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Ward County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Deaths, 1964-1969

These records are from the state death indices. The marital status column doesn't seem to be correct. Maybe (originally) a line off? Spelling is unreliable.

S,M,D,W = Single, Married, Separated/Divorced, Widowed
Last First Middle Suffix Date Sex S,M,D,W
Acosta Abel

11-16-1967 M Married
Acosta Ines

04-10-1966 F Single
Acosta Manuel Reyes
06-07-1969 M Single
Adair Austin Wade
08-16-1969 M Widowed
Alexander Cleon

09-03-1969 M Married
Alexander Emma Gertrude
03-14-1969 F Widowed
Almanza Jose M
03-19-1966 M Single
Anderson Cynthia Ray
07-06-1964 F Married
Armstrong Jewell Norene
01-22-1964 F Single
Armstrong Olive Morris
07-16-1966 M Single
Asher Haskell James
04-05-1969 M Single
Atkins Maudie Pearl
10-06-1965 F Widowed
Avary Corbett

01-04-1967 M Single
Bailey Arminta Ann
10-24-1966 F Widowed
Bailey Joseph Walker
10-07-1968 M Single
Baker Laura

12-20-1964 F Single
Banks Pinkney Davis
07-26-1965 M Single
Barnes Edna Ethel
02-16-1965 F Single
Barnes Jesse Ralph
08-04-1964 M Single
Barnes Neal Cameron
06-11-1965 M Widowed
Barnett Mae Bell
01-09-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Barrett Beatrice E
03-25-1966 F Married
Barrow Ethel Lorene
03-12-1969 F Widowed
Bartell Suzan Leigh
05-19-1967 F Married
Barton Thomas Sanford Sr 08-06-1965 M Single
Baxter Rosa Ella
01-12-1965 F Widowed
Bean William Osier
10-09-1967 M Single
Beckham Harold

11-22-1967 M Single
Beckham Vera May
12-24-1967 F Widowed
Belcher William H
05-25-1965 M Single
Benson James Monroe
02-08-1966 M Single
Benton Roy Oran
03-01-1964 M Married
Bickhart Milford Charles
05-24-1967 M Single
Billings Emmit Gibson
04-11-1966 M Single
Black Donnie Holland S
06-25-1967 F Widowed
Blankinship Gary Don
07-14-1966 M Married
Boarman Georgia Dovie
03-26-1965 F Single
Body Earnest

10-28-1966 M Single
Bolte Ralph Leroy
01-29-1968 M Single
Bond Florence Lydia
08-12-1966 F Widowed
Bonner Mary Wallace
04-14-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Booth George Allan
09-03-1965 M Single
Booth Grace Emmeline
04-12-1968 F Widowed
Boren Ronald George
05-24-1969 M Single
Bowling Ima Inez
03-19-1967 F Widowed
Boyd Henry Lee
02-18-1966 M Married
Boyd Imogene

03-13-1969 F Single
Branch Willie

01-09-1965 F Single
Britt Elbert Glen
02-20-1969 M Widowed
Brockman Annie Lee
04-14-1966 F Widowed
Bronkhorst Leon

12-02-1965 M Married
Brooks Robert Dale
01-21-1964 M Married
Bruton Ollie A
03-26-1964 M Single
Bryant Fay

09-17-1967 F Single
Bryant Gus Davis
12-21-1968 M Single
Bryant Juanita

12-28-1969 F Single
Bryant Walter

06-10-1967 M Widowed
Buckner William Thomas
08-12-1964 M Single
Buffington Don Maxwell
11-25-1964 M Single
Bullard Willie Lee
07-12-1968 M Widowed
Bunton Carlos B
03-12-1965 M Single
Butler Norman Robert
01-31-1965 M Single
Byrd Edgar Lewis
04-19-1965 M Single
Cadena Emiterio Granado
02-05-1967 M Single
Cameron John Edwin
02-04-1968 M Widowed
Cameron Linnes

