Reeves County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Ministers & JPs

Performing these marriages

Adams, D. E. - Minister of the Gospel
Adcock, A. J. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #3, Ward Co. Texas
Ancardus, ? - Catholic Priest
Armor, Robert L. - Pastor, Methodist/Episcopal Church, South Toyah
Bailey, H. P. - Elder in the Methodist/ Episcopal Church, South Toyah
Bailey, W. G. - Pastor First Methodist Church, Big Spring, Texas
Bailey, W. S. - Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6, Knox Co. Texas
Baldwin, W. B. -
Baker, H. -
Bandy, H. M. - Minister of the Gospel
Barrett, Gordon - Pastor Baptist Church, Odessa, Texas
Beauchamp, William M. - Minister of the Gospel
Beck, M. E. - Oebea, New Mexico
Beck, Thomas J. - Minister M. E. Church South Toyah
Beckham, E. J. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #4, Pyote, Texas
Beyers, John Millican -
Bidwell, Grover C. Pastor, Barstow, Texas
Black, C. M. - Justice of the Peace
Blackham, E. J. - Justice of the Peace, Precinct #4. Ward Co. Texas
Blout, W. B. - Minister of the Gospel
Bloys, W. B. - Minister of the Gospel, Presbyterian Church
Borum, Winston F. -- Pastor, First Baptist Church
Bowen, James E. - County Judge
Boyles, Charles B. - Minister of the Gospel
Brockman, Herbert - Minister of the Gospel, Pastor at Stauton, Texas
Brooks, B. N. - Minister of the Gospel
Brown, George F. - Pastor, First Baptist Church, Midland, Texas
Brown, J. M. - County Judge
Browning, W. L. - Minister of the Gospel
Bryant, M. C. - Minister of the Gospel
Bunking, O. S. - Baptist Minister of the Gospel
Bussink, Peter J. - Catholic Priest
Bustamonte, M. M. -
Butler, Robert L. -
Byrd, John W. -- Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Pecos
Bysour, J. D. - Minister of the Gospel
Cagle, H. C. -
Calhoun, Glenn - Justice of the Peace
Callaway, Sumner B. - Minister of the Gospel
Campos, J. R. - Catholic Priest
Cantrell, Robert J. - Pastor, Christian Church
Carroll, J. M. - Minister of the Gospel
Carter, R. D. -
Cauyeas, J. R. - Catholic Priest
Chapparo, Melchor - Ministro del Orangelis
Chavrier, E. - Catholic Priest
Clark, W. A. - Minister of the Gospel
Cleveland, C. L. -
Cochran, J. R. - Minister of the Gospel
Cole, J. B. - Minister of the Gospel Pastor, Baptist Church, Pecos
Cortez, J. B. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #3
Cortez, R. D. -
Costa, Francisco - Catholic Priest
Crass, Percy G. -
Crowe, W. C. - Justice of the Peace
Crutchfield, J. W. - Minister of the Gospel
Cuny, J. P. - O M I
Davis, Dee - Justice of the Peace, Precinct #4
Davis, J. L. -
Dawson, R. A. - Presbyterian Minister
Decorine, Gerord - Catholic Priest
Dickson, C. A. - Elder, later Minister of the Gospel
Doak(or Doaks), Lawrence R. - Minister, Christian Church, Pecos, Texas
Downing, W. L. - Minister of the Gospel
Duran, Ezequios - Methodist Minister of the Gospel
East, W. H. - Justice of the Peace, Precinct #2
Eikens, Br0cardus - Catholic Priest of Bragada & La Loma (also spelled Echens, Nicolas Brocardus. Usually just listed as Father Brocardus, Catholic Priest)
Erwin, R. C. - Justice of the Peace
Evans, Wallace R. - Pastor - M. E. Church South
Falway, T. A. - Judge 34th District Judicial Court
Faulkner, J. H. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1, Tarrant Co. Texas
Faust, Fred B. - Minister of the Gospel
Fesleayrsh, J. Andras - Minister of the Gospel
Few, T. E. - Pastor, M. E. Church South Toyah
Floyd, J. F. - Minister of the Gospel
Foster, J. A. -
Frazer, G. M. Justice of the Peace - after 1887 Reeves Co. Judge(also listed as G. W. Frazer)
Frazier, Leon - Baptist Minister, Ft. Stockton, Texas
Fulbright, W. A. - Minister of the Gospel
Fuller, Jerome E. - Methodist Minister of the Gospel
Grady, R. J. -
Garner, J. M. - Minister of the Gospel, Pecos, Texas
Garrison, I. V. - Ordained Minister of the Gospel
Gasper, G. G. - Minister of the Gospel
Gray, W. L. Baptist Minister of the Gospel
Gibson, J. B. -
Golden, J. J. - Minister, Methodist Church
Gonzales, Constantino - Minister, South Methodist Church
Goodloe, P. H. - Justice of the Peace
Goodson, Edward F. - Presiding Elder
Griffen, C. W. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #3
Kellam, James J. -
Krause, Ben - Justice of the Peace
