1930 Census

Family Last Name First Name Sex Race Age Marital Status Age @     First Marriage Birthplace

Justice Precinct No. 1.   SD No. 7, ED No. 83-1, Page 6A

109 Smith Charles C. m w 58 m 23 North Carolina
110 Merdix Frank E. m w 48 m 24 Germany
111 Boyd Sam H. m w 64 m 25 Texas
112 Lusk Barnett S. m w 34 m 21 Texas
113 Brown Dewey W. m w 31 m 25 Texas
114 Elam Barney G. m w 30 m 28 Texas
115 Fincher Claude m w 23 m 19 Texas
116 Eddins Add L. m w 34 m 32 Texas
117 Green Charles H. m w 55 m 47 Texas
118 Wright Arthur J. m w 39 m 18 Texas

Justice Precinct No. 1.   SD No. 7, ED No. 83-1, Page 6B

119 Reves Cyrus m w 30 m 21 Texas
120 Burrus Russell P. m w 35 m 21 Arkansas
121 Brandon Alburn W. m w 47 m 39 Texas
122 Randolf William R. m w 58 m 21 Alabama
123 Rutledge Felie B. m w 30 m 24 Arkansas
124 Glenn Will H. m w 35 m 21 South Dakota
125 Childers John W. m w 57 m 28 Texas
126 Cox Walter A. m w 56 m 49 Mississippi
127 Golden Jim G. m w 35 m 23 Texas
128 Pattie Richard C. m w 46 m 25 Texas

Census Index

1930 Index


This page was last updated 16 May, 2007

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