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Ward County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Tamarisk Cemetery

Grandfalls, Texas

GPS Coords: 31.3277163, -102.8409882
Southeast of Grandfalls on County Road (CR) 386. Take FM 11, southeast, out of town for less than a mile and turn right onto CR 386. Go about 600 feet and the cemetery is on the left (southeast). There are almost 600 burials here.

These photos were contributed by Charlene Beauchamp. [I'm working this one, check back tomorrow evening.
Name Birth Death Notes/Inscriptions Photographs
Abernathy, Alvis
Abernathy, Lea Eva
Acosta, Evlalia Granado
Acosta, Cruz G.
Acosta, Faustino
Acosta, Pilar Garcia
Adcock, Ava Eudaly
Adcock, Perla Eudaly
Adcock, Andrew J.
Alexander, Evan Lowell
Analla, Nina T.
Armstrong, Ford L Jr.
Armstrong, Gaynor D.
Armstrong, Samuel G.
Bailey, Olivia Marie Hare
Bean, E. P. MD
Benton, Clyde
Bernard, Alton
Bowden, Lance Alan
Bowers, George
Boyle, Albert James
Brandenburg, Elna
Brandenburg, Joe
Brandenburg, V. E. R. Brandy
Brandenburg, E. T.
Brandenburg, Joe
Brown, Archie
Brown, Howard
Brown, J. Walter
Brown, Ollie R.
Brown, William Archie
Burkhalter, Patricia Lea
Butler, C. L.
Butler, Ernest
Butler, Joshua P.
Cadena, Carlos
Cadena, Emiterio
Cadena, Librado B.
Cadena, Maria G.
Cadena, Ramona
Cahill, James Jr.
Calderon, Cleofas
Campos, Ramon
Canava, Estella Agosta
Carroll, M. D.
Chick, Louisa
Chick, M. H.
Chitwood, Tom
Covill, Charles Webster
Covill, Dora Elizabeth
Covill, John Elmer
Criswell, Josiah Vernon
Davilla, Benito
Davilla, Julia
Day, Raymond R.
Dominguez, Cruz Franco
Domingquez, Juan F.
Dominguez, Ofilia C.
Dominguez, Thomasa M.
Dominguz, Cecila Kay
Esparza, Paz
Eudaly, Arthur
Eudaly, Bess
Eudaly, Eda Weyerts
Eudaly, Harold B Sr
Eudaly, Infant d/o WG & D
Eudaly, Katharine
Eudaly, Marie Sadler
Eudaly, Milton F.
Eudaly, Minnie Borstreet MD
Eudaly, Nathan Hoyt
Eudaly, Sallie Ellen
Eudaly, Sheldon Arnold
Fontaine, Neil
Garcia, Cruz R.
Garcia, Manuela F.
Garcia, Pedro S.
Garcia, Felix
Garcia, Rosa
Garcia, Ynes
Garvin, Dollas E.
Garvin, Virginia Dare
Gilbert, Betty Jo
Gilbert, Clyde F.
Gilbert, Glover
Gilbert, Mattie Beard
Gregory, Evelyn Sybil
Gregory, Joe Rex
Grove, Irene
Gutierrez, Euginio
Handy, Manly H. Jr.
Hare, Michael Lafayette
Hernandez, Calistra
Herrera, Ray M.
Hinojos, Santos P.
Howell, James Howard
Howell, James Jefferson
Howell, Peter C.
Huertas, Felicita
Hummel, John R.
Hummel, Oliver Floyd
Hummel, Vera Belle
Iness, Edna M.
Iness, Jerry Pat
Iness, Walter
Iness, Walter S.
Irby, Polly
Isaacs, A. L.
Jaquez, Juan H.
Kasner, Joe H.
Kasner, Minnie Elizabeth
Kidd, Grover C.
Kipgen, Jessie F.
Kipgen, Victor P. Sr.
Kirby, Ruth
Knight, Alvin L.
Knight, Fay C.
Knight, William G.
Landers, Edith P.
Landers, John J.
Landers, Raymond Robert
Landers, W. B.
Lange, Hazel W.
