Arlington Journal
Friday--January 4, 1918
William Richardson
Wm. Richardson, nee Caroline
Keyes, was born in Monroe Co., N.Y., Oct. 13, 1830, and
died at the home of her son in Arlington, on December 30, 1917.
At the age of 6 she
removed with her parents, as pioneers to Michigan, and at 18 to
Iowa. There in 1853, she was married to William
Richardson. To them three children were born, J.H.
and Hugh Richardson, who have been
in attendance at her side for several years, and
Mrs. Mary Barnard, of Houston, who was not able to
attend her mother's funeral.
S.M. Bennett conducted funeral services at the home,
Jan 1, and interment was in Arlington cemetery, Mr.
J.B. Hough of Milton Undertaking Co. in charge.
Undertaker Hugh
M. Moore reports the death of Arthur
Loveless, the sixteen year old son of Mrs.
Ed Loveless, near Handley Monday night. Burial was in
Isom Cemetery Friday afternoon, Rev. Boone
of Fort Worth conducting.
of Mr. Henry Clark
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark will sorrow to
learn of his death last Tuesday. He had been ill for a long
time. The funeral was held at the home near Stop Keystone by Rev. S.M. Bennett. Interment was in
Johnson Station Cemetery with Mr. J.B.
Hough of Milton Undertaking Co. in charge.
Clark and her family have the sympathy of many friends.
of Soldier
H.F. Lawing died at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Lawing, in this city at 10 o'clock last
Friday night of meningitis, so pronounced by Dr.
W.H. Davis who attended him. He was on a five days
furlough from Camp Bowie and was sick only twenty-four hours.
Private H.F. Lawing
was born at Johnson Station February 22, 1896, and was reared at
Johnson Station. He died Dec. 27, 1917. Rev.
S.M. Bennett conducted funeral services at the
Arlington Cemetery, where he was given a soldier's burial. Many
beautiful flowers attested the love of friends.
The family have the
deep sympathy of the entire community in their loss.
at Dalworth
A most deplorable
accident was that which resulted in the death of Rev.
A.L. Andrews, his wife and son Corporal
Will Andrews, when their car was struck by the Sunshine
Special at Dalworth last Friday. They were killed instantly. Dr.
Andrews' body was brought to undertaker Hugh
M. Moore and the bodies of Corporal Andrews and his
mother were brought to Milton Undertaking Co., to Mr.
Hough and prepared for burial. They were carried to the
residence in Ft. Worth by Messrs. Hough and Moore and funeral
services were at the First M.E. Church Sunday.
Dr. Andrews was
pastor of the First Methodist Church of Fort Worth and his son
was Corporal in Battery C 33rd Field Artillery.
The two-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Moss died at
the home of his parents in North Fort Worth Sunday morning.
Funeral services were held at Watson cemetery at 3 p.m. Monday
by Rev. D.C. Slbley and under
direction of Hugh M. Moore.
of Jesse S. Moore
S. Moore, age 40 died at his home near Smithfield, to
which place he had moved three weeks ago from the Bedford
community, where he was born and raised.
He was ill only a few
days with double pneumonia. He was a brother of J.M.
Moore of Arlington, M.H. Moore
of Fort Worth, Mrs. W.H. McKinley
of Fort Worth and Mrs. John Barr of
He leaves a wife and
two children, Gladys and Fay, age
11 and 9 years respectively.
Funeral services were
held at New Hope Christian church at 3 o'clock on New Year's
day, conducted by Rev. N.L. Clark
of Fort Worth and Rev. Patrick Henry
of Arlington.
Arlington Journal
Friday--January 11, 1918
of Mrs. Hannah Hutcheson
Hannah Hutcheson died of pneumonia at her home Monday
night at 10:30. Funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at
the home by Rev. W.J. Hearon,
assisted by Rev. A.P. Collins of
Fort Worth and Rev. A.C. Gustavus.
The floral offerings were many and beautiful. A number of
friends and relatives from Fort Worth and Dallas attended the
funeral. Interment was in Arlington Cemetery, Mr.
Hugh M. Moore in charge.
Mrs. Hutcheson was a
niece of Mrs. T.B. Collins, Sr.,
and a great niece of Mrs.
