by Lightning
A.M. Coble received the news last week that her brother
Mr. R.B. Goar, of Jester, Okla., had
been instantly killed by lightning during a rainstorm on July
22. Mr. Goar was above 70 years of
age, but was an active man. He had gone to the barn to attend
things during the rain. He leaves at home his wife and one son.
Several sons and daughters survive him.
Lyon's Grandchildren Drown
A sad tragedy has
darkened the homes of several families, one that of our
neighbor, Mr. J.T. Lyon. Mr. Lyon's
granddaughters, Violet and Thelda Greggs,
aged 17 and 12 and their little friend Lucille
Overall, were drowned near their home at Mangum,
Oklahoma last Thursday afternoon. The two families had gone
fishing and while there, Lucille
fell into the river, and in falling caught Violet,
dragging her in. Thelda, in an
attempt to catch Violet, slipped in
also. When Mr. Griggs came to them
a little later, Mrs. Overall was in
the water and still living, so he rescued her. The children's
bodies were recovered. Funerals and interment were on Saturday.
Mrs. J.T. Lyon, Mrs. Webb Rose and
her sister, Mrs. Falkner of
Whitney, attended the funeral.

Geo. W. Arnold
After a lingering
illness of several years duration, Mr.
Geo. W. Arnold passed away on July 19. He was 58 years
of age, having been born in Illinois in 1860.
He came South at the
age of 20 and lived in Texas most of the time since then.
Arnold was twice a resident of Arlington, about 25
years ago after being here for 3 years he went to South Texas,
where he engaged in the mercantile business and remained until
11 years ago when he removed to Arlington.
For the past 3 years
he has been away from here, most of the time in an effort to
regain his health, but without avail.
Interment was in
Arlington cemetery beside his wife, who died 3 years ago. The
Masons were in charge of the services.
Arnold is survived by one child, Mrs.
J.H. Pilant and two grandchildren of this place; his
father, Mr. Geo. Arnold of Illinois
and a sister, Mrs. Lena Schermerhorn
of Kansas.

A. H. Wyley Dead
A.H. Wyley of Fort Worth, formerly Miss
Cora Clark of Arlington, died at a sanitarium in Fort
Worth Monday. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery. Mrs.
Wyley was a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Clark, who lived at the place now known as
the Cedars.
of Mrs. Beasley
Beasley of West Arlington, after an illness of only a
few days, died Thursday, August 8. Funeral service was conducted
at the home Friday by Rev. W.J. Hearon
and the Woodman Circle of Ft. Worth of which Mrs.
Beasley was a member. Interment was in Arlington

Collins Dead
The relatives of Elmer Collins, received news of his
tragic death Tuesday. He was working on a scaffold at an oil
well at Walter, Oklahoma when a breaking plank threw him fifty
feet down, killing him instantly. The body was brought to
Arlington Thursday morning and funeral service conducted at the
Baptist Church by Rev. J.T. Renfro.
Interment was in Arlington cemetery beside his father, James
Collins and his sister, Mabel.
He leaves a wife, mother and two sisters and many relatives of
his father and mother.
was an Arlington boy, born and reared, and had many
friends who are one with his family in their great sorrow.

Collins was born and reared in Arlington. He was the
son of James and Roxie Collins and
the grandson of Joseph Collins, who
was a pioneer of the Arlington country.
As a child, Elmer
was affectionate and kind and these traits were with him as a
man. In 1917, he married Miss Ruth
Blackwood, of Vernon, who formerly lived in Arlington.
They went to Walter, Ok. and there bought their home. Elmer's
work was at the oil field. He had developed into a fine strong
man, and was said to be the best man in the crew. Aug 20, he was
at work on a derrick, when a piece of iron struck the plank on
which he stood, broke the plank and dropped him 50 or 60 feet.
He lived several hours. Thursday morning the body was brought to
the residence of his uncle, Dr. J.D.
Collins; and from there to the Baptist Church, followed
by more than a hundred relatives and many friends. Rev.
J.T. Renfro and Rev. A.P. Collins, his uncle, conducted
funeral services.
was a Christian and had been a member of the Baptist church
several years. He has gone from us who loved him, but he is with
Christ, who loved him more. We shall not forget him, we shall
hunger for a sound of his cheery voice, and at the last day we
shall be satisfied and know that all is well.
His wife, mother and
two sisters have the deepest sympathy of many relatives and
friends in Arlington and community.

