WY Family Group Sheet for the Emery Grant Family

Husband: Emery GRANT
Birthdate: 1911
Birthplace: Brookfield MO
Death date: 1973
Place of death: Casper WY
Burial: Greybull
Father: Lawrence Grant
Mother: Grace Brewer Grant

Marriage date:
Marriage place: Shell WY

Wife: Cora Katherine BOND
Birthdate: July 20, 1914
Birthplace: Shell WY
Death date: 2008
Place of death: Basin, WY
Burial: Greybull
Father: Charles Bond
Mother: Myrtle Teague Bond


Child No. 1: LIVING

Child No. 2: LIVING

Child No. 3: Clarence R.
Sex: M
Birthdate: 4/2/1937
Birthplace: Greybull WY
Death date: 5/9/1995
Place of death: Seattle, WA
Marriage date: 12/12/1959
Marriage place: Omaha, NE
Spouse's name: Carol Alexander Grant

Documentation: Married to Clarence R. Grant now deceased. I have some family documents.
Judy Small his sister also has documents.

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