R. W. Collins. Her life was spent in Arlington and she
made herself dear to all who were ever associated with her, a
lovable girl, an intelligent, smart Christian woman and one that
can hardly be spared, but we should not forget that hers is the
Kingdom of Heaven, and in that Kingdom, peace reigns.
There are left to
mourn for her six children. Mrs. Pearl
Barnhill, who with her husband and the youngest child,
Miss Leta Hutcheson lived with their
mother; Lloyd, whose home is here
also; Olin Hutcheson of Crescent; Mrs. Edna Moore of Johnson Station; Walter Hutcheson, Arlington; five
grandchildren; her father, Mr. Jim Pilant
of Fort Worth; sisters and brothers as follows: Mrs.
Susie McNatt of Walters, Okla.; Mrs.
Cora Sanders of Fort Worth; Mrs.
Ida McKinley, Arlington; Will
Pilant, Argentina, S.A.; Frank
Pilant, Wichita, Kansas; Grover
Pilant, Denver, Colo.; John H.
Pilant, Arlington.
Arlington Journal
Friday--January 18, 1918
of Mrs. Coleman
Cora Coleman, formerly of Arlington, died at Austin
last Saturday and was buried at Oak Cliff Monday. Funeral was at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Walden.
E.E. Rankin and Mrs. Joe Crawley
attended the funeral. Mrs. Coleman
had many friends in Arlington.
of Mr. Forest Allen
Forest Allen, who had recently moved from Desoto to the
Doscue place west of Arlington, died of Brights disease last
Thursday, after an illness of three months, part of which had
been spent in a sanitarium. His remains were buried in the Noah
Cemetery Saturday.
Mr. Allen leaves a
wife, who is a daughter of Rev. Bascom
Thomas of Arlington, and three small children, two of
whom are twin babies. He is also survived by his mother and
several brothers and sisters. His mother, Mrs.
Carrie Allen, two small brothers, Mrs.
Pogue and Mrs. Ham, all of
Desoto, and a brother, Jim Allen,
of Noel Junction, were present at the funeral.
Mr. J.B. Hough, of Milton Undertaking Co., had charge
of the burial.
Allen and the little ones will come to live with her
father. May God "temper the wind to the shorn lambs" and help
the bereaved ones in their loss.
M.A. Caloway Dead
Mary Caloway died Tuesday at the Home for Aged Masons,
where she has lived since April, 1916. She had been ill of
paralysis for two weeks. Funeral service was held at the Home by
Rev. A.C. Gustavus, her pastor.
Many of the church
members attended and Mr.
Hough Hiett led the Baptist Choir in rendering
beautiful and appropriate music.
Caloway was 78 years old; and had been an active church
member for many years. Her consistent life was a blessing to
many during her stay on Earth.
C.P. Cyrus Dead
C.P. Cyrus of Cleburne died Tuesday morning at the home
of her son-in-law, the Rev. O.T. Cooper,
3900 Dicason Avenue, Oak Lawn, Dallas. She became ill with
pneumonia while on a visit to her daughter, Mrs.
Cooper. A short funeral service was held at the house
at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, conducted by the Rev.
Sam R. Hay and the Rev. O.S.
Thomas, after which the body was taken to Cleburne in a
special interurban car and service held in the Main Street
Methodist Church in Cleburne at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The
service was conducted by the Rev. C.R.
Wright of Cleburne and the Rev.
J.M. Barcus of Hillsboro. The Pallbearers were L.W.
Hays, Theodore Russell, Lawrence Thomas, B.M.
Burgher, E.G. Knight and J.D. Cullum. Mrs.
Cyrus, who was a widow, 70 years old, is survived by
the following children: Charles L. Cyrus
and James C. Cyrus of Cleburne, T. Stratton Cyrus, Fort Worth; Richard
P. Cyrus, Greenville; Mrs. E.R.
Barcus, Tyler; Elbert M. Cyrus,
Greenville; and Mrs. J.W. Pittman,
Corpus Christi; and Mrs. O.T. Cooper,
Cooper's many friends in Arlington deeply sympathize
with her and her relatives in this so great sorrow.
