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Kimble County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Some Kimble County Births, 1874-1900

from "The Early Years, Kimble County, Texas", by Frederica Burt Wyatt
Name Date Place Notes Page
ADAMS, Lula Marion 24 Oct 1883 London daughter of Francis Marion ADAMS, born Mo., Farmer and Dora Ica FREEMAN, born Tenn. 30
ADAMS, Mary Gertrude 16 Apr 1887 Kimble County daughter of Wiley Bailey ADAMS, born Mo., Farmer and Marion W. POPE, born Fayette Co., Tx. 36
ADAMS, Mina Quincy 15 Apr 1894 London son of Wiley Bailey ADAMS, born Ky., Farmer and Marian MALLIE POPE, born Tx. 57
ADAMS, Richard Wiley Pope 16 Jan 1884 London son of Wiley ADAMS, born Ky., Farmer and Mallie POPE, born Tx. 30
ADAMS, Samuel Estes 15 Feb 1897 Kimble County son of Wiley Bailey ADAMS, born Mo., Farmer and Marion POPE, born Tx. 66
ADAMS, Thomas Coster 12 Jan London son of Wiley Bailey ADAMS, born Mo., Farmer and Marion William POPE, born Fayette Co., Tx. 40
AKE, Erven 17 Mar 1884 Junction son of George AKE, born Ark., Ranchman and Angelina YOMAN, born Tx. 30
AKE, Franklin Wayne 24 Feb 1889 Junction son of George AKE, born Ark., Stockman and Amanda YOMAN, born Ark. 40
ALLEN, Christina Janie 13 Oct 1888 Junction daughter of George Henry ALLEN, born Tenn., Stone Mason and Mary Ann RED, born Tx. 39
ALLEN, Espy Martha Ann 11 Apr 1893 Junction daughter of George Henry ALLEN, born Tenn., Stonemason and Mary Ann RED, born Tx. 53
ALLEN, Zula Myrtle 8 Apr 1891 London daughter of Moses Jefferson ALLEN, born Houston, Tx., Minister and Barbara Caroline GOODALL, born Ark. 46
ALLEY, Fenton Dupree 6 Oct 1893 Junction son of Elijah Stoffey ALLEY, born Ala., County Judge and Martha Eudora LEE, born Miss. 56
ALLEY, Lizzie 11 Sep 1881 Junction daughter of E. S. ALLEY, born Fayette, Ala., General Store and Eudora LEE, born Jackson, Miss. 27
ALLEY, Mora 12 Jun 1891 Junction daughter of Elijah Stoffer ALLEY, born Ala., County Judge and Martha Eudora LEE, born Miss. 46
AMBERSON, Addie Belle 5 May 1888 London daughter of Roderick Toliver AMBERSON, born Tx., Rancher and Georgia Ann WILSON, born Miss. 38
AMBERSON, Joseph Harris 28 Sep 1894 London son of James AMBERSON, born Tx., Rancher and Georgia Celesta WALTON, born Tx. 59
AMBERSON, Lessie Virginia 28 Dec 1889 London daughter of James AMBERSON, born DeWitt Co., Tx., Ranchman and Georgia Cecilia WALTON, born Lavaca Co., Tx. 42
AMBERSON, Ray Roderick 21 Jun 1892 London son of Roderick Toliver AMBERSON, born Bexar Co., Tx., Rancher and Georgia Ann WILSON, born Miss. 51
AMBERSON, Sam 28 Jan 1893 London son of James AMBERSON, born Tx., Rancher and Georgia Celesta WALTON, born Tx. 53
ANDERSON, Bessie Gertrude 16 Jan 1894 Junction daughter of Wiley Timothy ANDERSON, born Ala., Rancher and Rebecca Angeline BARTLEY, born Sherman, Tx. 57
ANDERSON, Effie Mae 19 Oct 1886 Kimble County daughter of Wiley Timothy ANDERSON, born Ala., Ranchman and Rebecca Angeline BARTLEY, born Sherman, Tx. 34
ANDERSON, Maude Leona 17 Oct 1891 Kimble County daughter of Wiley Timothy ANDERSON, born Ala., Ranchman and Rebecca Angeline BARTLEY, born Sherman, Tx. 47
AUSTIN, Gertrude Sallie 2 Oct 1893 near Harper daughter of Archibald Pruett AUSTIN, born Tanhill, Ga., Rancher and Zora MASON, born Wilson Co., Tx. 56
BAKER, Caleb Booker 9 Sep 1886 Roosevelt son of Green Berry BAKER, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Storekeeper and Lou ARRINGTON, born Tx. 34
BAKER, Claude Thomas 2 Jun 1900 Junction son of John William BAKER, born Tx., Ranch Hand and Josie Helen MOORE, born Tx. 76
BAKER, George Rance 2 Mar 1897 Junction son of John William BAKER, born U.S. and Josephine Helen MOORE, born U.S. 66
BAKER, Joe 5 Oct 1890 Junction son of Isaac W. BAKER, born Mobile, Ala., Rancher and Mary RODGERS, born Stephensville, Tx. 45
BAKER, Vashie Rae 16 Sep 1898 Junction daughter of John William BAKER, born Tx., Ranch hand and Josie Helen MOORE, born Tx. 70
BALDWIN, Eva Estell 19 Nov 1889 Junction daughter of John Arthur BALDWIN, born Tx., Schoolteacher and Frances Rosa Lee SMITH, born Ga. 42
BALDWIN, Kinchen Frank 18 Jan 1900 700 Springs son of Henry BALDWIN, born Junction, Tx., Ranchman and Effa PEPPER, born Vernon Co., Mo. 74
BALDWIN, Martha Polly 9 Jul 1897 Junction daughter of Henry BALDWIN, born Junction, Tx., Ranchman and Effa PEPPER, born Shell City, Mo. 67
BAMNOWSKY, Iola Elizabeth 23 Feb 1884 Kimble County daughter of Gustavus Frederick BANNOWSKY, born Germany, Ranchman and Senna Hanna JOHNSTON, born Dallas Co., Tx. 30
BANNOWSKY, Alfred Amasiah 18 May 1898 London son of William Albert BANNOWSKY, born Burnet Co., Tx., Ranchman and Emily Ann WEAVER, born Bandera Co., Tx. 69
BANNOWSKY, Alma Nissie 18 Jul 1891 London daughter of Richard A. BANNOWSKY, born Wharton Co., Stockman and Ella Nissie STOCKBRIDGE, born Brenham, Tx. 47
BANNOWSKY, Amial Julius 5 Jun 1891 London son of William Albert BANNOWSKY, born Burnet Co., Tx., Ranchman and Emily Ann WEAVER, born Bandera Co., Tx. 46
BANNOWSKY, Charles Frederick 17 Dec 1887 London son of Richard Alfonso BANNOWSKY, born Montgomery Co., Tx., Ranchman and Ella Nissie STOCKBRIDGE, born Washington Co., Tx. 37
BANNOWSKY, Clarence James 19 May 1895 London son of William Allen BANNOWSKY, born Burnet Co., Tx., Ranchman and Emily Ann WEAVER, born Bandera Co., Tx. 61
BANNOWSKY, William Ulva 19 Jan 1885 London son of Richard Alfonso BANNOWSKY, born Matagorda Co., Tx., Rancher and Ella Nissie STOCKBRIDGE, born in Comanche Co., Tx. 32
BARKSDALE, Nettie 16 Feb 1885 Kimble County daughter of Louis Frank BARKSDALE, born Lockhart, Tx., Ranching and Laura Wesley PULLEN, born Lockhart, Tx. 32
BARKSDALE, Tom Pane 9 Aug 1880 Junction son of Frank BARKSDALE, born Tx. and Laura PULLEN, born Tx. 26
BARTLEY, Maggie Bell 15 Apr 1888 Junction daughter of John William BARTLEY, born Tx., Ranching and Fannie RUSSELL, born Tx. 38
BARTLEY, Myrtle Elizabeth 29 Mar 1893 Junction daughter of John William BARTLEY, born Bell Co., Tx., Rancher and Frances Elizabeth RUSSELL, born Bell Co., Tx. 53
BARTLEY, Willie Wilson 28 Apr 1883 Kimble County son of John Wilson BARTLEY, born Bell Co., Tx., Stock Raising and Fannie RUSSELL, born Bell Co., Tx. 29
BATEY, Maggie 27 Feb 1876 Kimble County daughter of William B. BATEY, born USA, Farmer and Malda MILLER, born Tx. 24
BEASLEY, Susie Corrine 6 Nov 1900 Segovia daughter of Leslie BEASLEY, born Tx., Ranching and Lulu WEEKLEY, born Tx. 77
BELL, Camilla Karen 9 Jun 1892 London daughter of George William BELL, born Lavaca Co., Tx., Farmer and Mary Elizabeth NEW, born Lavaca Co., Tx., Teacher 51
BELL, Minnie Louise Elizabeth 3 Aug 1890 London daughter of George William BELL, born Lavaca Co., Tx., Farmer and Mary Elizabeth NEW, born Lavaca Co., Tx., Teacher 44
BELLE, Walter 1 Dec 1875 Kimbleville son of Marion BELLE, born Miss., Cattleman and Lizzie COX, born Miss. 24
BILLINGTON, George Sampson 3 Jun 1898 Junction son William Edward BILLINGTON, born Tx., Cattleman and Annie Lee HARMENING, born Tx. 70
BILLINGTON, Sallie Dixon 7 May 1897 Junction daughter of William Edward BILLINGTON, born Tx., Cattleman and Annie Lee HARMENING, born Tx. 67
BINGHAM, Clifford Owen 16 Sep 1892 near Noxville son of David Mack BINGHAM, born Bell Co., Tx., Farmer and Benson Bell WILSON, born Shelby Co., Tx. 51
BINKLEY, Bonnie Bess 31 Jan 1884 4 mi from Junction City daughter of George Washington BINKLEY, born Ill., Rancher on N. Llano River and Martha Louella DORSETT, born Ill. 30
BIRD, Berta Arresta 28 Dec 1897 Junction daughter of Dan C. BIRD, born Tx., Merchant and Ella YATES, born Tx. 68
BLACK, Hugh Bird 10 Sep 1882 Kimble County son of Thomas Jefferson BLACK, born Ga., Ranchman and Georgie E. McCALEB, born Tx. 28
BLACK, Jack Houston 4 Jun 1893 Kimble County son of Thomas Jefferson BLACK, born Ga., Ranchman and Georgia E. McCALEB, born Tx. 54
BLACK, Tullis Columbus 31 Jan 1880 Kimble County son of Thomas Jefferson BLACK, born Ga., Rancher and Georgia McCALEB, born Tx. 26
BLAIN, Alice Oleen 4 Sep 1888 Junction daughter of Stephen Price BLAIN, born Ganzales Co., Tx., Farmer and Minnie Lee SPENCER, born Helena, Tx. 39
BLAIN, Carrie Emma 21 Sep 1890 Junction daughter of Steve BLAIN, born Tx., Carpenter and Minnie Lee SPENCER, born Tx. 44
BLAIR, Alfred Lloyd 5 Jan 1898 Junction son of Lloyd BLAIR and Cora Lee MANKINS 68
BLAIR, Weldon Leo 19 Apr 1894 Kimble County son of Lloyd BLAIR, born Erath Co., Tx., Ranching and Cora Lee Mankins, born Williamson Co. 57
BOATRIGHT, Floyd 12 Oct 1887 Noxville son of Wiley BOATRIGHT, born Tx., Ranchman and Pearl Lee FOLEY, born Tx. 37
BOLT, Josie Elizabeth 16 Nov 1897 Junction daughter of Edward Ellis BOLT, born Brighton, Eng., Ranching and Lottie TISDALE, born Bremo Bluff, Va. 67
BOND, Thomas Andrew 7 Dec 1899 28 mi. from Junction son of Thomas BOND, born Dublin, Ire., Rancher and Edith JORDAN, born London, Eng. 74
BOREN, George Washington 22 Oct 1876 Junction son of William A. BOREN, born Miss., Farmer and Mary Ann RIDGEWAY, born Tx. 24
BOURLAND, James Ray 1 Mar 1888 Junction son of Joseph Morean BOURLAND, born Ark., Publisher and Susan Elizabeth GRADY, born Ark. 38
BRADBERRY, James William 23 Sep 1874 Kimble County son of James BRADBERRY, born Tx., Ranching and Elizabeth MOORE, born Tx. 24
BRADFORD, Guy Borden 5 Aug 1897 Junction son of Middleton Moore BRADFORD, born Meridian, Miss., Rancher and Mary Ellen SHANKLIN, born Goliad, Tx. 67
BRADFORD, Kate Middleton 9 Feb 1883 Junction daughter of Middleton Moore BRADFORD, born Miss., Ranching and Katie Dixon SHANKLIN, born Tx. 29
BRADFORD, Lindsay Wheat 4 Feb 1895 Kimble County son of Middleton M. BRADFORD, born Miss., Rancher and Mary E. SHANKLIN, born Tx. 60
BRADFORD, Sallie May 30 Apr 1892 Junction daughter of Middleton Moore BRADFORD, born Miss., Ranchman and Mary Ellen SHANKLIN, born Lampasas Co., Tx. 50
BRADSHAW, Wetie, Rebecca 30 Jun 1893 Junction daughter of William Clayton BRADSHAW, born Wood Co., Tx., Sales Clerk and Ada Freelin COWSERT, born Ray Co., Mo. 54
BRALEY, Burt Lee 13 May 1893 Junction son of Erastus Asbury BRALEY, born Ala., Carpenter and Lena RICHARDSON, born Miss. 54
BREWER, Lena Iola 16 Mar 1888 London daughter of William Erastus BREWER, born Tx., Merchant and Mary Tennessee STEWART, born Tx. 38
BREWER, May 21 Sep 1884 London daughter of Elias L. BREWER, born Corpus Christi, Tx., Farmer and Marion L. TERRY, born Fannin Co., Tx. 32
BREWER, Rutha Ann 13 Apr 1883 London daughter of Erastus W. BREWER, born Orange Co., Tx., Rancher and Mary T. Stewart, born Burnet Co., Tx. 29
BREWER, Sarah 12 Jul 1887 London daughter of James B. BREWER, born Tx., Rancher and Sarah Fannie STEWART, born Tx. 36
BREWER, Victoria 13 Nov 1891 London daughter of Erastus William BREWER, born Tx., Merchant and Mary Tennessee STEWART, born Tx. 48
BRICKER, Asa Carl 5 Mar 1900 Junction son of John Daniel BRICKER, born Bell Co., Tx., Ranchman and Issie Leona ROWLEY, born Travis Co., Tx. 75
BRICKER, Bedie 6 Jul 1897 Kimble County daughter of John Daniel BRICKER, born Bell Co., Tx., Rancher and Isse Leona ROWLEY, born Travis Co., Tx. 67
BROWNING, Bessie Serena 30 Jun 1900 London daughter of James Alfred BROWNING and Josie CHILDS 76
BROWNING, Edward Marcus 18 Mar 1889 Kimble County son of James Alfred BROWNING, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Clerk and Cynthia Josie CHILDS, born Kaufman Co., Tx. 40
BROWNING, Lelia Mae 2 May 1896 Junction daughter of James A. BROWNING, born Tx., County Official and Josie CHILDS, born Tx. 64
BROWNING, Virgie Dare 9 Oct 1891 Junction daughter of James Alfred BROWNING and Josie CHILDS 47
