of Mrs. Dunton
Dunton died at Johnson Sanitarium Sunday. The remains
were brought here to the home of her son, Mr.
Ernest Dunton and carried from there to Britton, her
old home for the funeral Tuesday at the M.E. church, and laid to
rest in Britton cemetery. Mrs. Dunton
leaves her husband and several children, one a little babe about
3 months old. They have the sympathy of their many friends in
of Mr. J.H. Patterson
J.H. Patterson who had been suffering from high blood
pressure for sometime, died suddenly at his home, Monday. He was
in his garden when death came. The funeral was held at his home
Tuesday by Rev. S.M. Bennett,
assisted by Rev. W.A. Patterson, a
former pastor, of Fort Worth, interment was in Arlington
cemetery, Mr. Hugh M. Moore in
Patterson leaves a wife, four sons, John,
Will, Leo and Charlie Patterson and two daughters, Mrs.
Arreavie Biggers and Miss Lillie
Bell Patterson. We lose a good citizen. He had lived in
and near Arlington for years, being in his 60th year
when he died, making many friends who deeply sympathize with his
loved ones in their loss. Hundreds of friends from Arlington and
the neighboring communities attended the funeral attesting their
rove for this, our good friend.

Doth Love a Shining Mark"
Death is always sad
to those left to mourn. Yet, to the Christian it is the memory
of associations and the tension to our hearts tendrils when such
ties are severed which causes us to mourn, because "we mourn not
as those having no hope." The death of a man or women leaves a
void. But to me there is no void so deep and wide as that when a
boy or girl is cut down by the dread reaper. For to the young
life all is in front. The possibilities are as limitless as
human aspirations and endeavors. And such were the feelings with
which we were stirred last Tuesday when funeral services were
held in the Presbyterian church for little Mildred
Bennett, daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
S.M. Bennett. Mr. Bennett
is pastor of the church. Monday morning Mildred
complained of feeling slightly ill and did not go to school. At
noon she was taken violently ill and Drs.
Charles Davis and F.L. Harvey
were hastily sent for. They pronounced the case of spinal
meningitis. It rapidly developed in one of the most malignant
cases known to the profession. Convulsions and other symptoms
followed quickly and by 8:30 p.m. little Mildred
passed away. She left before the family could realize that she
was seriously ill. She was a bright child, ready to learn, eager
in her studies, unselfish, never saw nor felt slights, so
non-personally centered was she in her sun-shiny disposition.
The entire community deeply sympathized with her sorrowing loved
When the hour for the
funeral arrived the Presbyterian church was packed, a touching
part of the service being the large number of her Sunday School
mates in the choir singing some of her favorite songs. The
reading of the 15th Chapter of St. John's Gospel by Rev. W.J. Hearon, pastor of the
Methodist church feelingly expressed. Rev.
R.R. Rives expounded that chapter in one of the most
eloquent expositions of that scripture we have heard anywhere.
The floral offerings
were many and beautiful. The Odd Fellows had a beautiful design
as a token of their love for the brother Odd Fellow Brother
Moore conducted the funeral and the pair bearers were
members and officers of the church.
Interment was in
Arlington cemetery.
"Suffer the little
children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is
the kingdom of God." Parents, little Mildred has only, "gone in
by another door," as Brother Rives said. She awaits you "over
there." "Let not your hearts be troubled if it were not true I
would have told you," said the Master.

