The TXGenWeb Project and The USGenWeb Project


The American History & Genealogy Project

    About this site...
This site is a part of the TXGenWeb project and the USGenWeb project and devoted solely to the genealogy and history of Parmer County.  All of the information on this site is provided free of charge to the researcher.
  • The success of the Parmer County project depends on volunteers who can help acquire and submit information to be put on this site.  For more information, check out our Volunteer Information.

  • Please consider joining the mailing list.  Not only can you post queries, but you can share your thoughts with others interested in Parmer County genealogy too.  In addition to letting subscribers know when new material is posted, I will also include a "What's New" page on the site.  

  • The easiest way to submit queries will be through the Query Submission Form on the home page.  This form can also be used as a guest book if you would like to leave a comment.  You may submit queries to Rootsweb Message Board.  The messages for this board are linked to our Mailing List and will show up there as well.
  • If you need to do research outside of the county, I suggest you start with the TXGenWeb Home Page.  Just click on any of its icons on this site.  They have a good link called "Texas Research Help" that takes you to a page filled with many other genealogy links that really cover a lot of ground.

If you have questions or suggestions, please let me know.  I want this site to be one that will be of great benefit to the researcher, so I need to hear from the patrons.

Thank you for visiting the site.  Please return soon.


TXGenWeb is part of the USGenWeb Project
To volunteer for, or comment about TXGenWeb, Contact , State Coordinator

Site Coordinator: - County Coordinator

Copyright © 2024 TXGenWeb and this site's contributors. All rights reserved. This information may be used by libraries and genealogical societies; however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior permission of the owners. If copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information.

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