BULLION, Danielu 14 Apr 1898 Kimble County daughter of Lucratus BULLION, born Tipper Co., Miss., Ranchman and Lou KELLER, born Liberty Co., Tx. 69
BURT, John Matt 22 Feb 1887 London son of John M. BURT, born Sevier Co., Ark., Dentist and Haehulda PEARL, born Ky. 35
CALDWELL, Garnett Wilkey 9 Jan 1889 Junction son of William Alfred CALDWELL and Thomas Ella SMITH 40
CALDWELL, Harry Glidden 6 Sep 1891 Junction son of William Alfred CALDWELL, born Little Rock, Ark., Rancher and Thomas Ella SMITH, born La. 47
CALDWELL, Jake Mike 14 Sep 1882 Junction son of William Alfred CALDWELL, born LIttle Rock, Ark., Rancher and Ella Tommie SMITH, born Nashville, Tenn. 28
CALDWELL, Lewis Oliver 23 Sep 1887 Kimble County son of James Calvin CALDWELL, born Cape Girardeau, Mo., Farmer and Aleph Charlotte BARROW, born Jasper Co., Tx. 36
CALDWELL, Winnie Alto 4 Apr 1893 Junction daughter of William Alfred CALDWELL, born Little Rock, Ark., Farmer and Ella Thomas SMITH, born Shreveport, La. 53
CARRELL, Joseph Walter 13 Oct 1900 Roosevelt son of William Franklin CARRELL, born Tx. and Roselle Evelyn MOORE, born Tx. 77
CHANDLER, Toliver Albert 22 Mar 1900 London son of Wylie Thomas CHANDLER, born Tx., Laborer and Emma Rebecca AMBERSON, born Tx. 75
CLARK, Esther Harriett 2 Apr 1895 London daughter of Jessie Alonzo CLARK and Mary Ellen ZUMWALT 61
CLAWSON, Fanny Lee 2 Mar 1892 Kimble County daughter of James Carl CLAWSON, born Tx., Farmer and Mary Lavica BUCHANAN, born San Antonio, Tx. 49
CLEMENTS, George 28 Sep 1893 1 mi. N. Junction son of William CLEMENTS, born Brownwood, Tx., Ranching and Amanda Elizabeth CLEMENTS, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 54
CLEMENTS, James Thomas 26 Feb 1883 Near Noxville son of James CLEMENTS, born Tx., Stockman and Annie C. TENNILLE, born Tx. 29
CLEMENTS, Joseph Hardin 19 Nov 1887 1 mi. N Junction son of William CLEMENTS, born Brownwood, Tx., Ranching and Amanda Elizabeth CLEMENTS, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 37
CLEMENTS, Leta Mae 14 Aug 1894 Junction City daughter of George Culver CLEMENTS, born Tx., Stockman and Julia Ann RODGERS, born Tx. 58
CLEMENTS, Pearl 26 Jan 1899 Junction City daughter of George C. CLEMENTS, born Tx. and Julia RODGERS, born OK. 71
CLEMENTS, Sarah Katherine 19 Jul 1889 1 mi. N. Junction daughter of William CLEMENTS, born Brownwood, Tx., Ranching and Amanda Elizabeth CLEMENTS, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 41
CLOUD, Julia Gwartney 31 Aug 1887 Junction daughter of William Johnson CLOUD, born Brazoria Co., Tx., Ranchman and Sarah Sackie HORTON, born La. 36
CLOUD, Robert Walter 10 Sep 1890 Junction son of William Johnston CLOUD, born Tx., Ranchman and Sarah Sackie HORTON, born La. 44
CLOUDT, Dink 29 Apr 1888 Junction son of Moritz CLOUDT, born Blanco Co., Tx., Rancher and Cecilia ROBERTSON, born Blanco Co., Tx. 38
CLOUDT, Dolly 13 Dec 1894 Junction City daughter of Moritz CLOUDT, born Tx., Ranchman and Cecilia ROBERTSON, born Miss. 60
CLOUDT, Elsie Nora 18 May 1894 Copperas Creek daughter of Frank CLOUDT, born Blanco Co., Tx., Ranchman and Lena BROCKMAN, born Fredericksburg, Tx. 58
CLOUDT, Frank Theodore 6 Mar 1885 Kimble County son of Frank CLOUDT, born Tx., Rancher and Lena Fannie BROCKMAN, born Tx. 32
CLOUDT, James David 10 Jun 1897 near Junction City son of Erich A. CLOUDT, born Blanco Co., Tx., Rancher and Maggie WOOTEN, born Junction City, Kimble Co., Tx. 67
CLOUDT, James David 11 Jun 1898 Junction son of Erich CLOUDT, born Fredericksburg, Tx., Ranchman and Maggie WOOTEN, born Tx. 70
CLOUDT, Lena Fanny 31 Mar 1887 Kimble County daughter of Frank CLOUDT, born Ill., Farmer and Lena Fanny BROCKMAN, born Tx. 35
CLOUDT, Richmond Hobson 30 Mar 1898 Junction son of Frank CLOUDT, born Blanco Co., Tx., Rancher and Lena Caroline BROCKMAN, born Gillespie Co., Tx. 69
COFFEY, Charlie Richard 17 Aug 1890 Old Noxville son of John Wright COFFEY, born Ark., Rancher and Mary Adline BROWN, born Tx. 44
COLLIER, Carrol Davis 2 May 1891 Junction son of William B. COLLIER, born Lamar Co., Tx., Rancher and Martha Helen SIMPSON, born Tenn. 46
COPELAND, Nannie 12 Sep 1894 Kimble County daughter of Charles C. COPELAND, born Va., Farmer and Millie LEWIS, born Mo. 59
CORDER, Alice Davis 6 Feb 1900 Junction daughter of Benjamin Franklin CORDER, born Tx., Ranching and Martha Elizabeth SCHRIER, born Tx. 74
CORDER, Arch Brown 1 Dec 1891 7 mi. E. Junction son of Benjamin Franklin CORDER, born Burnet Co., Tx., Ranchman and Martha Elizabeth SCHRIER, born Atascosa Co., Tx. 48
CORDER, Noah Benjamin 4 Mar 1887 Junction son of Joel Gillum CORDER, born Burnet Co., Tx. Farmer and Etna Green SMYTH, born Madisonville, Tx. 35
CORDER, Robert Rayburn 28 Jun 1894 near Junction son of Benjamin Franklin CORDER, born Tx., Rancher and Martha Elizabeth SCHRIER, born Tx. 58
CORDER, Sarah Elizabeth 22 Sep 1887 Kimble County daughter of Benjamin Franklin CORDER, born Tx. Ranchman and Martha Elizabeth SCHRIER, born Tx. 36
COTTER, DAisy Mahaler 22 Oct 1880 Junction daughter of John COTTER, born Tx., Farmer and Nellie YOUNG, born Ill. 26
COWSERT, Helen Willie 24 Dec 1898 Junction daughter of Mark COWSERT, born Calif., Clerk and Minta RAYNER, born Tx. 71
COWSERT, John DeWitt 7 Jun 1891 Junction son of David Alonzo COWSERT, born Mo., Ranching and Melvina Elizabeth COFFMAN, born Ohio 46
COWSERT, Lena Lizelle 6 Feb 1895 Junction daughter of Robert Nathan COWSERT, born Ray Co., Mo., Rancher and Martha Jane BAILEY, born Tx. 60
COWSERT, Lewis Terry 9 Jan 1897 Junction son of Robert Nathan COWSERT and Martha Jane BAILEY 66
COWSERT, Marvin Alonzo 9 Nov 1893 Copperas Creek son of David Alonzo COWSERT, born Miss., Rancher and Melvina Elizabeth COFFMAN, born Ohio 56
COWSERT, Orville Otis 2 Jan 1889 Junction son of David Alonzo COWSERT, born Ohio(?), Rancher and Melvin Elizabeth COFFMAN, born Ohio 40
CRAFT, Abbie 2 Apr 1884 Craft Ranch 15 mi. E. daughter of James Wiley CRAFT, born Tx. Rancher of Junction and Cordelia HEMPHILL, born Tx. 31
CRIM, Matthew F. 7 Oct 1888 Junction City daughter of William F. CRIM, Carpenter and Mary Elizabeth SMITH, born Ill. 39
CRISP, Jessie Ellen 23 Dec 1897 Junction daughter of Robert L. CRISP, born Tx., Farmer and Tennessee COX, born Tennessee 68
CRISP, John Matthew 20 Dec 1890 Junction son of Robert L. CRISP, born Tx., Laborer and Tennessee COX, born Tenn. 45
CRISP, Sarah Irene 16 Mar 1882 Junction daughter of Robert Loving CRISP, born Tx. Laborer and Mittie Tennessee COX, born Tenn. 27
CUNNINGHAM, Ira 28 Nov 1887 London son of Ira CUNNINGHAM, born Grayson co., Tex. and Laura CHILDS, born Llano Co., Tex. 37
DAVEY, Mable Grace 8 Jan 1887 Junction daughter of Benjamin Abraham DAVEY, born England, Contractor and Martha Merinda BILLINGSLEY, born Wilson Co., Tx. 35
DAVIS, Ambers 2 Apr 1893 Noxville son of John Edward DAVIS, born Tx., Farmer and RAchel Annie GIBBS, born Tx. 53
DAVIS, Charlie Milburn 16 Sep 1891 Noxville son of James Leonard DAVIS, born Mo., Farmer and Mollie Galloway McKINNEY, born Ala. 47
DAVIS, Eva Myrtle 16 Oct 1894 Noxville daughter of James Leonard DAVIS, born Mo., Farmer and Mollie Galloway McKINNEY, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 59
DAVIS, Joe Dee 11 Feb 1897 Junction son of John Noble DAVIS and Mattie LUMBLEY 66
DAVIS, William Branick 21 Dec 1885 Junction son of Wm. Brown DAVIS, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Farmer and Nancy Agnes NEILL, born Caldwell Co., Tx. 33
DAVISON, Neal Carlton 13 Jun 1890 London son of Frank Holland DAVISON, born Mo., Stockfarmer and Emma McCLAIN, born Tx. 43
DIXON, Georgia Victoria Lee 28 Jan 1883 Junction City daughter of George Washington DIXON, born Hamilton, Ohio, Sheepherder and Mary A. ALLSUP, born Hickory Co., Mo. 28
DOCKRAY, Mary Elizabeth 7 Jun 1884 Kimble County daughter of James M. DOCKRAY, born Cherokee, Ala., Farmer/Stockman(Moving) and Mary Lurenia YORK, born Erath Co., Tx. 31
DUNSON, Ransom D. 19 Jan 1880 near Bear Creek son of Erastus T. DUNSON, born N. Y., Mechanic and Amanda COFFEY, born Tx. 25
DURST, Austin McCary 15 Sep 1889 Junction daughter of John Sterling DURST, born Nacodoches (Old Stone Fort), Minister and Lilla Ann KITTRELL, born Midway, Madison Co., Tx. 42
DURST, KIttrell Goree 25 Jul 1894 Junction son of John Sterling DURST, born Nacogdoches, Tx., Minister and Lilla Ann KITTRELL, born Madison Co., Tx. 58
EARWOOD, Bertha Mae 1 Sep 1888 Junction daughter of George Clyde EARWOOD, born Halesville, Tx., Rancher and Johnnie Annie PUTNAM, born Loyal Valley, Tx. 39
EARWOOD, Elwin 13 May 1894 Kimble County son of Thomas Cyle EARWOOD, born lavaca Co., Tx., Farmer and Betty WILSON, born Kimble Co., Tx. 57
EARWOOD, Fred Thomas 13 Apr 1893 London son of George Clyde EARWOOD, born Tx., Ranching and John Anne PUTMAN, born Tx. 54
EARWOOD, Raymond Hugh 4 Apr 1889 Junction son of George Clyde EARWOOD, born Lavaca Co., Tx., Sheep & Goat Raiser and Annie PUTMAN, born Coryell Co., Tx. 40
EASON, Prentiss Edmond 28 Mar 1892 Junction son of William Gay EASON, born Ala., Rancher and Emily Idella PRENTISS, born Denton Co., Tx. 49
EDELEN, William Lewis 13 Oct 1892 Junction son of William Ewell EDELEN, born Ky., Teacher and Amelia Carson FOSTER, born Tx. 52
EHART, Tom Riley 8 Apr 1899 Kimble County son of John Riley EHART, born Bates Co., Mo., Rancher and Theodotia Isabel HUNT, born Bell Co., Tx. 72
EVANS, Ellen Grace 16 Apr 1894 London daughter of William Rainy EVANS, born Ga., Farmer and Armour LEE, born Tx. 57
FARIS, Manuel Vernon 28 Aug 1891 Noxville son of Benjamin F. FARIS, born Tx., Ranching and Annie Elizabeth OGLE, born Tx. 47
FARIS, Milam Lee 19 Feb 1889 Noxville son of Benjamin F. FARIS, born Tx., Ranchman and Elizabeth A. OGLE, born Tx. 40
FARMER, Hardy H. 16 Dec 1883 Kimble County son of George Washington FARMER, born Galveston Co., Tx., Ranchman and Jemima Magnolia PULLEN, born Caldwell Co., Tx. 30
FARMER, Joseph Sayers 13 Jan 1891 Junction son of George W. FARMER and Jemima PULLEN 45
FARRAR, Rena Kathryn 3 Jul 1897 London daughter of James Blunt FARRAR, born Ark., Farmer and Laura Temperance FISHER, born Tenn. 67
FELPS, Ernest 8 Jan 1892 Junction son of Riley Jasper FELPS and Hydie Camilla BISHOP 48
FELPS, Howard Franklin 13 Dec 1899 Junction son of John Henry FELPS, born Blanco Co., Tx., Ranchman and Nina Wright GRIFFITH, born Comanche Co., Tx. 74
FELPS, Stella 23 Oct 1893 Junction daughter of Riley Jasper FELPS, born Blanco Co., Tx., Rancher and Hydie BISHOP, born Comanche Co., Tx. 56
FISH, Lewis Elias 25 Jul 1893 Junction son of Elias FISH, born Tx., Farmer and Lector Jane BINGHAM, born Tx. 54
FLEMING, Homer Lee 4 Nov 1894 Junction son of O. B. FLEMING, born Tx., Rancher and Elizabeth J. BLACK, born Tx. 60
FLEMING, Ollie 24 Aug 1884 Pre. 1, Kimble Co. son of Oliver Bishop FLEMING, born Bell Co., Tx., Rancher and Elizabeth BLACK, born San Saba Co., Tx. 32
FLEMING, Troy Judd 10 Feb 1898 Junction son of Edward FLEMING, born Tx., Rancher and Lydia Ben BISHOP, born Tx. 68
FOLEY, Lou 28 Aug 1884 Junction daughter of William Boyle FOLEY, born Tx., Ranching and Vashti BAKER, born Tx. 31
FOLEY, Vashti Irene 23 Sep 1893 Junction daughter of William Boyle FOLEY, born Tx., Stock Farmer and Vashti BAKER, born Tx. 54
FORD(JACKSON), Oma Pauline 15 Oct 1896 1 mi. N of London daughter of Harvey Clinton JACKSON, born Tx., Farmer and Emily Jane STEWART, born Tx. 64
FORMBY, Simon Lee 3 Sep 1878 Kimble County son of w. L. FORMBY, born Ala., Rancher and Mary Jane WOOTEN, born Ga. 25
FREEMAN, Beal 7 May 1893 London son of William Allen FREEMAN, born Bastrop Co., Tx., Ranchman and Belvadora SHOCKLEY, born Polk Co., Tx. 54