02-29-1964 F Widowed
Cameron Paul Gerald
10-01-1967 M Single
Canady Velma J
04-02-1966 F Unknown
Carnes Tony Patrick Jr 03-17-1968 M Married
Carney Clarence Carter
12-20-1967 M Single
Carothers Amzi Walker
03-11-1967 M Widowed
Carothers Julia Mae
02-13-1965 F Single
Carriger Joe B
09-08-1968 M Single
Carriger William Estill
02-16-1964 M Married
Carter Birdie Jackson
01-08-1968 F Single
Carter Hermena Deray
11-15-1965 F Married
Casey Myrtle Ellen
08-16-1966 F Widowed
Castillo Maria Aguilar
09-22-1968 F Widowed
Chappell Abe Lincoln
12-12-1966 M Single
Choat Carl Wayne
01-05-1966 M Married
Clark Ruby Lee
12-12-1966 F Single
Claudio Ampelia Trujillo
08-12-1967 F Single
Cleveland Billy Gene
05-13-1969 M Single
Coleman Ethel Crystal
07-25-1969 F Widowed
Collingwood Clara

02-20-1964 F Widowed
Contreras Lucia Aldaz
11-03-1968 F Widowed
Cooper Denzil Ray Sr 09-26-1969 M Single
Cooper Grace Lee
11-08-1969 F Single
Cope William Martin
04-25-1965 M Single
Coronado Henry U
06-26-1964 M Single
Coursey Olen David
09-15-1967 M Single
Cowan Larry Gene
03-18-1965 M Married
Cowen Lance Eugene
06-22-1969 M Married
Cox Jerry Wayne
05-18-1967 M Widowed
Crider Mary L
Crittendon Bob Calvin
05-31-1967 M Single
Crocker Robert Perry
01-11-1967 M Single
Croft Oscar F
03-13-1964 M Widowed
Cross Joe Estell
06-13-1967 M Married
Crowson Ira Lee
01-17-1968 M Single
Curry Cecil Robert
11-01-1964 M Single
Dain Lawerence Leoyn
02-15-1967 M Single
Davenport Glenn Royce
05-10-1966 M Married
Davila Benito Arango
05-09-1964 M Single
Davis Dorothy L
05-31-1965 F Single
Davis Thad Tolbert
10-19-1965 M Single
Delao Erlinda Garcia
01-06-1969 F Single
Dobkins Rosetta Eyvon
05-24-1964 F Married
Dolman Dolly Mae
09-06-1965 F Widowed
Dryden George Marion
02-26-1966 M Widowed
Dunagan John Claiborne
04-18-1965 M Single
Dunmire Lorene Louise
01-01-1964 F Widowed
Eakers Myrtle Lilley
02-18-1964 F Single
Eaton Henry Leo
09-29-1967 M Single
Edwards John Harris
04-05-1964 M Single
Ellis Forrest Alvin
01-30-1964 M Single
Ellithorpe Ollie Edna
10-13-1969 F Widowed
Enoch William Mckinley
12-05-1966 M Single
Erwin William Wall
12-17-1965 M Single
Estorga Ruben Carrasco
11-17-1967 M Single
Estrada Ramon Benedito
10-25-1968 M Married
Fielding Oran Finley
07-29-1968 M Married
Fitzgerald George Ware
07-19-1966 M Single
Flores Jose

08-05-1968 M Married
Flores Rosando

01-05-1967 M Married
Foley Will Archie
01-21-1964 M Widowed
Foote Willie Mae
03-02-1967 F Widowed
Franco Ramon Brito
09-23-1965 M Single
Fuller Louis B
09-21-1969 M Single
Fuller R B
12-19-1966 M Single
Galyean James Garfield
10-19-1967 M Widowed
Gandy Nora Belle
11-01-1967 F Widowed
Garcia Danny

09-25-1969 M Married
Garcia Martha Blanco
11-19-1965 F Single
Garcia Reyes Frederico
11-19-1965 M Single
Garcia Roberta

12-15-1966 F Married
Garza Manuel N
08-07-1968 M Widowed
Gearard Don Ray
06-12-1966 M Married
Gonzales Ambrocio Inf Of
11-20-1967 M Married
Gonzales Eustacio R Jr 03-31-1969 M Married
Gonzales Francisco F
08-14-1967 M Married
Gonzales Romolo M
01-18-1969 M Single
Goodman George Hull
02-21-1969 M Separ/Divorced
Goodwin Benjamin

