This county is in need of a coordinator. If you can spare a couple of hours a month, please contact Carla Clifton to adopt this or another orphan county in TXGenWeb.
Ward County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Deaths, 1986-1990

These records are from the state death indices.
Last First Middle Suffix Date Sex
Abila Genaro Bustilloz
08-17-1986 M
Adams Alvine Ora
02-22-1989 F
Alaniz Gregorio

12-18-1989 M
Alexander Milton Hugh Sr. 10-02-1989 M
Anderson Bessie Alice
09-05-1986 F
Anthony Oscie Eldredge
07-24-1986 M
Apple Francis

02-01-1987 M
Archer G. W.
08-10-1989 M
Arrwood Etta

05-16-1990 F
Avila Victor Soreque
01-16-1987 M
Bailey Henry

01-17-1989 M
Bailey Lura Dale
09-24-1990 F
Bailey Tracey Scott
04-17-1987 M
Barnes Mary Ella
06-19-1988 F
Barraza Claudia

02-14-1990 F
Barton George Washington
11-14-1988 M
Batterton Clastel Marceta
02-22-1988 F
Battick Karla Jo
04-22-1990 F
Beavers Lillian Pauline
03-07-1986 F
Beavers Margie Aline
02-06-1988 F
Bell Thomas Emanuel
09-07-1987 M
Bentley George Russell
03-27-1988 M
Bentley Truman Stanley
12-28-1990 M
Bernard Francisco Holguin Sr 05-31-1988 M
Bevill Eula Dee
02-29-1988 F
Blakley Alvin Sam
03-31-1987 M
Blount Marshall O'dell
05-03-1990 M
Boggs Claudia Victoria
03-26-1988 F
Bolinger Reagan Otho
10-03-1986 M
Bond Laurive Dellimane
04-01-1989 M
Bonner Andrew Jack
01-12-1987 M
Boules Gladys Ovada
12-31-1987 F
Bounds John Harold
04-08-1989 M
Bracken Sherman Dillard
07-12-1988 M
Bragg Norman Ray
10-31-1990 M
Bramblet Josie Clara
07-24-1990 F
Branch Jessie

05-30-1987 M
Brandenburg Elna Faye
02-20-1989 F
Brannon Mamie Lee
07-27-1988 F
Brantley William Henry
12-13-1990 M
Bravo Felisitas R
07-09-1986 F
Bristol Lanis W
09-13-1986 M
Bristow Carrie Mendocia
12-27-1989 F
Brown Henry B
01-09-1987 M
Brown James Franklin
10-30-1987 M
Brown Marcline Ann
07-28-1986 F
Bruce Rosalee

03-25-1989 F
Buchanan Hub Tiptian
04-12-1987 M
Buntin James Russell
04-02-1987 M
Burkholder John Gordon
11-20-1986 M
Bush Willie Lee
01-13-1988 M
Butler Julia Tarara
08-24-1986 F
Cadena Maria

12-24-1990 F
Caldwell Michael Lynn
03-26-1990 M
Campbell Chris

08-07-1986 M
Campbell Roy Lee
02-28-1990 M
Cantner Estelle

10-10-1987 F
Carlos Vida Theressa
05-12-1987 F
Carranza Isadora

07-14-1986 F
Carrasco Catarina Valenzuela
07-29-1986 F
Carrasco Ernesto Rodriguez
07-16-1990 M
Carrera Fernando Inf Of
08-28-1986 F
Carter Kenneth Gorden
02-22-1988 M
Casstevens Alvin Ray
02-07-1986 M
Chambers Goldie Beatrice
02-05-1989 F
Chance Randal Robert
04-22-1988 M
Chandler Rachel Reese
05-05-1989 F
Cheek Ada Melissa
01-16-1989 F
Claborn John L
05-24-1987 M
Cockerham Delores Del
11-28-1989 F
Cockerham Isaac Earl
04-11-1987 M
Cone Milton Judson
10-02-1989 M
Contreras Higinio Aldaz
07-21-1989 M
Cooper Carma Ann
07-16-1986 F
Cosper Avis Maurine
06-11-1990 F
Courville Mary Nell
09-29-1986 F
Covington Bernadine

04-10-1990 F
Cowan James Phillip
07-20-1990 M
Cozby Paul Allen
05-11-1988 M
Crabtree Nettie Addie
03-05-1990 F
Crawford Billy Gene
05-02-1988 M
Crawford Raymond