Citizen Dead
Mina Russell, an aged pioneer citizen of Tarrant
county, whose home for years has been with Mr.
and Mrs. P.H. Harrison, died at Roscoe at the home of
her grandson, Mr. Will Mays Jr.,
last Monday.
Russell had gone out to Roscoe about two weeks ago for
3 visit with her daughter, Mrs. Will Mays
Sr., and her grandchildren. Mrs.
Mays Sr., accompanied the remains to Arlington Tuesday.
Funeral service was held at the home of Mrs.
Harrison by Revs. W.A. Poole
and E.D. Reece of Rehoboth, where Mrs. Russell was a member of the Baptist
church. Interment was in Watson cemetery. Mrs.
Russell, formerly Mrs. John
Harrison, was the mother of the late Mr.
P.H. Harrison, an old and esteemed citizen of Arlington
and Mrs. Will Mays Sr., of Roscoe.
She is survived by her daughter and by all her grand children
and great-grandchildren her family numbering near forty in all.
She goes to the last presence of her savior after a long life of
Christian work in the world.

of Mrs. Blanche Rudd Rogers
Blanche Rudd Rogers, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E.A. Rudd, died last Wednesday, May 8, at
Johnson Sanitarium in Fort Worth. She had been ill about 2
weeks, but had been at the sanitarium only three days. Funeral
service was held Friday morning at the Christian church, by Rev. Patrick Henry, pastor. Interment
was in Arlington cemetery. Mrs. Rogers
has many relatives and scores of friends here who mourn her
untimely death. Mr. Rogers is
stationed with the army at Camp Bowie. He has the sympathy of
many friends there and in Arlington.
of Mrs. M.E. Love
M.E. Love, aged 80 years, died at the home of her
brother, Dr. H.S. Sanders,
Wednesday after a long illness. Funeral service was held at the
home Thursday morning by Rev. W.J. Hearon,
pastor of the Methodist church, assisted, at the request of the
family, by Rev. D.L. Collie, of
Polytechnic. Interment was in Arlington cemetery.
We shall have a more
extended notice of the passing of this beloved Christian woman
next week.
H.V. McElreath Dead
H.V. McElreath, wife of Mr.
Curtis McElreath's brother, died at Fort Worth
Sanitarium Saturday. Mr. Hugh M. Moore
was called from Arlington and prepared the body for shipment to
Munday, Texas for burial. Mrs. McElreath's
home was at Rule, from where she came to the sanitarium about
two weeks before her death. She leaves her husband and 6
children, all small except two. Messrs.
C.C. and R.P. McElreath accompanied the body to Munday,
the latter remaining for a visit with his son.
of Mrs. Mary L. Ewing
Mary L. Ewing died Sunday in Dallas at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Tom B. Burnett.
Funeral service was held at the Burnett home Monday by Rev.
James L. Bell. Interment was in Arlington cemetery. At
Arlington funeral service was continued at the home of Mrs.
J.I. Carter, that Mrs. Ewing's
many friends here might attend.
Ewing was Miss Mary Burford,
reared near Arlington. As Mrs. Hamilton
she was a longtime citizen of Arlington. She was a dearly loved
friend of many of our people. Her only living sister, Mrs.
Tom Ditte, of Bowie, was present at the funeral. Her
grandson, Mr. Harrison, of El Paso
was unable to come.

M.E. Love
M.E. Love was born in Tennessee 80 years ago. She was
carried to Mississippi while yet a child, and reared in that
state. In the 50's she was married to Mr.
B.B. Love at Carrollton, Miss. Her husband was a
confederate soldier and died during the war. Mrs.
Love made her home with her brother, Dr.
H.S. Sanders. They came to Texas in 1886, and to
Arlington over twenty years ago. Dr. and
Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Love
soon won the love and esteem of our people, and have remained as
one of our best families. While a young girl Mrs.
Love joined the Methodist church and spent her long
life a consistent Christian.
On May 8 she died,
after a long illness, during which all was done that tender
loving hearts and hands of both relatives and friends could
devise and do to make her life's evening easier. She was laid to
rest in Arlington cemetery and in the presence of her lord she
joyfully waits her loved ones, knowing that life is short and
the time soon comes when all His saints are where parting is no
J.K. Stone
J.K. Stone died at his home in Arlington at 1:30 p.m.
Monday, after only a few hours illness. Dr.
Stone was well known throughout the state in Masonic
circles. He was a Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch
Chapter of Texas and was thrice Illustrious Master of the
Council of Royal and Select Masters.
The funeral was
conducted at his residence, near the Masonic Home, at 4 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon and burial was in Arlington cemetery under
Masonic auspices.
Stone had lived in Texas for 60 years, residing near
Fort Worth for the last fifteen years and at Arlington seven
years. He was born in Mississippi about sixty-eight years ago
and for fifteen years traveled through the Southern States
advertising proprietary medicines. He was also a Shriner.
Stone is survived by his wife, who has the sympathy of
the entire community.

