1910 Census

Family Last Name First Name Sex Race Age Marital Status Years Married Birthplace

Justice Precinct No. 2, SD No. 16, ED No. 103, Sheet 3A

12 Holmes Ross B. m w 39 m1 8 Texas
13 Childers John W. m w 37 m1 8 Texas
14 Wyatt William M. m w 64 m2 1 Texas
15 Epperson Thomas W. m w 39 m1 18 Arkansas
16 Reid William C. m w 63 m2 12 Mississippi
17 Liles John J. m w 36 m1 12 Texas
18 Trimble William B. m w 34 m1 0 Texas
19 Robinson John E. m w 48 wd   Tennessee
20 Nix Overett L. m w 21 s   Oklahoma
21 Ancell Burt M. m w 30 s   Texas
22 Shipp Thomas m w 50 m1 25 Texas

Justice Precinct No. 2, SD No. 16, ED No. 103, Sheet 3B

1 Beveler William J. m w 54 wd   Texas
2 Mann Samuel F. m w 65 m1 40 Alabama
3 Hines Charle E. m w 44 m1 17 Texas
4 Cooper John W. m w 61 m2 2 Alabama
5 Love Samuel L. m w 24 m1 0 Texas
6 Boyd James T. m w 59 m1 40 Alabama
7 Hinton Walter m w 39 m1 22 Texas
8 Green Henry W. m w 28 m1 0 Texas
9 Scarbrough Arthur m w 23 m1 2 Texas
10 Cox Roy J. m w 25 m1 7 Texas
11 Scarbrough John m w 19 m1 0 Texas

Justice Precinct No. 2, SD No. 16, ED No. 103, Sheet 4A

32 BerryHill George R. m w 57 m1 32 Georgia
33 Berryhill Wallace m w 27 m1 5 Texas
34 Gray Arthur R. m w 25 m1 1 Texas
35 Barnett James f. m w 51 m1 31 Texas
36 Gray David A. m w 22 m1 0 Texas
37 Birdwell Hester J. f w 65 wd   Tennessee
38 Evans Alando A. m w 29 s   Texas
39 Williams David J. m w 49 s   Arkansas
40 Abshure Hashel A. m w 46 m3 15 Tennessee
41 Marshman Artie M. M W 33 WD   Texas
42 Denton Jonathan m w 67 m1 38 Georgia

Justice Precinct No. 2, SD No. 16, ED No. 103, Sheet 4B

23 Black Henry B. m w 45 m1 17 Mississippi
24 Ancell Robert L. m w 32 s   Texas
25 Ancel Thomas M. `m w 38 m2 10 Missouri
26 Quinn James W. m w 49 m3 3 Texas
27 Cochrain Steven B. m w 53 m2 28 Texas
28 Pruit Otis A. m w 26 m1 0 Oklahoma
29 Reid Thomas m w 28 m1 6 Texas
30 Deloach Floyd W. M W 74 M1 52 Georgia
31 Bond George V. m w 41 M1 4 Texas

Census Index

1910 Index


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