Lange, Perry G.
Lankford, Lloyd O.
Larson, Edith Mae
Larson, Ray
Lewis, Marylyn Hunt Thurman
Loveless, Henry G.
Loveless, Marietta
Lujan, Leandro
Lujan, Manuel A.
Lujan, Manuela A.
Lujan, Natividad F.
Lujan, Victoria
Marquez, Guadalupe S.
Massey, Barbara Jo
Matthews, James A.
Matthews, Lenora S.
Mattox, Son
McCarty, Gracia Avis
McDevitt, Ida Mary
McNamee, Glenice A.
Middleton, John R.
Miles, Press O
Miller, Cleo L
Miller, R. C.
Miller, Kenneth W.
Molina, Pedro R.
Montez, Nina T.
Moore, Robert Thomas
Morales, Maria Delores
Morphew, Dalton
Morphew, Linda Kay
Morphew, Sidney Dalton
Mosly, Ernest B.
Mullins, Morris Milton
Murphey, E. H.
Myers, Genevieve
Myers, Shelby
Nicholson, Charles Lewis
Nicholson, Doris Bryant
Nicole, E. H.
Nicole, Lovey
Oftelle, Jacob Andrew
Ornelas, Concepcion
Ornelas, Salome
Ornelas, Tomas R.
Ott, Billie
Ott, Fred M.
Owen, John Relan
Owen, Polly Tolar
Payan, Berino
Payan, Mauricia
Perryman, Walter Ione
Peterson, Oscar Isador
Petree, Joseph D.
Petree, Mary
Petree, John W.
Pettit, Nora May
Peveler, Harriet Nix
Pittman, Willard C.
Pittman, Pearl D.
Polanco, Abel
Porras, Demecia R
Porras, Guadalupe L.
Porras, Manuel, Sr.
Pry, Donald M.
Quintala, Robert L.
Raglan, John P.
Raglin, Jon Richard
Raglan, Minnie F.
Ramirez, Alvaro D.
Ramirez, Antonio
Ramirez, Guadalupe D.
Ramirez, Jesus I.
Reece, Billy Ray
Regan, Gracie J.
Regan, Leslie H.
Renfro, Charles J.
Rey, Catalina
Rey, Delfa
Rios, Francisco P.
Rios, Sofia P.
Rodriquez, Hilario R.
Rodriquez, Nieves Sr.
Romair, Lucile F.
Sanker, Sophia S.
Santiago, Angelita R.
Santiago, Daniel P.
Santiago, Vincente P.
Shane, Bessie L.
Shane, William
Shear, Chester
Shirley, Danny Boy
Sidlo, A. Myrle
Sidlo, Frank
Sidlo, George A.
Sidlo, Jerry
Sidlo, Marie
Siebenhor, Albert Victor
Siebenhor, Dorothy P Chipman
Simpson, Aaron D. S.
Slinger, Larry Wayne
Smith, Clifford
Smith, Connie Frances
Snelson, Mary Susie
Snelson, M. R. Sr.
Snelson, Morris R.
Springen, Mary
Stallings, Willie M. d/o WD & AM
Steele, Leslie P.
Thurman, David R.
Thurman, Marylyn Hunt
Thurman, Mason A. "Matt"
Torres, David E.
Torres, Jose
Turner, Cordelia Chriswell
Turner, James Arthur
Turner, Julius K.
Tvrdy, Anton
Valencia, Flora F.
Vanderford, Frank
Vargas, Baltazar Jr.
Vasquez, Pascual C. Jr.
Viscaino, Federico A.
Viscaino, Freddie R.
Viscaino, Gonzalo H.
Viscaino, Petra H.
Wagnon, Raymond M.
Walker, Frances White
Walker, John Henry
Walker, William Oliver
Wells, James E., Sr.
Whipkey, Peggy J.
White, Alfred Lind
White, Charles Anne
White, David Charles
White John Sweatt
White, Mary Julia
White, Theodore Martin
White, Vida Lucille
Witcher, James Douglas
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Original content and design Copyright © 2025 TXGenWeb
and temporarily coordinated by Carla Clifton.
This page was last updated on 01 November 2024.