Passing of Senator A.R. McCollum, Editor, Gentleman, Friend
We had all looked
forward to "Press Day" at the Cotton Palace, Waco, last Saturday
with special pleasure in having Senator
A.R. McCollum as one of our hosts. For more than 40
years he has been a leading factor in the up-building of Waco,
and of McClennan County as editor there. He was a gentleman of
the old school, unusually fluent in writing and always forcible,
clean-cut, yet gentle and kindly in differing with any one. He
and this editor had been close, warm personal friends for more
than 40 years, I shall miss him. It was a sad pleasure, one not
unmixed with gladness that such a life had not perished, could
not die, when I was one of his throng of friends who were
privileged to attend the funeral service by his pastor of St.
Paul's Episcopal church. The family--the wife, daughter, two
splendid sons-one, G.E. McCollum,
being postmaster of Waco--have the sincere, heartfelt sympathy
and prayers of a host of friends throughout Texas in this hour
of bereavement. Waco will miss his influences, his council, his
forceful and genial personality. Truly may it be said of him as
the "man of God" said of one of old: "Know thou that a man and 3
prince has this day fallen in Israel."
The only office he
ever sought was that of Senator from his district, which he was
filling at the time of his death.
H. Robinson
Will H. Robinson died Thurs., Nov. 7 at his home in
North Arlington, after a long illness of pneumonia. Funeral
service was held at the home by Rev. S.M.
Bennett. Interment was in Watson cemetery, in charge of
Mr. Hugh M. Moore.
Robinson leaves his wife and 3 children. Two brothers, Mr. John Robinson and Mr. Lon Robinson,
also survive him. Mr. Robinson had
many friends here and in all the vicinity, who have anxiously
hoped for his recovery and were glad to hear that he was able to
sit up last Wednesday.
On Wed. night he
relapsed and death came at 8 o'clock Thursday morning. His
bereaved family have the deepest sympathy of all our people in
their darkest hour.

George Worthington Dead
While having been in
Arlington only a few months, Mr. George
Worthington , superintending the building of the new
Methodist church, Mr. and Mrs. Worthington
who had rooms at Mrs. F.V. Lawrence's
made many warm friends. These deeply sympathize with Mr.
Worthington in the death of his wife, which occured
last Saturday. Mrs. Worthington was
taken with influenza and was sick for several weeks, and
succumbed in spite of all efforts of the best physicians, And
two days before she died her mother and father both died of the
same malady at their home in Gatesville and had expressed a
wish, knowing of her critical condition that if she and they
must go hence, soon, that they all go together and be reunited
where "parting is no more, and there is no more pain, nor
sickness, nor death." They had their wish. Mr.
Worthington is assured that the entire community feels
deeply with him in his irreparable loss.
of Mrs. Charlie Rogers
Charlie Rogers died Tuesday evening. She had been
convalescing from a long illness, but relapsed Tuesday morning.
Funeral service was postponed to Friday morning, on account of
several of her children being away. All our people are friends
of this family and they have their deepest sympathy in the loss
of this beloved wife and mother.
George Worthington
There is sadness In
Arlington Again since death took another dear young wife,
Mrs. Bennie Worthington, wife of Mr.
George Worthington. Hers was the fourth loss in her
family within ten days. Her little babe died on Nov. 7. Her
mother (at Gatesville) at 10 o'clock and her father at 10:30 on
Nov. 13. Mrs. Worthington died Nov.
17, at 3 sanitarium in Ft. Worth, after a long illness of
pneumonia after influenza. The body was brought to Arlington and
prepared for burial by Hugh M. Moore
then remained at Mrs. Lawrence's,
her late home, until Monday.
George Kell of Red Oak, a sister who had been with Mrs. Worthington during her illness, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worthington and Mr. Billy Parks of Dallas. remained over
night and escorted the body to Gatesville Monday for funeral and
interment. Mrs. Dan Hightower
motored them to Ft. Worth.
Worthington was born in Gatesville to Mr.
and Mrs. Robinson, Nov. 11 1891, being 27 years of age.
She came with her husband to Arlington June 25 this year, when
he came to superintend rebuilding the Methodist church. During
their short stay they won a host of friends whose love was
attested by many beautiful floral offerings.
Worthington was a Christian, a member of the Methodist
church. She did not know of her parents home going until she met
them in the presence of her lord. She is happy and knows now
that "all is well." Her husband and her relatives have the
deepest sympathy of the entire city.

Sanders passed from Earth to Heaven
After struggling for
several years with the great White Plague, Crutcher
Sanders, son of Dr. and Mrs. H.S.