Hale, E. P. Justice of the Peace Precinct #2
Hall, W. L. - Pastor, M. E. Church , South Toyah
Hamilton, Seab -
Hank, H. W. - Ordained Minister of the Gospel, M. E. Church, South Toyah
Hannwock, R. M. - Minister of the Gospel
Hardt, Telespleones - OCC Catholic Missionaries
Hardy, G. S. - Pastor, Methodist Church, Sweetwater, Texas
Harrison, Ira - Minister of the Gospel
Harvey, J. D. - Minister of the Gospel
Hauman, J. D. - Minister of the Gospel
Hawkins, Pinchney - Baptist Minister of the Gospel
Head, W. L. - Minister of the Gospel
Hefner, T. J. - County Judge
Hibdon, John - Justice of the Peace Precinct #2
Hill, M. D. - Minister of the Gospel
Hoban, Joseph - Catholic Priest
Hodgson, Robert - Minister of the Gospel
Horton, W. H. - Minister of the Gospel
Hosie, A. W. - Justice of the Peace
Higgins, George H. - Rector, St. Climants Church, El Paso, Texas
Hubbard, B. H. - Minister of the Gospel
Hughes, Thomas - PC of the Colored Methodist Church
Hughes, W. M. - D. D. Presbyterian Minister, Hico, Texas
Isaachs, S. J. - Judge 16 Judicial District Judge
Jackson, M. J. - Pastor, 1st Methodist Church, Pecos, Texas
James, G. W. - Minister of the Gospel
Jannes, Victor C. - Catholic Priest
Jeamona, M. A. - Minister of the Gospel
Johnson, Charles A. - Minister, Christian Church
Johnson, J. M. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #2
Jones, W. G. - M. E. Church South Toyah
Kellam, James J. -
Kendall, H. Q. - Baptist Minister of the Gospel
Key, G. O. - Minister of the Gospel
Knight, W. A. - Pecos, Texas
Kovaka, Foachim - Minister of the Gospel
Krauskoff, Max - Reeves Co. Judge
Labbe, C. - Catholic Priest
Lalance, Thomas L. - Minister of the Gospel
Leavell, James R. - Houston, Texas
Leavell, John Y. - Reeves Co. Judge
Lenney, B. K. - Minister of the Gospel
Libertini, R. M. - Catholic Priest
Linebrough, N. L. - Presiding Elder, El Paso, Texas
Little, Fred - Minister, M. E. Church, South Toyah
Lloyd, J. F. - Minister of the Gospel
Lyles, Robert E. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #3
Maas, Frank - Catholic Priest
MacTier, Harry - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1
Magee, Homer L. - Minister of the Gospel (also spelled Mcgee)
Maley, George A. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #4
Malone, Leland - Minister of the Gospel
Malmartel, J. M. - Minister of the Gospel
Marshall, Norman Fitzhugh - Catholic Priest
Marston, Arthur - Minister of the Gospel
Mathis, Burton - Minister of the Gospel
McAnally, H. M. - Pastor, M. E. Church, South Toyah
McCarver, C. S. - Pastor, M. E. Church, South Toyah
McClintock, E. B. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1
McDonald, Rush - Minister of the Gospel
McKeller, H. M. - Reeves County Judge (name also spelled McKellor & McKellar)
McPherson, W. B. -- Minister, Methodist Church
Medaris, R. C. - Baptist Minister of the Gospel
Magee, Homer L. - Minister of the Gospel (also spelled Mcgee)
Medaris, R. C. -
Meier, John F. - Justice of the Peace Brogrado
Melvin, F. W. - Justice of the Peace
Merriman, C. H. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1
Messer, John H. - Minister of M. E. Church South
Metzger, J. Emil -
Micer, J. F. - Justice of the Peace
Miles, J. P. Minister of the Gospel
Miller, Alva E. - Minister of the Gospel
Miller, J. F. - Justice of the Peace, Precinct #3
Miller, A. C. -
Millican, L. R. - Baptist Minister & Missionary, El Paso Baptist Association
Minis, Robert Wilson -
Mitchell, T. B. - Minister of the Gospel
Moore, A. W. - Justice of the Peace, Ector Co. Texas
Moore, W. J. - Minister of the Gospel
Moore, Henry A. - Presbyterian Minister
Moore, Henry D. - Minister of the Gospel
Morrison, C. W. - Justice of the Peace
Morton, W. E. -- Justice of the Peace Precinct #2
Moses, Jasper F. - Minister of the Gospel Minister, Christian Church
Mouck, William - Minister of the Gospel (also spelled Mouk)
Musfolder, N. - Justice of the Peace, Precinct #5
Myer, Homer L. - Minister of the Gospel
Necornne, Gerard -
O'Donovan, D. J. -
Olinier, R. H. - Catholic Priest
Pearce, R. L. - Minister of the Gospel
Peterson, Richard - Minister of the Gospel
Petoye, Louis -
Potter, A. J. - Minister of the Gospel
Powell, A. L. -
Price, P. R. - 41st Judicial District Judge
Prinz, G. E. - L. D.