Brymer Talley Dead
Brymer Talley, who formerly spent much time in
Arlington with his aunts, the Misses Brymer,
died in Amarillo Tuesday. He was carried to Caldwell for burial.
Miss Merle Brymer, who was here
visiting Miss Alma Lampe, was
called to Caldwell Tuesday. The Brymers are well beloved in
Arlington and in this one of many sorrows they have the
heartfelt sympathy of us all.
Hugh M. Moore Jr.
All who knew Baby Hugh M., know that God was good in that
he allowed this precious baby boy to live in an earthly home for
the space of 8 months and 24 days. For 8 months he was so full
of life and happiness that he fairly scattered sunshine all
along the way. Did God need more sunshine among His angels? Was
that why We called Hugh M. to him
on that beautiful Sabbath day, June 3? The close friends of the
family realize, with them, that that was true.
For four weeks God
called for His child. During those same weeks doctors, nurses,
relatives and friends did everything in their power to keep him
among them. God knew best, so Baby Hugh M., is romping and
laughing with the angels now.
Only God knows the
loneliness in the hearts of the baby's loved ones. May he bring
sweet peace to their souls in the realization that Hugh M. is
happy now and that his sufferings and troubles are over forever
and ever.
Undertaker George
L. Gause of Fort Worth, an old friend of Mr.
Moore, had charge of the funeral. The services were
held at the Presbyterian church, Rev. S.M.
Bennett, assisted by Revs. J.T.
Upchurch, J.W. Hearon and
J.T. Renfro. After the services the
little body was laid to rest in the Arlington cemetery, under a
mound of beautiful flowers. Many hearts go out in sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Moore because of the
extreme loss of their precious little boy.
In the death of their
little son, Hugh M. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
M. Moore have the deepest sympathy of all Arlington and
all the surrounding country, where Mr.
Moore's kind and sympathetic help has strengthened so
many in sorrow of death's visits.
The following
out-of-town relatives and friends attended the funeral: Mr
and Mrs. Volney Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Bryant, Mr. Wright
Caldwell, Mrs. Jimmie McDaniels, Mr. John Caldwell, all
of Garland, Mrs.
James Campbell and Mrs. Porter Meyers, of Plano,
Mr. S.D. Shannon, of Fort Worth.