Sanders of Arlington, went from earth to heaven at 8
o'clock last Monday night. His has been truly a Christian life,
measured by the Master's own standards. He was helpful, always
full of cheer, never complained during his years of suffering
and waiting, thoughtful of others always, and his devotion to
his parents all the years of his manhood was Inspiring and
beautiful. Theologians may prate of some special demonstration,
but the Master gave us only one and final stand by which to
judge and of those who really knew Crutcher
knew he came up to that standard as laid down in the 25th
chapter of St. Mathew. In this he had before him always the
beautiful life of his mother who, in the prime of her life and
health, was veritably a "ministering angel" as Scott so
truthfully phrases such a woman. And he was not untrue to the
teachings of his parents. And he met death with that same calm
that he discharged every other thing in life. While he served as
mail carrier in Ft. Worth his patrons, with whom I had talked of
him, learned to appreciate his steadiness, his never-failing
courtesy, his readiness to put himself out in any and all ways
to serve them, and give satisfaction. I have known but few men
or women who were so evenly consistent in such a life of service
to others and thought-free of self. And, at 1ast, this is the
only thing that counts--for the Master Himself has said of such.
"In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these,
my brethren, ye have done it unto me; come ye blessed of my
father, enjoy the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation
of the world," It is a consolation to his parents and his
brothers, Lieut. Frank Sanders, in
the army surgeon corps, James Sanders,
of Ft. Worth, well known commercial traveling man and Hardy
Sanders, of El Paso, in the banking business, to have
the memory of a son and brother such as was Crutcher
Sanders. I shall miss him as if of my own family for I
loved him much.
Charlie Rogers
Charlie Rogers was born in Magnolia, Arkansas, November
13, 1869 and died November 19, 1918, after a lingering illness
of many months. She was married to Charlie
Rogers January 20, 1887, From this union 11 children
were born, one dying in infancy.
Too much cannot be
said of the tender and loving care given her by her family
during her illness. She was full of sunshine and patient in her
affliction; was a good neighbor, a true friend and a devout
The love and sympathy
of the entire community go out to this heart broken husband and
these dear children who are bereft of the sweetest and purest
treasure that children ever possess--a dear loving mother.
To each one we would
say, look heavenward, for she is waiting for you in the home of
the blessed, where she will meet you with the same sweet smile
where parting is no more. A loving friend.
Funeral service for Mrs. Rogers was held at the Baptist
church Friday, November 22, by Rev. W.J.
Hearon, pastor of the Methodist church, of which she
was a member.
John Jones, of Nevada, Texas, an old time neighbor,
offered a fitting tribute to the memory of Mrs.
Rogers as a citizen of his city.
Out of town people
attending the funeral were her children, Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Abilene: Mr.
Edgar Rogers, El Paso; Mr. Ellie
Rogers, Ft. Omaha, Neb.; and Miss
Gertha Rogers of Mesquite. Other friends, Mr.
and Mrs. M.J. Dennis and Mr. John Jones of Nevada, Mrs. Margaret Thompson, Mrs. Fred Dickson and
daughter, Margaret of Dallas, Misses
Berta and Pearl Phelps of _____ and Mrs.
C.E. Randolph of Rice, Texas.
Ernest McConnell
Friends of the family
of Rev. A.P. Collins of Ft. Worth,
formerly of Arlington, will regret to learn of the death of his
son-in-law, Dr. Ernest McConnell,
who resided near Corpus Christi. Dr.
McConnell died November 19 of pneumonia, and was buried
in Mt. Olivet cemetery at Ft. Worth, November 25. Mrs.
McConnell (nee Miss Ada Collins)
and two children survive him. They will return to Ft. Worth. Mrs. McConnell is a niece of Mrs.
Maggie Robinson and Dr. J.D.
Collins of Arlington.
J. Slaughter
Henry J. Slaughter was stricken with paralysis Tuesday
night of last week and died Thursday, the 28th at 4
o'clock in the afternoon. Funeral service was held at the home
Friday by Rev. W.J. Hearon.
Interment was at Van Alstyne Saturday. Mr.
Slaughter is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Lillian Geer of Italy and six sons,
Messrs. Homer and Z.T. of Arlington,
Fulton of Dallas, Howard
in Tri-State University, Angola, Indiana
and Frank, in Vanderbilt University.
Slaughter had been in Arlington only a few months but
had won the genuine friendship of our people by his kind and
genial disposition. We realize that we have lost a good citizen
and a Christian brother. His sons are our long-time friends and
they, their mother and sister, have the heartfelt sympathy of a
host of friends. Mr. Slaughter's
brother at Van Alstyne with whom he had been intimately
associated through a long life, died Saturday.