Jordan was born in Indiana, March 8, 1845. He came to
Texas in 1875, to Tarrant county and here, in 1879, married Miss Addie Webb. In early 80's they
removed to Parker County and lived there 20 years. About 11
years ago they returned to Arlington. Brother
Jordan was janitor at Northside School for 9 years, and
for the past year had charge of Grubbs Vocational College and
ground. On September 7, as he was returning home from the
college he stepped back to avoid an automobile and was struck by
a limited car of the Interurban, and killed instantly.
Funeral service was
held September 9 at the Baptist Church by his pastor, Rev.
J. T. Renfro and his first paster, Rev.
Mr. Bussey, who baptised Mr. and
Mrs. Jordan in 1895. Interment was in Arlington
cemetery. All his living relatives were at the funeral except
one son, Harry, who is in France.
Surviving Brother
Jordan, are his wife and two sons with their wives, W.T.
Jordan of Tulia, and Harry A.
Jordan, with the U.S. Navy in French waters.
Brother Jordan was
universally loved and respected as one of our best citizens. We
miss him, but we know that he is with the Savior he loved, the
God whom he served.
of Mrs. Lee
L. E. V. Lee, mother of Mr. Tom
Lee, died at her home Thursday morning after a long
illness. Arrangements for the funeral were not made when we went
to press, as the family were awaiting news of a daughter, who
was at a distance. Mrs. Lee was an
old citizen of Arlington, and the family have hosts of friends
in the town and community, who sympathize with them in their
W.M. Ecols
W. M. Echols, nee Clara Elzey,
was born in Freestone County, Texas in July 1873. She with her
husband and two children came to Tarrant County in 1907. On
Sunday, September 8, 1918, after a long Illness of fever, she
passed from earth to heaven, leaving her husband,
Mr. W.M. Echols, and her children, Walker
Echols, of Arlington and Mrs.
J.F. Bussey of Johnson Station, her father, Mr.
F.M. Elzey of Grandview and two sisters Mrs.
J.A. Blair of Grandview and Mrs.
Frank Freeman of Groesbeck. Funeral services was held
at Johnson Station by her pastor, Rev. Mr.
Kerby, assisted by Rev. S.M.
Bennett. Interment was in Arlington cemetery.
Echols was a member of the Presbyterian church and was
a consistent Christian, devoted wife and mother. Her family and
friends sustain a great loss, but only for a time, for we shall
see her, know her and love her in Heaven.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kilgore of Fort Worth,
was brought to Arlington for burial last Saturday. Mr.
and Mrs. Kilgore have the sympathy of their many
friends here.

of Mr. W.M. Echols
W.M. Echols, father of Mr. Walker
Echols, died at this home at Johnson Station Sunday
night after an illness of two weeks. Funeral service was held at
the church at Johnson Station by Rev. S.M.
Bennett, assisted by Rev. R.P.
McElreath, who has known Mr.
Echols all his life. Interment was in Arlington
Echols was born in Georgia in August of 1866, being 52
years of age when he died. He came to Texas over 30 years ago.
He married Clara Elzey about 29
years ago. She preceded him to their home in heaven two weeks
ago (Sunday, September 8). They came to Tarrant County in 1907.
Mr. Echols was a member of the
Presbyterian Church and was a loyal Christian worker, a good
neighbor, a valuable citizen, whom we can ill afford to lose.
There is joy in Heaven over the home coming of these two
children of God, but their going leaves sorrow in the Earth. Mr. Echols father, Mr.
T.R. Echols of Dallas, Ga., his sister, Mrs.
Lon Hardy, also of Dallas, Ga., and his children, Mr. Walker Echols of Arlington and Mrs. J. F. Bussey of Johnson Station,
survive him. They have the deepest sympathy of their many
friends in their double bereavement.
of Mr. Gardner
J.B. Gardner, who had been ill for a year became
suddenly worse at 12 o'clock Saturday and died in the afternoon
at his home on North Center Street. Funeral service was held by Rev. S.M. Bennett In West Fork Church
in Watson and interment was in Watson Cemetery.
Mr. Gardner was born February 13, 1854. He and Mrs.
Gardner were married about 35 years ago. He has been a
Christian 25 years and was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
They have lived near and in Arlington for 15 years. Surviving
him are his wife, Mrs. Emma Gardner,
3 daughters, Mrs. J.L. McDonough,
Dallas; Miss Pearl Gardner, Dallas;
Mrs. G.C. Grider, Arlington; two
sons, B.J. Gardner, Galveston; J.H. Gardner, Dallas; two brothers, R.G. Gardner, Lancaster; E.D.
Gardner, Haskell; one sister, Mrs.
Scott, Lancaster. The many friends of the family deeply
sympathize with them in their loss.