10-24-1987 M
Crocker Royal A
11-29-1986 M
Cullum Clifford Elwood
07-04-1988 M
Cypher Hugh Francis Jr 07-03-1988 M
Darnell Gary Dale
10-02-1989 M
Daugherty John Ralph
12-26-1987 M
Davis Neana Mae
04-11-1990 F
Dearman Jennie Lynn
02-16-1988 F
Diaz Eva

01-28-1989 F
Diez Antoine Albert Sr 10-09-1990 M
Dotson Friend Harold
03-04-1988 M
Dowlearn Shirley Ann
12-09-1987 F
Doyle Nancy Belle
12-22-1987 F
Drea Joseph Lawrence
03-08-1990 M
Dry Pearl

12-14-1990 F
Dugger David George
02-26-1987 M
Duncan Earl Harley
01-01-1987 M
Eaker Cleo Hendricks
03-26-1986 F
Edwards Roy Max
10-02-1989 M
Edwards Virgil Ray
09-06-1987 M
Elliott John

04-13-1990 M
Ellis Wilburn Oran
10-20-1989 M
Epstein Bernice Ann
11-28-1990 F
Escamilla Presciliano
Jr. 08-31-1989 M
Estes Carl Dearmore Jr. 10-31-1989 M
Estorga Josefa Oyervidez
01-06-1986 F
Eubank Walter Tolbert
10-10-1987 M
Fader Andrew Gilbert
02-21-1988 M
Fagler Douglas Ray
02-10-1987 M
Fine Ira William
05-09-1986 M
Fitch John Breaughnal
05-31-1990 M
Fletcher Tommy Joe
10-03-1988 M
Fletcher Vernice Johnny
01-07-1987 M
Flores Hector Oyerbides
01-09-1987 M
Florez Faustino Alvarez
05-26-1988 M
Flotte Eusevio Puentes
04-06-1990 M
Flowers Earl Wayne
11-29-1988 M
Ford Cora Louella
11-28-1987 F
Franklin Robert Bruce
02-11-1988 M
Freeman Albert D
06-29-1988 M
Freeman Genniel

11-27-1986 F
Freeman Virginia Juanita
06-23-1988 F
Fuentes Francisca Perales
09-30-1986 F
Fuentes Paula Machuca
06-30-1987 F
Galindo Nicolas Carrasco
09-28-1990 M
Gammill Gladys Sophia
05-18-1987 F
Gandy Verna Marie
12-24-1990 F
Garcia Elaine Lynn Leal
06-19-1990 F
Garcia Felix

03-03-1988 M
Garcia Jesus Gabriel
05-24-1988 M
Garcia Ynes Olivares
03-25-1986 M
Garner James Scott
06-02-1987 M
Garrison Laura Velma
10-11-1989 F
Geisler Margaret Agnes
12-23-1987 F
George Kenneth Ray
01-21-1989 M
Gildon Charlie Elias
02-06-1989 M
Glaze Lorene Faye
12-01-1988 F
Glenn Mary Lee
04-07-1988 F
Glenn Patsy May
08-27-1990 F
Goats Loy Jones
08-29-1988 M
Godfrey Verva Marie
03-28-1986 F
Gomez Alberto G
12-16-1988 M
Gonzales Jose Contreras
10-26-1990 M
Gooch Betty Ruth
12-02-1987 F
Goode Daisy Marie
04-02-1989 F
Grawemeyer Bernadine H
11-12-1990 F
Green Jasper

11-20-1986 M
Greenwood Mary Etta
11-28-1989 F
Gregory Joe Rex
06-07-1990 M
Hachtel Jennie Loberta
06-07-1989 F
Harbison Lenora Janette
04-21-1990 F
Hardaway Jack Williams
05-15-1988 M
Harrell Tressie Laverne
09-14-1987 F
Harris Bessie Belle
05-19-1987 F
Harris Mills Ira
04-11-1986 M
Harris William John
09-11-1989 M
Harrison Milford Quentin
12-16-1987 M
Hart Anna Mae
12-08-1990 F
Hart John Henry
08-22-1988 M
Hawkins R Neal
10-15-1990 M
Hawkins Winona Pearl
12-14-1988 F
Haynes Clifford Beryl
05-20-1989 M
Haynes Lorene Fulton
05-26-1988 F
Haynes Raymond William
03-12-1990 M
Hayter R L
11-10-1987 M
Heidelberg J W Sr 08-03-1986 M
Hendrix Leary Theo
02-24-1989 M
Henrich Edward Lester
01-01-1989 M
Henry Athelyn Tune
02-02-1990 F
Hernandez Jose Anaya
04-16-1990 M
Hickey Annie Ruth
10-12-1987 F
Hicks Mary Jo
03-13-1990 F
Higginbotham Thomas R
02-18-1986 M
Hignojos Angel A.
01-18-1989 M
Hill Charles Joseph
06-02-1986 M
Hinojos Eliberta