05-31-1968 M Widowed
Gordon John Morgan
04-07-1969 M Single
Graham Carrie Viola
10-08-1965 F Widowed
Grant Jackie Ray
01-25-1967 M Married
Gray Ellen Ruth
08-09-1969 F Single
Green James Edward
12-28-1966 M Married
Green Mary Cathrene
09-12-1964 F Widowed
Green Phyllis Yvonne
09-12-1967 F Single
Griffin Roland Ray
09-04-1964 M Married
Griffith Oma T
09-13-1964 F Single
Griggs James Henry
07-26-1965 M Single
Guice John Harry
12-13-1964 M Single
Guthrie Cecil

09-08-1968 M Single
Haggerton Sherri Lynn
03-14-1964 F Married
Hamm Charles Vivian
11-06-1967 M Single
Hand James Samuel
11-29-1967 M Widowed
Haning Lynora Dorothy
12-05-1968 F Single
Hanson Arlene

02-01-1964 F Single
Harbin Tammy Jo
07-29-1965 F Married
Harbin Tommy Joe
07-31-1965 M Married
Hardy Charlie

07-18-1969 M Married
Harkey William Leigh
11-12-1966 M Married
Hartman Glen

10-08-1968 M Single
Hartwell Cordelia Alice
06-23-1966 F Widowed
Hawkins Loyd Elsmer
06-13-1965 M Single
Hayes Frances Lucille
03-01-1968 F Married
Haynes Grace

08-11-1967 F Widowed
Haynes Vaughn Asa
02-19-1969 M Single
Haynie Bazzie Columbus
04-17-1967 M Single
Henry Charles

08-16-1964 M Single
Herring Anna L
03-19-1968 F Widowed
Hettler Joel Martin
06-21-1969 M Married
Hewett Elmer E
07-06-1967 M Separ/Divorced
Hill Bonnie Jean
04-14-1967 F Married
Hill Madeline Pearl
10-09-1967 F Separ/Divorced
Hodnett Winfred Murry
04-25-1969 M Separ/Divorced
Holland Florence Hazel
01-09-1968 F Single
Holt Sam Jefferson
11-30-1964 M Single
Hopper General B
06-20-1965 M Single
Horn Lue Butler
09-13-1967 M Single
Huerta Maria Refugio
07-26-1968 F Widowed
Huertas Jose M
04-16-1966 M Single
Hunt Elvin Webster
07-16-1964 M Single
Ice Charles Oliver Sr 09-30-1965 M Single
Ivy Thomas Warren
04-18-1966 M Single
Jaquez Eva

04-03-1968 F Widowed
Jaquez Jose Maria
11-11-1967 M Married
Jeeter Robert Howard Jr 01-30-1967 M Separ/Divorced
Jeter Donald Ray
09-23-1967 M Married
Johnson Ada Ethel
11-17-1965 F Widowed
Johnson Oscar Keith
06-21-1964 M Widowed
Johnson William Lawrence
03-06-1967 M Single
Johnston Joe

01-29-1964 M Widowed
Jones Adelia Barbee
10-13-1968 F Widowed
Jones Evelyn Ann
07-02-1969 F Single
Jordan Evia Angelyne
01-22-1968 F Single
Jordan Louis Otis
07-03-1965 M Single
Juarez Hipolito Almanza
04-02-1969 M Married
Kasner Joe Henry
10-02-1969 M Single
Keese Annie Mararet
05-19-1967 F Widowed
Keith Willie B
07-08-1967 M Married
Kelley Maggie Francis
05-15-1969 F Single
Key Charley Tolbert
03-12-1967 M Single
Kimbler Christopher A
12-23-1968 M Married
King Bertha

01-20-1964 F Widowed
King Nora Viola
08-13-1964 F Widowed
Kirks Emma Line
07-02-1965 F Widowed
Knott William Louis
07-25-1967 M Single
Knox Pearl

04-28-1968 F Widowed
Koehne Willie

07-28-1965 M Married
Kritser David Sloan Jr 10-25-1968 M Single
Kugle Perry H
05-15-1966 M Widowed
Kunkel Olga Louise
07-24-1965 F Widowed
Landrum Samuel Robert
08-09-1965 M Widowed
Langston Ellis Campbell
08-02-1966 M Single
Lawson John H
03-21-1967 M Single
Lease Dan

