A Mexican woman, wife
of a section foreman was killed at Handley Thursday by a
passenger train on the T. and P. Railroad. We failed to learn
her name and particulars.
F. McKee Dead - Our First Gold Star
service flag is honored with a Gold Star for her first son to
fall in service.
Our hearts were made
sad by the news that Preston F. McKee
died at Camp Travis of influenza after a short illness. Sergeant
McKee was born and reared in Arlington and was a
general favorite. He was possessed of mind of more than ordinary
initiative and force, backed by ambition and a high-resolve and
was in line for rapid promotion because of his aptness and
energy and ability to command and direct. He tried to enter at
the first draft but was turned down because of physical
condition. He persisted and was at last enlisted last summer. He
had been active in every enterprise of this city and section for
the past ten years, and as a leading young man in his Sunday
School, the Methodist. He was admitted to the bar as a lawyer
nearly three years ago but preferred agriculture and was fitting
himself for practical farming. Possessed of a genial, social
disposition, helpful to others with a genuine heartiness that
won people to him and held them. He was my friend and I was his.
I feel his loss as if a near relative. It is not persiflage to
say every one in Arlington and the Great Arlington Country feel
sincere sorrow and sympathize with his mother, his sisters and
his brother on his untimely death. But they sorrow not as those
without hope. This is the blessed consolation to them and to us
when such a man goes from this to the higher life, Our flag was
at half-mast for him.
F. McKee
Preston McKee died last Sunday at Camp Travis of
pneumonia after influenza. The body was brought to Arlington
Wednesday, escorted by Corp. Mickleson. Funeral service was held
at the home by his pastor, Rev. W.J. Hearon.
McKee is survived by his mother, three sisters, Mrs. Lee Tillery, Misses Sallie and Winnie
McKee and his brother, Knox McKee,
besides many other relatives here. These have the deepest
sympathy of all our people.
Press won the
affection of people by his manner and the respect and love of
all mothers by his ceaseless devotion to his own mother. His
tender care for her has been conspicuous. May she be comforted
by the Savior's own Holy Spirit.
V.L. Lewis died Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock. He had
been ill for several days of pneumonia after influenza. Funeral
service was held at Arlington cemetery by Rev.
S.M. Bennett, his pastor, and Rev.
D.C. Sibley, his close friend, Wednesday afternoon.
All of Arlington and
community are sad to lose our good friend, Mr.
Lewis. He was a good man and had faithfully served as
rural carrier for 17 years. Many of his friends attended the
funeral and the many beautiful floral offerings spoke the love
they had for him.
Mr. Lewis leaves his
wife, several sons, daughters and grandchildren, We his friends,
tender them our deepest sympathy in their great bereavement, and
we are comforted only in the knowledge that we shall meet him in
the Master's home.
R. D. Sibley, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. J.W. Sibley of Arlington. died at his home in Ft.
Worth, Monday, of pneumonia. Funeral service was held at
Grimsley, near Mansfield Tuesday. Mr.
Sibley leaves his wife, one daughter and two sons,
besides near relatives.
Death took a dear
little son, Reuben one of twins,
from the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Whitaker of the Harrison community. Little Reuben
had influenza and lived only a few days after taking it. He was
seven years of age. Funeral service was held at the cemetery,
Arlington, by the Revs. A.S. and Patrick
Henry. Mr. Whitaker's
entire family have been ill. They have the sympathy of many
friends. "Heaven counts an angel more."
Marcus Burkhart
Marcus Burkhart, aged 18, died at her home at the
residence of Mr. Bennett Burkhart,
near Grand Prairie, Wednesday, a victim of influenza. Mr.
and Mrs. Burkhart formerly resided in Harrison
community, where they made many friends who regret to hear of
her early going.
D. Coker
D. Coker died of influenza-pneumonia at her home in the
farm residence of Mr. Melrose Bardin,
Tuesday and was buried in Arlington cemetery Wednesday
afternoon. Funeral service was held at the cemetery by Rev.
J.T. Renfro. Mrs. Coker's
husband and one child, Bertha,
They have many
friends in the Arlington community who deeply sympathize with
them in so deep a sorrow.
"A good Christian
woman," is the tribute paid by those who knew her.
Chester Hatch died at the home of his father,
J.B. Hatch, Wednesday of pneumonia. Funeral service was
held at the cemetery Thursday by Rev J.T.
Renfro. Mr. Hatch leaves
his wife and one child. Mrs. Hatch
is now in New Mexico, very ill.