FREEMAN, Lottie 8 Mar 1889 London daughter of William Allen FREEMAN, born Bastrop Co., Tx. Ranchman and Belvadora SHOCKLEY, born Polk Co., Tx. 40
FREEMAN, Nettie 23 Dec 1886 Junction daughter of William Allen FREEMAN, born Tx., Farmer and Bell Vadora SHOCKLEY, born Tx. 34
FREEMAN, Sam 8 Apr 1891 near London son of William Allen FREEMAN, born Tx., Rancher and Belvedora SHOCKLEY, born Tx. 46
FREEMAN, Wesley 17 Oct 1898 London son of William Allen FREEMAN, born Bastrop Co., Tx., Ranchman and Belvadora SHOCKLEY, born Polk Co., Tx. 70
GARCIA, Cresencio 19 Apr 1897 Kimble County son of Jose Maria GARCIA, born Mexico, Ranchman and Adelaide ROBLES, Mexico 67
GARCIA, Enrique 15 Jul 1900 Kimble County son of Jose Maria GARCIA and Adelaide ROBLES 76
GARCIA, Genoveva 6 Oct 1894 Junction daughter of Manuel L. GARCIA, born Mexico, Rancher and Genoveva MORALES, born Belton, Tx. 59
GARCIA, Jose Zacarias 3 Nov 1891 Kimble County son of Jose Maria GARCIA, born Mexico, Rancher and Adelaide ROBLES, born Mexico 48
GARCIA, Maria Brigida 8 Oct 1894 Kimble County daughter of Jose Maria GARCIA, born Mexico, Rancher and Adelaide ROBLES, born Mexico 59
GARCIA, Pilar 11 Oct 1885 Kimble County son of Jose Maria GARCIA, born Mexico, Rancher and Adelaide ROBLES, born Mexico 33
GARCIA, Rafaela 6 Feb 1899 Kimble County daughter of Manuel GARCIA, born Mexico, Rancher and Genevieve MORALES, born Bell Co., Tx. 71
GARCIA, Ricarda 3 Apr 1900 Cleo son of Manuel GARCIA, born Mexico, Traveling Salesman and Genoveva MORALES, born Tx. 75
GARCIA, Saturnino Morales 11 Feb 1897 Junction son of Manuel L. GARCIA, born Mex., Ranchman and Genoveva MORALES, born Tx. 66
GARDNER, Joseph Marion 5 Feb 1890 Roosevelt son of John Fletcher GARDNER, born Tx., Ranch & Farm and Mary Elizabeth GARNER, born Tx. 42
GENTRY, Dovie Rebeckah 28 Feb 1899 London daughter of William GENTRY and Lucy Viola DIXON 71
GENTRY, Maud Edna 26 Jan 1894 London daughter of William GENTRY, born Mason Co., Tx., Farmer and Viola DIXON, born Belton, Tx. 57
GENTRY, Nora 1 Nov 1888 London daughter of Lee GENTRY, born Tx., Farmer and Fanny Ann CAVANESS, born Tx. 39
GEPHART, John Lee 11 Aug 1894 London-Pre. 3 son of Daniel Dixon GEPHART, born Tx., Farmer and Sarah Elizabeth DRAGOO, born Tx. 58
GEPHART, Leta Louise 11 Aug 1894 London daughter of Daniel Dixon GEPHART, born Tx., Farmer and Sarah Elizabeth DRAGOO, born Tx. 58
GEPHART, Myrtle Ruth 24 Sep 1896 London daughter of Daniel Dixon GEPHART, born Tx., Farming and Sarah Elizabeth GEPHART, born Tx. 64
GEPHART, William Irvin 16 Jun 1891 London son of Daniel Dixon GEPHART, born Tx., Farmer and Sarah Elizabeth DRAGOO, born Tx. 46
GILILLAND, George Edward 22 Dec 1880 4 mi. N. of Junction City son of William Franklin GILILLAND, born Pike Co., Mo., Farmer/Rancher and Rosetta MOORE, born Ill. 26
GILILLAND, Lucy Lucinda 31 Oct 1878 near Junction City daughter of Wm. F. GILILLAND and Rosettie MOORE 25
GOODALL, Eva Josephine 12 Jul 1899 Junction daughter of Joseph Carrol GOODALL, born Ark., Rancher and Georgia Ann Black, born Ala. 72
GOODALL, Ida Mamie 18 Mar 1893 Junction daughter of Joseph Carrol GOODALL, born Ark., Rancher and Georgia Ann BLACK, born Ala. 53
GOODMAN, Rush Buchanan 29 Jan 1895 London son of John Hampton GOODMAN and Etna Lee SHAW 60
GRAHAM, Lida May 1 Sep 1894 Quitman, Ark. daughter of Thomas Richard GRAHAM, born Ark., Farmer and Margaret Elizabeth BYNUM, born Ark. [Recorded Kimble Co.] 59
GRAHAM, Ophelia 23 Jul 1893 Junction daughter of Richard Coleman GRAHAM, born Dallas, tx., Teamster and Eliza Jane ALFORD, born San Saba, Tx. 55
GRAHAM, William A. 27 Dec 1893 Kimble County son of William GRAHAM, born Cass Co., Mo., Cattle Raiser and Francis MENGES, born Fredericksburg, Tx. 56
GREER, James Leo 21 Aug 1891 Edwards Co. son of William Joseph GREER, born Calif., Ranchman and Ida Jane ARMSTRONG, born Mo. 47
GRIFFIN, Lottie Ella 7 Mar 1897 Junction daughter of John Richard GRIFFIN, born U.S.A., Laborer and Donnae KISOR, born U.S.A. 66
GRIMES, Rufus Lee 14 Dec 1889 London son of James Alexander GRIMES, born Tx., Rancher and Lena A. ARMSTRONG, born America 42
HAGEMAN, James Oliver 14 Nov 1891 London son of Ed HAGEMAN, born Burnet Co., Tx., Farmer and Martha CADDELL, born Burnet co., Tx. 48
HAGEMANN, Cloy Ellen 29 Apr 1889 Junction daughter of Ed HAGEMANN, born Tx., Farmer and Martha Ann CADELL, born Tx. 40
HAGEMANN, Josephine Ann 20 Dec 1885 London daughter of Ed HAGEMANN, born Burnet Co., Tx. Ranching and Martha Ann CADELL, born Correll [Coryell?], Tx. 33
HAISAGER, Elvin Archie 29 Nov 1898 Segovia son of Soren Peter HAISAGER, born Denmark, Farmer and Minnie OWENS, born Tx. 71
HALE, Katie Emma 29 Sep 1893 London daughter of Joseph W. HALE, born Tenn., Farmer and Elizabeth ELLASON, born Tenn. 54
HALL, Cassie Viola 17 Nov 1892 Kimble County daughter of Charles Luther HALL, born Fort Worth, Tx., Rancher and Julia Ann TOBEY, born Hood Co, Tx. 52
HALL, Homer Floyd 21 Feb 1892 Fayetteville, son of James Franklin HALL, born Ks., Farmer & Merchant Washington Co., Ark. and Martha Parlee HOLT, born Ark. (Recorded Kimble Co.) 49
HALL, John Dalton 21 Feb 1888 Sutton County son of John Franklin HALL, born Bonham, Tx., Ranching and Sarah Jeanette BERRY, born Georgetown, Tx. 38
HALL, LaUna Marie 4 Jul 1888 Junction daughter of Morcidia Dalton HALL, born Bonham, Tx., Rancher and Rhoda Jane HALL, born Georgetown, Tx. 38
HALL, Nora Belle 25 Aug 1890 Junction daughter of Charles Luther HALL, born Fort Worth, Tx., Rancher and Julia Ann TOBEY, born Hood Co., Tx. 44
HAMILTON, Delmar Andrew 25 Nov 1900 Kimble County son of Jeff David HAMILTON, born Bell Co., Tx., Rancher and Julia Hettie ELRED, born Erath Co., Tx. 77
HARDESTY, James Walter 23 Mar 1887 Junction son of George Washington HARDESTY, born Indiana, Farmer and Tempie Elizabeth [YATES], born Tx. 35
HARDESTY, Lola 22 Nov 1897 London daughter of George Washington HARDESTY and Tempie YATES 67
HARDESTY, Myrtle Selma 26 Apr 1895 London daughter of George Washington HARDESTY, born Ind., Rancher and Tempia Elizabeth YATES, born Tenn. 61
HARDESTY, Tennie Pearl 13 Mar 1891 London daughter of George Washington HARDESTY, born Ind., Farmer and Tempie Elizabeth YATES, born Tx. 46
HARDESTY, Thomas Dewell 14 Jul 1900 Junction son of William HARDESTY, born Ind., Farmer and Martha Ellen FLOYD, born Okla. 76
HARDIN, Cleburn 5 Jul 1899 Noxville son of Jeff Davison HARDIN,born Tx., Cattleman and Mary Jane TAYLOR, born Tx. 72
HARDIN, Joe Gibson 29 Aug 1897 Noxville son of Jeff Davison HARDIN, born Tx., Cattleman and Mary Jane TAYLOR, born Tx. 67
HARPER, Jack Philip 12 Oct 1894 Kimble County son of Charles Henry HARPER, born La., Rancher and Annie NUNEZ, born Ga. 59
HARRIS, Flora Viola 23 Feb 1884 Junction daughter of William Thomas HARRIS, born Miss., Cattleman and Amanda Melvina YOUNG, born Tx. 30
HARRIS, Fred Pauline 1 Jun 1889 Edwards County daughter of Joseph Addison HARRIS, born Richmond, Ky., Ranchman and Rosalind DOUGLAS, born Louisville, Ohio [Recorded Kimble Co.] 41
HARRIS, Mary Lucas 22 Feb 1891 Junction daughter of John Franklin HARRIS, born Ky., Ranchman and Minnie Kate ARMSTRONG, born Mo. 45
HARRISON, Clair Lolete 24 Mar 1893 Junction daughter of Felix Landers HARRISON, Rancher and Deana EVANS 53
HARRISON, Elmer Henry 2 Jun 1885 Junction son of Manlius Nabors HARRISON, born Tx., Rancher and Margaret Ella GRIFFIN, born Tx. 32
HARRISON, Felix 7 Nov 1899 Junction son of Manlius HARRISON, born Tx., Ranchman and Margaret Ella GRIFFIN, born Tx. 73
HARRISON, Molly 8 Oct 1890 Junction daughter of Manlius Nabors HARRISON, born Tx., Ranchman and Margaret Ella GRIFFIN, born Tx. 45
HEINE, Elizabeth Ann 1 Nov 1897 London daughter of Fred HEINE, born Tx., Farmer and Amelia GENTRY, born Atlanta, Ga. 67
HEINE, Georgia Emily 16 Mar 1899 London daughter of Fred HEINE, born Tx. and Permelia Caroline GENTRY, born Tx. 71
HEINE, Julia Coleen 12 Jun 1896 London daughter of Fred HEINE, born Tx., Farmer and Amelia GENTRY, Atlanta, Ga. 64
HENSLEE, Leota Bell 26 Mar 1892 Junction City daughter of Jeff Davis HENSLEE, born Acton, Tx., Farmer and Ottie WOOTEN, born Atlanta, Ga. 48
HENSLEY, Edith Myrtle 2 Oct 1890 London daughter of Golden HENSLEY, born Hays Co., Tx., Farmer and Liddie MAY, born Hays Co., Tx. 45
HENSLEY, Emmett Thames 10 Nov 1900 London son of Clinton D. HENSLEY, born Tx., Ranching and Midget Carrie STEWART, born Tx. 77
HENSLEY, Ernest Floyd 24 Nov 1899 London son of W. R. HENSLEY, born Lee Co., Tx., Farmer and Nettie Rosetta HAGEMAN, born Kimble Co., Tx. 74
HESKEW, Leonard Melvin 20 May 1898 Junction son of Gilpin Moses HESKEW, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Rancher and Alva Lola TEMPLE, born Ozona, Tx. 69
HESKEW, Thomas Earl 15 Jun 1890 3-1/4 mi SW Junction son of William Elisha HESKEW, born Tx., Farmer and Voila Alice HODGES, born Tx. 43
HESKEW, William Lewis 23 Dec 1896 Junction son of Gilpin Moses HESKEW, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Rancher and Lola Alva TEMPLE, born Kimble Co., Tx. 65
HEYMAN, Charlotte 16 Dec 1899 Junction daughter of Julius August HEYMAN, born Ohio, Druggist and Alice Hagood ELKINS, born Tx. 74
HEYMAN, Roscoe Merle 13 Sep 1893 London son of Julius Russell HEYMAN, born Hunts Corner, OH, Druggist and Alice Haywood EDDINS, born Tx. 54
HODGES, Alley 12 Mar 1891 Junction daughter of George Washington HODGES and Stella HOLDEN 46
HODGES, Douglas Miller 12 May 1900 Kimble County son of Porter Thomas HODGES, born Tx., Ranching and Nettie MILLER, born Tx. 75
HODGES, Emma Mae 31 Oct 1900 Kimble County daughter of Alfred Francis HODGES, born Tx. and Elizabeth MURR, born Okla. 77
HODGES, Frank Cloud 19 May 1899 near Junction son of Porter Thomas HODGES, born Tx., Rancher and Nettie MILLER, born Tx. 72
HODGES, George Raymond 13 May 1893 Junction son of George Washington HODGES, born Tx., Rancher and Stella HOLDEN, born Ark. 54
HODGES, Irene 25 Sep 1888 Junction daughter of George Washington HODGES, born Tx., Rancher and Stella HOLDEN, born Ark. 39
HODGES, Lafayette Randolph 3 Jan 1898 Junction son of Porter Thomas HODGES, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Farmer and Nettie MILLER, born Kimble Co., Tx. 68
HODGES, Stella 15 Jun 1894 Junction daughter of George Washington HODGES, born Tx., Rancher and Stella HOLDEN, born Ark. 58
HOLEKAMP, Conrad Theodore 11 Feb 1895 Junction son of Ernest HOLEKAMP, born Comfort, Tx., Abstracter & Merchant and Dora MUEGGE, born Tx. 60
HOLEKAMP, Doris Willbeth 9 Jan 1897 Junction daughter of Ernst HOLEKAMP, born Tx., Store Owner and Dora MUEGGE, born Tx. 65
HOLEKAMP, Edwin August 31 May 1889 Junction son of Ernst HOLEKAMP, born Tx., Store Owner and Dora MUEGGE, born Tx. 40
HOLEKAMP, Julius Friedrich 21 Aug 1886 Junction son of Ernst HOLEKAMP, born Tx., Store Owner and Dora MUEGGE, born Tx. 34
HOLEKAMP, Walter Ernest 22 Sep 1892 Junction son of Ernest HOLEKAMP, born Tx., Store Owner and Dora MUEGGE, born Tx. 51
HOLLAND, Hal Fisher 5 Jul 1893 Junction son of Rufe HOLLAND, born Mo., Ranchman and May Ellen PULLEN, born Caldwell Co., Tx. 54
HOLLAND, Juliet Pullen 12 Sep 1885 Junction daughter of Rufe HOLLAND, born Mo., Ranching and Mary Ellen PULLEN, born Tx. 32
HOLLAND, Rufus Ray 1 Jun 1895 near Junction son of Rufe HOLLAND, born Mo., Ranchman and Mary Ella PULLEN, born Tx. 61
HOPE, Virginia Ella 5 May 1898 Junction daughter of William Thomas HOPE, born Owensboro, Ky., Surveyor and Katherine Gamble FINNEY, born Mason Co., Tx. 69
HOPE, William George Calhoun 2 Mar 1900 Junction son of William Thomas HOPE, born Owensboro, Daviess Co., Ky., Surveyor and Kate GAMBOL, born Mason Co., Tx. 75
