Last Sunday was a day
of unusual sorrow in Arlington. Funeral services were held over
the remains of two most popular young people, Miss
Virgil Pilant and Will Barhem,
each just entering womanhood and manhood respectively.
Miss Pilant died
Thursday night at ten o'clock from blood poison, brought on by a
malignant postule on the face. She was born and raised here and
always had a cheerful smile and a pleasant word for everyone. To
know her was to love her; to associate with her was to be made
better; and the memory of her pure sweet life robs death of much
of its pain and bitterness.
The love which the
people had for her and the sorrow felt was attested by the large
crowd that attended the funeral, and burial Sunday morning and
by the lavish floral offerings and tears shed.
The remains were kept
till Sunday morning awaiting the arrival of a brother who had to
come from Chicago. Morning services were dispensed with in all
the churches in order to do honor to the loved dead. Both
funeral services were held at M.E. church of which both the
young people were members. Rev. J.W. Lee
pastor of the Methodist church assisted by Rev.
M.C. Jackson pastor of the Baptist church conducted the
services at church. The Barhams
live out at the W.W. Floyd place
and are comparative strangers to most of our people, but have
made several acquaintances during the year that deeply
sympathize with them in their great loss.
Mr. Barham was held in very high esteem by those who
knew him well. The immediate cause of his death was pneumonia.
The Journal joins in the general sorrow over the death of these
young people.
(elsewhere in this
issue an article that is torn--lists J.C.
Pilant as her father)

The body of Luther
Boaz, son of William J. Boaz,
vice president of the American National Bank of Fort Worth was
shipped from Houston last night, and will arrive here this
morning. L.B. Comer, a
brother-in-law of the deceased, and W.J.
Boaz, who were present at the time of his death, will
accompany the body to this city. Funeral services will probably
be held this morning.--Tuesday's Record.
Early last Saturday
morning a Mrs. Taylor living just
west of the Carlisle Academy died after weeks of suffering from
dropsy. A husband survives her. They were comparative strangers
here, having lived here but a few months. Services were held in
the afternoon by Rev. M.C. Jackson,
and the remains interred in Arlington cemetery.
On Monday William
Klepper an aged German, and one of Arlington's first
settlers passed away. Mr. Klepper was a native of Germany, and
at the time of his death, in his 85th year. He fought in the
wars before come to America and in the Confederate army in the
civil conflict of 61-64 in this country. Rev.
Rohem pastor of the Lutheran church in Ft. Worth came
down Tuesday and held funeral services both at the residence and
the grave. Many German friends from Dallas and Ft. Worth
attended. Internment was had in the Arlington cemetery at 3
o'clock Tuesday evening. The grave was beautifully decked with
rarest and most beautiful flowers brought by loving hands from
conservatories and hot houses of Dallas and Ft. Worth. Father
Klepper was a devoted member of the Lutheran church and was
highly esteemed and greatly loved by those who knew him well,
especially the older German citizenship. He was the stepfather
of Mrs. Geo. Lampe. His aged wife,
the mother of Mrs. Lampe, survives him. He had been a citizen of
Arlington 29 years, coming from Eagle Ford before the T.P. road
was completed to this place.
Next came the death
of Constable Bob Feamster which
occurred at his residence about 5 o'clock Tuesday evening. This
was one of the most pathetic deaths ever seen in our town. He
was in the prime of life with a young wife and 3 small children.
Less than a year ago he was the picture of full manhood and
considered the strongest man in Arlington. Early last spring he
had measles which settled on the lungs and developed into
consumption. During the summer and fall he traveled considerably
in hope of obtaining relief but to no avail. Just before
Christmas he returned home from El Paso, and gradually grew
worse till the end came. He never gave up to the last and only a
few days before his death was on the streets. His loitering
steps, bent and emaciated form touched every heart as he
appeared on the streets.
At the time of his
death he was constable of this precinct; and in the past had
done considerable services as deputy marshall. As an officer he
was brave and fearless, always doing his duty well. As a husband
and father he was loyal and devoted. He was a member of the
W.O.W., which society did much for him in his last days.
The remains will be
interred tomorrow having been held pending the arrival of

Hudson of Cozart, Panola County, died last week. He was
a nephew of Mrs. Ramsey of this
place. He was one of the wealthiest and most substantial
citizens of his county, and his death is much deplored by his
many friends both there and here.