08-19-1967 M Married
Lease Marian Kay
08-19-1967 F Single
Lease Oscar William Jr 08-19-1967 M Single
Lee Kimberly Anne
03-29-1966 F Married
Liles Zena Mae
11-28-1967 F Single
Little Thomas Carl
07-22-1965 M Single
Littlejohn Leatha Nell
02-06-1967 F Married
Littlejohn Tex Houston
01-27-1967 M Married
Lovelace Clifford

01-13-1967 M Married
Loveless William F
09-30-1966 M Single
Lovell Liddie M
04-15-1964 F Single
Lowe Sam Wilbur
07-27-1969 M Single
Lujan Fernanda Chavarria
04-17-1968 F Widowed
Lujan Manuel Acosta
05-20-1969 M Single
Lujan Saturnino Flores
06-13-1968 M Married
Marlowe James Harry
04-05-1968 M Widowed
Marquez Jesus Jose
05-20-1968 M Married
Marrs William Marshal
03-07-1969 M Single
Martin Cleve J
12-06-1964 M Single
Martin John Elbert
10-05-1968 M Widowed
Martinez Juanita Olguin
05-15-1964 F Single
Martinez Victoriano P
03-11-1964 M Widowed
Mathena Margaret V
04-07-1965 F Single
Mcanally Daniel Gregg
07-23-1964 M Married
Mcbryde Violet Celeste
08-22-1968 F Married
Mccall Elena

08-11-1964 F Single
Mccargo Elmer Owen
04-30-1966 M Single
Mcclaren Horace Emory
06-30-1969 M Single
Mcclendon Ida Jane
07-22-1964 F Widowed
Mcdonald John Douglas
05-21-1969 M Single
Mcinturff John Hugh
12-28-1969 M Single
Mcquiddy Robert Booth
11-15-1968 M Single
Meadows Jessie Margaret
03-03-1966 F Single
Medley Doll

11-15-1968 F Single
Mesa Rosendo
Sr 08-19-1964 M Widowed
Metcalf Johnny Blufford
04-08-1967 M Single
Meyers William Alban
02-10-1968 M Married
Middlebrook James Bryant
05-12-1967 M Single
Middleton Joe E
07-15-1964 M Single
Miles Annie Lee
09-02-1964 F Widowed
Miller Eunice Harris
01-03-1967 F Widowed
Milner Billy Joe
05-10-1966 M Single
Mincey Evander Fayette
04-23-1967 M Widowed
Mitchell James Ward
04-05-1969 M Single
Mitchell John Cleo Jr 12-10-1965 M Single
Mize Marvin Perry
12-04-1964 M Single
Moan Edward Jerauld
12-18-1964 M Separ/Divorced
Moody Julia Mae
02-14-1965 F Separ/Divorced
Moore Austin M
Moore Ben Hardison
10-30-1965 M Single
Moore Billy

11-18-1965 M Married
Moore Farious Joseophus
11-01-1965 M Single
Moore Vickie Elaine
08-19-1965 F Married
Morales Frank G
06-22-1966 M Single
Morales Roque Elizalde
02-20-1966 M Single
Mosley Garvin Ray
11-21-1967 M Single
Mullins Bessie Mae
04-25-1968 F Single
Munk Otto

07-22-1969 M Single
Murray Irene

04-29-1964 F Single
Myers Kirby

02-27-1964 M Single
Neblett Vivian Randolph
01-07-1964 M Single
Nelson Frank German
03-16-1964 M Widowed
Nelson Tina Mary
04-04-1969 F Single
Nicholas Jessie Dean
01-14-1969 M Separ/Divorced
Norman Doyle Benford
05-28-1965 M Single
Norman Henry Quincy
03-16-1967 M Single
North Johnny Preston
06-10-1967 M Single
Obrien Archie Alexander
11-02-1968 F Married
Obrien George Washington
11-30-1965 M Widowed
Obryant Hollie Mae
10-13-1964 F Widowed
Ontiveros Adam

11-05-1964 M Married
Opdyke George E
01-01-1969 M Separ/Divorced
Orr William Howard
10-19-1965 M Single
Ortega Jorita L
12-21-1966 F Single
Ortez Dora