HOWARD, Riley White 21 Aug 1892 Junction son of W. D. HOWARD, born Ala., Farming and Joann McCALEB, born Tx. 51
HUFFMAN, Earl 18 Apr 1900 Kimble County son of William A. HUFFMAN, born Mo., Farmer/Rancher and George Ann RUSSELL, born Mo. 75
HUFFMAN, Esther Mae 2 Jul 1893 Junction daughter of F. Marion HUFFMAN, born Mo., Rancher/Farmer and Lydia E. FOX, born Hill Co., Tx. 54
HUFFMAN, George Wallace 29 May 1898 near Telegraph son of William Alexander HUFFMAN, born Mo., Rancher and George Anna RUSSELL, born Mo. [Family Records] 70
HUFFMAN, Mamie May 9 Feb 1890 Kimble County daughter of William Alexander HUFFMAN, born Mo., Rancher and George Anna RUSSELL, born Mo. 43
HUFFMAN, Sarah 20 May 1899 Telegraph daughter of Francis Marion HUFFMAN and Lydia Ellen FOX 72
HUFFMAN, William Alva 29 Apr 1896 near Telegraph son of William Alexander HUFFMAN, born Mo., Rancher and George Anna RUSSELL, born Mo. [Family Records] 64
HUGHES, Rachel Louise 26 May 1899 Junction City daughter of George Madison HUGHES, born Ashville, N.C., Rancher and Sarah Evelyn GRAHAM, born Mo. 72
HUGHES, Rotha Jane 8 Jun 1889 Kimble County daughter of Henry B. HUGHES, born Tx., Farmer and Frances Elizabeth SLAY, born Tx. 41
HUNTER, James Robert 28 Jun 1884 London son of Samuel Alexander HUNTER, born Tx., Ranchman and Martha Ann AMBERSON, born Bexar Co., Tx. 31
HUTCHESON, Andrew Jackson 25 Jan 1883 Junction son of Hesikiah HUTCHESON, born Miss., Rancher and Netha Ann PRATHER, born Tx. 28
HUTTON, Maud Pearl 5 Jun 1892 Junction daughter of Jesse Patterson HUTTON, born Ala., Farmer and Ferbia Elizabeth McCALEB, born Ala. 50
INGRAM, Beulah Land 28 Jul 1900 Segovia daughter of John Charles Wesley INGRAM, born Ill., Minister-Druggist and Sarah Alice NICHOLS, born Tenn. 76
IVY, Clarence Otis 17 Nov 1893 London son of George Robert IVY, born Lampasas Co., Tx., Rancher and Eugene VALENTINE, born Travis Co., Tx. 56
IVY, Lorena Estell 7 Feb 1898 near Junction daughter of Sam Houston IVY, born Tx., Ranching and Sallie CHILDS, born Tx. 68
JAMISON, Willie Elais 9 Mar 1892 Junction son of William James JAMISON, born Tx., Rancher and Sally WILLIAMS, born Tenn. 49
JARVIS, Agnes 6 Nov 1896 Junction daughter of Robert Lee JARVIS, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Ranching and Agnes HODGES, born Goliad Co., Tx. 65
JARVIS, Douglas Cardwell 16 Sep 1900 Junction son of William Thomas JARVIS, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Rancher and Elizabeth Nancy CARDWELL, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 77
JARVIS, Georgia Addline 31 Aug 1896 10 mi. NE of Junction daughter of William Thomas JARVIS, born Tx. and Nancy Elizabeth CARDWELL, born Tx. 64
JARVIS, Ida Mae 12 Sep 1898 Junction daughter of William Thomas JARVIS, born Tx., Farmer and Nancy Elizabeth CARDWELL, born Tx. 70
JARVIS, Lina Vadra 29 Oct 1894 Junction daughter of William Tate JARVIS, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Ranchman and Elizabeth CARDWELL, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 59
JARVIS, Loyless Menefee 14 Sep 1899 Junction daughter of Robert Lee JARVIS, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Ranchman and Agnes HODGES, born Goliad, Tx. 73
JARVIS, Robert Irvin 1 Sep 1894 Junction son of Robert Lee JARVIS, Gonzales Co., Tx., Ranchman and Agnes HODGES, born Goliad, Tx. 59
JARVIS, William Tate 15 Dec 1892 near Junction son of William Thomas JARVIS, born Tx., Farmer and Nancy Elizabeth CARDWELL, born Tx. 52
JOBES, Andrew Jackson 9 Jun 1879 Junction City son of Sam Shelby JOBES, born Ky., Merchant and Annie ALLEN, born Tx. 25
JOBES, John Ola 19 Jan 1888 Junction daughter of Sam Shelby JOBES, born Ky., Rancher and Nancy Ann ALLEN, born Anderson Co., Tx. 38
JOHNSTON, Agnes Elsie 13 Dec 1894 Junction daughter of Thomas Cothard JOHNSTON, born Scotland, Accountant and Annie Marguerite MURR, born Tenn. 60
JOHNSTON, John McCaul 22 Apr 1898 12 mi. W. of Junction son of Charles Siedy JOHNSTON, born Edinburg, Scot., School Teacher and Katherine RATHGATE, born Edinburg, Scot. 69
JOHNSTON, Mary Burns 25 Jan 1890 Junction daughter of Thomas Cotherd JOHNSTON, born Edinburg, Scotland, Bookkeeper and Annie Marguerite MURR, born Humboldt, Tn. 42
JONES, Andrew Jackson 18 Aug 1887 20 mi W of Junction son of Edd JONES, born Ark., Farmer and Mary Tennessee McNUTT, born Ark. 36
JONES, Pete B. 9 May 1890 25 mi W of Junction near son of Ed JONES, born Ark., Rancher and Mary Tennessee McNUTT, born Ar,. Cedar Hill School 43
JONES, Roscoe Hontis 11 Aug 1881 Franklin Co., Ark. son of William J. Jones, born Waynesboro, Tenn. and Mary Wiley BURT, born Sevier Co., Ark. [Recorded Kimble Co.] 27
JOY, Artie Z. 19 Feb 1894 London son of William Cash JOY, born Ark., Rancher and Alice Sarah ADAMS, born Springfield, Mo. 57
JOY, Edwin 6 Apr 1890 Segovia son of Will JOY and Sarah Lee RODGERS 43
JOY, Emma 22 Dec 1890 Noxville daughter of Edd JOY, born Kimble Co., Tx., Farmer and Nellie TAYLOR, born Kerr Co., Tx. 45
JOY, George Jackson 9 Jul 1896 Junction son of Lewis Washington JOY, born Tx., Farmer and Tex Ellen STEWART, born Austin, Tx. 64
JOY, John Tobe 10 Feb 1898 Junction son of Edd JOY, born Kimble Co., Tx., Farmer and Nellie TAYLOR, born Kerr Co., Tx. 68
JOY, William Cash 10 Aug 1892 London son of William Cash JOY, born Ark., Rancher and Alice ADAMS, born Tx. 51
KEESE, Bonnie Annie Laura 19 Apr 1897 near Junction daughter of John James KEESE, born Tx., Rancher and Margaret Ann WILSON, born Tx. 66
KEESE, Gracie George 8 Aug 1899 near Junction daughter of John James KEESE, born Tx., Rancher and Margaret Ann WILSON, born Tx. 73
KEESE, John Hilary 23 Jun 1894 Junction son of John James KEESE, born Tx., Rancher and Annie Margaret WILSON, born Tx. 58
KELLEY, Loma 4 Dec 1898 Junction daughter of Elisha Frank KELLEY, born Tx., Ranchman and Effie Frances McWHORTER, born Tx. 71
KELLEY, Robert Baker 17 Feb 1897 Junction son of William Higginbotham KELLEY, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Ranchman and Harriett Leona BAKER, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 66
KELLEY, Ruth 17 Apr 1897 Junction daughter of Elisah Frank KELLEY, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Rancher and Effie McWHORTER, born Grayson Co., Tx. 66
KELLEY, Thelma Ellen 14 Sep 1900 Junction daughter of William Higgenbotham KELLEY, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Ranchman and Harriet Leona BAKER, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 76
KIRKLAND, Lula May 24 Jan 1893 Kimble County daughter of Cicero Coats KIRKLAND, born La., Farmer/Rancher and Dodo "Doode" KETON, born Sutton Co., Tx. 53
KIRKLAND, Martha Elizabeth 15 Jul 1899 Junction daughter of Paul Joseph KIRKLAND, born Tx., Rancher and Rachel Louis COLLIER, born Tx. 72
KIRKPATRICK, Lora Attalie 28 Jun 1894 Eddy, NM daughter of Samuel Louis KIRKPATRICK, born Tx., Ranchman and Sarah Ann FLEMING, born Tx. [Recorded Kimble Co.] 58
KIRKPATRICK, Samuel Luther 1 Aug 1896 Eddy, N.M. son of Samuel Lewis KIRKPATRICK, born Caldwell Co., Tx., Rancher and Sarah Ann FLEMING, born Brown Co., Tx.[Recorded Kimble Co.] 64
KNOX, Lula Arminta 24 Dec 1900 Noxville daughter of Steven Arnold KNOX, born Ill., Ranching and Mary Frances DAVIS, born Tx. 78
KNOX, Mattie Pearl 12 Aug 1891 Noxville daughter of Douglas KNOX, born Ill., Rancher and Mary Frances DAVIS, born Tx. 47
KNOX, Noah 17 Sep 1889 Noxville son of Steven Arnold Douglas KNOX, born USA, Rancher and Mary Fances DAVIS, born USA 42
KOUNTZ, Fred Sebastian 10 Aug 1881 Junction son of John Cook KOUNTZ, born Russell Co., Va., School teacher, Deputy Clerk, Ranch and Laura Louise TURNER, born Bastrop Co., Tx. 26
KOUNTZ, Hezekiah K. 1 May 1882 Junction son of Columbus C. Kountz, born Va., Rancher and Arena HUTCHISON, born Ark. 28
KOUNTZ, Minnie Laura 29 Feb 1888 Junction daughter of John Cook KOUNTZ, born Russell Co., Va., Clerical & Rancher and Laura Louise TURNER, born Bastrop Co., Tx. 38
KOUNTZ, Ruth Elizabeth 25 Aug 1889 Junction daughter of John Kook KOUNTZ, born Russell Co., Va., Rancher and Laura Louise TURNER, born Bastrop Co., Tx. 42
KOUNTZ, Willie Virginia 16 Dec 1896 Junction daughter of John Cook KOUNTZ, born Russell Co., Va., Clerical & Ranching and Laura Louise TURNER, born Bastrop Co., Tx. 65
KUYKENDALL, Ida Myrtle 28 Feb 1886 London daughter of Wiley Dollylight KUYKENDALL, born Cherokee, San Saba Co., Tx. Farmer and Izzie Ann ANDREWS, born Tresvant, Tenn. 33
LANAN, Mary Elizabeth 3 Nov 1886 Junction daughter of Mike LANAN, born Ireland, Stock Farmer and Mary Aldah CALDWELL, born Ark. 34
LATTA, Lawrence Edward 17 Sep 1900 Junction son of Oscar LATTA, born Kansas, Sheriff and Mamie EARWOOD, born Tx. 77
LAWLER, Claude Leonard 12 Oct 1889 Junction son of Sam LAWLER, born Ky., Blacksmith and Martha McAULEY, born, La. 42
LAWLER, Harry Hayden 9 Jan 1892 Kimble County son of Sam LAWLER, born Ky., Blacksmith and Martha McAULEY, born La. 48
LAWLER, Henry Clay 25 Jun 1890 Junction City son of George Henry LAWLER, born Ky., Farmer and Sarah Rebecca SIMS, born Ark. 44
LAWLER, James Walter 26 Jan 1883 Kimble County son of Sam LAWLER, born Ky., Blacksmith and Martha MaAULEY, born La. 28
LEAKY, Frank N. 6 Aug 1900 London son of George N. LEAKY, born Real Co., Tx., Ranch Worker and Lula Marian ADAMS, born Kimble Co., Tx. 76
LEATHERMAN, Wallace 21 Apr 1884 Kimble County son of John David LEATHERMAN, Rancher and Nannie TAYLOR, born Tx. 31
LEE, Harvey Bynum 20 Mar 1894 3 mi. N. of London son of James Minor LEE, born Tx., Farming and Tissie JACKSON, born Tx. 57
LEMONS, John C. 30 Jun 1882 near Junction City son of Paschal C. LEMONS, age 44, born Walnut Grove, Polk Co., Mo., Rancher and Luella Jane TULK, age 30, born Coffee Co., Ark. 28
LENNON, Dena May 7 Jun 1889 Noxville daughter of John William LENNON, born Tx., Rancher and Sarah Adline MAYS, born Blanco Co., Tx. 41
LENNON, Tempie L. 29 Aug 1890 Noxville daughter of John William LENNON, born Springfield, Tenn., Rancher and Sarah AdliNE MAYS, born Blanco Co., Tx. 44
LEWIS, Annie 27 Nov 1883 London daughter of L. L. LEWIS, born Clay Co., Ill., Horse Trainer & Raiser and Mary Elizabeth BOYCE, born Burnet Co., Tx. 30
LEWIS, Matthew Damon 10 Aug 1894 London son of Lander L. LEWIS, born Springfield, Ill., Merchant & Hotel Owner and Mary E. BOYCE, born Burnet Co., Tx. 58
LEWIS, Seth M. 5 Nov 1881 London son of Len L. LEWIS, born Johnson Co., Ill., Horse Trailer & Raiser and Mary Elizabeth BOYCE, born Burnet Co., Tx. 27
LIGHTFOOT, Milton Lee 7 Jun 1892 Junction son of Gustavus Henry LIGHTFOOT, born Lincoln Co., Tenn., Carpenter-Farmer and Mary Frances MEEKS, born Hearne, Tx. 50
LOCKHART, Joseph Lamar 30 Nov 1892 Junction City son of Louis LOCKHART, Teamster-Freighting and Emily Lucreta LACKEY, born Tx. 52
LOGAN, Doctor Taylor 14 Oct 1893 Junction son of George William LOGAN, born La., Laborer and Martha Frances FRANKS, born La. 56
LOGAN, Frances Isabelle 25 Jul 1896 Junction daughter of George William LOGAN, born La., General Labor and Martha Frances FRANKS, born La. 64
LOVEJOY, Rachel Ernest 18 May 1893 Kimble County daughter of Malie LOVEJOY, age born Okla., Stockman and Cordelia FOSTER, born Bastrop, Tx. 54
LUCKE, Annie Edith 23 Mar 1892 Kimble County daughter of Herman LUCKE, born Germany, Ranching and Minna SOLBRIG, born Germany 49
LUCKE, Bertha Emma 23 Dec 1896 Kimble County daughter of Herman LUCKE, born Germany, Rancher and Minna SOLBRIG, born Germany 65
LUCKE, Charles Herman 16 Jul 1889 Kimble County son of Herman LUCKE, born Germany, Rancher and Minna SOLBRIG, born Germany 41
