1930 Census

Family Last Name First Name Sex Race Age Marital Status Age @     First Marriage Birthplace

Justice Precinct No. 1.   SD No. 7, ED No. 83-1, Page 1A

1 Anten Isaac E. m w 35 m 20 Texas
2 Graham Fred A. m w 25 m   Oklahoma
3 Scarbrough John N. m w 38 m 17 Texas
4 Sheck Luther C. m w 42 m 21 Texas
5 Murphy Pat m w 34 s   Texas
6 Echols Silas B. m w 27 m 21 Texas
7 Anderson Walter A. m w 45 m 23 Mississippi
8 Warner Mont. W. m w 28 m 24 Texas
9 Echols Joe m w 29 m 22 Texas
10 Fleming Elmer m w 26 m 23 Texas
11 Echols Jerome E. m w 37 m 31 Texas
12 Myres Raymond m w 19 m 19 Texas

Justice Precinct No. 1.   SD No. 7, ED No. 83-1, Page 1B

13 Pyburn Asa m w 24 m 21 Texas
14 Clements William A. m w 48 m 20 Texas
15 Bennett Sidney B. m w 35 m 21 Texas
16 Brown Richard H. m w 51 m 34 Texas
17 Lane William B. m w 25 m 21 Texas
18 Hamelton Martin G. m w 39 m 32 New Mexico
19 Allen Joe B. m w 62 m 24 Alabama
20 Kuykendall John m w 63 m 25 Texas
21 Cunningham William A. m w 33 m 19 Texas
22 Black Henry P. m w 65 m 28 Mississippi

Census Index

1930 Index


This page was last updated 16 May, 2007

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