J.K. Stone
J.K. Stone died at his Arlington Texas, residence May
27th, 1918. His death was a shock to a throng of
friends throughout the state. His physicians had cautioned him
of a threatened attack of angina pectoris, recommending complete
rest temporarily, and they thought he had been convinced of the
seriousness of his condition, but always alert and full of
energy he courageously continued working at full speed and
succumbed, in full harness, as had always been his desire when
the end must come.
He died in the 68th
year of his age, after a useful and successful career.
He counted the world
his friend, and was esteemed accordingly by all whom he met. No
person of merited cause ever appealed to him in vain. He was big
of mind, soul and body, and his life was the embodiment of
goodness and generosity.
Where he went the
spirit of cheerfulness and happiness followed and he was
accordingly universally loved.
Stone was born in Mississippi, but reared in Texas, in
which state he made his home.
He was a member of
many Masonic Lodges and Orders and held offices in most of them.
He was also a Shriner. He was Past Grand High Priest of the
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas, and thrice Illustrious Master
of the Council of Royal and Select Masters.
His funeral was
conducted with Masonic honors and attended by Masons from
Dallas, Fort Worth and other cities.
The interment was at
Arlington, Texas.
Stone leaves a wife and two sisters and many close
relatives to sorrow over his departure.
One of his last
expressed wishes was one of patriotism, that he might live to
see the world's war ended victoriously for democracy. He had
done much for the Red Cross, being over age to enter battle he
glorified in being able to thus assist.
Sleep soft dear
friend, may the sod rest lightly over thee.
of Mrs. Mary A. Turck
Mary A. Turck, an old and well beloved citizen of
Arlington, died Saturday evening, after a short illness. Funeral
services were held at the Baptist church Monday morning by her
paster, Rev. J.T. Renfro, assisted
by Rev. S.M. Bennett.
Turck was born November 16, 1839. She became a
Christian early in life, uniting with the Lutheran church, Inter
with the Methodist church, but for many years she was a member
of the Baptist church.
Her husband, Mr.
T.H. Turck preceded her to their reward 18 years ago.
They had born to them
6 boys and 4 of whom are still living; 4 girls, 3 of whom are
still living; 14 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. One
son, Mr. Will Turck, lives in
Arlington, the others in the Arlington country.
So we lose another of
our best citizens. After her long and useful life, she is with
her Lord, and we shall be with her in that better land before
many years, for life at best, Is short.
To her loved ones we
extend our heartfelt sympathy in this great loss.
Passing of an Honored Citizen
F. Mahoney, the father of Mrs.
Joe Kelly passed from earth to heaven last Wednesday
morning. He was at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
C.H. Henrich, in Fort Worth. This removed from Fort
Worth one of its pioneer citizens, a veteran of two wars. He
went to Fort Worth in 1881 and as a stonemason laid the first
street curbs ever placed in the city. For more than 20 years he
worked for the city in various capacities.
He was born 83 years
ago in County Kerry, Ireland. He came from Ireland direct to
Texas, settling near San Antonio. He was a veteran of the
Mexican War as well as the Civil War. From San Antonio he moved
to Fort Worth.
He is survived by 4
daughters, Mrs. Joe Kelly of
Arlington, Mrs. C.H. Henrich, Mrs. Richard
Landis and Mrs. E.E. Blakeley, all of Fort Worth.
Eleven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, Mary
Katherine Phillips, of Arlington and Mary
Margaret Cronin, of Dallas, also survive.
Funeral services was
held Thursday at 10 a.m. at Holy Name Catholic Church,
Rev. Father J.S. O'Conner officiating. Burial was in
East Oakwood cemetery.
Mahoney's wife, who preceded him eight years ago, and
his grandson Richard Kelly ?
The pall bearers were
his grandsons and the husbands of his two grand-daughters, Messrs. William, Robert and Edward Kelly,
Edward Blakely, Eugene Phillips and J.J. Cronin.
The many friends of
the family here deeply sympathize with them in their loss.

of Judge John L. Terrell
From all sections of
Tarrant County, and from over Texas, his many friends will
sorrow over the death of Judge John L.
Terrell, which occurred June 21. He had served as
county judge of this county several terms and was an attorney.
He had just been appointed by President Wilson as U.S. Marshal
of this district, vice Wm. McDonald,
deceased, when death created another vacancy. Judge
Terrell was a nephew of the late O.W.
Lawrence of Arlington, and also of the late Hon.
A.W. Terrell, statesman, Minister to Turkey during
Cleveland's Administration.
(elsewhere in same
edition) Mrs. Lawrence attended the
funeral of her nephew, Judge John L.
Terrell, at his home in Fort Worth Sunday. Judge
Terrell died Friday. He had on Tuesday undergone a
serious surgical operation.

