This county is in need of a coordinator. If you can spare a couple of hours a month, please contact Carla Clifton to adopt this or another orphan county in TXGenWeb.
Ward County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Deaths, 1981-1985

These records are from the state death indices.
Last First Middle Suffix Date Sex
Abila Jacoba Rodriguez
08-15-1981 F
Ables Hazel

12-27-1984 F
Acosta Estanislado H
02-11-1982 M
Adams Theo Noland
12-31-1984 M
Agey Sarah Frances
01-16-1982 F
Alaniz Pablo Urias
05-20-1981 M
Alderidge Ronald Woodrow
11-08-1981 M
Alexander George None
01-01-1983 M
Almanza Hermenegildo

07-02-1984 M
Armendariz Jose Caldron
04-21-1984 M
Arp Forest Lee
02-09-1981 M
Arp Oscar Colquitt
06-06-1983 M
Asbury John Thomas Jr 09-21-1981 M
Ashcraft John Truett
09-21-1981 M
Askew Corby Lee
11-10-1982 F
Austin Addie Cumings
03-15-1984 F
Avent Kate M
02-01-1985 F
Ayers Mary Alice
01-26-1983 F
Babb Bobby Nolan
03-05-1983 M
Bailey Archie Millard
03-14-1982 M
Bailey Margaret Mae
03-14-1982 F
Baker Clifford Herman
01-07-1981 M
Bascom Mary

09-07-1981 F
Baxter Anna Laura
10-11-1982 F
Baxter Danny Ray
09-25-1981 M
Bayless Hildreth Sturdivant
10-10-1982 F
Bean Arthur Lee
03-18-1982 M
Beard Deborah Lynn
12-07-1982 F
Beaton Charles Baron
03-14-1982 M
Becker Robert J (Bobby)
11-21-1982 M
Beckham Walter Stewart
10-23-1984 M
Begay Denny Henry Sr 08-23-1981 M
Bennett Minnie Branam
03-24-1985 F
Bessent Flora Lucille
12-18-1982 F
Biggs Imogene Nott
10-07-1982 F
Bingham Neely Osborn
01-27-1982 M
Black John Lee
07-07-1985 M
Blalock Walter Cleburne
02-06-1983 M
Blanchard Robert Bruce
04-01-1982 M
Bogart Stella Mae
11-06-1985 F
Bonilla Antonia

02-23-1985 F
Borrego San Juana S
01-12-1981 F
Boules Robert Angus
11-24-1982 M
Bowden Lance Alan
09-24-1982 M
Bracken Brian Bernard
03-30-1983 M
Bradley Jack Carlyle
03-20-1985 M
Brock George Allen Jr 11-17-1981 M
Brock Patricia Lorene
12-08-1984 F
Brooks Thomas Taylor
04-06-1982 M
Brown Ivison Pat Jr 08-10-1985 M
Brown Josie Pearl
08-03-1984 F
Brown Maude Alice
09-17-1985 F
Brown Z L
12-13-1983 M
Browning Mary Wilma
03-17-1984 F
Browning Rhesa Read
07-25-1984 M
Bryan Essie Milam
02-05-1984 F
Bryan Otis Henry
02-12-1983 M
Buckner Ruth Browning
02-25-1985 F
Burris Addie Maude
11-09-1983 F
Bush Chrystal Velma
09-14-1983 F
Butler Donna Sue
11-12-1982 F
Butler Nettie May
09-04-1983 F
Cagle Will Edd
07-17-1984 M
Campbell Thomas Edgar
06-20-1983 M
Cantu Juan None
09-06-1984 M
Carothers Alma June
01-20-1983 F
Carranza Antonio

09-17-1983 M
Carrasco Benito Tarango
08-05-1981 M
Carrasco Mike
Jr 01-28-1981 M
Carter Georgia Faye
07-29-1985 F
Carter Herman Howard
08-04-1982 M
Chailland Oscar Ellis Jr 01-03-1982 M
Chauncy Julian Houston
10-28-1981 M
Chitwood Thomas Ezra
12-04-1983 M
Claburn Minnie Beatrice
03-14-1985 F
Clark Kevin Maynard
09-12-1983 M
Clement Mary Louella
09-22-1983 F
Cobb Ethel Alice
02-07-1985 F
Cobos Manuel Lujan
09-18-1984 M
Cockerham Gary Don
08-18-1983 M
Conn Thimothy Martin
05-08-1981 M
Contreras Antonio M
04-23-1982 M
Cook Bernard Eldridge
03-25-1983 M
Cook Lois May
05-13-1982 F
Cooper Elma Rowena
04-03-1981 F
Cooper Oscar Ben
02-15-1983 M
Cornwell Elton Anderson
11-09-1984 M
Corrales Rigoberto

