Petition of Eli G. Harris for letters of administration on the estate
of Wm. W. Hall, late of Tarrant County, who died intestate. Filed 27 Oct.
Petition of Eli G. Harris, adm'r, to sell "some pork hogs and some horses
and mules which are perishable property and liable to waste." Filed Dec.
term 1862.
Petition of Eli G. Harris to "carry on the steam grist mill belonging
to the estate of W. W. Hall, Decd for the use and benefit of said estate...."
Dec. term 1862.
"A list and inventory of money and notes that has been received and come
to my knowledge since rendering last inventory. Received at probate court
July term for the use of the Estate of W. W. Hall for the maintainance of
the heirs of T. M. Hood $115. [also,] one note in favor of W. W. Hall and
indorsed by James M. Lucky, F. A. Leach, Edward Hovenkamp and B. B. McGuire
drawing interest at 12 percent since April the 18th 1861 for $600 $715.00"
Filed Dec. 28, 1863.
Exhibit of estate of W. W. Hall, at Jan. term 1864. Liabilities. Accounts
W. McCullock |
D. M. Lipscomb |
E. M. Jenkins |
W. W. Deavenport |
Jeff Estill |
W. P. Clower |
E. G. Harris |
W. P. Duvall |
B. F. Martin |
John Upshaw |
J. L. Chivers |
Charles Medlin |
J. West |
H. O. Throop |
Elijah Rogers |
He has paid (of the above liabilities) W. McCullock, E. G. Harris, Wm
R. Duval, N. E. Thompson, John Upshaw, J. West, M. W. Deavenport, H. O. Throop,
and Elijah Rogers.
Torn papers, perhaps belonging to this report, shows accounts collected
from Thomas Sprouse, McCants, J. Bird, G. W. Hope, B. B. Johnson, Brockus,
J. Owens, J. A. Kier, A. Hope, J. Teel, J. L. Edwards, and J. L. Starkey.
Torn paper showing cash payments made in 1864 to the widow ($300) and
to the heirs of T. M. Hood ($1431.62).
Petition of Eli G. Harris to resign as adm'r of the estate of W. W. Hall.
He "has been a number of years losing his eyesight until he is at present
so blind that he is rendered unfit for business." Dated 3 NOV. 1865. Filed
10 Nov. 1865.
Hall's Mill. Mar. 6, 1866.
Hon. S. Terry, Chief
Justice Dear
Sir We hereby
wave our right to administer upon the Estate of W.W. Hall Decd and respectfully
nominate and recommend [blank] as our choice and as the most suitable person
he being more deeply interested in the welfare of said Estate than any other
person aside from the family of the deceased. S/ Y. A. Pegram & Sarah
Letter to Judge Barkley from M. W. Deavenport, adm'r, in which he requests
an order to sell land in order to pay indebtedness of estate, "to wit, the
N.E. quarter of the F. Throop survey of 160 acres, and the Bal. of Hall's
hdright survey and his preemption survey containing 410 acres [or 110 acres;
ink smeared] ...on the first Tuesday in Oct. Please send me word by Mr.
Citation to M. W. Deavenport to appear on the second Monday in March,
1871, and make his annual return. S/ Dan Parker, Clk of the District Court.
Administrator reports he has collected of Wm. White, Duval & Cree,
L. H. Chivers, M. G. Moyun[?], and T. J. Barkwell, No date.
Auditor's report, recommending that estate be closed. S/ E. G. Bonnr[?].
Vouchers, showing payments made by estate:
- |
to M. W. Deavenport; note given him 18 April 1861 by W. W. Hall for
the northeast quarter of Francis Throop's headright survey in Tarrant
County. |
- |
to James J. West, for work done on dwelling house in 1861. |
- |
to Joshua Cook, for appraising estate. |
- |
to D. M. Lipscomb, for prescriptions, medicine, and visits in the
year 1861. |
- |
to John Upshaw, for visits and medicine between June 2, 1862 and Sept.
6, 1862. |
- |
to Walter McCullock; note. |
- |
to Elijah Rogers, for seven cows and calves. |
- |
to Isham Crowley. |
- |
to B.F. Martin, for cutting 4 1/2 cords wood in July 1860 and 10 cords
in Feb. 1861. |
- |
to Josiah Willing [?]; $150, for one set of blacksmith tools |
- |
to Charles Medlin for 45 lbs. wool. |
- |
to Sarah (X) Hall; $300., it being the amount set aside by the court
for maintainance. March 1, 1863. |
- |
to Urias P. Martin, for digging wells on Aug. 1. Credit of $12.80
by bread stuff. Sworn 7 March 1863 before E. N. Hudgins, J. P. |
- |
to William Thompson, for 1 1/2 months work at mill. 21 Mar. 1863. |
- |
to J. S.Cooper, for work on mill to March 18, 1863. |
- |
to J. G. Harris, for 60 days work on mill and hunting stock. April
25, 1863. |
- |
to S. Terry, for twenty days work at 75 cents. |
- |
to Richard Rankin, for 5 months work "as injineer for the mill." |
- |
to W. W. McGinnis, for surveying. April 9, 1863 |
- |
to J. T. Harris, for 8 days work on mill. Aug. 18, 1863. |
- |
to D. H. Thurmond, for 8 days work on mill. July 29, 1863. |
- |
to Jeff Estill, "for one colt from Jack Rambler." Account sworn 8
May 1863 before James Joyce, N.P., at Grapevine. |
- |
to W. P. Clower. 30 July 1864. |
- |
to James Joyce, for taking the acknowledgement of three deeds for
the use of the estate. 23 June 1863. |
- |
to E. M. Jenkins, Grapevine, Texas, for Miss's shoes, letter postage,
domestic sacks, and postage on Democrat. Sworn 12 June 1863 before E. N.
Hudgins, J. P., Pct. 2. |
- |
to Wm Speer, $150; for one pair mill rocks and glasing, etc. |
- |
to E. G. Harris, adm'r W. W. Hall estate; $500 to buy a set of Mill
Rock and other machinery for Hall's mill. Nov. 1863. |
- |
to Hardy O. Throop, for boarding and clothing Louisa E. Hood from
June 1, 1862 to June 1, 1863. " W. W. Hall was her guardian." |
- |
to Eliza Killen, for hire of black man for five months work at Hall's
Mill. |
- |
to J. H. Martin, $33, for eight "bords wood" and twelve days work
on mill and digging well. |
- |
to Larkin H. Chivers, payment of notes dated 1860 and 1861. |
- |
to N. E. Thompson; for labor. April 4, 1863. |
- |
to Hobart and Foster, New Orleans, $821.37; note given 21 May 1860
to L. H. Gilman. Confirmed by George Foster of firm of Hobart & Foster
20 April 1866. Examined, approved and ordered recorded April 1867 by M. B.
Lee West, County Judge, Tarrant County. |
- |
to T. J. Barkley, for medical services rendered in family; for order
paid to H. O. Throop and to F. Plank; and hire of negro for 2 months (all
in 1862). Approved May 1, 1866. |
- |
to Eli G. Harris, $480; for "12 months work as miller at Hall's mel;"
$278 in cash, the balance in "bread stuf." |
- |
to A. G. Cummins; $24. Acct sworn before Ryan Harrington, J.P., Beat
2. 18 Sept. 1860. Paid 1867. |