Tarrant County, TXGenWeb

Tate Cemetery



Headstone photographs are in the Photo Gallery

LOT #1

Stalons, Joseph H., Son of R.A.
Aged 7 days 
Calcite headstone plus a footstone
(photos 41 & 41b)

Stalons, R.A. 
Headstone is missing
Only the base remains
(photos 38 & 38b)

LOT #2

Joseph A., Son of J.W. & M. Sorrels
May 18, 1893 - Aug. 27, 1894
Calcite headstone 
[letter has b. 3/18/1893]
(photos 37 & 37b)

Unknown person
Small grave, probably a child

Mary Sorrels  
Aug. 28, 1825 - April 3, 1912
Has a calcite headstone plus a footstone
(photos 35 & 35b)

J.W. Sorrels  
1856 - 1919
Has a granite headstone plus a footstone
[letter has d. 1915]
(photos 34 & 34b)

LOT #3

Child of Marcus and Emma Bryant
No headstone

Child of Marcus and Emma Bryant
No headstone

Child of Marcus and Emma Bryant
No headstone

Marcus Bryant
No headstone

Bryant, Emma Wife of Marcus
No headstone

Child of Marcus and Emma Bryant
No headstone

LOT #4

Child of W.W. Ring
No headstone

Infant of Will Gosset
No headstone

Infant of Luther Hope
No headstone

Infant of Tom Poor
No headstone

Child of W.L. Richardson
No headstone

LOT #5

Child of Ida Johnson
No headstone

M.B. Huekabee 
nothing can be read
[letter has M.B. Huckabee, child of Amos]
Calcite headstone broken from base
(photo 40)

LOT #7

Infant of Oscar Bryant
No headstone
Grave is in the walkway

LOT #10

Daughter of Al Shelton
No headstone

LOT #11

Infant of Felix Morales
No headstone

Infant of Burly Watkins
No headstone

Martha Page
No headstone

LOT #12

Infant of Oliver Harwell
No headstone

Infant of E.R. Cood
No headstone

Mrs. W.A. Cassell
No headstone

W.A. Cassell
No headstone

LOT #14

James Baker
No headstone

Infant of James and Mollie Baker
No headstone

Infant of James and Mollie Baker
No headstone
In walkway between lots 14 & 15

LOT #15

Baker, Mollie Wife of James
No headstone
[Nee Tate]

Lousa J. Tate  
1864 - 1894
Resting in hope of a Glorious Resurrection
Foot Stone L.J.T.
Calcite headstone
[Daughter of E.C.]
(photos 27 & 27b)

Nelly A. Lotspeich  
Born Aug. 28, 1861 Died Sept. 22, 1890
There is a foot stone also N.A.L.
Inscription reads:
Dear is the spot where christans
sleep and sweet the strains that angels pour
oh why should we in anguish weep
They are not lost but gone before.
[letter has Lotspeich, Nellie Wife of Walter]
[Nee Tate]
(photos 28 & 28b)

E.C. Tate  
Born Dec. 23, 1832
Died Oct. 9, 1885
Be good children and
Meet me in heaven.
Calcite headstone
[2nd marker for E.C. Tate]
Evan Calloway Tate
2 Serg. Co. D 40 GA. Inf.
Confederate States Army
Dec. 23, 1832 - Oct 9, 1885
Foot Stone E.C.T.
(photos 32, 32b & 32c)

J.B. Tate  
Born Apr. 22, 1870
Died Mar. 21, 1889
Here I lay my burdend down
Change the cross into a crown
Foot Stone J.B.T. Broken

Calcite headstone
[letter has b. 4/22/1857]
(photos 31 & 31b)

A.C. Tate  
Born May 22, 1859
died Jan. 20, 1890
He died as he lived
A pure and upright man
Foot Stone A.C.T.

Calcite headstone
[letter has b. 5/28/1859]
(photos 30 & 30b)

LOT #16

LOTSPEICH (double stone)  
Nancy Ann
Sept. 13, 1865 - May 31, 1946
John Walter
June 5, 1855 - Jan. 28, 1921
foot stones N.A.L and J.W.L.

Granite headstone
[letter has John's b. 7/5/1855]
(photos 27, 27b & 27c)

Lotspeich, Howard son of Nannie and J.W.
No headstone

Lotspeich, Ethel daughter of Nannie and J.W.
No headstone

LOT #17

SHELTON (double stone) 
July 20, 1854 - March 31, 1932
(She was a Ferguson)
July 16, 1848 - Dec. 24, 1922
There are no Foot Stones

Flat granite headstone
[Letter has L. Frank]
(photo 16)
LOT #20

Infant of Ben Wilson
No headstone

Mr. May
No headstone

May, infant of Mr.
No headstone

May, child of Mr.
No headstone

LOT #23

TATE (double stone) 
1844 - 1923
1842 - 1925

Granite headstone
Footstones MAT and DGT
[letter has Martha A. & D.G.]
(photos 21, 21b & 21c)

LOT #24

Harwell (double stone) 
Bertha E.
Foot stone B.E.H.
Albert L.
Foot stone A.L.H.

