Tarrant County
Yesterday's News In Tarrant
Page 1-B
Items from the Graham
Leader, Graham, Texas
Published in Footprints Vol. 31 No. 3,
Vol. 32, Nos. 2 & 4 and Vol. 33 No. 4
Compiled by Barbara Knox
Dec 30, 1882
Fort Worth is destined to be
among the best cities of the state. She has the
finest water works, has extended the street
railroads, has gas lighting of the streets, has
built a cotton oil mill and an opera house, and soon
will have all major streets paved. In addition,
another railroad will be added - the Fort Worth and
Rio Grande.
Clarence Veitch was in Mrs.
Lizzie Swim's fruit and vegetable stand when he lit
a cigar and put the match to a sky rocket causing
all the other fire works to explode, setting fire to
the building. A Bartheo, Mrs. Swim's brother, was
badly burned on his hands and face in an effort to
rescue his sister. She perished in the fire and
officers are searching for Veitch.
Jan. 6, 1883
At 3 oclock yesterday, 99
bales of cotton at Union depot caught fire - 14 were
saved and the loss amounted to $6500.
March 10, 1883
Four suits have been filed
in Fort Worth for divorce: Emma Pearl Costa vs.
Garibaldi W. Costa - plaintiff claims brutal
treatment; no children; Lula Alberto Gabriel vs.
Amiel Alberto Gabriel - plaintiff claims brutal
treatment and says defendant stole her jewelry; no
children; Martha Halen vs. Charles Henry Haley; five
children; plaintiff says defendant unbearably cross
from opium eating and brutal to her and children;
Molly Finley vs. Sam Finley - defendant whipped
plaintiff brutally in public. All four husbands
charged with using foul language.
On October 10, 1869, Lemuel
Edwards was found dead on his farm on Clear Fork 5
miles from Fort Worth. At the time, his son-in-law,
James Creswell, was thought to be the murderer. The
case was forgotten until several months ago when
Sheriff Maddox received word from south Texas that a
prisoner named Creswell, alias Williams, was being
held to see if he was wanted elsewhere in the state.
He was brought to the Fort last week, found guilty
of murder in the first degree and sentenced to life
April 14, 1883
The second charge against
Mrs. Burchell, postmistress at Fort Worth, was read
on Saturday. Eight sacks of H. H. Warner's circulars
had been sent for distribution. Only three were
given out and the rest sold. She was bound over to
the Federal Court on $500 bond.
May 19, 1883
Dallas and Fort Worth are
struggling to surpass each other in commerce and
trade. The Fort had the edge but Dallas recently
secured a large boot and shoe factory and will also
have a large cotton factory.
June 18, 1883
Fort Worth. At 10 o'clock
this morning a chambermaid at the El Paso Hotel
found Robert H. Rozell, well known cotton buyer,
"start and cold in death." He had just returned from
a trip to San Antonio for health reasons; visited
his wife (who left him in Little Rock two months ago
because of his drunkenness) and his little son. He
later purchased 10 grams of morphine at a drug store
which he took when retiring,. The jury called it
"death from heart disease."
July 24, 1883
The City of Fort Worth was
terrorized tonight with the threat of a riot. Two
hundred men, working on the sewers, had been waiting
two weeks to be paid. When the city council finally
appropriated enough money, a mistake was made, and
only sixty cents out of each dollar was actually
paid. The riot was prevented by the vigilence of
Marshal Rea and other officers and eloquent speeches
by Alderman Hickey and Attorney M. D. Kent.
Feb. 22, 1884
There was a "general stir
up" at the First Baptist Church in Fort Worth, when
George S. Eaton of Galveston, brought charges
against the pastor, Rev. J. D. Murphy. The
minister's daughter is involved in the case, and the
trial will probably end early next month.
This page was last modified
22 June 2019.
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