of Mrs. Russell
John M. Elliott's mother, Mrs.
Russell, died at her home in Wise county last Thursday,
June 27. She was nearing her 95th birthday, (October
16), and had been ill for sometime. She was buried Friday in
Sycamore cemetery. Pall bearers were six of her grandsons, Messrs. Ed, Russell and Culberson Elliott and
J. , P. and O. McGovern. All her living children were
present, Mrs. J.M. Elliott, Mrs. Belle
McGovern, Messrs. Tom, Abe, and R. Russell.
Grandchildren from each family except one, were present, also
several great grandchildren. Mrs. John M.
Elliott returned from Dimmitt to be with her mother,
but reached her a few minutes after death.
About 57 years of her
long, Christian life were spent in Denton and Wise counties.

of Mr. Lowe
Jack Lowe, of Mansfield, (the father-in-law of Mrs.
M. Lowe, nee Miss Maud Nichols
of Arlington), died at his home last Thursday and was buried at
Mansfield Friday. Mr. Lowe is survived by his wife and several
children, all grown. The youngest, Jack
Lowe Jr., is in France.

B.F. Brittain Dead
Sad were the hearts
in this entire community when the news came here Monday evening
that Mrs. B.F. Brittain had passed
away from earth to heaven.
Not sad for her
"going home," but that we should no more see and be helped by
her presence among us. For she was indeed a help to those who
needed a friend and who yearned for kindly deeds and words of
comfort. For more than a quarter of a century this good woman
had lived here. When eight years ago, her good husband, Dr.
B.F. Brittain, after a long illness, went before her to
that "place prepared for the people of God," she went to live
with her daughter, Mrs. Viola McFarland,
in Dallas, and spent her time there and visiting her children.
The funeral was held
in the Baptist church here at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, July 23rd,
1918, conducted by her pastor, Rev. W.J.
Hearon, of the Methodist church of Arlington (for she
retained her membership here) assisted by Rev.
Oscar T. Cooper, pastor of Oaklawn Church, Dallas,
where she and her daughters worshipped. A large number of
friends attended the funeral, and interment was in Arlington
cemetery beside that of her husband. The choirs sang her
old-time favorite hymns, "Nearer my God to Thee," "Lead Kindly
Light," "Asleep in Jesus," and other old songs.
Mr. Cooper, in delivering the principle address, as he
had known her since his boyhood here where he too, was reared,
Elizabeth M. Brittain, wife of the late Dr.
B.F. Brittain, was born in Charlestown, Tenn., 1840.
She died in Dallas, Texas, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
V. McFarland, 2112 N. Harwood St., Dallas, Texas, on
Monday afternoon, July 22, 1918. She became the wife of
Dr. B.F. Brittain at Georgetown, Tenn., in 1856.
Dr. and Mrs. Brittain
and family moved to Texas in 1865. They first settled in
Jacksonville, Tx., and after some years of residence there moved
to Waco, Tx., from where after one year, they removed to
Arlington, 25 years ago. Dr. Brittain
preceded his wife to the better world eight years ago.
Brittain was converted and joined the Methodist
Episcopal Church South, in early girlhood, at thirteen years of
age. Through these scores of years she has been a consistent
member, a devoted Christian; and many remember with gratitude
her days filled with kindly words and loving deeds.
The deceased is
survived by 4 sons, Dr. J.K, Brittain,
Moran, Tx; Dr. B.F. Brittain,
Puttman, Tx; Dr. B. Brittain,
Flynn, Tx and Dr. E. Brittain,
Bremand, Tx; and two daughters, Mrs. V.
McFarland, Dallas, Tx and Mrs.
F.A. Fuller, Jacksonville, Tx. Nine grandchildren
survive her, among whom is Miss Laura
Brittain, who has made her home with Mrs.
Brittain since infancy.
Mahaney Dead
Martha Mahaney, who has been ill for sometime, died at
her home with her sons, on West Main St. Thursday Morning at
1:20 o'clock. Funeral service was held at the home Thursday
afternoon at 5 o'clock. Burial was in Arlington cemetery.
Mahaney was a long loved citizen of Arlington. Her many
friends will miss her and the family have the deep sympathy of
the entire community.
