Tarrant County
Yesterday's News
In Tarrant County
Page 4-A
Compiled by Barbara Knox
The Fort Worth Democrat, 1
March 1873
William S. Oldham of Fort Worth and Clara O.
Marshall were married in Galveston. She is the
daughter of Col. John Marshall, formerly editor of
the Austin State Gazette and he is a son of Judge
William S. Oldham. The latter was a Senator from
Texas in the Confederate State Congress and had
worked with Marshall on the Gazette.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 8
March 1873
entertainment was given for the newly organized Hook
and Ladder Company by the DeVere Silver Cornet Band
with refreshments provided by the Ladies Palace Ice
Cream Parlor. Miss Sallie Johnson was named the most
popular young lady. Others were Misses Ann T.
Harper, Nola Mackey, Kitty Andrews, Mrs. Ellison,
Miss Letitia Tucker and Miss Emma Knight. Mrs. S. E.
Ellison will give a vocal and instrumental concert,
with proceeds to go to the Company, which was named
by Miss Sallie M. Johnson in honor of her father,
Col. M. T. Johnson.
L. Benton, painter, left Fort Worth on the 10th,
taking a Glazier's diamond belonging to George
Jackson. The suspect is 45 years old with a
"flattened nose nestled in a bushy mustache."
M. B. Loyd, a Trustee of the North Fort Worth
Cemetery Association, has engaged the Devere Troupe
for the benefit of the cemetery fund.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 29
March 1873
E. Houston of Fort Worth and Mr. James Lindley of
Corsicana were married March 19, 1873. Mr. Willey,
who lived on the Dallas road, some five miles from
town, was killed last Wednesday when his horse fell
on him.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 3 May
Sam Evans, Tuck Boaz and Mr. Fitzgerald left for
Tyler to answer charges of violating the Ku Klux
Bill. S. Terry was appointed administrator of the
estate of I. R. Worrell. J. T. Litton and M. A.
Hearne have dissolved their partnership. James M.
Gray filed in District Court against Mrs. Uriah
Burns regarding a lost deed for Peter's Colony
Certificate No. 56. It was patented to the heirs of
Alexander Thompson and the defendant was Thompson's
only heir.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 31
May 1873
views of our city have been made by L. W. Crawford.
N. H. Wilson has returned from an extended western
tour. Mrs. W. H. Richardson's wife, Mary Jane, died
May 29th. Mr. Harch and Mr. Ransom were injured when
their vehicle overturned on the Dallas Road and were
treated by Dr. Isbell at the Prairie House.
Desdemona Cheek and T. F. Cheek, executors of the
estate of Pendleton Cheek, filed petition with
District Court to sell certain lands belonging to
the estate.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 7
June 1873
Worth is six years old with a population of 2500;
about 20 stores, four hotels, two banks and three
newspapers. The town is built in the old Mexican
style with the plaza and courthouse in the square.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 12
July 1873
A. E. Hoffman, only daughter of L. M. Hoffman died
on the 7th, aged 5 months and 14 days. Nat. M.
Burford is a candidate for Senator for the District
composed ot Tarrant, Ellis and Dallas counties. J.
G. Smith, executor, filed for letters of
administration on the estate of Virginia E. Smith
July 4, 1873.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 19
July 1873
who enjoyed a party at Col. Moore's home included
Mrs. Brewster, Mrs. Maddox, Mrs. Ellison, Misses
Katie Moore, Thomason, Kittie Andrews, Josie Gant,
[name not given] Boaz of Birdville, Emma Knight,
Mollie Overton and Ann T. Harper; Judge and Mrs.
Wilkins; Dr. and Mrs. Verdier, Gov. Throckmorton and
Captain Daggett. Captain Tarrant has gone to Sulphur
Springs for his health. Mrs. E. Terry, esteemed
early resident of Fort Worth, died Monday of
The Fort Worth Democrat, 2
August 1873
G. Kirk, B. R. Booker, Wm. S. Metcalf and James
Prewett left on the 31st for Galveston. Dr. Van
Zandt will pay a liberal reward for the recovery of
his stolen saddle
Democratic Executive Committee, met July 19th at
Birdville to elect a delegate to the County
Convention to be held in Fort Worth Aug. 2nd. A. F.
Leonard was the chairman with E. Farmer secretary.
Named to the committee to draft resolutions: I. D.
Parker, Henry O'Neal, Jeff Earle, C. B. Daggett, F.
Smith and Dr. Wallace.
meeting of Precinct 2 was held at Johnson's Station
on July 2nd. Dr. A. K. Middleton nominated S. H.
Tummins Chairman and Thomas Spruance Secretary.
Delegates to the Convention: John Ray, Dr. A. K.
Middleton, Walter Beale, L. L. Joplin, M. W. Ditto,
J. W. Sublett, T. N. Buchanan, C. H. Childers, Frank
Christman and J. W. S. Morrison.
from Precinct 1: John Hanna, S. Terry, W. R. Gause,
J. P. Smith and P. B. Smallwood.Precinct 3:
Delegates: S. D. Sanson, A. H. Boyd, C. W. Smith, A.
