1920 Census

Family Last Name First Name Sex Race Age Marital Status Birthplace

Commissioner's Precinct No. 1.  SD No. 18, ED No. 91, Page 2A

22 Standfield Shelby m w 39 m Texas
23 Rodgers Larry J. m w 40 m Texas
24 Elder Edward J. m w 45 m George
25 Sartin John C. m w 34 m Texas
26 Walker Lee m w 54 m Mississippi
27 Boyd Joe C. m w 27 m Texas
28 Sherill Thomas Jr. m w 41 m Arkansas
29 Grigg Irvin C. m w 33 m Wisconsin
30 Brabham Irv m w 60 wd Alabama

Commissioner's Precinct No. 1.  SD No. 18, ED No. 91, Page 2B

31 Godwin Joe E. m w 41 m Nebraska
32 McCam Aubree m w 37 s Texas
33 Hudson John T. m w 30 m Texas
34 Hudson Columbus W. m w 60 m Texas
35 Higgs Mrs. Mary f w 32 wd Texas
36 Stark Glenn A. m w 23 m Texas
37 Barnard Lee L. m w 22 m Arkansas
38 Tinker Mrs. Sarah J. f w 65 wd Texas
39 Byars Birdwell C. m w 51 m Mississippi
40 Black William C. m w 54 m Kentucky
41 Adams Dan B. m w 69 s Kentucky
42 McDemett Jessie m w 35 m Texas
43 Mickler Charles m w 34 m Kentucky
44 Eller William E. m w 23 m Texas

Census Index

1920 Index


This page was last updated 16 May, 2007

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