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Ward County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Census Records

Ward County was created in 1887 so the first census record was in 1890. Before that, check in Tom Green County. Copies of census records and searchable indices for them are available at
The 1850 census was the first to name all family members and gives ages, places of birth, values of real estate, Color (white, black or mulatto) and occupations but also has columns for married within the year, attended school within the year, person over 20 who cannot read or write and "Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper or convict"; which can make interesting notes.
In addition to the 1850 columns, the 1860 census asked for value of personal property.
1870 This census added columns for born within the year (asking for the month), whether parents were foreign-born and two questions about men over 20 (voting information). Folks with a free account can search and view this census at
For 1880, we have the first census to ask for marital status and relationships within a household.
The 1890 Federal Population Schedule burned before it could be copied; there are no existing records for this county.
The 1900 Federal Census is the first census to ask for years married and asks women how many children they've borne and how many are living. It also asked for the month and year that each person was born, the year they immigrated and whether they own or rent their homes. There are also colums for street addresses but they were not generally used in rural areas. The index to this census is available to everyone with a free account at the LDS on-line library.
There are copies of the 1900 Census
1910 - This is the second census that asked for number of years married, number of children borne by females and number of living children. The index to this census is available to everyone with a free account at the LDS on-line library.
The 1920 census was enumerated in January and many families were missed, likely due to weather. It offers very little in the way of extra information except for the names of the roads on which the people lived. The index to this census is available to everyone with a free account at the LDS on-line library.
The 1930 offers addresses for folks in town, age at first marriage and veteran status. The index to this census is available to everyone with a free account at the LDS on-line library.
The 1940 offers addresses for folks in town, education level, residence in 1935, employment status and total income for 1939. The index to this census is available to everyone with a free account at the LDS on-line library.
The 1950 Federal Census desn't offer as much information as in previous years but is still worth investigating. The index to this census is available to everyone with a free account at the LDS on-line library.
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This page was last updated on 04 November 2024.