Betty T. Lipscomb
Betty T. Lipscomb was born June 26, 1860. She became a
Christian early in life and joined the Baptist church. In 1882
she was married to John G. Lipscomb.
To them were born three daughters, Mrs.
W.G. Hiett of Arlington, Mrs.
D.E. Taylor and Miss Abbie
Lipscomb of Dallas, and one son, Harry
Lipscomb of Dallas, all of whom survive her. Her
husband died October 11, 1900. Mrs.
Lipscomb died of pneumonia December 2nd,
1918, at her home in Oak Cliff. Funeral service was held at the
family residence December 3 by Rev. Mr.
Bassett, her pastor. Interment was in Arlington
cemetery, Rev. S. M. Bennett
conducting a short service at the grave. The many friends of the
family in Arlington deeply sympathize with them in the loss of
their beloved mother.
Calls Soldiers Wife
The relatives and
many friends of Mrs. Maye Brewer Manis,
were shocked Tuesday morning by the announcement of her death at
an early hour after but a few hours illness. She was feeling
slightly indisposed Sunday and remained in bed part of the day.
On Monday a physician was sent for and he said her condition was
by no means serious. Two hours later he was called and after an
examination said there was slight congestion at the base of one
lung. Two hours later he was again called and found both lungs
entirely congested with pneumonia. She soon became unconscious
and at 2:45 a.m. just a few hours later, she died. Members of
the family from other points were notified and arrived Tuesday
and Wednesday morning. The funeral was held from the home of W.P. Brewer, the father, at 2 p.m.
Wednesday, and was attended by many friends and relatives. It
was conducted by Rev. T. Swaim of
the Presbyterian church. Interment was at Fairview cemetery. The
deceased was born and reared at Arlington, Texas, up to five
years of age when she came with her father's family to Memphis.
She was married about a year ago to Commie
Manis, of Vernon. Since then her husband has gone to
France as a soldier, where he is now with his company. Word was
received about ten days ago of his arrival there.
She was a consistent
member of the Presbyterian church and was a young woman who made
many friends wherever she went. She was just nearing her 23rd
year. To the many relatives and to the soldier husband in France
we extend our sincere sympathy. Among the relatives from a
distance attending the funeral were Mrs.
Manis and Mrs. Alman of Vernon, mother and sister of
her husband. (This report from a Memphis paper, was brought to
the Journal by a relative of Mrs. Manis.
All Arlington is saddened by the news of the death and extend
sympathy to her loved ones.)
Short Dead
H. Tarpley received news Wednesday morning that her
brother Mr. Jesse Short, of Mangum,
Okla., was seriously ill of influenza-pneumonia. Wednesday
afternoon word came that Mr. Short
was dead and Mrs. Tarpley, Mr.
and Mrs. Short, Miss Eva Lou Short, and Mr. Tyler Short
left for Mangum Wednesday night. Mr. Short
was reared at Johnson Station and had a host of friends in
Arlington who regret deeply to hear of his untimely going. The
family have the sympathy of the entire community.
Justin Carlisle
Mary Cravens Carlisle, wife of Assistant County Attorney Justin Carlisle, of Grayson
County, died at the home of her father Dr.
M.H. Cravens of Arlington, November 30. Funeral service
was held at the home Sunday afternoon by Rev.
S.M. Bennett, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The
floral tributes of love from friends far and near were many and
so beautiful. Mrs. Carlisle's
favorite flower, the chrysanthemum, predominating. Interment was
in Arlington cemetery. Mrs. Carlisle
came from Sherman to visit homefolks for Thanksgiving, arriving
Wednesday before. She became ill from influenza Thursday, and a
few days later developed pneumonia. All that loving hands and
medical skill could do was futile and her sweet spirit returned
to God who gave her.
To Dr.
M.H. and Mrs. Bettie Burney Cravens a little daughter,
Mary, was born May 17, 1887. She was
reared in Arlington and educated here, with the exception of
three years spent in Belmont College, Nashville, Tenn. At the
age of sixteen she professed Christianity during the first
revival held here by Rev. P.M. Fitzgerald
and joined the Presbyterian church, of which she was a
consistent member until death. She was married to Justin
A. Carlisle June 23, 1910. They resided in Houston,
Amarillo and later, Sherman and both these estimable young
people were well beloved wherever they were known. Little Mary Cravens was one of the sweetest
natured and most intelligent children of Arlington, a universal
favorite. As a young lady and a young matron she retained that
same sweet womanly spirit, winning love wherever her life
touched another. But we know we shall see and love her when we
too shall soon pass to the presence of our Lord. So, to her
loved ones, "Let not your hearts be troubled."
