This county is in need of a coordinator. If you can spare a couple of hours a month, please contact Carla Clifton to adopt this or another orphan county in TXGenWeb.
Denton County, Texas
TXGenWeb Project

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Howdy! I'm the temporary county coordinator for this page. I want to welcome you to our small part of the USGenWeb project and I hope you will find this page informative and helpful. The purpose of this site is to provide an online resource for those looking for genealogical information in Denton County, Texas. I want this site to be as useful and user-friendly as possible, so if you have any suggestions for its improvement, I would love to hear from you. Additionally, if you have a Denton County resource you would like to share or offer to do look-ups in, please let me know and I will add you to our list.

If you have found the USGenWeb pages useful, think about sponsoring a county page yourself. It is not very hard to do and there is a wonderful online community of volunteers, mentors, and coordinators willing to help. To see Texas counties available for adoption, check out the Texas Orphan Counties Page, or go to any of the state USGenWeb pages to view a list of counties they may have available. You can also find links to all of the Texas counties on the TXGenWeb County page.

Here is a brief outline of what you can find on this site:

Post and view queries concerning family research in Denton County. A new query system was employed beginning October 1, 1998, and you can link to the new system from here. Also, archived queries can be accessed for those submitted before this date.
On this page, you will find a list of Denton County specific resources that volunteers have offered to do look-ups in. Also, there is a list of volunteers willing to do general look-ups.
See who else may be researching your surname. Don't forget to submit your Denton County surname and email address to include on this list.
Online Info
This page links you to data available online including lists of original land grantees in Denton County, Confederate Pension Applications made from Denton County, Cemetery Lists, and links to much more.
Address Book
Looking for an address to write to in Denton County? Check here for addresses to county and city clerks, funeral homes, cemeteries, and others that may be able to help you find that crucial piece of information.
Bits & Pieces
These are items of specific and general interest to researchers in Denton County. Things listed here will be announcements, family reunions, books-for-sale, and other interesting tidbits. Be sure to visit this page often.
Check here for a complete list of books and public records about the people, places, and events of Denton County.
A historical overview of the county and surrounding area that may be helpful in understanding the world in which your ancestors lived.
In memory of Norman Lewis, TXGenWeb County Coordinator for 26 years
Website Last Updated
1 Jul 2024

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Original content and design Copyright © 2024 TXGenWeb
and temporarily coordinated by Carla Clifton.