date: Aft 1974
Place of death:
Marriage date: [1] Cir 1928 [2] 18 Jul 1934
Marriage place: [1] [2] Alliance, Box Butte, Nebraska, USA (49)
Spouses' names: [1] Harold Arthur LUCE (1906-1946) (45,46) [2] William Earl SHIKE (1884-1968) (47,48)

Child No. 5: Lela Maxine GROVE (50,51)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 7 May 1914
Birthplace: Jireh, Niobrara, Wyoming, USA (52)
Death date: 9 Jun 1967
Place of death: Douglas, Converse, Wyoming, USA
Burial: Douglas Park Cemetery, Converse County, Wyoming
Marriage date: 12 Apr 1932
Marriage place: Gering, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, USA (54)
Spouses' names: Lawrence F OLSEN (1910-1966) (53)

Child No. 6: Hester E GROVE (55,56)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1918
Birthplace: Jireh, Niobrara, Wyoming, USA (57)
Death date: 1956
Place of death: , , Arizona, USA
Cremated: 1956
Marriage date: [1] 9 Oct 1939 [2] 20 Apr 1948
Marriage place: [1] Alliance, Box Butte, Nebraska, USA (59) [2] Helena, Lewis and Clark, Montana, USA (61)
Spouses' names: [1] Jack J HARRIS (1917-????) (58) [2] Carl G GUSTAFSON (1911-????) (60)
1. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. Luartes [Luartis?] H Grove.
2. 1900 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 51, pg 1A. Laurtis H Grove.
3. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. age 49, Indiana.
4. 1900 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 51, pg 1A. age 19, Jan 1881, Indiana.
5. U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Laurtis H. age 37, 6 Jan 1881.
6. 1900 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 51, pg 1A. Albert Grove.
7. 1900 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 51, pg 1A. Mary J Grove.
8. 1880 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 60, pg 13 (241A). Jane Groves.
9. Indiana Marriages, 1811-1959 (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Albert. to Mary Jane Hale.
10. 1860 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, pg 204 (427), d/f #1443/1443. Mary J Hale.
11. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. married 10 years.
12. Indiana Marriages, 1811-1959 (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Laurtes H. to Ethel M Burwell, 20 Mar 1900, Whitley County, by U S A Bridge. pg 120, this is not the original.
13. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. Ethel Grove.
14. 1900 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 51, pg 1A. Ethal Grove.
15. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Olsen, Lawrence F. Ethel M Burwell.
16. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. age 48, Indiana.
17. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. age 28, Indiana.
18. 1900 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 51, pg 1A. age 19, May 1881, Indiana.
19. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. Laurtis H Grove.
20. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. age 29, Indiana.
21. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Kenneth. 36 Nov 1900.
22. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Kenneth. Oct 1976.
23. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Kenneth B. to Edna Claybaugh.
24. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Kenneth B. to Edna Claybaugh, 1 Feb 1923, Bridgeport, Morrill County.
25. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. Robert K Grove.
26. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. age 6, Indiana.
27. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Robert.
28. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Robert. Feb 1975.
29. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Robert K. to Nancy L Noack.
30. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Grove, Robert K. to Nancy L Noack, 12 Jan 1929, Alliance, Box Butte County.
31. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. Artus F Grove.
32. 1920 Federal Census, Wyoming, Nobrara, ED 89, pg 8A. Fern A Grove.
33. Wyoming, Reclaim the Records, State Archives Vital Records, 1908-1966 (FamilySearch.org), Benfer, Raymond Raphael. Ardith Fern Pattison.
34. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. age 5, Indiana.
35. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), Benfer, Fern. 24 Jul 1904.
36. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), Benfer, Fern. Sep 1981.
37. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Pattison, John. to Fern Grove.
38. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Pattison, John. to Fern Grove, 27 Jan 1923, Gering, Scotts Bluff County.
39. Wyoming, Reclaim the Records, State Archives Vital Records, 1908-1966 (FamilySearch.org), Benfer, Raymond Raphael.
40. Wyoming, Reclaim the Records, State Archives Vital Records, 1908-1966 (FamilySearch.org), Benfer, Raymond Raphael. to Ardith Fern Pattison, 12 Jan 1952, Casper, Natrona County. 1952 #126.
41. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. Mary C Luce. They are living with her parents, Luartes and Ethel Grove.
42. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. Mary K Grove.
43. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. age 22, Indiana.
44. 1910 Federal Census, Indiana, Kosciusko, ED 71, pg 1A. age 2, Indiana.
45. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. Harold A Luce.
46. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952 (FamilySearch.org), Luce, Harold Arthur.
47. 1940 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 79-13, pg 61A. William E Shike.
48. U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 (FamilySearch.org), Shike, William Earl.
49. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Shike, William E. to Mary C Grove Luce, 18 Jul 1934, Alliance, Box Butte County.
50. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. Maxine Grove.
51. 1920 Federal Census, Wyoming, Nobrara, ED 89, pg 8A. L Maxine Grove.
52. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. age 15, Wyoming.
53. 1940 Federal Census, Wyoming, Converse, ED 5-23B, pg 8A. Lawrence Olsen.
54. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Olsen, Lawrence F. to Maxine Grove, 12 Apr 1932, Gering, Scotts Bluff County.
55. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. Esther Grove.
56. 1920 Federal Census, Wyoming, Nobrara, ED 89, pg 8A. Hester E Grove.
57. 1930 Federal Census, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, ED 23, pg 13B. age 12, Wyoming.
58. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Harris, Jack J. to Hester E Grove.
59. Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 (FamilySearch.org), Harris, Jack J. to Hester E Grove, 9 Oct 1939, Alliance, Box Butte County.
60. Montana County Marriages, 1865-1950 (FamilySearch.org), Gustafson, Carl G. to Hester E Grove. she was born at Jireh and previously married. He was born at Bonner, Montana.
61. Montana County Marriages, 1865-1950 (FamilySearch.org), Gustafson, Carl G. to Hester E Grove, 20 Apr 1948, Helena, Lewis and Clark County, by J Daniel O'Connell.

* Ethel M BURWELL might be the daughter of either Adam and Cath, Peter and Sarah or J and Caroline; one of Laurtes' nephews married a daughter of Adam and Catherine.
* Last Modified: 6 Jun 2019.

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