Surviving are her
father and her beloved second mother, her brother and other
A Tribute
"In life we are in
the midst of death."
In the passing from
earth of our beloved Mary Cravens Carlisle,
whom today we remember with loving words and tender thoughts, we
are brought face to face with the mysteries of death and the
greater mysteries of life. With unshaken faith in the infinite
wisdom of God we bow our submission upon the alter of sorrow.
Death but unlocks the
door to that eternal palace that grants us the crown of
everlasting joy and happiness.
Coming home as she
did only a few days before Thanksgiving, in perfect health and
radiating happiness to spend the time with her loved ones, has
made us all realize how close together are life and death.
Many are the hearts
today that attest that by her kindness she did bring gladness
and happiness. She was loved. A rarer soul never lived than
Mary. Her wonderful disposition was the very embodiment of
sunshine and joy--her devotion to her loved ones beautiful--her
love for her friends sincere.
Always she affiliated
with the best, in clubs for research and uplift, and though
unpretentious in her devotion to her God yet she communed with
Truly her life
was an inspiration, her memory a benediction.
Well then may we pray:
"Make then my spirit pure and clear,
As are the frosty skies---
Or this first snow-drop of the year
that in thy bosom lies."
Steph and Sallie McKee |

and Mrs. Clarence Scott
and Mrs. Clarence Scott of Fort Worth were brought to
Arlington cemetery for burial Saturday. Funeral service was held
by Rev. S.M. Bennett at the grave.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott died of
pneumonia, within a few minutes of each other. They left an
infant child, very ill of influenza. Mr.
Scott was a brother of Mrs. Will
Parrott of Southwest Arlington.
Radford Dead
Peter Radford of Kennedale, this county, died suddenly
of heart failure in Madison, Wis., in a hotel, on December 2nd.
He was accompanied by Hen. Henry N. Pope
of Parker County. Both were attending the Society in Equity, a
farmer's organization similar to the Farmers' Union, of which
both were president in Texas a few years ago, and both had been
members of the Texas legislature several terms. Mr.
Pope accompanied the remains of Mr.
Radford to Whitt, Parker County, where his daughters
live, and where he was buried. Mr.
Radford's wife, Mrs. Annie Radford,
survives him. They lived on their farm near Kennedale, this
county. Mr. Radford had been a
factor in politics in this state and was a forceful character
and devoted to the cause of the farmer. Our deepest sympathies
go out to his wife and his daughters.
O.O. Haines
O.O. Haines died at her home In Dallas Sunday morning
of influenza-pneumonia. Funeral service was held at the home
Monday afternoon and Interment was In Grove Hill cemetery.
Haines became ill on Thanksgiving, living only one week
afterward. She is survived by her husband and two children, her
mother and father, four sisters and one brother. She was a
member of the East Dallas Baptist church and hers was a
beautiful, Christian life. She and her husband were beloved by
many friends as attested by the great number of beautiful floral
offerings to her memory. Mr. Haines
was an Arlington boy, the son of Mrs. John
Griffin, and has many friends here who deeply
sympathize with him in his so great loss. The world is dark
without her but Heaven is fairer, having one more treasure for
her loved ones. She waits for them in happy contentment.

K. Hassan
Mrs. H.D. Granbury
received a message Sunday that her youngest brother,
Mr. Chas. K. Hassan of Tuscaloosa, Ala., was very ill.
Monday news came that he died, Sunday night.
Mrs. Granbury could not go to him, as her son,
Hugh, was ill of influenza. Mr.
Hassan contracted influenza while attending his mother
who was ill of the malady. Mrs. Granbury
had the tenderest affection for this baby brother and her
friends are sorrowing with her in her loss.
Mattie Smith Rodgers died at the home of her brother, Mr. Hugh Smith, Friday December 13th.
Funeral service was held at Mr. Smith's
home Saturday by Rev. S.M. Bennett,
assisted by Rev. J.T. Renfro.
Rodgers pastor, Dr. Smith,
of the City Temple, Dallas, was ill in Baltimore. Interment was
in Arlington cemetery. The profusion of beautiful flowers spoke
the love of many friends. Mrs. Rodgers
was very ill of influenza-pneumonia when she was brought from
her home in Oak Cliff to her brother's home several days before
her death. All her brothers and sisters were with her at the
last. She leaves her husband and one little daughter, three
years old.
Rodgers was born January 11, 1886 and married to Mr. Rodgers August 2, 1911. She was a
member of the Presbyterian church and lived a beautiful
christian life. She was reared at Johnson Station and has many
friends and relatives in Arlington and vicinity. The bereaved
family have the deepest sympathy of all our people in their