of Sam Thompson
Thompson, son of Mrs. Julia
Thompson, died at the home of his grandmother,
Mrs. R.W. Collins, Wednesday night. Funeral service was
conducted by his pastor, Rev. J. T. Renfro,
at the Baptist church Thursday afternoon and interment was in
Arlington cemetery, where his father, Dr.
S.H. Thompson was laid to rest.
had been ill for a long time and all that medical science knows,
all that love could prompt, was done for him. God needed him and
took him to Himself. He was a boy of whom it is truly said,
everyone loved him. I never knew one more loveable, kind and
dependable as Sam. His love for his
sister and brother, devotion to and reverence for his mother,
his affection for all his many relatives and his faithfulness to
friends were in evidence all the time. Just a noble, Christian
boy with the heart of a true man, no wonder God wanted him in
His heavenly service.
His family were all
with him in his last illness, Collins,
Thompson, Mrs. Farris, and his mother.
Louise Johnson
Louise Johnson, aged 73, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. M.S. Hurst, at Hurst
on Friday, Sept. 27. She had lived with Mrs.
Hurst since the death of her husband 15 years ago.
Funeral service was held Saturday the 28th, and
interment was at Hurst. Tender loving hands laid the beloved
mother and grandmother to rest. She is survived by both
daughters, Mrs. M.S. Hurst and Mrs. Lula Mumford; by six
granddaughters, four of whom were with her through her illness,
Mmes. F.C. Herring, M.G. Walker, M.L. Boaz
and Stanley South; by six grandsons, one of whom is In
France, Olin Mumford and one in
training camp at Waco, Richard Mumford.
Johnson came to Texas when a girl. She was a devout
Christian, a loving wife, mother and grandmother. One of her
chief pleasures was the fact that her granddaughters were
earnest Red Cross workers.
Another of Gods
little ones is with her Lord, another sorrowing family is left
to miss a loved one, but it is a sorrow softened by the vision
of a long useful, Christian life.