LUCKE, Helen May 27 Dec 1893 Kimble County daughter of Herman LUCKE, born Germany, Rancher and Minna SOLBRIG, born Germany 56
LUCKE, Martha Ella 2 Sep 1885 Kimble County daughter of Herman LUCKE, born Germany, Rancher and Minnie SOLBRIG, born Germany 32
LUCKE, Minnie Alma 16 Apr 1887 Kimble County daughter of Herman LUCKE, born Germany, Ranchman and Minnie SOLBRIG, born Germany 36
MARTIN, Amanda Irene 18 Feb 1898 London daughter of David Allen MARTIN, born Tx., Farmer and Francis Martha ATKINSON, born Tx. 68
MARTIN, Annie Molete 27 Mar 1892 near Junction daughter of Samuel Clark MARTIN, born Little Rock, ARk., Rancher and Elbina Lucinda TERRY, born Red River Co., Tx. 50
MARTIN, Buck Barber 25 Mar 1889 Kimble County son of Andrew Harris MARTIN, born USA, Cattleman and Annie SANDHERR, born USA 40
MARTIN, Cecil Ella 29 Nov 1900 Junction daughter of John Rowland MARTIN, born Red River Co., Tx., Rancher and Stella Achsah McMILLAN, born Brazos Co., Tx. 77
MARTIN, Colonel Griffith 6 Jun 1884 Kimble County son of Andrew Harris MARTIN, born Mo., Ranchman and Annie SANDHERR, born Ark. 31
MARTIN, Dee 27 Oct 1881 Kimble County son of Andrew Harris MARTIN, born Mo., Ranchman and Annie SANDHERR, born Ark. 26
MARTIN, Eva Achsah 3 May 1892 Junction daughter of John Rowland MARTIN, born Red River Co., Tx., Clerk and Stella Achsah McMILLAN, born Brazos Co., Tx. 50
MARTIN, John Rowland, Jr. 28 Jan 1899 Junction son of John Rowland MARTIN, born Red River Co., Tx., Clerk and Stella Achsah McMILLAN, born Brazos Co., Tx. 71
MARTIN, Stella Vivian 22 Dec 1896 Junction daughter of John Rowland MARTIN, born Red River Co., Tx., Rancher and Stella Achsah McMILLAN, born Brazos Co., Tx. 65
MAYES, Lillie Katherine 4 Oct 1892 Kimble County daughter of William Martin MAYES, born Coleman Co., Tx., Rancher and Mary Jannette TOBEY, born Hood Co., Tx. 51
McCALEB, Jim Lloyd 4 Nov 1898 London son of Jack Hamilton McCALEB, born Tx., Rancher and Zoe AKE, born Tx. 71
McCALEB, John White 15 Feb 1884 Junction son of William Winters McCALEB, born Ala., Rancher and Eva Aresta BARNES, born Tx. 30
McCALEB, Thomas White 9 Mar 1892 Junction son of Hugh White McCALEB, born Ala., Farmer and Rebecca Ann FREEMAN, born Tx. 49
McCARTNEY, Cora Oliva 12 Oct 1891 Junction daughter of Jim William McCARTNEY, born Tx., Cattleman and Emily GENTRY, born Tx. 47
McCARTNEY, Martha Elizabeth 23 Nov 1888 Junction daughter of William James McCARTNEY, born DeWitt Co., Tx., Ranchman and Emily Frances GENTRY, born Tx. 39
McCARTNEY, Thomas Jefferson 18 Jul 1886 Junction City son of James William McCARTNEY, born Tx., Rancher and Emily Frances GENTRY, born Tx. 33
McDONALD, Jacob Lawrence 1 Aug 1899 Noxville son of William Martin McDONALD, born Gillespie Co., Tx., Ranchman and Roxie Belle TAYLOR, born Gillespie Co., Tx. 72
McDONALD, Walter Lafayette 8 Nov 1881 Noxville son of Robert Lafayette McDONALD, born Johnson Co., Ill., Ranching and Mandy Elizabeth LARREMORE, born Gillespie Co., Tx. 27
McGONAGILL, Henry Washington 21 Aug 1890 Kimble County son of Sam McGONAGILL, born Kimble Co., Tx., Ranch Forman and Sodonia HENSLEE, born Hood Co., Tx. 44
McGONAGILL, William Herff 26 Aug 1899 London son of William King McGONAGILL, born Lavaca Co., Tx., Farming and Emma GOODMAN, born Bosque Co., Tx. 73
McGONAGILL, Willie King 31 Dec 1887 London daughter of D. Elix McGONAGILL, born Tx., Farming and Eliza Ann GILLASPY, born OK. 37
McNEALY, Virginia Lind 19 Dec 1880 Junction daughter of Frank McNEALY, born Travis Co., Tx., Stockman and Polly Ann RILEY, born Blanco Co., Tx. 26
MCNUTT, Luther Allen 12 Oct 1890 Junction son of Peter Harmon McNUTT, born Mo., Rancher and Margaret Mayberry SLAY, born Ark. 45
McPHERSON, Holice Brother 1 Feb 1898 Noxville son of John Carson McPHERSON, born Tx., Laborer and Serena Alice JOY, born Belton, Tx. 68
McSWEEN, Mary Myrtle 6 Oct 1898 Junction daughter of William Murdock McSWEEN, born San Antonio, Tx., Deputy Sheriff and Mary Elizabeth HODGES, born Goliad, Tx. 70
McSWEEN, Olive Branch 17 Sep 1894 Junction daughter of William Murdock McSWEEN, born San Antonio, Tx., Deputy Sheriff and Mary Elizabeth HODGES, born Goliad, Tx. 59
McSWEEN, Ruby Hodges 23 Jan 1893 Junction daughter of Willaim Murdock McSWEEN, born San Antonio, Tx., Ranching and Mary Elizabeth HODGES, born Goliad, Tx. 53
McWRIGHT, Jim Jonas 27 May 1879 Linnville, Tenn. son of John Quincy McWRIGHT, born Nashville, Tenn., Railroad Worker and Sarah Jane KELTNER, born Giles Co., Tenn. [Recorded Kimble Co.] 25
MEARSON, Rosie Eddie 9 Jul 1888 Junction daughter of Henry MEARSON, born Tx., Rancher and Sofie Lucy SCHAEFER, born Tx. 39
MENGES, Faltin Emil 6 Mar 1893 Junction City son of Peter Joseph MENGES, born Tx., Rancher and Betsy Ann McDONALD, born Tx. 53
MENGES, John Walter 2 Feb 1892 Junction son of John Ludolph MENGES, born Tx., Ranchman and Cintha Lurancy McDONALD, born Tx. 48
MENGES, Mable Mae 20 Feb 1898 Harper daughter of Peter Joseph MENGES, born Tx., Rancher and Betsy Ann McDONALD, born Tx. 69
MERCK, Mary Anna 20 Aug 1885 Junction daughter of Samuel Leroy MERCK, born Ala., Rancher and Martha Ann SMITH, born Tx. 32
MERCK, Roy Nelson 7 Apr 1899 Junction son of William MERCK, born Tx., Farmer and Minnie SPENCER, born Tx. 72
MEREDITH, Connie Marie 17 Dec 1900 Junction daughter of Thomas Jefferson MEREDITH, born Jackson Co., Miss., Co. Employee and Mary Ida Bell McDONALD, born Winston Co., Miss. 78
MEREDITH, Fannie Lee 30 Jun 1888 Junction daughter of Thoomas Jefferson MEREDITH, born Miss., Postman and Mary Ida Bell McDONALD, born Mo. 38
MEREDITH, George Harrison 25 Apr 1892 Junction son of Thomas Jefferson MEREDITH, born La., Mail Carrier and Mary Ida Bell McDONALD, born Miss. 50
MEREDITH, Jefferson Hugh 17 Aug 1898 Junction son of Thomas Jefferson MEREDITH, born Miss., County Employee and Mary Ida Bell McDONALD, born Miss. [?] 70
MEREDITH, Thomas Julius 26 Apr 1882 Junction son of Thomas Jefferson MEREDITH, born La., Mail Carrier and Mary Ida Bell McDONALD, born Miss. 28
MILLER, Claude Isiah 16 Aug 1894 Junction son of William B. MILLER, born Tx., Rancher and Sallie P. SCHRIER, born Tx. 58
MILLER, James Alton 9 Dec 1897 Junction son of Alfred Alexander MILLER, born Tx., Rancher and Dora Callie McCOMBS, born Tx. 67
MILLER, John Franklin 7 Nov 1893 Loncon son of Tom Sterlin MILLER, born Tx., Farmer and Frank Ann FOWLER, born Tx. 56
MILLER, John Larkin 13 Jun 1892 Junction son of John Alexander MILLER and Martha BROWNING 51
MILLER, Maggie Francis 26 Jul 1883 Junction daughter of John Alexander MILLER, born Miss., Farmer amd Martha BROWNING, born Ala. 29
MILLER, Mary Frances 12 Sep 1899 Junction daughter of William Browning MILLER, born Tx. and Sally Priscilla SCHRIER, born Tx. 73
MILLER, William Alvin 15 Jan 1892 Junction son of Robert Frank MILLER, born Tx., Rancher and Lou Ella McCOMBS, born Tx. 48
MILLER, Zora Brazie 1 Dec 1887 Junction daughter of John Alexander MILLER, born Miss., Farmer and Martha BROWNING, born Ala. 37
MOGFORD, Minnie Alice 12 Oct 1886 Junction daughter of Edward Albert MOGFORD, born Tx., Farming and Effie Joy, born Tx. 34
MOORE, Arie Annie 30 Oct 1892 London daughter of James Alexander MOORE, born Tx., Farmer and Alice CAMPBELL, born Tx. 52
MOORE, Howard Lee 15 Sep 1885 Kimble County son of James Joseph MOORE, born Llano Co., Tx., Ranchman and Barbara Alice CAMPBELL, born Burnet Co., Tx. 33
MORGAN, Francis 13 Jun 1889 North Llano daughter of William Jefferson Morgan, born Williamson Co., Tx., Cattleman and Ellen SLAY, born Tx. 41
MORGAN, Wiley Marion 13 Jun 1889 North Llano son of William Jefferson MORGAN, born Williamson Co., Tx., Cattleman and Ellen SLAY, born Tx. 41
MORRIS, Clarence Washington 19 Aug 1899 Junction son of George Washington MORRIS and Bessie Lee KEITH 73
MORRIS, Silas Creed 19 Oct 1899 Noxville son of Jack Hamilton MORRIS, born Tx. and Martha Clarinda NEW, born Tx. 73
MUDGE, Arthur Frederick Gordon 21 Apr 1900 Kimble County daughter of Arthur Lyon MUDGE, born England, Ranchman and Ethel Mary GORDON, born England 75
NEFF, Daniel Marion 15 Jan 1883 Rutledge, Tenn. son of Winn Abraham NEFF, born Va., Farmer and Margaret CRANE, born Tenn. 28
NEW, Clara Milburn 17 Jun 1887 Junction City daughter of Milburn Porter NEW, born near Goliad, Tx., Rancher and Jessie Mary EDDINS, born near Brenham, Tx. 36
NEW, Lena M. 24 Oct 1899 Kimble County daughter of Cornelius E. NEW, Rancher and Bessie TODD, born Minn. 73
NORRIS, Elizabeth Princess 27 Dec 1886 Kimble County daughter of Solomon NORRIS, born Ohio, Cattle Ranger and Mollie HIGGS, born Ill. 34
NORRIS, Rosa Belle 24 Aug 1890 Junction daughter of Thomas Jones NORRIS, born Burnet Co., Tx., Farmer and Telitha Catherine PEPPER, born Vernon Co., Mo. 44
NOWLIN, Charles 7 Jul 1886 Kimble County son of Davis Bryan NOWLIN, born Miss. Farmer and Mary Thomas MANNING, born DeSoto, Miss. 33
NUNN, Emma Jane 16 Sep 1888 Skirum, DeKalb Co., Ala. daughter of John Fletcher NUNN, born Ala., Farmer and Sarah TIDMORE, born Ala. (Recorded Kimble Co.) 39
OBENCHAIN, Frank 8 Jul 1882 Junction son of Charles OBENCHAIN, born Va., Stockman and Garie Ann MAULE, born Atascosa Co., Tx. 28
OBENCHAIN, Winona Lee 30 Mar 1884 Junction daughter of Charles Edmond OBENCHAIN, born Weatherford, Tx., Rancher and Gaire Ann MAULE, born Somerset, Tx. 30
OLIVER, Bonnie Jean 23 Nov 1893 Junction daughter of Young Pinckney OLIVER, born Seguin, Tx., Farmer and Lula Rebecca CLOUD, born Austin, Tx. 56
OLIVER, Leta Grace 4 Dec 1891 Junction daughter of Young Pinckney OLIVER, born Tx., Farmer and Lula Rebecca CLOUD, born Tx. 48
OLIVER, Sadie 2 Apr 1890 Junction daughter of Yung Pinckney OLIVER, born Seguin, Tx. Farmer and Lula Rebecca CLOUD, born Austin, Tx. 43
OLIVER, William Cloud 25 Dec 1899 Junction son of Young Pinckney OLIVER, born Seguin, Tx., Farmer and Laila Rebecca CLOUD, born Austin, Tx. 74
OWENS, Howard Moulton 20 Jun 1896 London son of Wiley James OWENS, born Fla., Farmer and Dorinda JARRELL, born Ala. 64
PALMER, Ida Lea 12 Oct 1889 near Junction City daughter of Samuel Jackson PALMER, born Mo., Ranchman and Emmie Frances HUNTER, born Mo. 42
PARKER, Albert Sylvester 23 Feb 1882 Noxville son of James Henry PARKER, born Florida, Ranching and Matilda J. CROCKETT, born hood Co., Tx. 27
PARKER, Jess Felix 17 Jun 1889 near Noxville son of James Henry PARKER, born Florida, Rancher and Matilda Jane CROCKETT, born Hood Co., Tx. 41
PARKER, Lula Bell 7 Jun 1893 Noxville daughter of Sam Houston PARKER, born San Saba Co., Tx., Ranching and Templie Artemise LANE, born Mason Co., Tx. 54
PARKER, Orrin D. 27 Apr 1898 Noxville son of Sam Houston PARKER, born Tx., Ranching and Tempie A. LANE, born Mason Co., Tx. 69
PATTERSON, Dixie Cummins 3 Jun 1898 Junction son of Nicholas Cummins PATTERSON, born Tenn., Jeweler and Elizabeth L. KOONTZ, born Va. 70
PATTERSON, Earl Cleveland 10 Aug 1883 Junction son of Nicholas Cummins PATTERSON, born Tenn., Jeweler and Elizabeth Lumira KOUNTZ, born Va. 29
PATTERSON, Floyd Columbus 17 Jan 1881 Junction son of Nicholas Cummins PATTERSON, born Tenn., Jeweler and Elizabeth Lumira KOUNTZ, born Va. 26
PATTERSON, Frank Cabot 27 Sep 1879 Junction City son of Nicholas Cummins PATTERSON, born Tenn., Watchmaker and Elizabeth KOUNTZ, born Va. 25
PATTERSON, James Edward 28 Aug 1887 Junction son of William Jackson PATTERSON, born Ark., Stonemason and Mary Isabella KEESE, born Tx. 36
PATTERSON, Kate 27 Jul 1884 Junction daughter of William Jefferson PATTERSON, born Ga., Rancher and Mary Idlena KEESE, born Coryell Co., Tx. 31
