Denton County, Texas
TXGenWeb Project

  Bates Family Cemetery

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No history available on the Bates Family Cemetery. It is possible that the two boys whose graves are identified below
have been moved to the Oak Grove Cemetery, in Denton County, Texas. Possibly five graves were in this location at one
time. An elderly man, elderly woman, young man and two little boys. At the time of the survey only two stones could be
located and both stones were broken in two pieces.

From Denton, Texas take US 380 East to FR 423; turn South on FR 423 for 2.7 miles to FR 2934; turn East on FR 2934 for
2.3 miles to Bassinger Road; turn North on Bassinger Road for 0.7 miles; you will be at the end of a dirt road; walk
down fence row directly in front of dirt road for approximately 200 yards; the two stones are in the corner of the fence row.

Name Birth Death Inscriptions
Bates, George Wright Mar 22, 1844 Jan 23, 1858 s/o W.E. & Susan Bates
Bates, James Marshall May 14, 1840 May 9, 1853 s/o W.E. & Susan Bates

Special thanks to Bruce J. Zak & Luisa Browning for scanning the abandoned cemeteries.

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