06-06-1982 M
Corrales Valentine Leyva
06-22-1985 M
Covington Patrick Antonio
08-27-1983 M
Cox Barbara Louella
10-14-1982 F
Cox Clyde Herman
02-28-1985 M
Cox Lela Belle
11-02-1985 F
Cromer Johnny C
12-11-1985 M
Crowson Albert Morton
05-09-1981 M
Crowson Bruce Alan
07-23-1981 M
Cryer Dalko None
11-21-1985 M
Cunningham Alma Katherine
08-28-1984 F
Daily Seth Julian
10-30-1985 M
Daniel Carrie Pauline
10-15-1984 F
Daniel Mattie Faye
12-09-1982 F
Day Roy Samuel Sr 06-16-1982 M
De Glenn Bertha Casarrubias
08-08-1983 F
Dearman Mark

12-20-1985 M
Deaver Mary Ellen
08-30-1985 F
Derrick Ralph Luker
10-09-1985 M
Deuley Fred Richard
11-28-1983 M
Dobkins Charlie Martin Sr 11-08-1984 M
Douglas Joseph Cloviece
06-03-1984 M
Downey Gary Wayne
10-13-1985 M
Drones James

05-26-1984 M
Dufek Kay Virginia
01-24-1984 F
Dumas Ocie Edward
04-28-1984 M
Duncan Pearl Opal
04-10-1984 F
Dunn John Sidney
11-14-1983 M
Eaker Mike Bailey
08-24-1981 M
Ellis Maudie Helms
02-23-1983 F
Essary Sidney Clarence
06-22-1985 M
Estes Carl Dearmore
02-10-1981 M
Estorga Domingo

05-28-1982 M
Eubank Doris Ellen
11-20-1985 F
Fair Clyde Marshall
09-07-1981 M
Fair Max Herbert
05-04-1983 M
Farnum Watters Leander
11-10-1983 M
Flanagan Mollie Lou
05-21-1981 F
Flores Rosario Lara Jr 05-28-1984 M
Flowers Opal

01-03-1983 F
Floyd Kenneth Wayne
06-10-1981 M
Forbes Michael Rand
10-27-1985 M
Ford Clyde Elmer
10-16-1984 M
Ford Geneva Lee
01-27-1985 F
Fort John D
05-17-1985 M
Funnell Dale Lynn
05-06-1984 M
Galloska John William
11-18-1985 M
Gann Warren

01-02-1984 M
Garcia Alvaro Fuentes
11-23-1985 M
Garcia Amanda Teresa
09-25-1984 F
Garcia Jenifer Nicole
07-01-1984 F
Garcia Liza Nicole
12-09-1983 F
Garcia Manuela Molena
10-26-1982 F
Garcia Nora Lanbrano
12-09-1983 F
Garcia Sandy Marie
12-09-1983 F
Gaskin Inez

06-07-1981 F
Gathings Jerry Dean
10-21-1984 M
Gieber Betty Jean
04-29-1983 F
Gigoux Myron Dale
05-30-1981 M
Godwin Hawley D
09-24-1984 M
Gomez Merced

11-27-1983 M
Gonzales Concepcion Deanda
11-29-1984 F
Gonzales Robert Lee
09-17-1982 M
Gonzalez Lauro Gonzalez
12-16-1984 M
Gotcher William Bertha
07-24-1982 F
Graham Louise Smith
10-03-1984 F
Graves Kate