Ramage, Gus - Minister, Christian Church
Randals, Ben -- Reeves Co. Judge
Raynor, John W. - M. E. Church, South Toyah
Regino, E. - Minister of the gospel (his name is also spelled Rejino in the book)
Reis, Leo - Catholic Priest
Repiso, E. P. - OMT Fort Davis, Texas
Richburg, B. G. - Minister of the Gospel
Richburg, F. P. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1
Riddervald, James T.
Riley, W. W. -
Rivers, W. A. - Pastor, North Ft. Worth Baptist Church
Robards, Thomas S. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #2
Roberts, W. P. - Minister, Box 442, Grand Prairie, Texas
Ross, James/Joseph F. - Reeves Co. Judge
Ross, William F. - Minister of the Gospel, Barstow, Texas
Sawders, J. E. - Minister of the Gospel Pastor M. E. Church South
Seay, J. B. -
Scoggins, J. R. -
Scherts, Louis - Justice of the Peace Precinct #4
Sells, James L. - Minister of the Gospel
Shen, B. - Catholic Priest
Sherrill, Ural S. - Minister of the Gospel
Southerland, A. H. - Minister of the Gospel
Soreall, Jno. L. - Justice of the Peace
Smith, Hubert M -
Smith, J. R. - Minister of the Gospel
Smith, Rueben D. - Minister of the Gospel
Sparks, Buren - Minister of the Gospel
Stark, Oline P. -
Stauton, Thomas N. - Minister of the Gospel
Steven, Theodore, -
Swafford, J. M. Baptist Minister of the Gospel
Swanson, J. A. - Ordained Minister of the Gospel
Teague, C. R. - Minister of the Gospel
Tenney, B. K. - Minister Presbyterian Church
Tersch, I. - OMI
Thomasson, F. F. - Ordained Minister of the Gospel
Thompson, Lloyd H. -Christian Minister
Thorton, N. A. - Ordained Minister of the Gospel
Thurston, L. L. - Ordained Minister of the Gospel
Toby, G. W. - Ordained Minister of the Gospel
Trayner, G. M. - County Judge
Truett, George W. - of Dallas
Tucker, George H. - County Judge, Ward Co. Texas
Tulk, W. M. - Baptist Minister of the Gospel
Tusch, T. - OMT Toyah
Tyler, Robert P. - Justice of the Peace
Van Camp, Harry E. -
Vanderpool, W. H. - Pastor, M. E. Church, South Toyah
Van Goetham, G. C. - Pastor
Van Horn, W. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1
Waddy, J. W. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1
Wagner, Albert - Curate of Missions, Catholic Priest
Walker, James H. - Pastor, M. E. Church, South Toyah
Wanner, Joseph - Pastor, St. Catherine Church, Pecos, Texas
Ward, George - Minister of the Gospel Pastor M E Church, South Toyah
Werg, Simon - Catholic Priest (also spelled Weig & Weiz) of Toyah
Warren, F. M. - Minister of the Gospel
Watson, R. M. - Minister of the Gospel
Wenga, Claude - Pastor, First Christian Church, Big Spring, Texas
White, P. R. - Minister of the Gospel
Wilican, L. R. - Pastor Baptist Church, Midland, Texas
Williams, C. V. - Minister of the Gospel, Pecos, Texas
Williams, O. W. - County Judge
Willlingham, C. H. - Justice of the Peace Precinct 1, Runnels Co. Texas
Willingham, R. R. -
Wilson, G. H. M. - Baptist Minister of the Gospel
Wilson, J. F. - Minister of the Gospel
Wright, Tom - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1, Loving Co, Texas
Wright, Will J. - Minister, First Christian Church
Young, T. L. - Minister of the Gospel
Zimmer, H. C. - Justice of the Peace Precinct #1
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This page was last updated on 17 September 2024.