Frozen to Death
A man apparently 30
to 35 years old, was found dead on the interurban right-of-way
and reported by a young lady who teaches at Handley. He had
evidently frozen to death. No means of identification were found
on the body. Mr. Hugh M. Moore
brought the body to his undertaking office and prepared it for
burial. He made every effort to identify it and several hundred
viewed the body. A Red Cross button showed the man a member, so
Mr. Moore furnished casket, flowers,
and necessary outfit and had the body interred in Arlington
Cemetery. Funeral service was held Tuesday at Mr. Moore's
office, Rev. D.C. Sibley and
Rev. S.M. Bennett officiating. Many people attended and
several floral offerings testified to the human kindness of our
people. It is thought probable that the identity of the man will
remain a mystery.
Harvey Tomlin
Age 21 months, died
of pneumonia Thursday night and was buried in Tomlin Cemetery
Friday. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Tomlin, three miles Northwest of Arlington.
M.L, Smith
Mary Lee Smith, aged 45 years died Saturday at the Home
of Aged Masons. The body was carried to Fort Worth by Mr.
Moore and shipped to Goldthwait for burial. Mrs.
Smith is survived by five children, who are in the
Masonic Orphans Home of Fort Worth.
Sam Bowling, aged 69 years, died at his home at
Westmoreland Stop, Friday morning. The body was brought to Grand
Prairie for burial Saturday. Funeral service was conducted by
the Presbyterian paster. Mr. Bowling
is survived by his wife and four children. He was formerly a
citizen of the Arlington Community.
M.E. Blackwell
Mary E. Blackwell, aged 59 years, died suddenly at the
home of her son, J.J. Blackwell,
seven miles north of Arlington, on January 8th and
was buried at Arlington on the 9th. Funeral service
was conducted by Rev. Sibley and Rev. Bennett. Mrs.
Blackwell is survived by one daughter and three sons.
S. Fitch
J.S. Fitch, aged 69 years, died Sunday at his home at
Bedford and was buried Monday at Bedford, under the auspices of
the Arlington Masonic Lodge. Mr. Fitch
is survived by his wife, two daughters and one son.
Arlington Journal
Friday--Febuary 1, 1918
of Mrs. Wade
N. J. Wade died Jan. 28, at the home of her son, Mr. Ellis Wade. Funeral service was held
at the home by Rev.
S.M. Bennett and interment was in Arlington cemetery, Mr. J.B. Hough of Milton Undertaking
Co., in charge.
Wade was 83 years old. She had many friends in and
around Arlington. Three of her children live here, Messrs. Will and Ellis Wade and Mrs.
N.J. Noah.
Arlington Journal
Friday--Febuary 8, 1918
of Mr. J.M. Floyd
J.M. Floyd, west of Arlington, was stricken with
meningitis last Saturday and died at 8 o'clock Monday night.
Funeral service was held at the home Wednesday afternoon and
interment was in Handley cemetery, with Mr.
Hugh M. Moore in charge.
Floyd had many relatives and a host of friends in the
Arlington country who are grieved to lose so good a man. He was
a successful farmer and one of our best citizens. He leaves a
wife and 5 children, the oldest about 14 years of age. They have
the deepest sympathy of all our people in losing this so kind
husband and father.
Roy Wilshire.
Little Roy,
one of the twin babies of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilshire, died Saturday. Sunday afternoon Rev.
S.M. Bennett held funeral service at Watson cemetery,
where the little one was buried. Mr. Hugh
Moore was in charge of interment.
of Michael Moore
Moore, foreman on the Eagle Ford section of the Texas
and Pacific died suddenly of hemorrhage of the lungs while on
the track Wednesday. He was brought to Arlington by train No. 1
and carried to Milton Undertaking parlors and prepared for
burial. Thursday the body was still being held for instructions
from M. Moore's daughters in San
Andrew Brundage
Andrew Brundage, age 71 years, 6 months and 13 days
died at Midlothian, Texas at 10:15 o'clock, Saturday morning,
Jan. 26, 1918. Mr. Brundage's
illness was of only a few weeks duration; he was surrounded by
his children when the end came. Funeral services were held on
Saturday, Jan. 27th, under auspices of the Masonic
and Odd Fellows fraternities, of which he had long been a
He served 3 years in
the confederacy in Major Horton's brigade, Company C, 2nd
Texas cavalry.