01-03-1990 F
Hinojos Juan Gonzales
03-28-1990 M
Hinojos Pedro Terango
07-12-1986 M
Hogg Fay Hunter
10-20-1990 M
Hogg Lula

04-10-1987 F
Holbrook Sara H.
12-11-1989 F
Holbrook Vera

01-19-1989 F
Holcomb Wayne Darrell
12-20-1989 M
Holinsworth Clarence Alva
12-01-1989 M
Howorth John Calvin
03-04-1988 M
Huertas Obel Gomez
05-15-1988 M
Iness Anna Mae
06-10-1990 F
Insel Bobby Gene
04-04-1987 M
Insel Mellie Bernice
02-18-1990 F
Jaeckle Henry V.
12-12-1989 M
James Charley Wesley Sr. 01-23-1989 M
Jaquez Frank

02-13-1986 M
Jenkins H E
02-06-1988 M
Jenson William Bragg
05-27-1989 M
Johnson Joyce Adlene
12-04-1990 F
Johnston Rayma Ozell
08-20-1988 F
Jones Doris Louise
08-31-1989 F
Jones Dorothy

01-29-1989 F
Jose Paul Douglass
09-01-1989 M
Jurado Elisa Deanda
07-12-1987 F
Kasner Minnie Elizabeth
12-17-1989 F
Keaton Albert Lewis
09-20-1986 M
Keele Winnie Arlene
04-12-1990 F
Keith James Albert
06-24-1987 M
Kennedy Vinnie

09-21-1990 F
Kimble Josephine Tillman
05-25-1987 F
King Lucille Chastain
11-02-1987 F
Lamkin Clarehope

01-26-1988 F
Lance Thomas Dewey
12-20-1990 M
Lane Loran Lee
02-14-1989 M
Lanier Gussie Babe
09-23-1987 M
Lee Bessie L
09-10-1990 F
Lee Helen Lucille
10-07-1987 F
Lee Lillian Pearl
11-08-1988 F
Leland Donald Eugene
02-22-1988 M
Leos Alicia Bustamante
08-18-1990 F
Lewis Georgia Ester
09-22-1986 F
Lewis Roy

03-27-1986 M
Lewis William Stanley
10-24-1987 M
Littlejohn Lee Ellis
06-04-1986 M
Loduca Mary Helen
07-12-1986 F
Loera David Dominques
08-03-1990 M
Long Annie Lou
02-13-1987 F
Longoria Angel Ray
05-11-1990 M
Luckie Alice Nancy
03-24-1989 F
Luckie Farlie Jay
03-22-1987 M
Lusk Lorene Estell
06-15-1990 F
Mackey Amanda Christine
11-12-1986 F
Maples Ruth Elizabeth
06-03-1990 F
Marquez Cruz V. Sr. 10-04-1989 M
Martinez Clara Aguilar
01-14-1989 F
Martinez Estefana Saenz
08-27-1988 F
Mason Charley Ever
04-26-1986 M
May William B.
09-10-1989 M
Mc Cowan Catherine Joyce
05-02-1988 F
Mcafee John Shelton Jr 11-15-1988 M
Mccalister Roger