Flat granite headstone
[Letter has Bertha F.]
(photos 25, 25b & 25c)

Lewis (double stone) 
Lula K.
Nov. 21, 1883 - Mar. 30, 1974
B. Frank
Oct. 18, 1867 - Mar. 30, 1955

Flat granite headstone plus two footstones
(photos 22 & 22b)

LOT #25

J. P. Ferguson (James Parson) 
Feb. 28, 1829 - May 28, 1900
Foot stone J.P.F.

Calcite headstone
[letter has J.P. father of J.C.]
(photos 7, 7b & 7c)

J. C. Ferguson (James Charles) 
Feb. 22, 1875 - Mar. 21, 1955
Foot Stone J.C.F.

Granite headstone
[letter has b. 2/22/1873]
(photos 9 & 9b)

Nellie Ferguson (Nellie Mary) 
Dec. 12, 1897 - Nov. 2, 1900
There is no foot stone

Calcite headstone
Had a footstone
[letter has Nellie daughter of J.C.]
(photo 14)

Ruth Ferguson 
Jan. 27, 1906 - May 15, 1906
Foot Stone R.F. Broken
(Stone Broken)

Calcite headstone
[letter has Ruth daughter of J.C.]
(photo 13)

Mollie Ferguson (Mary Lee) 
(Maiden name Lotspeich)
Oct. 29, 1875 - Mar. 4, 1944
Foot Stone M.F.

Granite headstone
[letter has Mollie wife of J.C.]
(photos 10 & 10b)

Grover Ferguson (Grover Cleveland)
Dec. 5, 1899 - Mar. 13, 1914
Foot Stone G.F.
(Stone Broken)

Calcite headstone
[letter has Grover son of J.C.]
[letter has b. 12/3/1899]
(photos 12 & 12b)

Lawrence Ferguson (Charles Lawrence)
Oct 8, 1908 - Dec. 16, 1915
Foot Stone L.F.

Calcite headstone
[letter has Lawrence son of J.C.]
(photos 11 & 11b)

LOT #28

Whitehead, Oscar
No headstone

LOT #31

Dunkin (double stone) 
Gladys I.
Aug. 25, 1899 - Jan, 14, 1994
Foot stone - Mother
Reuben E.
Aug. 15, 1902 - Mar. 21, 1964

Granite headstone
Footstone - (daddy)
(photos 2 & 2b)

Muriel Williams 
Dau of W.E. & E. Williams
No Dates

Calcite headstone
[letter has Muriel infant dau. of Walter E. & Emma]
[letter has b.1894]
(photo 18)

Williams (double stone) 
Foot Stones W.W. and W.W.

Granite headstone
[letter has Emma Lee wife of Walter E.]
[letter has Walter E.]
(photos 19 & 19b)

LOT #32

WILLIAMS (double stone) 
S.L. Williams
Born Feb. 9, 1837 - Died Apr. 11, 1898
A Loving Husband
A Father Dear
A Faithful Friend
Lies buried here
Mary E. Williams
Born Apr. 19, 1844 - Died Jan. 27, 1917
A Loving Wife
A Mother Dear
A Faithful Friend
Lies Buried here

Calcite headstone
[letter has Sam L.]
(photo 3)

Lewis (double stone) 
Edna Maria
Dec. 27, 1884 - Apr. 13, 1977
James Otis
Aug. 17, 1880 - Feb. 7, 1961

Flat granite headstone
(photo 17)

Minnie Ola Pope 
Foot Stone M.O.P.

Flat granite headstone
[letter has Minnie (Williams) Pope]
(photos 4 & 4b)

LOT #33

Adella C. Spears 
Wife of J.M. Spears
June 2, 1850 - Aug. 16, 1925
Gone but not Forgoten

Calcite headstone
[J.B. Sichlers mother]
(photos 6 & 6b)

LOT #38

Williams, H.B.
This body has been removed.

Williams, H.B. Mrs.
This body has been removed.

Kennedy, Boyce
No headstone

LOT #41

Putman, John F. 
1889 - 1958
Flat granite headstone common with Eula
Footstone (JF)
(photo 5)

Putman, Eula M.
1893 - 1978
Flat granite headstone common with John

The following headstones appeared in
Sandi Smith's inventory but were not
mentioned in the letter, therefore the lot
number is not known.

Mary Jane Sorrels 
May 11, 1860 - July 1, 1925
Wife of J.W. Sorrels

(photos 33 & 33b)

Buster P. Sorrels 
Jan. 18, 1863 - Dec. 26, 1929

(photo 36)

Stepp (double stone) 
Nancy Dunkin
July 1930
Albert Frank
Apr. 9, 1930 - Oct. 1993 (no day given)
Foot Stone - Albert Frank Stepp
SGT. US Army- Korea Oct. 9, 1930

(photo 20)


 Pictures shown are reduced. To see them full size, click on the pictures.

The initial cemetery listing (underlined) was provided by Sandi Smith who has a research interest in this cemetery. Additional information was taken from a letter dated 15 Nov 1986 from Don Duncan to David Andrews and submitted by Barbara Knox.

This page was last modified 16 Feb 2003.

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