05-24-1982 F
Griffith James Eris
10-10-1982 M
Grizzell Lee Roy
01-23-1984 M
Gross Virginia None
11-09-1985 F
Guerrero Louis Chaffer
07-17-1983 M
Hahn William Lawrence
06-30-1985 M
Hale Jack Jones
10-04-1981 M
Hall Mark Carroll
09-07-1985 M
Hammond Eddie Lou
08-11-1985 F
Hammond Wilson Patrick
11-01-1984 M
Hanks Stennie Cyril
11-06-1985 M
Harding Clarence Carrol
03-18-1982 M
Hare Franklin Delano
10-22-1982 M
Hare Ollie Ona
12-07-1985 F
Harmon Lester Ray
12-30-1984 M
Harrell Dovie Nell
04-21-1981 F
Harrell James Melvin
10-26-1981 M
Harris Billy Marshell
12-13-1981 M
Harris Donie Alvia
01-03-1985 F
Hawthorne Ernest Loyd
06-18-1984 M
Haynes Joseph Wynn Jr 01-23-1983 M
Helmers Regina Lea
11-25-1983 F
Henry Beulah Bethena
12-09-1981 F
Heredia Carlos Rodriquez
12-28-1984 M
Hernandez Francisco Viliz
11-29-1985 M
Hernandez Petra Flores
02-22-1985 F
Hignight Stella Mae
10-03-1983 F
Hinajos Maria Garcia
08-25-1985 F
Hinds Nugent Carol
05-10-1984 M
Hix Dennis Glenn
06-09-1985 M
Hoffman Michael Steven
11-04-1981 M
Hoffman Thomas Leroy
11-12-1983 M
Hogg Richard Asa
07-13-1982 M
Holloway Joncarl

01-28-1981 M
Holloway Tommy Dewitt
06-17-1981 M
Hood Minnie

01-26-1982 F
Huertas Manuel Carnero
07-07-1981 M
Huey Sherry Marie
03-05-1985 F
Hughes Jenni Leann
05-29-1983 F
Hunt Donald Ray
11-07-1983 M
Hutson Jessie Ellen
07-03-1981 F
Iversen Mary Katherine
12-31-1983 F
Jaquez Manuel O
03-11-1981 M
Jefferson Marion Andrew
01-01-1982 M
Johnston Ward William
11-14-1981 M
Jordan Artie Ira
10-01-1983 F
Kelly Georgia

02-17-1983 F
Kenman Daniel Leroy
01-22-1983 M
Kern Raymond William
07-22-1982 M
Ketchersid Jerry Lynn
09-29-1983 M
Kirkland Raymond Wesley
03-06-1981 M
Kiser Jewel Dean
01-20-1983 F
Kite Vera Alma
10-03-1981 F
Knight Annie May
08-10-1981 F
Knipp Christopher Denis
10-27-1984 M
Koller Powell Cordelia
11-17-1985 F
Lamkin Howard Norman
07-10-1983 M
Lara Ricardo

10-06-1981 M
Larmon Robert Lindell
06-20-1983 M
Lee Hubert Amos Sr 09-08-1981 M
Lee James Ervin
05-15-1983 M
Lee Lorene Moffitt
01-14-1983 F
Lerma Epimenio Jurado
01-09-1982 M
Lerma Manuela Gonzales
03-29-1984 F
Lewis Pauline La Fern
04-15-1983 F
Lick Thomas Earl
05-24-1985 M
Lira Bruno
Sr 03-04-1984 M
Lopez Alberto Cardenas
12-26-1984 M
Lopez Antonio Suzo
07-01-1981 M
Lopez Epifanio G
06-15-1983 M
Lowrimore Goldie Ellen
05-08-1983 F
Lujan Ingacio Jimenez Jr 08-13-1981 M
Lujan Victoria

06-17-1981 F
Mann Atwell Henry
10-20-1983 M
Mann Naomi Jane
11-12-1984 F
Marler Ada Lee
07-03-1984 F
Marquez Moises Rey
08-15-1982 M
Martin Bythel D
07-20-1984 M
Martin James Franklin
09-03-1985 M
Martindale Angus Lloyd Benjam*
06-06-1983 M
Martinez Benjamin Lavern
02-08-1983 M
Martinez Marbella

06-03-1985 F
Mcanally Eldon Emmett
06-02-1981 M
Mcauley Thelma Lee
05-15-1985 F
Mcbryde Dena Lee Cox
12-25-1981 F
Mcdaniel Natasha Lee
12-20-1985 F
Mcintyre Edward Eugene
03-15-1982 M
Mclain Earl

08-19-1984 M
Mcleod Colquitt H
07-30-1982 M
Mcmicheal Georgia Frances
02-04-1985 F
Mcnabb Vada Sims
02-17-1983 F
Mcnamee Glenice Adelle
09-27-1981 F
Mcneme James Patton
11-14-1981 M
Mcwhirter Mary Josephine
06-19-1983 F
Meaders Edgar Alfred
08-22-1985 M
Mendenhall Ollie Bell
01-29-1985 F
Mendez Patricio A
08-28-1985 M
Mercado Erineo Vargas
08-18-1983 M
Miller Robert Lee
05-23-1981 M
Minter Lela Ethel
08-09-1983 F
Mitchell Jewell Bonnie
04-12-1983 F
Mitchell Silas Vernon
03-28-1981 M
Moore Jessie Lee
11-14-1981 M
Moore William Robert
05-21-1985 M
Morales Julia