12-01-1989 M
Mccutchen Edith Joyce
12-08-1990 F
Mcdade Willie

06-11-1988 M
Mcdaniel J Brice
02-13-1990 M
Mcdonald Hilda May
07-03-1990 F
Mcgann Lula Avis
08-13-1986 F
Mcgee Ruth Cecil
11-27-1987 F
Mcgilbra Alfred Ray
06-23-1990 M
Mcgrew John Lenoir
07-30-1989 M
Mckay Lola Maude
02-06-1986 F
Mcmahon Carmen Evangeline
12-10-1988 F
Meacham Willie Elsie
06-11-1987 F
Meadows Robert Lee
02-13-1990 M
Means Earl Emeirson
08-18-1986 M
Meason Bebe June
03-17-1987 F
Mercer Sam M
01-05-1990 M
Middleton John Richard
07-09-1988 M
Miller R C
12-28-1986 M
Mills Clifford M
09-19-1986 M
Molder Terry Gene
03-20-1989 M
Molinar Alicia Omega
12-24-1988 F
Molton Jessie Billie
07-13-1988 M
Montez Hermeregildo J
07-06-1990 M
Montgomery Reva Ophilea
07-29-1987 F
Moore Arvilla Elizabeth
01-09-1990 F
Moore Gordon Wayne
10-15-1990 M
Mora Pete None
08-21-1986 M
Morales Maria Dolores A
07-05-1987 F
Morales Tiburcia Elizalde
03-23-1988 F
Moreland Juanita Elizabeth
12-16-1989 F
Morrow Bert Herbert
02-14-1989 M
Morrow Nell Clara
02-11-1989 F
Mosley Willah Juanita
09-19-1988 F
Moss Pearl C
07-23-1990 F
Motley Charles Elmer
12-02-1990 M
Muldrow William Edward
12-02-1986 M
Myers Beulah Lee
09-01-1988 F
Myers Genevieve Hudson
10-22-1987 F
Natividad Eustaguio F
09-15-1988 M
Navarette Procopio P
11-12-1986 M
Nelson Virginia May
12-20-1986 F
Nichols Dexter Samuel Jr 01-01-1988 M
Nicholson Doris Alberta
02-14-1989 F
Nix Elmer L
11-11-1986 M
O'hara James Francis
05-18-1989 M
Olivas Josefa Dominguez
09-08-1987 F
Oney Stella Kegans
09-16-1986 F
Ortiz Ruben Garcia
05-14-1986 M
Osborn D I/O Helen
04-20-1988 F
Otto Charles Thomas
04-03-1989 M
Owen Vernard Wheeler
01-27-1987 M
Park Martin Williett
12-09-1989 M
Parker Michael Armour
06-27-1987 M
Patrick Madie Era
04-18-1987 F
Patterson William Lee
03-28-1989 M
Paul Steven Thomas
11-22-1987 M
Pearson Raymond

01-01-1987 M
Peden Clyde James
06-01-1987 M
Peden Ruth Virginia
01-06-1990 F
Pena Candelario Chavez
11-21-1989 M
Pickering Harry Alfred
07-03-1989 M
Pierce Mary Lona
05-26-1988 F
Porras Judith Yadira
10-02-1988 F
Porter Robert Lee
12-09-1990 M
Potts Ollie Belle
01-20-1987 F
Pratt Frank Henry
03-14-1987 M
Price Charles Francis
06-04-1987 M
Puckett John Allen
12-21-1986 M
Puckett Willie Ray
04-07-1990 M
Quintela Elena Ramos
09-10-1987 F
Ramsey Howard
Ii 06-03-1989 M
Randolph Blanche Mae
03-24-1988 F
Rankin Zackery Wayne
09-02-1986 M
Ray Gordon Alvis
12-31-1988 M
Redden Ada M
05-03-1990 F
Reed Autry Irvie
07-03-1990 M
Reed Carmon Murline
04-24-1989 F
Reese Robert Morris
09-03-1987 M
Reeves Ollie Mincen Jr 04-02-1990 M
Reynolds Charles Thomas
08-08-1986 M
Rhoades Edna Julia
01-10-1990 F
Riddle Billie June
11-19-1986 F
Ritchie Nathan Henry
03-16-1990 M
Robertson Lavita Jean
06-18-1986 F
Rodgers Thomas Wren
06-18-1987 M
Rollins Julius
Jr 11-01-1990 M
Rousseau Adaline E.
10-15-1989 F
Ruiz Uriel

01-01-1989 M
Russell Tina Louise
11-01-1986 F
Salgado Martina Estorga
12-15-1989 F
Sanchez Genobebo Rocha
09-10-1988 M
Sanchez Lucas Castillo
01-27-1990 M
Sapp Doris Marguerita
06-26-1986 F
Scott Lizzie Evelyn
01-16-1990 F
Seay Rosalie