06-22-1967 F Married
Ott Herman

11-18-1968 M Single
Owens Rosa Pamelia
05-07-1966 F Widowed
Oyerbides Julia E
11-08-1967 F Widowed
Parker Lee Terrell
06-18-1969 M Single
Pate Mary Francis
04-09-1966 F Widowed
Patterson Sammie Smith
08-21-1968 M Single
Pattillo Rodney Graham
04-09-1965 M Single
Paulson Gunnard Ferd
05-19-1968 M Single
Paxton Dewoody

09-27-1965 M Single
Payan Benino Lara
07-23-1966 M Widowed
Payne Cassie Faye
06-04-1964 F Single
Peacock Lindon Gene
02-26-1967 M Married
Pearce Barbara Nell
07-01-1966 F Single
Pearce Joyce

05-29-1966 F Widowed
Peterson Warren S
12-06-1968 M Single
Peveto Homer Warren
01-25-1966 M Single
Phillips Clarence

10-29-1967 M Single
Phillips Genevieve

11-27-1964 F Widowed
Phipps Silas F
Pipkin Garvis Delmer
02-05-1967 M Single
Poe Haney Bryant
01-01-1968 M Widowed
Pomeroy Jackson Delbert
11-24-1968 M Separ/Divorced
Pomroy Augusta Margretta
03-03-1968 F Single
Poor Tracie Darline
03-26-1965 F Married
Powell Vera Lee
07-02-1968 F Single
Pringle Cleo Patria
11-06-1966 F Single
Puckett Susie Francis
04-11-1965 F Widowed
Purcell Cleta Faye
03-23-1968 F Single
Ramirez Francisco Olbera
03-18-1965 M Separ/Divorced
Ramos Arnaldo Aureilo
08-25-1969 M Married
Ramsay Susan Elizabeth
07-09-1968 F Single
Ranjel Esteban

08-29-1965 M Widowed
Ratliff Elizabeth

01-24-1968 F Widowed
Rawlins Rufus Burton
10-18-1966 M Single
Ray Barbour Quarles
06-10-1964 M Single
Richardson Earl Lee
10-30-1964 M Single
Rigas Spiras

08-10-1964 M Widowed
Riley Arnold Calvin
03-30-1965 M Widowed
Rimer Cecil Ray
04-07-1965 M Single
Roberts Agness Marie
08-29-1967 F Single
Roberts L D
02-07-1964 M Single
Roberts Russell

03-12-1968 M Widowed
Robinson Bartie

06-14-1968 F Widowed
Robinson Ruby Pearl
02-12-1966 F Married
Rodgers Fred Franklin
10-01-1967 M Single
Rodriguez Guillermo G
05-01-1969 M Single
Rodriquez Cresando

11-28-1964 M Married
Rollins Julius

12-29-1969 M Widowed
Routh Annie Luxton
02-29-1964 F Widowed
Row James Thomas
05-21-1965 M Single
Rudy Otha Grey
04-12-1964 M Single
Russell Thomas Micheal
02-18-1967 M Single
Sais Johnny Ray
05-28-1969 M Married
Salgado Isido

03-03-1966 M Single
Sanders Pati Lea
03-09-1964 F Married
Scott Lucy Mae
03-10-1968 F Widowed
Sevier Campbell A
02-18-1965 M Single
Sevier Marion

03-05-1968 F Widowed
Shaddox William Tedford
05-05-1967 M Single
Shaver Arther Curtis
02-19-1968 M Single
Shepherd Quintina

11-14-1968 F Widowed
Sherwood Daisy Mable
03-06-1965 F Widowed
Silvas Antonio S
06-01-1964 F Widowed
Simenson Marvin Randolph
05-19-1964 M Single
Simmons Jackie Idell
12-04-1967 F Widowed
Sloan Samuel Osbern
06-22-1966 M Single
Smith David Daniel
02-01-1964 M Single
Smith Dorthy Anna
11-05-1968 F Married
Smith Everette Thornton
09-30-1965 M Single
Smith John Webb
03-31-1964 M Single
Snelson Fred P
04-07-1966 M Single
Snelson Ray Riley
10-04-1966 M Married
Snelson Willie Helen
07-26-1968 F Widowed
Sotelo Florencio G Jr 11-05-1967 M Single
Spain Lula

07-10-1969 F Widowed
Speer Hill E
08-17-1968 M Single
Spruill Maisie Opal
07-30-1968 F Single
Stanfield Aubrey Ellen
10-20-1968 F Widowed
Starkey Joseph Stevenson
03-11-1968 M Single
Steen Inis Leo
06-09-1964 F Widowed
Stires Norman

