Tarrant County, TXGenWeb

Johnson Plantation Cemetery

aka Mill Cemetery
aka Mill Branch Cemetery


This cemetery is located in Arlington, Texas, in a small city park at 621 W. Arkansas Lane between Matlock Road and Center Street.

Historical marker located there:

Middleton Tate Johnson

The father of Tarrant County. A member of the Congress of the Republic of Texas. Born in SC 1810. Died in Austin, TX, 15 May 1866. Johnson County was named in his honor. Erected by the State of Texas 1936.

Brinson, Elizabeth J.
wf of M.J.
21 May 1853-10 Feb. 1882

Brinson, Eliza V.
d/o M.I. & Sallie M.
29 May 1880-6 Feb. 1896

Brinson, John M.
23 Nov 1874-30 Nov. 1896

Brinson, Louisa H.
wf of M.J.
9 Jan 1831-4 Apr 1866

Brinson, Sallie M.
wf of M.J.
27 Dec. 1842-30 Aug. 1889

Brinson, Thomas H.
b. in Ft. Worth, d. Arlington, TX
13 Oct 1856-25 Jan. 1891

Burford, C.J.
10 Aug. 1851-6 Feb. 1896

Burford, Mary E.
25 Feb. 1817 - 6 Aug. 1906
Burford, Nannie
wf of C.J.
19 July 1863-10 Sept. 1882

Coleman, Eliza A.
29 May 1814-10 July 1891
Born in Todd Co., KY

Coleman, Madison
born in Todd Co., KY.
6 Dec. 1806-28 Mar. 1868

Finger, Francis Maria
23 Oct. 1852-23 May 1863

Ford, Eli G.
2 Nov. 1806-9 Oct. 1858

Ford, Zipporah
wf of Eli Ford
10 Mar. 1808-13 Jan. 1885

Johnson, Col. M.T.
born in SC 1810
d. at Austin May 1866

Lasater, Sirena P.
24 July 1831-9 Feb. 1869

This Cemetery Listing provide by Barbara J. Morehead
who has a research interest in the listed entries for
Ford, Lasater and Finger.

This page was last modified 13 Feb 2002.

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