He is survived by his
wife and five sons and one daughter, as follows: W.A.,
Ft. Worth, formerly of Arlington, who was connected with the
Journal; Mrs. J.M. Board,
Mansfield; Roy, Witchita Falls; Ross, Midlothian; Lee,
Waxahachie and Clyde,. of Camp
Bowie. He is also survived by a sister residing in Los Angeles,
Arlington Journal
Friday--Febuary 15, 1918
of Mrs. W. R. King
Alice King, wife of W.R. King
who is a brother of C.D. King, Sr.
of Arlington, died Monday at her home in Grand Prairie. She had
been ill from a stroke of paralysis for the last fifteen months.
Funeral service was held at the Christian church by the pastor.
Interment was in the Grand Prairie cemetery, Messrs.
Moore and Turner in charge. Her husband and all her
children were present at the funeral, Mrs.
Mollie Fowler, Mrs. Lucy Yarbough, Mr. Alice Bolin, Mrs.
Lena Burt, Mr. Paul King
and a niece, who had been reared as her own child,
Mrs. Maude Taaffe Poindexter and a nephew Claude
Taaffe. Paul King was at
home on 30 days furlough, granted from Camp Travis on account of
his mother's illness. He was to sail on the Tuscania.
King was given every care that tender loving hearts
could devise, and never suffered much in her last illness. She
leaves many friends besides her husband and children to mourn
her loss.
Those attending the
funeral from Arlington were, Mesdames
McCrary, Carver King, Lawrence, W.G. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
A.C. Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Will Turck.
The floral offerings
were many and beautiful.
Killed by Speeders
The two year old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Hagler, was
instantly killed by an auto Sunday afternoon. The child was
seated in a little wagon, drawn by an older child. Two cars
seemed to be racing, at least, were speeding, and one swerved
out and struck the child. It is said the little fellow who drew
the wagon was nearly in the ditch to keep out of danger, yet
they killed the baby. The driver who struck the child was
arrested. The little wagon lay in the ditch, stained with
innocent blood, a mute accuser. The older child was so
frightened he ran away from the scene. Kind hands carried the
lifeless body away. So another tragedy ends. By the time this
goes to press no doubt others will be recorded in heaven's book
as murder. What can be done to "regulate" killing?
Arlington Journal
Friday--Febuary 22, 1918
of Thanks
and Mrs. W. F. Rutherford of Meridian, wish the
Arlington Journal to extend their thanks to Mr.
Hugh M. Moore and their Arlington friends for the
kindness shown in their recent bereavement in the loss of their
father, Mr. William Rutherford, who
passed away Sunday at Meridian, and was laid to rest beside his
beloved wife in the Arlington cemetery.
Rutherford was born in England 81 years ago. He lived a
beautiful Christian life, for fifty years.
of Aged Mexican
Coss; the aged Mexican who has lived at Mr.
J.P. Fielder's for the past eleven years, died Saturday
night of pneumonia and was buried at Noah cemetery. He lived
around Alvarado and Waco for about 40 years.
Arlington Journal
Friday--March 1, 1918
of Susan Ford
Susan Ford, a sister of Mr. Joe
Finger and Mrs. Joe Tolliver,
died at the home of Mrs. Tolliver
Tuesday night of paralysis. The body was sent to Memphis, Texas,
Wednesday night by Mr. Hugh M. Moore.
Ford had been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Finger for several weeks and had gone to spend
a few days with Mrs. Tolliver, when
she was stricken. She had many friends in Arlington.
One of the twin
babies of Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Allen,
a little eight months old girl, died Tuesday and was buried
Wednesday at the Noah cemetery, Mr. J.B.
Hough, of Milton Undertaking Co., in charge.
Fannie Cooper
Fannie Cooper died at Mansfield Saturday, after a long
illness. Funeral service was held Sunday by her paster, Rev.
E.D.L. Timms, and her body raid to rest in Mansfield
Her sisters, Mrs.
S.G. Riall of Arlington and Mrs.
Gilstrap of Mansfield were with her at the last. Her
other 3 sisters were too far away to come.
Arlington Journal
Friday--March 8, 1918
Ramsay Killed
Ramsay, age 30, a nephew of Mrs.