08-14-1964 M Single
Stone Augusta Viola
03-11-1969 F Widowed
Stone Mildred Laraine
12-02-1965 F Single
Stoneback John Sylvester
11-29-1969 M Single
Stroud Betty Ann
12-08-1964 F Widowed
Subia Maria Carrasco
06-11-1969 F Widowed
Tarin Mario

06-19-1969 M Married
Tarin Matias O
05-31-1964 M Married
Tarres Octavio F
09-28-1965 M Single
Taylor Harry Moore
09-18-1965 M Single
Taylor Herbert F
08-24-1969 M Separ/Divorced
Taylor Horace Maynard
12-18-1965 M Single
Teague Rosa Permelia
08-01-1967 F Widowed
Terrasas Jesus

02-15-1966 M Widowed
Tetreault Eunice Marion
06-19-1965 F Widowed
Thompson Melanie

02-05-1967 F Married
Thompson Melody

02-05-1967 F Married
Thompson Seborn Acie
10-03-1964 M Widowed
Tieman Ina Alegria
02-12-1965 F Single
Treadaway Thomas Lester
04-02-1966 M Single
Treadwell Hershel H
11-16-1966 M Single
Turner Julius Kruger
01-03-1967 M Separ/Divorced
Turner Katherine Mae
07-02-1969 F Married
Turner Ruth Cook
07-02-1969 F Single
Uranga Romula

03-30-1966 F Married
Valenzuela Felipe T
10-12-1968 M Single
Vaughan Charles Franklin
02-26-1966 M Single
Vaughns Robert Leon
10-18-1966 M Single
Vaught Dave S
04-13-1966 M Widowed
Vernon Marion Francis
05-07-1969 M Widowed
Vincent Karl Daniel
07-16-1964 M Single
Wade Pinkie

03-29-1964 F Widowed
Wallace Margaret S
02-02-1965 F Widowed
Ward Bethener G
07-20-1967 F Widowed
Ward Jacqueline Lynn
04-14-1966 F Married
Watts Ira Melton
09-02-1965 M Married
Watzon Fiern C
06-03-1967 F Single
Weaver Elbert Norris
11-16-1967 M Single
Webb Ruby

09-13-1964 F Single
Weed Garey Don
05-30-1964 M Single
Wehmeyer Minnie S
07-11-1965 F Single
Wellborn William Orestes
02-05-1967 M Single
Wells Alma Lee
12-31-1969 F Single
Wells William Moody Sr 05-28-1968 M Single
Wheeler Algia Myrtle
10-04-1968 F Widowed
White Alvin Edison
02-12-1965 M Single
White Ella Mae
08-09-1966 F Widowed
White Joseph William
03-13-1966 M Single
White Richard William
02-27-1964 M Married
White Sid Henry
11-23-1967 M Single
White Theodore Martin
11-24-1965 M Widowed
Whitson Dachie

05-21-1966 M Single
Whitten Edward Doyle
10-29-1967 M Married
Wilhite Alton T
09-21-1967 M Single
Wilkinson Vern H
06-10-1968 F Widowed
Williams Ann Elizabeth
08-25-1965 M Widowed
Williams Belinda Kay
02-25-1969 F Married
Williams Glen

11-26-1966 M Single
Williams Maybelle Gracie
07-09-1968 F Widowed
Williams Minnie Mae H
02-20-1964 F Single
Willis Royce Iodon
01-02-1964 M Single
Wilson Clark Eugene
02-24-1969 M Married
Wilson Joe W
07-12-1964 M Single
Wofford Henry Clyde
05-02-1964 M Single
Wood Harold Bell
01-24-1966 M Separ/Divorced
Wright Leona B
06-18-1966 M Widowed
Yates J D
09-08-1968 M Married
Yates Mamie Julia
07-20-1969 F Widowed
Yosten Jewel Elzey
03-02-1967 F Widowed
Young Frank Lud
10-08-1968 M Single
Younger George

04-25-1967 M Single
Younggren Tracy Irwin
09-18-1965 M Married
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and temporarily coordinated by Carla Clifton.
This page was last updated on 02 November 2024.