Zack Medford was struck by the westbound Interurban
limited at 7:15 Sunday night and died on the operating table in
Dr. McKissick's office. Mr.
Medford's home was in the Van Zandt Addition of Ft.
Worth and he with his sons and daughters had been gathering
cotton on the farm of Joe Whisrock
near Webb. He was coming from Ft. Worth with
Messrs. Joe Thompson and Herman Jenkins in a wagon to
move his daughters, aged 17 and 15 and his son, aged 13, back to
Ft. Worth where he had work. Mr. Medford
was 45 years old. Mr. Thompson was
only slightly hurt, while Mr. Jenkins
suffered a broken limb. They were brought to Dr.
McKissick's office by Mr. Hugh
Moore's ambulance and received every aid that could be
given. Mr. Medford was buried in
Greenwood cemetery at Ft. Worth.
The accident occurred
at the crossing west of Keystone, the men evidently thinking
that they had crossed the interurban crossing when they crossed
the T. & P. track. A mule led behind the wagon was killed.
Killed at Crossing
Medford, a cotton picker on the farm of Joe
Risrauth near Webb, was struck by the west bound
interurban limited at 7:15 Sunday night and died on the
operating table in Dr. McKissick's
office at 8:30 p.m. He received a crushing blow in his right
temple and never regained consciousness.
He was 45 years old,
and was going with Joe Thompson and
Herman Jenkins in a wagon to move
his daughters, aged 17 and 15 and his son aged 13 from the
cotton patch to Ft. Worth where he had work. The other two young
men are only slightly bruised and cut, their wagon being
demolished and the mule being led was killed, but their team was
uninjured. The accident occured at the crossing west of
James Goodfellow Killed
R.H. Bardin and Mrs. J.E. Finger
were called to San Angelo last week to their sister, Mrs.
John J. Goodfellow, whose son, Lieut.
James Goodfellow was killed in action Sept. 17. His
parents received the message last Thurs. Lieut. Goodfellow was
with the 24th Aero Squadron in France.
He was the third Son
Angelo man on the casualty list and the first commissioned
officer from that city to die for his country.
Goodfellow was born and reared at Ft. Worth, where his
father for thirty years was civil engineer of Tarrant County. He
enlisted in May, 1917, while at the University of Texas and was
commissioned at San Diego Cal. He was only 23 years old.
Goodfellow was Miss Lou Swann
and was reared on the Swann farm north of Arlington. Her mother
and 3 sisters reside in Arlington. Jim
was a great favorite with his relatives here and their many
friends sympathize with them in their great loss and Our
Country's loss also. He laid down his life for his
fellowmen--"Greater love hath no man than this."
Swann Dead
Relatives of Charles
Swann of Maysville. Ok., formerly of Arlington,
received news Sunday of his death. His sisters, Mrs.
Bardin and Mrs. Finger
went from San Angelo to Maysville and Miss
Sheba Swann, another sister, went from here Sunday. Charley was reared here attending school
here in his boyhood. He was a most agreeable and kind school
mate--always jolly--all of us loved him.
Loved One Lost Awhile
A shadow fell over
all Arlington and community when news went out that Mrs.
Benton Collins (nee Miss Ruby
Hiett), youngest child of Mr. and
Mrs. J.M. Hiett, had gone from us.
Collins took influenza last week and it developed into
pneumonia. She died Monday night at 7 o'clock. Funeral service
was held at the Baptist church at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon by
Rev. J.T. Renfro. Interment was in
Arlington cemetery.
E.D. Reece of Mansfield assisted Bro.
Renfro. The pall-bearers were:
Messrs. Hardy Mayfield, Sterling P. Clark and A.B. Finche
of Ft. Worth and Messrs. S.F. Wine,
Sanford Yates and Pat Thompson.
The members of the
Criminal District Court and District Clerk Joe
M. Collins with his office force attended the funeral
service, in sympathy for their fellow worker, the bereaved
Many beautiful floral
tributes attested the wealth of love this dear one had merited.
was one of the dearest, the sweetest, the best of girls, a
Christian woman, a devoted wife, a dear daughter and sister and
was beloved by all her and her husband's many relatives. She had
friends in all the town and country who mourn the loss of her.
She was 23 years of
age just beginning life it seemed to us, but she had finished
her work on earth and God called her for she is His own. Now we
know she is in the presence of her Risen Lord and, is happy,
more so than mortal can understand. We shall soon be with her,
and we shall know her and love her as only the immortals can
know and love perfectly. Let us "pass under the rod" with
submission to His devine will.

of Arch Meek
Arch Meek of Johnson Station, died Saturday of
influenza, after a few days illness. Funeral service was held at
Johnson Station by Rev. J.T. Renfro,
assisted by Rev. D.C. Sibley.
Interment was in
Johnson Station cemetery. Mr. Meek
leaves a wife and many other relatives to mourn his early going.
(Card of Thanks on Oct. 25 list Mrs.
Myrtle Meek, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Tims and family as
of John Schooler, Jr.
John Schooler, Jr., of Fort Worth, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Schooler of Rehoboth, died of influenza
in Ft. Worth Friday and was brought to Arlington Saturday for
burial in Arlington cemetery. Funeral service was held at the
Arlington Christian Church by a Ft. Worth pastor.
Mr. Schooler's wife and children survive him. His
father, mother and brothers and sisters and many other relatives
also survive him.
Freeman Schooler
Louis Freeman Schooler of Ft. Worth, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schooler, of Rehoboth,
died Monday of influenza. Funeral service was held at the
Arlington Baptist church by Rev. J.T.
Renfro. Interment was in Arlington cemetery.
Schooler was 35 years of age. He was converted and
joined the Baptist church in 1902. He leaves his wife, father,
mother, brother and sister. In this they suffer a second
bereavement in a week's time. It is indeed a great sorrow that
has come to these, our friends. The spirit of Christ will teach
them to submit to the wisdom of God.
Pauline Chaney
Pauline Chaney of Dallas, a niece of Mrs.
E.H. Jones, died of influenza Monday and was brought to
Arlington Tuesday for burial in Arlington cemetery. Funeral
service was held at the cemetery by Rev.
W.J. Hearon.
Chaney was a bright, promising young girl, just
seventeen. She graduated from Austin High School at the age of
fifteen. She possessed rare musical talent and had applied
herself to study. When a child she became a Christian and was a
member of the Methodist church. Her parents, brothers, sisters
survive her. She was their youngest child and they know that she
is transplanted to God's garden to unfold into perfection in His