After many weeks of
suffering Uncle Joe Collins, on
last Monday morning at 1 o'clock, breathed his last, at the ripe
old age of 74 years, 10 months and 28 days.
He was a native of
Alabama, but came to Texas 31 years ago; came to Arlington 29
years ago.
He was an
ex-confederate and a member of the Bedford Forest Camp of this
place, the members of which took charge of the body and
conducted the burial exercises.
Religious services
were held at the home of the family one mile north of town,
Tuesday at one o'clock, by Elder J.H.
Fisher a primitive Baptist minister of Graham, Tx.,
after which the remains were carried to Arlington cemetery for
A wife, daughter, and
5 sons survive him; all of whom were with him during his last
illness and death.
Prominent among the
sons are Rev. A.P. Collins of Ft.
Worth and Dr. J.D. Collins of this
Mr. Collins had long
been a consistent member of the primitive Baptist church, worked
hard, and amassed a nice competency, was a member of no lodge,
and was never prominently in the eye of the public, but was
highly respected by all and always ready to respond to the calls
of duty. He was one of the towns oldest and best known citizens,
one of those sturdy old farmers that have made the country what
it is, lived well, died happy and left a useful family of sons
and daughter to emulate his example, and perpetuate his memory.
The Journal mingles its personal sorrow with that of the 3
surviving brothers, and sister, widow, children, and great
number of friends and relatives.
Monday evening at 6
o'clock Post Master J.I. Carter
received a telegram announcing the death of his father Elder
J.A. Carter at Curve, Tenn.
The news came as a
great shock to Mr. Carter, as his father, though past 72 years
of age, was hale and hearty and actively engaged in ministerial
work. A wife and 10 children survive him, all of whom, except
J.I. Carter of this place, and Mrs. James
Rose of Austin, live in Tenn.
Mr. Carter has led an
active and eventful life. For over 50 years he has been a
minister of the Christian Church, much of the time being engaged
in evangelical work; during which time he has baptized over
6,000 persons.
At the beginning of
the rebellion he went out as Chaplain of Albert
Sidney Johnston's regiment, and on that memorable
Sunday morning at the battle of Shiloh saw 3 of his
brothers--one a captain, one a lieutenant, and one a
private--slain in battle, after which he resigned as chaplain
and entered the ranks as a private. In the spring of '65 he was
sent home as a recruiting officer, and was captured and sent to
Jolliett prison in Ill. where he remained till the close of the
Few men have lived
more actively devoted to duty than he. Peace be to the good mans
He was pleasantly
remembered by many of our people who met him here while on a
visit to his son at this place.
The surviving
relatives, especially our fellow townsman have the profound
sympathy of many friends in this dark hour of bereavement.
News was received in
this city last Saturday of the death of Carl
Collins, the 14 years old son of Mr.
and Mrs. E.T. Collins of Fordyce, Ark. His death
occurred at Hot Springs on the 3rd inst. Carl was a bright and
promising boy, the only son of the parents and only brother of
the only sister. He was a grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. R.W. Collins of this place, and was well known
and pleasantly remembered by a large circle of friends and
relatives, all of whom regret to hear of his early death and
deeply sympathize with the bereaved parents and sister.
H. Melton, bookkeeper for Dr.
Lloyd Pollock, committed suicide at his home in Ft.
Worth yesterday by shooting himself through the left breast. He
was formerly employed in the tax collectors office. He leaves a
wife and 3 children. No cause was assigned for the rash act.
Polly Leath one of the oldest and most venerated
mothers of the Rehoboth neighborhood, died at the home of her
son Ed Leath, on the 4th inst. On
Christmas day she fell from the porch sustaining a fractured
rib. Later she was attacked by pneumonia to which she succumbed.
Mrs. Leath was 81 years old, and was the mother of 4 sons and a
daughter all of whom except the daughter were with her at the
close of her long and useful life. A formal obituary was sent in
with a request for publication, but as the writer signed no name
we cannot use it. Writers to all papers should remember that
papers can't use matter sent in with no name thereto.

One of the little
twins of Mr. and Mrs. M.P. Parker
died Saturday night, and was buried at Johnson Station on
Monday. The Journal extends its sincerest sympathy.
the infant son of Mr. and Mr. Pell Parker
was buried here Sunday.
Webb of Grand Prairie, a brother of Mrs.
G.T. Carter of this place, died Tuesday night after a
short attack of pneumonia. He leaves a wife and 5 children.
COLLINS--Carl, the only son of Mr.
and Mrs. E.T. Collins, died at Hot Springs on Feb 3rd,
of pneumonia, after a short illness. He had been suffering with
bright's disease for the past few months, and his death was not
unexpected but doubly sad; because he was the only boy of the
family, the idol of his parents and loved by all who were
fortunate enough to know him. We never knew a boy or young man
who was so polite and kind as Carl. He will be missed by his
many friends, and especially will he be missed in the Sunday
School which he attended. The heart-broken parents and the only
sister and all bereaved have our sympathy in this great loss. It
is no little honor to have such representatives in heaven, and
the thought that we can meet them is a happy one. The funeral
services were held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon. And
the remains were placed in the Fordyce cemetery.--Fordyce
Virginia Huffman better known as Grandma
King, died at her home in Arlington Tuesday night,
February 21 of heart failure.
She was one of the
oldest residents of Arlington, coming here in '73 from
Minnesota. Grandma King was a kind gentle woman and patient
sufferer who leaves many friends to mourn her loss.
She was a member of
the M.E. church. Mrs. Carrie Rogers
her grand-daughter mourns in her the loss of a mother.
Her nephew Harry
Mercen of Steele, North Dakota was visiting her at the
time of her death. Her funeral was held at her home Thursday
a.m. Rev. Lee officiating. She was
laid to rest in Watson cemetery, by the side of her husband Rev. Louis King. She was born in Pike
Co., Ky. Oct. 16 1824, consequently was 80 years old.
"Father" Adams,
superintendent and general manager of the rescue home out south
of the city, died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock after a few
days confinement with pneumonia. Two sons; business men of Waco,
a daughter from Waco, and Mrs. J.T.
Upchurch of Oak Cliff another daughter, were all here
with him.
The body was embalmed
and prepared for shipment to Waco by undertaker J.P.
Jones, and was shipped on an afternoon train.
Adams was a most excellent old gentleman, one whose
sphere in life will not be easily filled.
His loss to the home
is irreparable. Peace to the good mans ashes. His aged wife and
several children, all grown however, and not residents of this
place, survive him.
McKnight last week received a letter from Dr.
Stell at Springfield Ark. announcing the death of his
uncle B.B. Stell on the 12 inst.
Mr. Stell was at one time a wealthy and prosperous business man
of Ark., but was ruined financially by a dishonest partner, and
by signing notes for friends. For 20 years he was a resident of
this city, burying his wife and only son here a few years ago,
and going to Ark. to live with relatives.