PATTERSON, Nancy Elizabeth 18 Nov 1881 Junction daughter of William J. PATTERSON, born Ark., Stone Mason and Mary Isabelle KEESE, born Tx. 27
PATTERSON, Norah Eva May 19 Sep 1900 London daughter of Joseph Monroe PATTERSON, born Tx., Farmer and Lucinda SNOW, born Tx. 77
PATTON, Thomas Raymond 1 Apr 1899 Junction son of John Sherman PATTON, born Kendall Co., Tx., Rancher and Maggie NICHOLS, born Kendall Co., Tx. 72
PAXTON, Willie Lorene 13 Jun 1899 Pre. 3, Kimble Co. daughter of William A. PAXTON, born Goliad Co., Tx., Freighting and Lula Melvina MURRAH, born Hamilton Co., Tx. 72
PEACOCK, Dolly Tennessee 23 Mar 1892 Noxville daughter of William Franklin PEACOCK, born Selma, Ark., Farmer and Mahilda Alwilda JOY, born Kerrville, Tx. 49
PEARCE, William Stanley 18 Feb 1876 Vienna, Ill. son of James PEARCE, born Tenn., Farmer and Elizabeth TOLER, born Ill. [Recorded Kimble Co.] 24
PEARL, Emma Zadie 21 Sep 1899 London daughter of George Marshall PEARL, born Tx., Farmer and Hulda Jane [JACKSON], born Tx. 73
PEARL, Henry Lee, Jr. 3 Mar 1887 London son of Henry Lee PEARL, Sr., born Ky., Rancher and Amanda Lavaling JOY, born Kimble Co., Tx. 35
PEARL, Marguerite 30 Aug 1897 Kimble County daughter of Henry L. PEARL, Sr., born Ky., Rancher and Amanda JOY, born Kimble Co., Tx. 67
PEARL, Oscar Harvey 3 Aug 1898 London son of George Marsh PEARL, born Tx., Rancher and Hulda Jane JACKSON, born Tx. 70
PEPPER, Bessie May 28 Apr 1891 Junction daughter of Jefferson Davis PEPPER, born Vernon Co., Mo., Rancher and Mary Ellen ARMSTRONG, born Lynn Co., Ks. 46
PEPPER, Claude Allen 30 Jul 1889 Junction son of Jefferson Davis PEPPER, born Vernon Co., Mo., Rancher and Mary Ellen ARMSTRONG, born Lynn Co., Ks. 41
PEPPER, Fannie Bell 7 Mar 1878 Junction daughter of Benjamin Franklin PEPPER, born W. Va., Farmer and Sally Ann COYLE, born Ky. 24
PEPPER, Florence Lita 10 Dec 1887 Junction daughter of Jefferson Davis PEPPER, born Vernon Co., Mo., Ranching and Mary Ellen ARMSTRONG, born Lynn co., Ks. 37
PEPPER, Floyd Adren 10 May 1900 Junction son of Benjamin Francis PEPPER, born Vernon Co., Mo., Carpenter and Frances Elizabeth TURMAN, born Junction City, Tx. 76
PEPPER, John Wilson 2 Dec 1894 Junction son of Jeff Davis PEPPER, born Vernon Co., Mo., Stockman and Mary Ellen ARMSTRONG, born Lynn Co., Ks. 60
PEPPER, Laura Belle 14 Jul 1886 Junction daughter of Jefferson Davis PEPPER, born Vernon co., Mo., Rancher and Mary Ellen ARMSTRONG, born Lynn Co., Ks. 34
PEPPER, Lucy Ellen 17 Oct 1881 Junction daughter of Benjamin F. PEPPER, born W. Va., Farmer and Sally Ann COYLE, born Ky. 27
PETERS, Walter Allie 23 Mar 1890 Noxville son of James Morgan PETERS, born Va., Farmer and Julia Ann WHITMAN, born Ill. 43
PETTITT, Mertie Ethel 1 Jan 1895 Junction daughter of Thomas Kention PETTITT, born Gonzales, Tx., Farmer and Tennie ROSE, born Kerrville, Tx. 60
PETTITT, Zula Zane 5 Jun 1892 Junction daughter of Joseph Ransom PETTITT, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Fence Contractor and Etta Jane SMITH, born Okla. 50
PHILLIPS, John D. 12 Mar 1900 Junction son of T. B. PHILLIPS, born Tx., Rancher and Jessie GARDNER, born Tx. 75
PHILLIPS, John L. 28 Oct 1888 Junction son of Charles Craten PHILLIPS, born Tx., Ranching and Sarah Elizabeth DRAGOO, born Tx. 39
PHILLIPS, Robert 16 Dec 1885 Junction son of Charles Craten PHILLIPS, born Ark., Rancher and Elizabeth McPETERS, born Tx. 33
PHILLIPS, Sarah Elizabeth 19 Jul 1891 Junction daughter of Charles Craten PHILLIPS, born Ark., Ranching and Sarah Elizabeth McPETERS, born Tx. 47
PIERCE, Alice Miles 25 Apr 1892 Junction daughter of Joseph Sellars PIERCE, born Kimble Co., Tx. and Esther Emma MILES, born Kimble Co., Tx. 50
PIERCE, Joseph Sellers, Jr. 23 Jun 1890 Junction son of Joseph Sellers PIERCE, born Pa., Rancher and Esther E. MILES, born Pa. 44
PIERCE, Tassie 7 Apr 1892 Junction daughter of Emory Pierce, born Tx., Laborer and Eletha Ellen MEANS, born Mexico 50
PIERCE, Victor Inskipt 15 Nov 1894 Junction son of Joseph Sellers PIERCE, born Kenneth Square, Pa., Stockman and Emma Esther Miles, born Hockessin, Del. 60
POLK, Maude Narcissus 2 Feb 1887 Junction daughter of Ben POLK, born Tx., Ranching and Lela Virginia TROTT, born Tx. 35
PRUGEL, Fred 7 Feb 1886 Junction son of Albert PRUGEL, born Germany, Ranching and May BEEMAN, born Burnet Co., Tx. 33
PRUGEL, Willie Menia 6 Jan 1888 Junction daughter of Albert PRUGEL, born Germany, Ranching and May BEEMAN, born Burnet Co., Tx. 37
PUGH, Flora Jane 28 Dec 1886 Junction daughter of John Porter PUGH, born Parker Co., Tx., Laborer and Mary Alice MAY, born Hill Co., Tx. 35
PULLEN, Frank Barksdale 11 Mar 1892 Junction son of Sam Houston PULLEN, born Tx., Ranchman and Delilah Jane ATKINSON, born Tx. 49
RAGSDILL, George Washington 4 Mar 1886 Junction son of George Washington RAGSDILL, born ARk., Merchant and Kate ROSE, born Victoria, Tx. 33
RAMSEY, Charity Alice 30 Jan 1878 Kimble County daughter of Joseph J. RAMSEY, born Farmersville, Iowa, Contractor and Catherine Marguerite GORMAN, born Bastrop Co., Tx. 24
RANDOLPH, Clyde Clifton 11 Mar 1898 Junction son of James Banton RANDOLPH, born Madison Co., Tx., Lawyer and Mamie Willie TERRY, born Gonazles Co., Tx. 69
RAYNER, Alice Berta 11 Aug 1880 Noxville daughter of Gaston RAYNER, born Powellsville, N. C., Rancher and Alice Almeda TAYLOR, born Harper, Tx. 26
READ, Attie Lee 29 Apr 1895 London daughter of Franklin Taylor READ, born Ky., Stockman and Queen Elizabeth PARKER, born Tx. 61
READ, James Taylor 1 Feb 1891 London son of Franklin Taylor READ, born Ky., Rancher and Bettie PARKER, born Ellis Co., Tx. 45
READ, Mary Elizabeth 5 Nov 1887 Kimble County daughter of Franklin Taylor READ, born Ky., Rancher and Betty PARKER, born Ellis Co., Tx. 37
READ, Robert Louis 11 Nov 1899 London son of Franklin Taylor READ, born Ky., Stockman and Queen Elizabeth PARKER, born Tx. 74
READ, Thomas Parker 20 Jan 1897 London son of Franklin Taylor READ, born Ky., Rancher and Bettie PARKER, born Tx. 66
REASNER, George Ella 29 Jul 1887 Kimble County daughter of George Marion REASNER, born Little Rock, Ark., Stock Ranching and Tennessee Bell COUPLES, born Tenn. 36
REESE, Georgia Alice 9 Nov 1892 London daughter of John Berry REESE, born Anderson Co., Tx, Machinist and Mary Cordelia RUSSELL, born Erath Co., Tx. 52
REESE, Martha Ann 13 Nov 1899 London daughter of John Berry REESE, born Anderson Co., Tx., Machinist and Mary Cordelia RUSSELL, born Erath Co., Tx. 74
REMBOLD, Annie Mae 26 Jul 1890 Segovia daughter of Peter James REMBOLD, born France, Rancher and Allie Ray, born Cooke Co., Tx. 44
REMBOLD, Frank Peter 27 Mar 1892 Junction son of Peter James REMBOLD and Allie Chaney RAY 50
REMBOLD, Josie Katie 13 Aug 1884 Segovia daughter of Peter James REMBOLD, born France, Rancher and Katie LIEBOLD, born Tx. 31
REMBOLD, Ollie Laura 11 Mar 1895 Junction daughter of Peter James REMBOLD, born France, Ranchman and Allie Ghania RAY, born Tx. 61
RICHARDSON, Charles Franklin 20 Nov 1892 Junction son of Walter Oziah RICHARDSON, born Miss. and Mary Rosetta KNOWLTON, born Ark. 52
RICHARDSON, Clarence Walter 4 Oct 1891 Junction son of Walter Oziah RICHARDSON, born Miss. Farmer and Mary Rosetta KNOWLTON, born Ark. 47
RICHARDSON, Georgia Cleora 15 Feb 1898 Junction daughter of Shurtliff F. RICHARDSON, born Miss., Ranching and Julia Ida KEESE, born Atascosa Co., Tx. 68
RICHARDSON, Hallie Frances 23 Dec 1896 Junction daughter of Franklin Wade RICHARDSON, born Miss., Saddle & Harness Maker and Emiley Frances HUDGENS, born Tx. 65
RICHARDSON, Keurn Dick 19 Jul 1890 Junction son of Hardin Times RICHARDSON, born Tx., Rancher and Nancy Jane STOUT, born Tx. 44
RICHARDSON, Oliver Llewellyn 23 Mar 1892 Junction son of Shurtliff Farrar RICHARDSON, born Miss., Rancher and Julia Ida KEESE, born Tx. 49
RIGGS, Earl 12 May 1883 Kimble County son of Barney K. RIGGS, born Tx., Rancher and Frances V. HICKLAND, born Calif. 29
RILEY, Evad 8 Sep 1899 near Harper daughter of David Watson RILEY, born Tx., Farm and Ranch and Alzada Clara CALLAHAN, born Tx. 73
ROBASON, Armer Omega 29 Dec 1892 Kimble County son of James Elbert ROBASON, born Tenn., Farmer and Fannie Sonoma SENSIBAUGH, born Calif. 52
ROBERTS, Charles Elmer 30 Oct 1894 Noxville son of Charles Angus ROBERTS, born Mt. Vernon, Ill., Rancher and Mary Miranda McDONALD, born Spring Creek, Gillespie Co., Tx. 59
ROBERTS, Milford Mark 10 Dec 1876 near Junction son of Jeremiah Hendricks ROBERTS, born Caldwell Co., Tx., Farmer & Texas Ranger and Mary Mildred BROWNING, born Guadalupe Co., Tx. 24
ROBERTS, Minnie Olive 5 Sep 1893 Junction daughter of Charles Angus ROBERTS, born Mt. Vernon, Ill., Rancher and Mary Miranda McDONALD, born Spring Creek, Gillespie Co., Tx. 54
ROBERTS, Oliver Virgil 22 Jun 1892 Noxville son of Charles Angus ROBERTS, born Centralia, Ill., Rancher and Mary Miranda McDONALD, born Gillespie Co., Tx. 51
ROBERTSON, Mamie Pearl 5 Apr 1883 Junction daughter of Bill ROBERTSON, born Tx., Freighting and Margie Ann MILLS, born Tx. 29
ROBERTSON, Robert Lee 18 Sep 1883 Junction City son of John Terrill ROBERTSON, born Ala., Rancher and Jennie P. AYCOCK, born Ga. 30
ROBINSON, Lucy Elzady 27 Oct 1887 Kimble County daughter of Benjamin Chornel ROBINSON and Martha Francis GOSSETT 37
ROBINSON, Luke Lockridge 30 Apr 1890 Kimble County son of Benjamin Chornel ROBINSON, born Tx., Ranchman and Martha Francis GOSSETT, born Tx. 43
ROUNTREE, Hugh Wilson 3 Jun 1889 Junction son of Wilson Barton ROUNTREE, born Tx., Well Driller and Flora Frances FINNEY, born Tx. 41
ROUNTREE, William Carey 17 Feb 1887 Junction son of Felix Smith ROUNTREE, born Tx., Minister-Farmer (ex-Texas Ranger) and Missouri BROWN, born Mo. 35
ROWLEY, Charles Alfred 2 Apr 1892 Kimble County son of James Willaim ROWLEY, born Tx., Laborer and Sarah Malina ROWLEY, born Tx. 50
RUSSELL, LeRoy 25 Dec 1899 Junction son of Jefferson Davis RUSSELL, born Joplin Mo., Rancher and Susan Anneliza HUGGINS, born Springfield, Ill. 74
RUSSELL, Mike Jerome 24 Sep 1893 Junction son of Jefferson Davis RUSSELL, born Joplin, Mo., Rancher and Susan Anneliza HUGGINS, born Springfield, Ill. 54
SAUSEDO, Fabian 4 Nov 1894 Kimble County son of Guadalupe SAUSEDO, born Mexico, Laborer and Maria MONTALVO, Born Tx. 60
SCHRIER, Charlie 18 Mar 1892 Junction son of Jesse Parker SCHRIER, born Atascosa Co., Tx., Rancher and Frances F. BROWNING, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 49
SCHRIER, James Lamar 10 Sep 1886 Junction son of Jesse Parker SCHRIER, born Atascosa Co., Tx., Rancher and Frances Forrest BROWNING, born in Gonzales Co., Tx. 34
SCHRIER, John 21 Dec 1898 Kimble County son of George Washington SCHRIER, born Atascosa Co., Tx., Rancher and Lula Eugenia PACE, born Karnes Co., Tx. 71
SCHRIER, Stella 11 Aug 1894 Junction daughter of Jesse Parker SCHRIER, born Atascosa Co., Tx., Rancher and Frances Forest BROWNING, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 58
SCHRIER, Viola 24 Oct 1896 Junction daughter of Jesse Parker SCHRIER, born Atascosa Co., Tx., Rancher and Frances Forrest BROWNING, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 65
SCOGGIN, Jimmie Lee 3 Jul 1891 Kimble County son of Jesse Brown SCOGGIN, born Washington Co., Tx., Teacher and Eleanor Adalade HILL, born Hardeman Co., Tx. 46
SCOGGIN, Lillie Elnor 27 Sep 1894 Kimble County daughter of Jesse B. SCOGGIN, born Tx., Teaching School and Addie HILL, born Tenn. 59
SCOGGIN, Minnie Bell 3 Jul 1891 London daughter of Jesse Brown SCOGGIN, born Washington, Tx., School Teacher and Elener Adelade HILL, born Tx. 46
SEYMOUR, Mattie Adell 8 Sep 1884 Clifton City, Mo. daughter of John Granderson SEYMOUR, born Ill., Railroad Man and Martha Matilda FAGAN, born Tenn. [Recorded Kimble Co.] 32