10-27-1982 F
Morgan Corinne Violet
10-25-1981 F
Morgan Hiram Wesley
01-24-1981 M
Morin Junita Rodriguez
07-12-1985 F
Moyer Milburn Floyd
11-19-1981 M
Mullins Morris Milton
06-26-1984 M
Munoz Paula Flores
01-14-1982 F
Murphy Wince Leerd
11-19-1984 M
Musick Lela

08-11-1982 F
Navarrete Saul Ortega
08-15-1982 M
Navarritte Cirilo

02-07-1985 M
Neal Billy Gene
08-31-1981 M
Neblett Everett Samuel
07-22-1984 M
Neill Wanda Larose
08-14-1981 F
Nichols L D
10-15-1985 M
Nicotra Elizabeth None
03-21-1983 F
Nixon Ella Josephine
08-09-1985 F
Norris Jackie Wall
04-28-1985 F
Nunn Charlie
Sr 07-28-1984 M
Ochoa Carlos Javier
09-04-1981 M
Ochoa Elisa Olivares
04-20-1983 F
Olgin Cleto

06-10-1982 M
Orndorff Emely Marie
07-30-1981 F
Orosco Maria Montez
07-04-1983 F
Osborne Christopher Lee
01-28-1983 M
Ott Annie Murray
08-26-1983 F
Oyerbides Aramita

03-23-1982 F
Oyerbides Juan Granda
10-12-1981 M
Oyerbides Mariano

04-09-1981 M
Padilla Euanjelina

10-01-1981 F
Palmer Lutcher Lynn
01-23-1983 M
Peek Vivian Pearl
09-16-1983 F
Pena Simona

10-08-1985 F
Perez-Valladares Juan Francis*
04-26-1985 M
Perez Martha Rosalia
06-18-1983 F
Phipps Jerald Fontaine
09-29-1983 M
Pickering Karl Benjiman
08-15-1981 M
Pierson Durward G
03-18-1981 M
Pierson Virginia Irene
03-18-1981 F
Porras Blasa Franco
08-26-1985 F
Porter Ora House
05-14-1985 F
Portillo Guadalupe Acosta
12-16-1981 F
Posey Etta Mahalia
12-16-1983 F
Potter Ruth Carolyn
01-28-1981 F
Purser Cecile Mildred
10-21-1983 F
Purser William Henry Sr 01-04-1982 M
Quattlebaum Claude

07-31-1982 M
Rambo Beatrice

02-24-1981 F
Rambo Fred

01-22-1985 M
Ramirez Guadalupe Ybarra
04-28-1983 M
Ramos Cruz L
04-21-1985 M
Reed Mildred Laverne
03-07-1984 F
Reeves Bonnie Mae
01-22-1985 F
Reyes Miguel

11-28-1983 M
Reyes Tabitha Erin
10-27-1984 F
Rhodes Jewell

09-08-1985 F
Richardson Zelma Ione
01-01-1983 F
Ridens Betty Jo
10-04-1983 F
Riordan Myrtle Thelma
01-22-1985 F
Rivera Jose Manuel
11-11-1985 M
Roberts Addie Marie
04-19-1984 F
Robison Herbert Hoover
11-04-1983 M
Rodgers Elbert Roy
04-11-1982 M
Rodriquez Julian L
12-18-1981 M
Rodriquez Marie Sotelo
03-12-1982 F
Rodriquez Roy

09-28-1985 M
Rose Mary Mildred
08-23-1985 F
Rosenberg Marie Doris
02-21-1983 F
Ross Talmadge
Jr 03-27-1985 M
Rubalcaba Roy

