Petition of Mary (X) M C Hughs for letters of administration on the
"estate of my Decd Husband, John W. Hughes...." May 21, 1856.
Bond of Mary Mc Hughes, administratrix of the estate of John W. Hughes,
deceased; $4000. sureties: James H. Hughes and Joseph M. Looney. Approved
30 June 1856.
Inventory and appraisement of the property of John W. Hughes, deceased,
as returned 27 July 1856 by J. M. Loony, Jasper Campbell, and M. W. Davenport.
Included: waggons; horses; oxen; stock cattle; 320 acres land; set blacksmith
tools; farm equipment; household and kitchen furniture; cooking stove; much
fabric; 26 pair silk gloves; ceiling wax; hair dye; damask table cloths;
gun locks, waffle irons, blank books, Geog and Atlas; Andrews Latin Reader;
Davies Legendre and Bourbon; Olneys Geography; Greek Testaments; McGuffys
3rd Readers; Smiths Grammer; Parkers 1st Les. Philosophy; Greek Readers;
Chemestries; Websters Dictionary; set knfs and fks, etc. [five pages; perhaps
the stock of a general store].
Names of persons with accounts dues Isaach Bine; Wm B. Hughes decs [decd?];
A. J. Calwell; J. M. Looney; Wm H. Clanton; Mr. Johnson; Mr. Thomson; A.
J. Foster; Mr. Decker; Walter Morgan; Rachael Partery; Saml Freeman; M. W.
Davenport; Mary Barnes; John Freeman; P. J. Medlin; note on F. C. Howeth.
[H. J. Fairly certified that he certified Jno. W. Looney as one of the
appraisers.] Filed 28 July 1856.
Petition of Mary M. Hughes, admx, to sell perishable property.
S/ Mary Mc Hughes. Filed 28 July 1856. Petition granted.
Affidavit of John Collins. Henderson County, Texas.
I, John Collins, of said county ... swear that when John W. Hughes left the
County of Henderson last Fall be was owing me an open account as follows
vis for one broad brim black hat for self bought at my store on the 18 Septr
1855. Nov 19/55 Contra Novr 19/55 amt from Smith for Davenport.... Hughes
left with me for sale on commn... He instructed me to use the nett proceeds
first to balance his open account and then place the remainder on 'his note....
His instructions were complied with long before I learn of his death vis
by the 21 January last.... S/ John Collins.
Being familiar with the business of John Collins I ... swear that the above
statement of account is true.... S/ Thos. F. Murchison. Sworn before E. J.
Thomson, C.J., Henderson Co.
Buyers at sale of goods, wares and merchandise August 12, 1856:
S. H. Hope; J. H. Condred; John Harper.- Wm. H. Clanton,, H. Hurse; J. O.
Chitwood; G. W. Hope; A. S. Leonard; A. F. Leonard; A. S. Harris; J. A. Freeman;
V. J. Hutton; S. Drew; L. Franklin; A. Newton; J. Cates; D. C. Henderson;
B. J. Foster; Wm Hall; W. M. Davenport,. W. E. Allen,- Wm. Bosson; E. A.
Bates; S. Welton?; T. A. Graves; A. Thomson; J. F. Byrd; A. Christean; A.
J. Partin; H. Decker; Wm Quail; J. R. Hughes; P. J. Medlin.
Annual Exhibit of estate. Filed 27 July 1857. |
Accounts due estate by: |
S. J. H. Hope |
John Harper |
G. W. Hope |
W. H. Clanton |
H. Hursse |
A. S. Harris |
A. S. Leonard |
J. O. Chitwood |
S. Drew |
J. A. Freeman |
A. P. Leonard |
J. Cates |
M. W. Davenport |
V. J. Hutton |
D. C. Henderson |
L. Franklin |
A. Newton |
W. E. Allen |
B. J. Foster |
W. Hall |
S. C. H. Witten |
L. [?] W. Bosson |
E. A. Bates |
J. F. Bird |
T. A. Graves |
A. Thompson |
A. J. Parten |
A. Christian |
Wm Quail |
J. H. Hughes |
H. Decker |
John Dove |
J. Condra |
P. J. Medlin |
E. H. Horrell vs. Estate of Hughes. Tarrant County, Texas.
Four pages showing that suit was brought in District Court of Anderson County,
Texas at spring term 1856 by Crawford & Taylor to collect on a note given
25 October 1855 by J. H. Hughes, and co-signed by E. H. Horrell. The suit
was dismissed as to Hughes, and judgment rendered against Horrell. On November
1, 1856, Joseph A. Crawford made affidavit that he was one of the firm of
Crawford & Taylor at the time a promissory note was executed to them....
Horrell was only the security for said Hughes ... Hughes being the principal
in said note. Sworn before James E. Teague, N.P., Beat 3, Anderson Co. On
13 Nov. 1856, Edward H. Horrell made affidavit that the estate of J. H. Hughes
was justly indebted to him. Sworn before James E. Morris, N.P., Kaufman Co.,
Texas. Mary Mc Hughes, admx, J. W. Hughes estate, accepted the claim on March
5, 1858.
Final return of administrator. Filed 27 January 1859. Mary Mc Hughes
presented vouchers showing payments made by estate
- |
to J. Tracey Morehead, court fees. |
- |
to John Collins, for note dated Xmas/55 for $107.02. |
- |
to A. F. Leonard, at Grape Vine, note due Feb. 1, 1856. |
- |
to J. D. Alexander, account from March 5 - April 5, 1856, for "visit
per Lady, med; med per Frances [?]. sworn before E. P. Tuck, J..P., Pct 3,
Denton Co., 20 Oct. 1856. |
- |
to R. C. Montgomery, of Athens, Henderson Co. |
- |
to John Collins, of Athens, Henderson Co., a note of hand due Decr
25/55 executed at Athens by J. W. Hughes on Novr 10, 1855. |
- |
to M. W. Davenport, note dated 28 Feb. 1856. |
- |
to James Cate, note dated 22 Dec. 1855. |
- |
to Wm H. Robinson, M.D., for "visit Self 12 miles, med. and attention
all night" in March 1856. |
- |
to A. F. Leonard, for "rent of the store for two months. Woodson and
Mitchells Tonic medicine. |
- |
to Isaac Parker for E. H. Horrell account. |
- |
to Wm Quayle, court fees. March 1, 1859. |