SHAW, Prince Licurgus 3 Mar 1887 Junction son of Jim Monroe SHAW, born Tx., Cobbler and Martha Jane LONGLEY, born Washington co., Tx. 35
SHEPPARD, Aron Gustavus 14 Dec 1878 Kimble County son of William Henry SHEPPARD, born Ark., Rancher and Mary Jane SISK, born Miss. 25
SHIPMAN, Ester Ella 10 Aug 1882 Junction daughter of Charles Joseph SHIPMAN, born Mo., Farmer and Belle ANDERSON, born Tx. 27
SHIPMAN, John Daniel 10 Jan 1886 near Junction City son of Charles Joseph SHIPMAN, born Miss., Rancher and Well Driller and Ancabelle ANDERSON, born Palo Pinto Co., Tx. 33
SHIPMAN, Julia Anna 10 May 1890 near Junction City daughter of Charles Joseph SHIPMAN, born Miss., Farming & Well Drilling and Missilana Ancebelle ANDERSON, born Palo Pinto Co., Tx. 43
SHIPMAN, Martha Belle 20 Jan 1884 Junction daughter of Charles Joseph SHIPMAN, born Miss., Farming/Well Drilling and Missilana Ancebelle ANDERSON, born Palo Pinto Co., Tx. 30
SHIPMAN, Rhoda Louisa 20 Jan 1888 near Junction City daughter of Charles Joseph SHIPMAN, born Miss., Farmer & Well Driller and Missilana Ancabelle ANDERSON, born Palo Pinto Co., Tx. 38
SHRIER, Serena A. 15 Jul 1888 Junction daughter of James Robert SCHRIER, born Atascosa Co., Tx., Ranchr and Carrie L. BAILEY, born DeWitt Co., Tx. 39
SHURLEY, Collier F. 23 Mar 1900 Junction son of Jobe Taylor SHURLEY, born Ga. and Nannie B. McCOLLUM, born Fayette Co., Tx. 75
SIMONDS, Philander Clarence 5 May 1888 Junction son of Daniel Oliver SIMONDS, born Mich., Rancher and Amanda DYCKES, born Tx. 38
SKAGGS, Allie Elizabeth 14 Dec 1888 Junction daughter of Newton Hodges SKAGGS, born Victoria Tx., Ranchman and Minnie Minerva FARRAR, born Tx. 39
SKAGGS, Lorenzo Lem 9 Mar 1893 Junction son of Newton Hodge SKAGGS, born Refugio, Tx. and Minnie FARRAR, born Lavaca Co., Tx. 53
SLAY, Amber Belle 3 Apr 1890 near Junction daughter of James Porter SLAY, born Tx., Farmer and Lucinda Jane HATLEY, born Tx. 43
SLAY, William M. 27 Mar 1893 Junction, Kimble Co. son of James Porter SLAY, born Lampasas Co., Tx., Ranch Foreman and Lucinda Elizabeth HATLEY, born Lampasas Co., Tx. 53
SMITH, Allie Augusta 19 Mar 1900 Junction daughter of George Frank SMITH, born Bluffton, Tx., Rancher and Addie M. FISH, born Milam Co., Tx. 75
SMITH, Arthur 8 Jul 1898 Junction son of Thomas Theodore SMITH, born Tx., Laborer and Nancy Elizabeth PEARSON, born Tx. 70
SMITH, Barnie Bell 22 Feb 1889 Junction son of John Wiley SMITH, born Tx., Laborer and Annie Eason PIERCE, born Tx. 40
SMITH, Bertha Mae 17 Oct 1898 Junction daughter of George Frank SMITH, born Bluffton, Tx., Rancher and Addie M. FISH, born Milam Co., Tx. 71
SMITH, Blackstone 8 Nov 1889 Junction son of John James SMITH, born Washington Co., Ill., Rancher and Lenora BILLINGSLEA, born Parker Co., Tx. 42
SMITH, Grace 14 Jun 1879 Noxville daughter of William Henry SMITH, born Ill., Rancher and Emma ELDER, born Ohio 25
SMITH, Ira E. 11 May 1894 Noxville son of William Lewis SMITH, born Miss., Farmer and Lettie Ann FISH, born Tx. 57
SMITH, Jesse Eugene 31 Dec 1881 Junction son of George W. SMITH born La., Laborer and Martha Ann BARNETT, born Miss. 27
SMITH, Jessye Beatrix 6 Jan 1897 Junction daughter of John SMITH, born Washington Co., Ill., Farmer/Ranchman and Lenora BILLINGSLEA, born Parker Co., Tx. 65
SMITH, Julius 8 May 1892 Kimble County son of J. A. SMITH, born Lavaca Co., Tx., Ranch Hand and Betty SMITH, born Tx. 50
SMITH, Lem 10 Jun 1883 Junction son of William SMITH, born Tx. [?], Ranching and Lenora BILLINGSLEA, born Parker Co., Tx. 29
SMITH, Lilla Kate 23 Mar 1885 Junction daughter of Calep Dortch SMITH, born Tx. Ranch Worker and Henrietta COX, born Okla. 32
SMITH, Lillie Bell 19 Oct 1893 Harper daughter of William Thomas SMITH, born Matagorda, Tx., Rancher and Delia Ophelia NICHOLS, born Blanco Co., Tx. 56
SMITH, Linnie Lura 20 Aug 1900 London daughter of Isaac Lee SMITH, born Natches, Miss., Ranch Hand & Cowman and Frances Wedesa JOHNSTON, born Round Rock, Tx. 76
SMITH, Mamie 4 Aug 1892 Junction daughter of Tom SMITH, born Tx., Laborer and Nancy Elizabeth PEARSON, born Tx. 51
SMITH, Oliver Lee 13 Feb 1892 Junction son of Isaac Lee SMITH, born Tx., Laborer and Fannie Wedessa JOHNSON, born Tx. 49
SMITH, Robert Ervin 13 May 1898 Junction son of Isaac Lee SMITH, born Miss., Grocery Clerk and Francis Wedesia JOHNSTON, born Tx. 69
SMITH, Roy 4 Jan 1900 Junction son of Thomas Theodore SMITH, born Miss., Rancher and Nancy Elizabeth PIERSON, born Blanco, Tx. 74
SMITH, Willard Elton 29 Jul 1893 Junction son of Isaac Lee SMITH, born Natches, Miss., Laborer and Fannie Wedessa JOHNSTON, born Round Rock, Tx. 54
SMITH, Wylie Cox 16 Aug 1882 Junction daughter of Caleb Willard SMITH, born La., Farmer and Henrietta Jane COX, born Indian Territory 28
SPEER, John David 28 May 1877 Junction City son of Thomas Jefferson SPEER, born Denton, Tx. and Jane SPEAR, born Des Moines, Iowa [Family Records] 24
SPENCER, Dora Bell 2 Jul 1886 Junction daughter of Theodore T. SPENCER, born Helena, Tx. and Delaney Bell STOREY 33
SPENCER, Ida Mae 27 Jan 1893 Kimble County daughter of Theodore SPENCER, born Tx., Farmer and Delaney Bell STOREY 53
STANFORD, Edward Agee 1 Aug 1876 Kimble County son of Monroe Agee STANFORD, born Miss. Stockman and Margaret Johanna GAMBLE, born Tenn. 24
STEPHENSON, Lizzie Viola 22 Aug 1884 Junction daughter of Sidney William STEPHENSON, born Manchester, Eng., Paint/Paper/Hang and Mary Elizabeth DENLY, born Toronto, Canada 31
STEVENSON, James Bascom 6 Sep 1892 London son of Robert Milton STEVENSON, born lafayette Co., Ark., Teaching School & Surveyor and Virginia Olin HURLEY, born Montgomery Co., N. C. 51
STEVENSON, Mary 10 Dec 1894 Junction daughter of Robert M. STEVENSON, born Ark., Schooltecher and Surveyor and Virginia HURLEY, born N. C. 60
STEWART, Bertha Elizabeth 14 May 1896 London daughter of James Breckenridge STEWART, born Bastrop Co., Farmer and Mary Banderia STEWART, born Burnet Co., Tx. 64
STEWART, Everett 17 Jul 1900 London son of David Mashak STEWART, born Atascosa Co., Tx., Ranchman and Arabella LATTA, born Topeka, Ks. 76
STEWART, Mattie 6 Apr 1897 London daughter of David Mashak STEWART, born Atascosa Co., Tx., Rancher and Arabella LATTA, born Topeka, Ks. 66
STEWART, Minta Alta 22 Jan 1900 London daughter of Lewis Milton STEWART, born Burnet, Tx., Farmer and Anna Belle McNALLY, born Jefferson Co., Ill. 74
STEWART, Myrtle Nancy 8 Jun 1889 London daughter of James Breckenridge STEWART, born Tx., Farmer and Mary B., born Tx. 41
STEWART, Olah Elnora 27 Oct 1891 London daughter of James Breckenridge STEWART, born Tx., Farmer and Mary B. STEWART, born Tx. 48
STEWART, Willie Mae 22 May 1884 Noxville daughter of William Joseph STEWART, born Newton Co., Miss., Rancher and Sarah Hulda MILLS, born Scott Co., Miss. 31
STIPP, Edwin Andrew 12 Jul 1892 Junction City son of Edwin Michael STIPP, born Ky., Dentist and Mae CLICK, born Tx. 51
STIPP, Edwin Andrew 12 Jul 1893 Junction son of Dr. E. M. STIPP, born Ky., Dentist and May CLICK, born Tx. 54
STOCKARD, William David 16 Aug 1880 McNairy Co., Tenn. son of Andrew Newton STOCKARD, born McNairy Co., Tenn., Gospel Minister and Mary Josephine McKENZIE, born McNairy Co., Tenn. [Recorded Kimble Co.] 26
STOKES, Rhoda Dollye 13 Oct 1893 Junction daughter of James Logan STOKES, born Ky., Carpenter and Mary Jane BROWN, born La. 56
STOKES, William Vane 8 Oct 1892 Junction City son William STOKES, born Ky., Stockman and Anne BURNS, born Tx. 52
SUMMERS, Jesse Alvin 6 Nov 1892 7 mi. S of London son of John Douglas SUMMERS, born Ill., Farming and Mary Elizabeth GEPHART, born Tx. 52
SUMMERS, Mary Lenore 4 Apr 1887 London daughter of Douglas SUMMERS, born Ill., Farmer and Mary Elizabeth GEPHART, born Lavaca Co., Tx. 35
TALLY, Jesse james 8 Sep 1883 Junction City son of Edward TALLY, born Tx., Farmer and Kate MILLER, born Tx. 29
TAYLOR, Charles Aquilla 11 Nov 1886 Junction son of Thomas Carnie TAYLOR, born Goliad Co., Tx. Rancher and Laura EVANS, born DeWitt Co., Tx. 34
TAYLOR, Charlie Richard 15 Jul 1900 near Harper son of John Wesley TAYLOR, born Gillespie Co., Tx., Farmer and Permelia Jane BANTA, born Gillespie Co., Tx. 76
TAYLOR, Cloma 21 Dec 1891 Junction son of Thomas Corney TAYLOR, born Goliad, Rancher & Saloon Keeper and Laura EVANS, born Gonzales, Tx. 48
TAYLOR, Dalton Nathan 29 Dec 1893 Junction son of John Milam TAYLOR, born Tx., Rancher and Neppie CRESAP, born Tx. 57
TAYLOR, Doeboy Preston 26 Oct 1900 Junction Son of William Walter TAYLOR, born DeWitt Co, Tx. Ranching and Onie Davis, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 77
TAYLOR, Hazel Lillian 13 Mar 1900 Junction daughter of Hayes Walter TAYLOR, born Tx., Ranchman and Mary Ella BAKER, born Tx. 75
TAYLOR, Henry Isaac 25 Feb 1898 Junction son of Henry David TAYLOR, born Tx., Rancher and Vashti BAKER, born Tx. 69
TAYLOR, James Leslie 17 Jan 1894 Junction son of Thomas Cornie TAYLOR, born Goliad, Tx., Rancher and Laura EVANS, born Gonzales, Tx. 57
TAYLOR, James Philip 15 May 1879 Noxville son of Creed TAYLOR, born Tenn., Ranchman and Venia SPENCER, born Tx. 25
TAYLOR, Lela Agnes 18 Feb 1898 Junction daughter of William Walter TAYLOR, born Tx., Sheriff and Omie DAVIS, born Tx. 68
TAYLOR, Mabel Elizabeth 24 Apr 1900 Junction daughter of Henry Isaac TAYLOR, born Tx., Rancher and Vashti BAKER, age 24, born Tx. 75
TAYLOR, Mattie Belle 21 Nov 1884 Junction daughter of John Milam TAYLOR, born Goliad, Tx., Cattle Business and Penelope Ann CRESAP, born Goliad, Tx. 32
TAYLOR, Nellie Jane 18 Feb 1897 Junction daughter of Henry David TAYLOR, born Tx., Ranchman and Vashti BAKER, born Tx. 66
TERRELL, Julia Rilla 11 Oct 1886 Junction City daughter of R. B. TERRELL, born Barta Co., Ga., Farmer and Eldorado BROCK, born Ga. 34
TERRY, Bessie Alberta 30 Oct 1884 Junction City daughter of William S. TERRY, born Richmond, Va. and Sarah Juliette PULLEN, born Homestead, Tx. 32
THOMAS, James Henry 18 Dec 1878 Junction son of Sidney THOMAS, born Mo., Rancher and Mary PEPPER, born Tx. 25
THOMASON, Calvin Palestine 4 Dec 1900 London son of John Austin THOMASON, born Tx., Farmer and Sarah Ellen SIMMONS, born Brown Co., Tx. 77
TISDALE, Mary Ellen 6 Jul 1899 Junction daughter of James Elwert TISDALE, born Bremo Bluff, Va., Rancher and Rosa Ellen COLLIER, born Tx. 73
TOBEY, Allen Eugenia 14 Sep 1896 Junction daughter of William Avery TOBEY, born Tx., Rancher and Alice Eugenia KEESE, BORN tX. 64
TOBEY, Gladys Ray 8 Oct 1899 Kimble County daughter of William Avery TOBEY, born Tx., Farmer and Rancher and Alice Eugenia KEESE, born Tx. 73
TOBEY, Rose Etta 3 Mar 1882 Junction City daughter of John Henry TOBEY, born Mo., Ranchman and Mary Jane WELDON, born Tx. 27
TOLLETT, Mark Elton 5 Apr 1887 Junction son of John Wesley TOLLETT, born Ark., Farmer and Lucy Ellen ROBINSON, born Tx. 35
TOMBERLIN, James Eugene 23 Aug 1890 Junction son of James Matthew TOMBERLIN, born Tx., Laborer and Ada BAILEY, born Tx. 44
TOMBERLIN, Mary Ophelia 26 Mar 1892 Junction daughter of James Mathew TOMBERLIN, born Tx., Freighter and Ada Elizabeth BAILEY, born Tx. 49
TOMBERLIN, Mattie Elizabeth 4 Aug 1899 Junction daughter of James Matthew TOMBERLIN, born Tx., Freighter and Ada Elizabeth BAILEY, born Tx. 73
TORRES, Ambrocio D. 7 Dec 1887 Junction son of Florencio TORRES, born San Louis Potosi, Mex., Ranch Foreman and Thomasa GUAJARDO, born San Diego, Tx. 37
TRUMAN, Cora LaVonia 13 Oct 1887 Junction daughter of John TURMAN, born Miss., Ranchman and Margaret TAIT, born Conn. 37