T.A. Rudd, was killed last Thursday night in the Cotton
Belt yards while coupling cars. He was struck by a car and so
injured that he died shortly after reaching the sanitarium. He
lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Ramsay. He was reared in the Arlington Country and had
many friends and relatives in this section. Mrs.
Rudd was called to Fort Worth, returning Friday night.
of Mrs. Hurley Young
Hurley Young, nee Miss Ella
Compton, died Monday night at Johnson Sanitarium, where
she had been for about a week.
Funeral service was
held at the Comptom home, Tuesday afternoon by Rev.
S.M. Bennett, interment was in Arlington cemetery, Mr. Hugh M. Moore in charge.
Young was an Arlington girl, a very dear girl, and had
many friends in Arlington and vicinity who mourn her untimely
going and who, deeply sympathize with her loved ones in their
Arlington Journal
Friday--March 15, 1918
Mason Killed at Crossing
Brother J.T.
Miner (Uncle Bud), one of the most beloved members of
the Old Mason's Home was killed on the T. and P. crossing one
mile west of town Sunday afternoon. He had gone for a walk after
supper and was returning from Keystone Stop when he was struck
by the 7 o'clock passenger train, west bound.
Dr. Smith Woodward was at Keystone and on seeing the
train stop, went over to the crossing, and found Uncle Bud dead,
his neck broken and one arm broken.
Funeral service was
conducted by Revs. Bennett and Kerby
at the Home Monday and interment was in Arlington cemetery, Hugh M. Moore in charge.
Uncle Bud attended
the flowers at the Home and it was his habit to bring in
bouquets for the doctor, the nurses and others and the Home is
sad without his kindly smile, cherry words and thoughtful
Arlington Journal
Friday--March 22, 1918
of Mrs. John Elliott
John Elliott of Moran, died at Johnson Sanitarium
Monday, March 18. Funeral service was held at the Arlington
Christian Church Tuesday afternoon at 3:30, conducted by
Rev. Patrick Henry.
The pallbearers were,
Messers. Olin Davis of Fort Worth, James Ditto, Webb Rose, Leslie Coulter, King
Elliott and Charlie Brower. Interment was in Arlington
cemetery, directed by Mr. Hugh Moore.
Beautiful floral
offerings spoke the love of many friends, and sweet, impressive
music softened grief.
Elliott was the eldest child of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Spruance and as Miss
Sadie Spruance she was known and loved in Arlington.
Surviving her are three sisters, Mrs. W. H.
Davis and Miss Virgie Spruance
of Arlington and Mrs.
French Davis of Dallas; one brother, Mr.
Ben Spruance of Amarillo, and her husband, who has so
devotedly attended her throughout her long illness.
She was a consistent
member of the Christian Church. Being in her 50th
year, she had lived the life of a useful Christian for a Long
time, and the world will miss her service.
Elliott went to the sanitarium just one week before her
death, was operated upon and was thought to be doing well, her
family expected her recovery and love and careful ministry were
hers, but God was ready for her and they are left to wait a
happy reunion in the land of joy where she walks and talks with
him. We join the many friends of her loved ones in deepest
sympathy and the hope they may know the comfort he gives to his
The following out of
town relatives attended the funeral: Mr.
Ben Spruance of Amarillo; Mrs.
French Davis of Dallas; Mr. Flem
Bledso, Mrs. Bussey and Mr. Van Bussey of Hutchins, Miss
Adda Rawlins of Lancaster, Mrs.
E. Spann of Weatherford.
of Oliver Perry Cox
Oliver Perry Cox, youngest child of Mr.
and Mrs. J.B. Cox, died at his home in North Arlington
at 7:20 o'clock Tuesday morning, March 12, 1918.
was born August 28, 1901, being 16 years, 6 months and 12 days
old at the time of his death. He was sick only 8 days with
meningitis. We was given every care that tender loving hearts
could devise, but nothing seemed to help him. The lord called
for him and he had to go. He told his nurse he was going Home to
Those left to mourn
his death are his father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. J.B. Cox, one brother, Mr.
W.H. Cox and four sisters, Misses
Rucia and Jessie Lee Cox,
Mrs. G.W. Shelton of Arlington and Mrs. T. G. Shockley of Mansfield.
S.M. Bennett conducted funeral services, which were
held at the West Fork church, interment was in Watson cemetery,
Mr. Hugh Moore in charge.