11-28-1985 M
Ruiz Nichlos Vallez
11-19-1983 M
Russell Faye Jewell
05-26-1983 F
Russett William Blakely
02-16-1984 M
Rutherford John W
04-08-1985 M
Ryan Leliaetta Cartwright
05-04-1985 F
Salazar Angelina M
05-07-1983 F
Salgado Eleauteria Gomez
10-30-1983 F
Sanchez Pedro M
11-16-1983 M
Sauceda Rosalio Galindo
04-20-1981 M
Scarborough Sidney James
12-13-1982 M
Schroeder Richard Roland
09-16-1981 M
Scott Giula Bama
04-24-1981 F
Scown John Homer
02-01-1985 M
Sears Raymond Franklin
07-04-1982 M
Shelton Willis Ralph
07-30-1981 M
Sheppard Laura May
05-26-1983 F
Sherrell Nina Skidmore
06-12-1981 F
Sherrod Charles Herbert
01-06-1983 M
Sherrod Theodore Herbert
03-13-1981 M
Shipley Dollie M
09-19-1983 F
Shirley Lloyd Ernest
03-21-1984 M
Shirley Myerl Forbes
09-11-1983 F
Shoemate Mary Delena
11-14-1985 F
Short Horace C
12-25-1981 M
Silas Leacio D
04-27-1981 F
Simmers Vernice Mae
05-01-1981 F
Sloan Homer Shaddock
10-05-1985 M
Smith Albert Copland
12-31-1982 M
Smith David G
07-31-1985 M
Smith Ernest Lee
05-08-1983 M
Sneed Elton Elmer
07-05-1982 M
Solomon William Ray
09-28-1981 M
Sotelo Esteban Moreno
06-09-1983 M
Sotelo Margarito M
10-12-1985 M
Spain Jessie P
10-02-1985 M
Spear Jess Carrol
07-06-1983 M
Sperl Joseph Dan
08-22-1983 M
Sperling Dallas Arnold
06-01-1981 M
Squires Rickey Allen
02-10-1983 M
Stall Candice Marie
04-28-1981 F
Starkey Mary Theola
03-22-1982 F
Stewart Rosena

05-22-1985 F
Stoneback Ora Stanley
12-22-1985 F
Strickland Pearl Jane
12-10-1984 F
Stringer Beulah M
02-16-1983 F
Strong William Everett
09-07-1984 M
Sudderth David Crockett
09-18-1981 M
Summers Earl Fredrick
08-31-1981 M
Sumner Edmund Ernest
06-08-1982 M
Swafford Bessie A
04-08-1984 F
Swaney Kenneth Ivan
04-08-1984 M
Swope Raby Charlie
04-22-1982 M
Tatum Johnnie Frances
06-16-1985 F
Taylor Elmo Marion
02-26-1981 M
Taylor Lucy Pauline
11-25-1983 F
Teague Dorothy Evelyn
10-06-1982 F
Tehee Hoke

01-24-1982 M
Telles Ysabel R
09-04-1982 M
Tigner Angie May
05-06-1984 F
Tipton Nellie Smith
03-25-1982 F
Titsworth Darrell Clifton
02-12-1983 M
Todd Mary Pauline
12-24-1984 F
Townsend Bertha Lee
10-23-1981 F
Trammell Winnie Estell
01-01-1984 F
Trimble Myrtle Lois
10-26-1981 F
Turner James Arthur
02-01-1985 M
Uballe Jesse Davila Jr 12-11-1983 M
Vargas Esther

12-10-1982 F
Vargas Maria Barragan
03-12-1984 F
Vernon Dorothy Jean
06-28-1985 F
Vessels Lora Faye
04-27-1981 F
Virgin Nelson Dinsmore
08-15-1984 M
Walden Clinton Russell
02-06-1981 M
Washington Charlie R
06-10-1984 M
Watson Caleb Marion
12-29-1985 M
Weast Gladys Elizabeth
04-25-1983 F
Webster Theodore
Jr 10-06-1984 M
Weddle Donald

07-21-1981 M
West Brandon James
02-10-1984 M
Wheeler Mayne Belle
12-14-1982 F
Whitson Bert Allen
01-25-1982 M
Widman Donald Lucinus
05-17-1983 M
Wildman Lieuella

12-01-1982 F
Wilkins Lawrence David
12-09-1982 M
Williams George Truitt
03-29-1985 M
Williams Myron Emmanuel
06-06-1985 M
Williams Ossie Lee
07-21-1982 F
Williams Sarah Frances
10-01-1982 F
Willis East

12-23-1985 M
Willman Carl Vernon
01-07-1981 M
Wise Minnie Mary
05-26-1983 F
Wofford Jessie Eunice
01-13-1985 F
Woolard Ora Vionna
11-29-1983 F
Wooten James Garfield
04-22-1984 M
Wright Clade Scribbling
02-22-1983 M
York Laverne

10-26-1985 F
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and temporarily coordinated by Carla Clifton.
This page was last updated on 02 November 2024.