1900 Census

Family Last Name First Name Race Sex Birth Month & Year Age Marital Status Years Married Birthplace

Superintendent's District No. 4, Enumeration District No. 169 - Page 1A

1 Arnold William C. W m November 1877 22 S   Texas
2 Connell George J. w m September 1874 26 S   Texas
3 Samuelson Chas. w m September 1876 23 S   Texas
4 Cook James M. w m March 1862 38 M 9 Arkansas
5 Young Charles W M March 1874 26 M 2 Texas
6 Lyles Chas. M. W M April 1856 44 S   Texas
7 Porter George W M November 1870 29 M 6 Kentucky
8 Johnson Josesph w m May 1884 16 S   Texas
9 Daggett Jasper L. w m November 1864 36 M 7 Tennessee
10 Hunter William w m October 1871 28 S   Missouri
11 Woolcott Edward w m February 1873 27 S   Texas
12 Roberts Pink w m December 1872 27 M 9 Texas
13 Woolsey William w m November 1866 33 M 6 Texas
14 Delmont Ulyss w m April 1866 34 M 4 Missouri
15 Aikin Joseph N. w m September 1867 32 M 5 Arkansas
16 Brown George A. w m July 1867 32 M 6 Texas

Superintendent's District No. 4, Enumeration District No. 169 - Page 1B

17 Hill Henry M. w m March 1853 47 S   Canada
18 Brooks George w m March 1862 38 M 12 Texas
19 Day James w m May 1875 25 S   Illinois

Census Index

1900 Index


This page was last updated 16 May, 2007

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