On October 3rd
death visited our little city and laid his grim hand upon one of
our brightest and best young boys - Sam
Thompson. Sam was born
July 23rd, 1901. From the day of his birth it seemed
that those who knew and loved him felt that he was sent to bring
cheer and sunshine into the lives of others. He was possessed of
a sweet, calm and cheerful spirit throughout his life. In his
childhood, the age when most children are so care-free, Sam was
so mature in his ideals. Wrong-doing in others was always a
great sorrow to him. Being imbibed with the feeling for others,
this sweetness of character and this strong desire and
determination to live up to this high ideal of life did not
suffice for Sam: for early in life
he sought that perfect peace and consolation that comes only
through the saving power of Jesus Christ. Thus when he was only
13 years of age, he embraced Christianity. More than this, he
not only embraced it but lived it daily. When disease began to
prey upon him he met his fate with that same sweet spirit and
Christian fortitude. No rebellion came into his heart but he
would often speak of how much worse things could have been. The
bravely fighting to ward off the dread disease that he realized
was daily sapping his life, still he was always submissive to
the will of God. Thus he passed into the hands of his Savior.
When we see a young
boy's hopes, mingled with a strong ambition, blighted by death,
it seems from a material standpoint so sad. Nature offers us
such a consolation just here if we will but study it for a
moment. Take the beautiful rose bud and watch it as it is
matured by mother earth, air and sunshine. How it bursts forth
in all its effulgence and beauty. We look at it and admire it
and like the life of this sweet boy, feel like we would like to
keep it in its beauty always, but it, too, is given to us but a
few short days and its beauty begins to fade and soon is gone.
Still we never forget its beauty and the message it bore. So
with the life of Sam, we'll never get away from its beauty and
influence. It has been truly said, "We become a part of all we
meet." So with Sam, he has touched our lives of the young and
the old and while his memories will last forever, it is such a
consolation to think that this bud has been "plucked on earth to
bloom in Heaven" where it will be protected from the hot winds
of temptation and where disease and suffering come no more.
So let us say: In
parting we do not feel pain, that we would have felt had he
lived in vain, or failed to fill the mission God had given, in
guiding some dear soul to Heaven. J.C.M. (Card of Thanks lists Mrs. S.H. Thompson, Collin Thompson, Mrs. C.A.
Gives his Life to Help Win Nation's War
Goodfellow of San Angelo Killed in Action on Sept. 17, Message
to Parents Say
The following from
the San Angelo Standard will be of interest not alone to Lieut. Goodfellow's relatives in
Arlington. but to his many friends here and In the county made
during his residence in Fort Worth with his father, who was for
30 years civil engineer for Tarrant County.
Lieut. Goodfellow was the first Texas flier to fall in
action at the front.
The Stars and Stripes
at half-mast in San Angelo Friday are honoring
First Lieutenant John James Goodfellow, Jr., the city's
first commissioned officer to sacrifice his life in France in
defense of liberty.
News of Lieutenant
Goodfellow's death was received here by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Goodfellow of 1700
West Buregard Avenue, Thursday afternoon, in a telegram from the
adjutant general's office at Washington, reading:
"Deeply regret to
inform you that Lieutenant
John J. Goodfellow, Jr., killed in action September
Death in action
fulfilled a premonition of Lieutenant
Goodfellow that sooner or later he would be killed, for
in a letter written to his sister on September 8 he referred
lightly to some of his photographs and asserted that he was a
"marked" man. His frequent trips over the German lines on
observation work had not gone unnoticed by the enemy flyers, as
is borne out by the news of his last flight. The government wire
stating death implies that Lieutenant Goodfellow met death in
the air.
University of Texas
The San Angeloan was
twenty-three years old, his last birthday being on May 17, just
four months to the day before his death. He was attending the
University of Texas when he enlisted with 200 students on May 5,
1917. He entered the first reserve officers training camp at
Leon Springs but before its close was transferred upon his
request to the aviation section.
Entering the ground
school at Austin, he completed that course in October and was
assigned to a field at San Diego, California. There early in
February 1918, he was commissioned a first lieutenant and was
made an instructor. On his way to an eastern seaport to embark
for France, he stopped in San Angelo, at Belton and Austin. He
sailed about March 3 and notice of his safe arrival overseas was
received here the latter part of the month.
In France, Lieutenant
Goodfellow went through both the first and second corps
schools, where final training is given, and spent two days in
Paris on his way to the front. In August he was in a rest camp
at Tours for a short time after having his first experience over
the firing line. Assigned to the Twenty-fourth aero squadron, Lieutenant Goodfellow made almost daily
trips over territory held by the Germans and, returning, made
maps based upon his observations. These were used in directing
artillery fire.