B. Clark, R. B. Sigler, W. W. McGinnis, J. C. Tharp,
J. S. Chapman, E. Crowley and James Joyce.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 4
September 1879
J. Tyler and Miss Lee Majors were married at the
home of the bride's father Thursday evening, Judge
C. C. Cummings, officiating.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 9
September 1879
M. N. B. Williams, one of our oldest citizens, died
yesterday; services will be held with full Masonic
The Fort Worth Democrat, 10
September 1879
M. C. Flanagan and Mr. G. F. Bell were married at
the TransContinental Hotel Monday, Rev. W. W. Brimm
The Fort Worth Democrat, 11
September 1879
Ella Daugherty and E. C. Shugart were married last
evening at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. W. Brimm
officiating Shugart is a salesman for Henry and
Underwood Hardware. A private reception was held at
the home of Mr. R. F. Tackaberry.
Sallie H. Daniels of this county married John Hood
of Tupelo, Miss. August 17th at the residence of J.
R. Daniel, Elder R. C. Renfro. Mr. Hood became ill
with spinal meningitis on August 19th and died some
two weeks later.Rev. A. Fitzgerald's wife, Mary,
died Sunday, Sept. 7th at Red Sulphur Springs. She
will be buried in the city cemetery Monday morning.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 12
September 1879
Grand Military Ball, social event of the season, was
given at Evan's Hall by the Tarrant Goards with 400
attending. Those in charge of the event were Surgeon
A. D. Ansell, Dr. J. P. Booth and Lt. T. H. McMahon.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 17
September 1879
Emma Berry and H. J. Stockett were married at the
Southern Methodist Church last night. After the
ceremony, a sumptuous repast was served at the home
of the groom's sister. Mrs. J. T. Melton. The bride
is the adopted daughter of Rev. M. H. Wells.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 10
October 1879
Malinda Bishop and A. G. Brooks were married last
evening at the Baptist Church, Rev. Gillespie
officiating. A reception was held at the home of the
bride following the ceremony.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 25
October 1879
Nettie E. Harrell and Edgar W. Hope were married at
the home of the bride's brother, C. L. Harris on the
evening of the 23rd.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 30
October 1879
Fannie Darnell and Henry W. Tucker were married on
the 29th at the home of Thomas Whitten, Rev. Burnett
The Fort Worth Democrat, 4
November 1879
25 years of separation, the eight brothers and
sisters of Stephen Mulkey were reunited at his home
on Saturday, November 1st. Rev. Dr. McKenzie, wife
and daughter, close friends of the Mulkeys' parents,
were also present. The oldest member present was Dr.
Mulkey of Kaufman and the youngest Mrs. Orgain, wife
of our postoffice clerk.
E. Buford and C. D. King, both of this county, were
married Oct. 30, at the home of Dr. Buford, Rev.
Robert Logan officiating.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 8
November 1879
Spiller and wife, the former Miss Belle Loring of
Graham, Texas, are at the El Paso Hotel and plan to
go east on their bridal tour.
Mary Castele and William Preston were married at St.
Andrews' Rectory Friday evening, 7th November, Rev.
W. W. Patrick officiating.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 13
November 1879
of the most noted marriages that ever occured in
Fort Worth took place Tuesday evening, when Mr.
Hendrock Henderson, aged 34, married Mrs. Caroline
D. Witwa, aged 66, the ceremony being performed by
Judge McClung.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 14
November 1879
S. E. Pugh and G. H. Herrell, both of Arlington,
were married yesterday at the Trans-Continental
Hotel. During the reception following the ceremony,
Deputy Sheriff Isbell summoned the groom for jury
The Fort Worth Democrat, 9
December 1879
Miss Nannie A. Thornton
married Thomas R. Sandidge on Tuesday December 6th,
at the home of her father, J. A. Thornton.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 12
December 1879
Fannie Waggoman and W. C. Fly were married last
evening at the First Cumberland Presbyterian church,
Rev. M. D. Fly officiating. Following the ceremony,
a reception was held at the home of Capt. Lyles,
brother- in-law of the bride.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 14
December 1879
H. Stahl and Mrs. Ann Genkins were married in
Mansfield on the 9th. Dennis Mahoney and Mary A.
Wallace and John B. Graves and Octavia Wallace were
married in a double ceremony on the same date.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 26
December 1879
S. Davis, prominent young lawyer, and Miss Susie C.
Kennedy were married last evening at the home of
Capt. O. S. Kennedy, Rev. Allen officiating.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 27
December 1879
Leslie Fox, stepson of Col. J. P. Smith, died
yesterday morning at the Smith residence. He was
born in Carroll Co. Miss. July 7, 1862. Six
uniformed cadets were present at the large funeral
service and a resolution of respect was passed by A
& M College.
The Fort Worth Democrat, 30
December 1879
F. P. Prewitt of Fort Worth and Miss Effie Emery
were married at the home of the bride's father near
Kaufman, Texas.
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