06-21-1989 F
Sellers Elizabeth Lamona
05-11-1989 F
Seward Verdle Edith
12-31-1988 F
Shaw James Earl
05-24-1990 M
Shepard Sheryl Denise
06-01-1987 F
Sherbeck Richard Donald
08-16-1986 M
Shreve Dayna Marie
03-19-1986 F
Sibley Florence Elaine
10-29-1988 F
Siekman Katie Alyne
06-04-1990 F
Silvas Santiago
Jr. 12-08-1989 M
Simer Aaron Dosson
03-02-1990 M
Sisson Grady Selvester
11-29-1989 M
Sloan Cora Margaret
08-29-1987 F
Sloan Ellis Blair
04-24-1987 M
Sloan Marjorie Faulkner
12-27-1987 F
Smead William Louis
07-12-1987 M
Smith Essie Dale
08-18-1986 M
Smith Gladys Gertrude
06-21-1987 F
Smith Maria Guadalupe
04-21-1987 F
Snelson Luther Ruben Iii 03-09-1986 M
Somes Sina Evelyn
12-25-1989 F
Sosa Manuel Coleman
09-08-1988 M
Sotelo Adrian Ray
06-20-1987 M
Spencer Dorothy Margaret
01-27-1988 F
Staas Alford Jewel
02-25-1988 M
Stafford Evelyn Earl
03-17-1989 M
Standke Vadis Velma
03-22-1990 F
Stevens Charles Marion
07-29-1988 M
Stodghill Robert Chevious
10-03-1986 M
Stone Clark Askew
11-03-1986 M
Sturgis George William
12-04-1990 M
Sweety Bertha None
04-12-1988 F
Tapia Mario Felis
04-14-1990 M
Tarango Eduvijes

11-27-1989 F
Teeters Jeremy Wayne
09-07-1987 M
Thomas Irene

09-28-1989 F
Thompson Jonathan Ezkiel
10-04-1990 M
Thornton Ida Cora
12-06-1986 F
Thrasher Julian William Sr 12-15-1990 M
Thrasher Verda Annie
01-12-1990 F
Thresher Mitchell Ray
09-16-1989 M
Thurman Mason Arnold
03-30-1987 M
Tipton Christine Henrietta
07-28-1989 F
Tipton Lu Vada
09-13-1988 F
Tittle Jimmy Charles Jr. 07-20-1989 M
Todd Lavelle

06-19-1990 F
Truss Verna

04-24-1989 F
Turner Noyal Kenneth
04-18-1988 M
Turner Shirley Mae
05-31-1987 F
Tyler Uylsses Obediad
10-20-1989 M
Unknown Individual

10-02-1986 M
Urias Lee Ruben Sr 02-11-1988 M
Urquidez Cotey Arren
11-22-1988 M
Valles Pablo Soto
02-25-1989 M
Vasquez Marcelino

07-28-1988 M
Vasquez Neponuseno Hinojos
07-12-1986 M
Vaughns Eulla Mae
01-04-1989 F
Vela Joe Louis
06-29-1986 M
Vires Gilbert Leroy
10-10-1989 M
Walker Frances Baker
09-05-1988 F
Ward Connie Pearl
04-15-1988 F
Ward Mary A I/O
04-14-1988 F
Warden Kathryn Leone
10-17-1990 F
Warner Dessie M.
06-20-1989 F
Warren James Albert
12-22-1989 M
Watkins Teresa Gay
03-18-1987 F
Weier Alice Hursh
04-13-1988 F
Weir Leanord Lytle
04-20-1987 M
West Carla Pauline
05-11-1987 F
White Norman Glen
06-23-1986 M
Whitefield Floyd R
12-18-1987 M
Whitfield Juanita Inez
01-24-1988 F
Widdess Wesley Mitchell
04-11-1987 M
Wiggins Ernest Truman
10-18-1990 M
Williams Albert Leland
03-24-1989 M
Williams Patsy Joyce
08-02-1989 F
Williams Sammy Dwain
04-08-1986 M
Willis Emma

06-21-1986 F
Wilson Annis

01-16-1986 M
Wilson Bertha Harrison
04-28-1986 F
Wilson Vernon Loyd
05-19-1990 M
Worley Dorothy Lee
03-04-1988 F
Wright Oleta Violet
02-08-1989 F
York Robert Emmet
05-29-1986 M
Zembal Dale Allan
01-03-1990 M
Zielinski John Vincent
01-05-1990 M
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This page was last updated on 02 November 2024.