Born in Fort Worth
The deceased was born
of May 17, 1891 at 1806 Sixth Avenue, Fort Worth. He attended
the DeZavala public school through the sixth grade and took up
his education in the San Angelo public schools when the family
moved here in 1907. He graduated from the high school in the
class of 1913 and was employed by the Lone Star Gas Company at
Fort Worth for more than a year before matriculating at the
University of Texas.
Goodfellow began a civil engineering course preparatory
in receiving his degree in electrical engineering, his father
having been civil engineer for Tarrant county for thirty years
before coming to San Angelo. At the University, the San Angelo
man became secretary of the Y.M.C.A., treasurer of the Delta
fraternity and a member of the governing board of the "Co-Op,"
the students' store. During the term of 1915-16, he was
president of the freshman class.
In San Angelo high
school, Lieutenant Goodfellow was a member of the school's
football team for several seasons, but at Austin his studies
required all his time. The Standard has been honored in this,
the first death in action of a local officer abroad, Lieutenant
Goodfellow having been mailing clerk in its circulation
department at one time while attending high school here. The
deceased was a member of the First Baptist church and of The
Bushing class and played in the Sunday school orchestra. The
trombone was his instrument and Lieutenant Goodfellow became a
member of the university band when he went to Austin.
Two Sisters
Besides the parents
of the deceased, two sisters survive-- Mrs.
Otis L. Ware, wife of Second
Lieutenant Ware, acting adjutant of the second corps
school in France; and Miss Louise
Goodfellow, who is now attending Baylor Female College
at Belton. Mrs. Ware is now in San Angelo residing with her
Whether or not
Lieutenant Goodfellow fell on enemy soil or behind his own lines
Is not yet known, no information having been received other than
Thursday's telegram. It is probable that another aviator died in
the same combat. Details are expected shortly in a letter from
comrades of the San Angelo man or his superior officers.
Goodfellow is the third San Angeloan to make the
supreme sacrifice for his country. Others who have died were: John W. Fondern, formerly of Coleman;
and Henry H. Huff, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J.B. Huff.
Little Ruth
Sandifer, age 5, near Stop Bowen, died of pneumonia
Tuesday. Funeral service was held Wednesday by Rev.
J.T. Renfro and interment was in Johnson Station
cemetery. The family have the deep sympathy of many friends in
their bereavement.
H. Walston
H. Walston, lately the proprietor of the Palace
Theatre, died at Burkburnett Saturday, after a few days illness
of influenza and pneumonia. The body was carried to Saratoga
Texas, his old home, and buried Tuesday. Mrs.
Walston and two daughters went to Burkburnett, and were
with him at the last. The other three daughters met their mother
in Fort Worth, on her way to Saratoga, and with a number of
friends and relatives, viewed the remains of
Mr. Walston. Mrs. Walston was accompanied by Mrs.
Walston is survived by his wife, five daughters, his
parents, 3 brothers and one sister.
The bereaved family
have the heart felt sympathy of the entire community in their
irreparable loss.
Ida Noah
Ida Noah, sister of Mr. John
Cotton of Arlington, died at her home in Polytechnic on
October 24. Funeral service was held October 15 at the Noah
cemetery near Arlington by Rev. S.M.
Bennett. Mrs. Noah leaves her husband, Mr.
Bud Noah, 3 children, one a little babe, two brothers
and 3 sisters. She is lost to her loved ones for awhile, another
good Christian wife, mother, sister and friend. Her family have
had the sympathy of their many friends in Arlington and
community. It is comforting to know that "God tempers the wind
to the shorn Lamb."

Preston F. Mckee
Preston F. McKee, born in Arlington January 19, 1887,
died October 20, 1918 at the base hospital, Camp Travis, San
Antonio of pneumonia following influenza. He was reared in this
community. His life was an open book to this people. There was
did not appreciate just what his faults and the good was known
to all, and we went away, and through our tears we have
discovered our loss.
The world is poorer
because Press McKee has gone. He
was loyal to his loved ones, and his devotion and consideration
for his mother was a most beautiful thing. He loved his friends.
He loved his church and was a devoted friend to his pastor.
He was interested in
life, his happy, optimistic spirit responded to every call, and
he would go to any length for those he loved. No man appealed to
him in vain, be he white or black, high or low.
