Recorded in A Tale of Mid-Cities, vol. 7, #2, Winter 1986,
by the Mid-Cities Genealogical Society. Available at the Fort Worth Public
Library. If anyone knows the location of this cemetery, please contact
Rob Yoder.
This cemetery was recorded on a list
created years ago by the Fort Worth Genealogical Society. This list identified
all published Texas cemeteries that could be found in books and journals
in the Fort Worth Library. Jackie Davis Cemetery was mistakenly recorded
as being in Tarrant County when the above article was added to the FWGS list.
Jackie Davis should have been recorded in Denton County.
When Barbara and I adopted the Tarrant
County TXGenweb website in 1998, there was an existing list of Tarrant County
cemeteries here, however it was not complete. I merged data from 3 other
documents, included the list mentioned above, in attempt to name every cemetery
in the county. Over the years, with help from our readers, we have proven
many of these cemeteries to be one in the same, others were just outside
the county, and in several cases, discovered new burial
We appreciated all of the assistance
received that help us to perfect our cemetery database. Thank
Rob |