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Kimble County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

A List of Fugitives from Justice

contributed by Bunny Freeman

Adjutant General's Office, State of Texas
Austin, January 1 1878

I CERTIFY that the following List of Fugitives from Justice is compiled from
official record, received from the several counties, and now on file in my office.
Adjutant General
Caught Cathey, Lewis Murder; committed April 16, 1877
Killed Dublin, Richard Murder, committed Apr 16, 1874; indicted same year; also indicted for theft of cattle in three cases.
Killed Reynolds, Stark Theft of a gelding
McIver, Dr. Joseph Murder; indicted, 1876; is 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, weighs 215 punds, rather round form, fine address, excellent conversational powers, rather bald headed, teeth good, hazel eyes, round full face; is supposed to be in Kimble County. Wanted in Madison County.
Baldwin, N. W. Theft of oxen; committed June, 1875, indicted November same year. About 5 feet 8 inches high, red hair, freckled face, blue eyes, weighs about 170 pounds, in Kimble County. Wanted in Menard County.
Walton, Luther Theft of gelding; committed 1874; indicted same year; are supposed to be in either Kimble, Concho or Menard counties. Wanted in Lavaca County.
Roberts, Dan Theft of gelding; committed 1874; indicted same year; are supposed to be in either Kimble, Concho or Menard counties. Wanted in Lavaca County.
Olive, Perry Theft of gelding; committed 1874; indicted same year; are supposed to be in either Kimble, Concho or Menard counties. Wanted in Lavaca County.
Bolivar, John Theft of mule; committed 1874; indicted same year; gambler, red complexion, in Kimble or Menard counties, 2 cases; white. Wanted in Lavaca County
Perry, O. Theft of mule; committed 1874; indicted same year; gambler, red complexion, in Kimble or Menard counties, 2 cases; white. Wanted in Lavaca County
Mason, James P. Theft of neat cattle; committed January 15, 1875; indicted April 5, same year. Is 25 years old, 5 feet 8 inches high, weighs 170 pounds, light complexion, light hair, grey eyes, light mustache. Since this indictment he has murdered Rans Moore, of Kimble county, on the head of the Llano river. $1,000 is offered by the widow. He formerly lived in Walker County, and was in that county when last heard from. Reward for this man offered by the Governor for the murder of Dan Huster of Mason County. When last heard from he was living in Bexar County, west of San Antonio. Wanted in Burnet County.
Dublin, Richard Murder; indicted April 1873; supposed to be in Kimble County. Wanted in Coryell County
Williams, Sam Murder September 5, 1876, Kimble County. Governor has offered $250 reward
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