His optimism was
great, he loved the sunshine, and the skies were bright to him,
his was a genial spirit, and the old and young responded to his
happy and cheerful spirit. Though he carried a smile, and sought
the sunshine and loved fair skies, he was one of the first to go
where there was grief and where they needed comfort and help.
How many homes in this community remember that he sat by their
dead through the night and in the hour of sorrow was the first
to offer comfort. He sought to serve--no wonder we all love him.
We have not lost him,
life will be more precious and tender because he has touched our
lives for the better. We shall miss him in the Sunday School and
in the church.
He had only been in
the army four months but he had already commanded attention: In
a few weeks he was made a corporal, and a little later a
sergeant and had passed successful an examination for admission
into an officers' training camp. He was popular with his
comrades and was a natural leader and his friends had high hopes
for him.
And it was a sad hour
for his community when they brought his body back and the first
gold star is to be placed on our church service flag of 31
stars. The whole town gathered, white and black, in perhaps the
greatest company that was ever assembled in this community at a
funeral service and his body was laid under a mountain of
There were some
beautiful things connected with the floral offerings, little
children and young people sought the privilege of bringing
flowers to show their love and appreciation. And the Negroes
wanted the privilege of laying a wreath upon his grave and it
was granted and they brought a beautiful wreath and as all
classes of citizenship expressed the common sorrow, it was the
showing that in a large measure his life was an expression of
his favorite poem, "Let me live by the side of the road, and be
a friend to Man." W.J. Hearon, His
C. Swann, was born at Arlington, Texas, April 13, 1876.
He lived on the farm until grown and as a young man always took
the lead in the management of the farm. He went to Oklahoma in
1901 and settled on a ranch near Wayne. In 1915 he went to
Maysville and entered the hardware business with Mr.
Rackley. After a time J.B. Wilson
purchased the Rackley interests, and in 1912 sold out to George J Dykes, who two years later sold
to C.C. Swann.
Swann was married December 24, 1904 to Miss
Effie Carroll and to this union were born two sons, Joe and Roy.
On Saturday, October
5, 1918, Mr. Swann died after a
short illness of typhoid fever. Funeral service was conducted at
his home October 7, by Rev. Ferry E. High.
The beautiful and impressive ceremony of the Masonic Lodge was
carried on at the grave.
Swann was a man to whom charity never appealed in vain;
he was always foremost in every movement for the relief of the
distressed, ever ready with willing hand and a cheerful heart in
response to any appeal for funds or time in a worthy enterprise,
always ready to sacrifice personal gain for the public good. In
his business dealings he was strict but just, always lenient to
the unfortunate and reasonable in his demands.
As a boy, Charlie
was a general favorite in Arlington. His mother, Mrs.
M.E. Swann and sisters, Mrs. R.H.
Bardin, Mrs. George Finger and Miss Sheba Swann, still
reside in Arlington.
Bishop died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nix, after a long illness. Funeral
service and burial were at Lancaster, her home, on Wednesday.
R.A. Fanning was born Sept. 2, 1872 at Francisco, Ala.,
where he lived until he was 36 years of age, then moved to
Arlington, Texas. There he lived until March 1918 he then went
with his family to a farm near Colorado Springs.
He was married to Ticia Hill Oct. 22, 1890. Eleven
children were born to this union of whom 8 are living, five of
them at home, three in Texas. (married)
Three years ago he
broke down in health and came to Colorado in the hope that the
climate would again restore his good health, but he gradually
failed and his family and home he loved so well are left to
mourn his early death, which occurred Oct. 19 at 10:30 p.m. He
was a man of sterling quality and held in high esteem by all who
knew him. He was a good man, a good neighbor, a kind and loving
husband and father. He died happy and through all his suffering
he never murmured. He had faith in God and the family's loss is
His gain. Mrs. Cagle.
T.C. Anderson
H.C. Adams received news of the death of his cousin, Mrs. T.C. Anderson of Fort Worth, who
has friends in Arlington. Mrs. Anderson
died Monday. The remains were carried to Waco for burial.
News comes that Mr. C.L. Joiner, who recently removed
from Euless to California is dead and the body enroute to
Midlothian for burial.
Lela Herd
Lela Herd, who was formerly Mrs.
Walker, died at her home in Dallas Tuesday, and was
brought to Watson cemetery for burial Wednesday. Mrs.
Herd was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Dalton of Watson and lived in Arlington
before her marriage one month ago to Mr.
Herd. She leaves 3 children. Death was caused by
pneumonia, after influenza. She had many friends in Arlington
who sorrow with her loved ones in their loss.