TUMLINSON, John Henry 10 Feb 1884 Junction City son of Crockett TUMLINSON, born Tx., Rancher and Malley FOSTER, born Tx. 30
TURMAN Anna Pearl 9 Jul 1884 Junction daughter of James William TURMAN, born Miss., Ranchman and Sarah Jane BRAY, born Ala. 31
TURMAN, Barbara Elizabeth 12 Nov 1881 Junction daughter of John TURMAN, born Miss., Ranchman and Margaret TAIT, born Tx. 27
TURMAN, Clarence James 7 Jan 1897 Junction son of John Martin TURMAN, born U.S. and Maggie Zelika TAIT, born U.S. 65
TURMAN, Emmett Raniel 1 Nov 1889 near Telegraph son of John Martin Calhoun TURMAN, born Miss., Rancher and Margaret TAIT, born Conn. 42
TURMAN, Gertrude 17 Oct 1888 Junction daughter of James William TURMAN, born Miss., Rancher and Sarah Jane BRAY, born Ala. 39
TURMAN, Grace 22 Dec 1896 Junction City daughter of James William TURMAN, born Miss., Rancher and Sarah Jane BRAY, born Ala. 65
TURMAN, Leva Vestle 14 Sep 1893 Junction daughter of James William TURMAN, born Tenn., Rancher and Sarah Jane BRAY, born Ala. 54
TURMAN, Loma Kate 4 Dec 1900 Junction daughter of James W. TURMAN, born Tx., Rancher and Maud JONES, born Tx. 77
TURMAN, Margaret Louise 3 Aug 1894 Junction daughter of John TURMAN, born Miss., Ranchman and Margaret TAIT, born Conn. 58
TURMAN, Odis Arvel 11 May 1900 Kimble County son of James W. TURMAN, born Miss., Stockraiser and Barber and Sarah Jane BRAY, born Ala. 75
TURMAN, Ruth 5 Aug 1886 Junction daughter of James William TURMAN, born Miss., Rancher and Sarah Jane BRAY, born Ala. 34
TURNER, Bertie 25 Jul 1882 Junction daughter of Robert Marcus TURNER, born Lamar Co., Tx. Farmer and Emma SCARBOROUGH, born Bryan, Tx. 28
TURNER, Birdie Pearl 8 Feb 1898 Junction daughter of William L. TURNER, born Goliad, Tx., Farming and Sarah Ann MOORE, born Belton, Tx. 68
TURNER, Ethel 8 Apr 1890 Junction daughter of Robert Marcus TURNER, born DeLeon, Tx., Rancher and Emma SCARBOROUGH, born Bryan, Tx. 43
TURNER, Fred Calvin 17 Dec 1892 Noxville son of Monroe A. TURNER, born Llano Co., Tx., Rancher and Desty CARVER, born Ga. 52
TURNER, George Jackson 11 Nov 1879 Junction City son of Thomas Edward TURNER, born Austin, Tx., Rancher and Lillian M. HUNT, born Kerrville, Tx. 25
TURNER, Jack 29 Jul 1884 Junction son of Robert Marcus TURNER, born Tx., Rancher and Emma V. SCARBOROUGH, born Tx. 31
TURNER, Joseph Reese 15 Apr 1893 Junction son of Robert Marcus TURNER, born Leon Co., Tx., Rancher and Emma SCARBOROUGH, born DeWitt Co., Tx. 54
TURNER, Olive 8 Nov 1896 Junction City daughter of William J. TURNER, born Goliad, Tx., Farming and Sarah Ann MOORE, born Bell Co., Tx. 65
TURNER, Pearl 19 Apr 1881 Junction daughter of Robert Marcus TURNER, born Leon Co., Tx., Ranchman and Emma SCARBOROUGH, born DeWitt Co., Tx. 26
TURNER, Sylvia 5 Sep 1898 Junction daughter of Robert Marcus TURNER, born Leon Co., Tx., Rancher and Emma SCARBOROUGH, born DeWitt Co., Tx. 70
UPSHAW, Lou Ada 21 Dec 1891 near Junction daughter of George Rohn UPSHAW, born Mo., Stock Farmer and Delphia Catherine BLAIR, born Tx. 48
VICKERY, Lois Elizabeth 24 Jul 1892 Junction City daughter of G. F. VICKERY, born Ga., Surveyor and Leta McSWEEN, born Mason, Tx. 51
VICKERY, Winnie Ella 3 Jun 1888 Junction daughter of George Frank VICKERY, born Salado Co., Tx., Surveyor and Leta MCSWEEN, born Tx. 38
VINCENT, Matta Belle 22 Feb 1895 Junction daughter of John Porter VINCENT, born Dyer, Tenn., Professor and Loma SWITZER, born Austin Co., Tx. 60
WAER, Alfred Paul 28 May 1887 Junction son of Anton WAER, born Germany, Shoemaker and Frances PRAEGER, born Georgetown, Tx. 36
WAGGONER, Ada May 12 Jan 1900 Junction daughter of George Henry WAGGONER, born Mo., Stock Farmer and Lucille MOORE, born Tx. 74
WAHRMUND, Georgia Caroline 19 Oct 1891 London daughter of Ferninand William WAHRMUNT, born Tx., Farmer and May HILDERBRAND, born Tx. 47
WAHRMUND, John Robert 27 Feb 1881 London son of Ferdinand W. WAHRMUND, born Tx., Farmer and Mary W. HILDEBRAND, born Tx. 26
WAHRMUND, Laura Tenne 16 Oct 1894 London daughter of Fred WAHRMUND, born Tx., Merchant and Mary E. HELLEBRANDT, born Tx. 59
WAITS, Lilly 6 Nov 1887 San Francisco, CA daughter of Joseph Humphrey WAITS, born Tx., Constructin Worker and Rachel BROWN, born Tx. 37
WALKER, Clabe Wright 26 Oct 1900 Junction son of George Nath WALKER, born Erath Co., Tx., Ranching and Lillie Belle COFFEY, born Concho Co., Tx. 77
WALKER, Meddie Angie 12 Sep 1893 London daughter of James Robert WALKER, born Shelby Co., Ala., Farmer and Rebecca Josephien DENMAN, born Sparta, Tx. 54
WALLING, Eva Lee 12 Feb 1877 Junction City daughter of Vance WALLING, born Covington Co., Miss., Farmer and Sarah Ann WEATHERFORD, born Tuscaloosa, Ala. 24
WALTON, Tempie Belle 23 Oct 1896 London daughter of Luther M. WALTON, born Tx., Rancher and Sarah Ellen MOORE, born Tx. 65
WALTON, Thomas 8 Jan 1882 London son of Luther Moore WALTON, born Lavaca Co., Tx., Rancher and Sarah Ellen MOORE, born Tx. 27
WEAVER, Barney William 4 Jul 1891 London son of Matthew Zacharias WEAVER, born La., Rancher and Emma CLICK, born Tx. 47
WEAVER, Cassie 23 Feb 1889 Kimble County daughter of Matthew Z. WEAVER, born La., Ranching and Emma Semona CLICK, born Erath Co., Tx. 40
WEAVER, Daisy May 1 Jan 1891 London daughter of Franklin Amasiah WEAVER, born Ala. Rancher and Cassandra GAFFEY, born Tx. 45
WEAVER, Jessie 25 Jun 1891 London daughter of Sam Houston WEAVER, born Sevier Co., Ark., Ranching and Nora CUMMINS, born Eldon, Iowa 46
WEAVER, Louise Margaret 22 Apr 1880 Kimble County daughter of Franklin Amasiah WEAVER, born Ala., Ranching and Cassandra GAFFEY, born Castroville, Tx. 26
WEAVER, Sam Houston, Jr. 20 Mar 1895 London son of Sam Houston WEAVER, born Sevier Co., Ark., Ranching and Nora CUMMINS, born Eldon, Iowa 61
WEAVER, Tillman Driscoll 29 Oct 1886 London son of Frank A. WEAVER, born Ala., Ranchman and Cassandra GAFFEY, born Tx. 34
WELDON, Forrest Jackson 20 May 1898 Junction son of Isaac Oscar WELDON, born Tx., Ranchman and Jennie Bell COWSERT, born Mo. 69
WEST, Earl Phillips 14 Apr 1898 Harper son of William Gaines WEST, age born Williamson Co., Tx., Ranchworker and Elva MASON, born Williamson Co., Tx. 69
WEST, Louis Archibald 15 Apr 1883 Noxville son of John Calhoun WEST, Gonzales Co., Tx., Laborer and Hattie Elizabeth TAYLOR, born Gillespie Co., Tx. 29
WEST, Olivia Ophelia 17 Jun 1887 Noxville daughter of John Calhoun WEST, born Gonzales Co., Tx., Laborer and Hattie Elizabeth TAYLOR, born Gillespie Co., Tx. 36
WHIDDON, Ire Ellen 28 Apr 1899 near Roosevelt daughter of William Lawson WHIDDON, born Tx., Rancher and Arra Virginia COLEMAN, born Miss. 72
WHIDDON, Mary Lilly 27 Feb 1890 Junction daughter of W. L. WHIDDON, born Ala., Rancher and Virginia COLEMAN, born Tx. 43
WHITAKER, Ida Little 20 Mar 1883 Junction daughter of Prentice Lycurgues WHITAKER, born Cairo, Ill., School Teacher and Ella Lee ROYAL, born Apalachie, Ala. 29
WHITE, Etta Ruth 21 Aug 1889 Noxville daughter of Thomas R. WHITE, born Tenn., Schooltecher and Mattie Elizabeth NEW, born Tx. 41
WHITEHEAD, Amor Bales 1 Oct 1893 Junction son of William Forrest WHITEHEAD, born Tx., Livestock Raising and Minnie BALES, born Tx. 56
WHITMAN, Delia Frances 12 Jan 1887 Junction daughter of Nelson Henry WHITMAN, born Tx., Ranching and Sarah Gibbs LINDLEY, born Tx. 35
WHITWORTH, Ruth 27 Dec 1898 Noxville daughter of William Henry WHITWORTH, born Austin Co., Tx., Ranchman and Mary Margaret ROGERS, born Karnes Co., Tx. 71
WILSON, Bonnie Lee 22 Jul 1893 Junction City daughter of Jesse Stanley WILSON, born Ala., Farmer and Ann D. HESKEW, born Gonzales, Tx. 55
WILSON, Earl Dupree 8 Oct 1892 Junction son of Andrew Jackson WILSON, born Ga., Lawyer and Lena Cora ROYAL, born Ala. 52
WILSON, Frank Marion 7 Apr 1890 near Harper son of John Taylor WILSON, born Springfield, Mo., Ranching and Laura Jane NEW, born Harper, Tx. 43
WILSON, Henry Eugene 28 Aug 1893 Junction son of John Jasper WILSON, born Ark., Ranchman and Helen Eugenia HAYNES, born Caldwell Co., Tx. 54
WILSON, Lillian Julia 4 Jun 1892 near Harper daughter of John Taylor WILSON, born Springfield, Mo. Farmer and Launa Jane NEW, born Harper, Tx. 50
WILSON, Mary Ethel 22 Nov 1890 Junction daughter of John Jasper WILSON, born Ark., Ranchman and Helen Eugenia HAYNES, born Caldwell Co., Tx. 45
WILSON, Nora 3 Apr 1886 Junction daughter of Jesse WILSON, born Ky., Farming and Ann D. HESKEW, born Tx. 33
WILSON, Richard Thomas 27 Jun 1889 Junction son of Andrew Jackson WILSON, born Ga., County Clerk and Lena Cora ROYAL, born Ala. 41
WILSON, Robert Izod 17 Feb 1894 Junction son of Horace Ernest WILSON, born England, Lawyer and Stella Jane GRAHAM, born Tx. 57
WILSON, William Bryan 4 Feb 1897 near Harper son of John Taylor WILSON, born Springfield, Mo. and Laura Jane NEW, born Harper, Tx. 66
WOOD, Dollie 16 Apr 1893 Bear Creek daughter of William Walker WOOD, born Ark., Farmer and Nancy Louella FERGUSON, born Eastland Co., Tx. 54
WOOD, Dollie Marietta 18 Mar 1878 Junction City daughter of Jonathon Berry WOOD, born Carroll Co., Ark.- Odd jobs and Nianko Maggie SIMPSON, born Platsmouth, Neb. 24
WOOD, Leroy TAYLOR 3 Mar 1899 Junction son of William Walker WOOD, born Tx., Rancher and Nancy Louella FERGUSON, born Tx. 71
WOOD, Mary Margaret 25 Aug 1879 Junction daughter of Joseph H. Wood, born Ark., Blacksmith and Barbara Ann FANNING, born Ill. 25
WOOD, Rosa 3 Aug 1878 Junction daughter of Zack WOOD, born Tx., Rancher and Mattie VARDIMAN, born Grayson Co., Tx. 25
WOOD, Tennie 21 May 1883 Junction daughter of William Walker WOOD, born Ark., Rancher and Nancy Louella FERGUSON, born Palo Pinto Co., Tx. 29
WOOD, Thomas Alexander 17 Jan 1898 Junction son of William Walker WOOD, born Ark., Rancher and Nancy Louella FERGUSON, born Palo Pinto Co., Tx. 68
WOOD, William Walker 8 Jun 1887 Cleo son of William Walker WOOD, born ARk., Rancher and Nancy Novella FERGUSON, born Tx. 36
WORD, Eshmoul Worth 28 Mar 1899 Junction son of Perry Nelson WORD, born Kimble Co., Tx., Ranch Work and Molly WILSON, born Kimble Co., Tx. 72
WORD, Maud 27 May 1896 Junction daughter of Clay C. WORD, born Ala., Rancher and Matilda Elizabeth KEESE, born Tx. 64
WORRELL, William Byston 16 Aug 1884 Kimble County son of Stephen Wade WORRELL, born Johnson Co., Tx., Farmer and Sarah Elizabeth TEMPLE, born Smith Co., Tx. 31
WRAY, Julia Elizabeth 5 Oct 1882 Rutherford Co., Tenn. daughter of Granville Crockett WRAY, born Rutherford Co., Tn., Carpenter and Julia Ann MURPHY, born Rutherford Co., Tn. 28
WRIGHT, Felton Thomas 20 Aug 1900 Junction son of James Levi WRIGHT, born Bell Co., Tx., Ranchman and Mollie Elizabeth MILLER, born Tx. 76
WRIGHT, James Odie 19 Nov 1892 Junction son of James Levi WRIGHT, born Bee Co., Tx., Ranchman and Mollie Elizabeth MILLER, born Gonzales Co., Tx. 52
WRIGHT, Omer Carroll 10 Jul 1898 Junction son of James Levi WRIGHT, born Tx., Rancher and Mollie Elizabeth WRIGHT, born Tx. 70
YANTZINGER Paul 7 Oct 1890 Junction son of Virginius YANTZINGER, born Baltimore, Md. and Annie Rebecca THOMAS, born Sedalia, Mo. 45
YBARRA, Edward 14 Mar 1892 Junction son of Juan YBARRA, born San Antonio, Tx., Rancher and Paulina MORALES, born San Diego, Tx. 49
YBARRA, Malquiades 18 Jun 1900 Junction son of Juan YBARRA, born San Antonio, Tx., Rancher and Paulina MORALES, born San Diego, Tx. 76
YBARRA, Ramona 22 Feb 1894 Junction daughter of Juan YBARRA, born San Antonio, Tx., Ranchman and Paulina MORALES, born San Diego, Tx. 57
YOUNG, Myrtle Belle 24 Sep 1889 Junction daughter of C. D. YOUNG, born Burnet Co., Tx., Ranchhand and Lavina Rebecca BURNET, born Burnet Mo. 42
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